In the aftermath of the clash with the dark avatar of the Eternal Eclipse, the Ethereal Convergence radiated with a serene, radiant energy. The representatives, still standing at its centre, were a testament to the power of unity and balance. The cosmic storm had subsided, leaving a profound sense of peace in its wake.
Tia and Abhi, the Celestial Guardians, approached the representatives, their presence a source of unwavering guidance. The celestial realm of Phulbari embraced them, and their eyes held the reflection of countless stars. They had watched the representatives' journey, guided them through trials, and witnessed their triumph over the dark avatar.
Abhi's voice, resonating with the wisdom of ages, broke the silence, "You have confronted your shadows and emerged stronger. The symphony of harmony and the collective energies of the realms have proven to be powerful forces against the darkness of the Eternal Eclipse."