Chapter 93: Treatment vs. Cure (II)
Kein's POV
"You're actually going to let us ride you?"
Demon Lord Zariyah breathes heavily in her dragon form. Her huge figure was as I imagined when I wanted to meet a dragon!
Thank god she's a sensible and kind demon lord that's fallen in love with Avery!
"I have heard that it is only for the highest honor that can't be given to just anyone." (Kazari) was staring at the demon lord's tail.
Just one swing of that we'll have our bones broken like fragile porcelain.
The demon lord's dragon form is majestic and matches a powerful aura. Black scales, golden eye, huge claws and horns.
Avery stops sliding on the spine and crawls over to talk to the demon lord looking unsure if flying on her back would be such a good idea. "Wait Zariyah, are you sure you want to expose your back like this to humans? You told me that for a demon its shameful-"