Ch2. Hidden Castle - Down the memory Lane

Darkness, all around was what, that could be seen. The tall trees of redwoods which appeared quite friendly during the day were now looking like fierce soldiers of night surrounding the entire area as if shielding evil in its grip. No sane human would want to travel in between these giant and old trees. Many dared before but were put in their place and the outer world had no knowledge what had become of them.

But seems like the lure of this forest did not lost it's charm because still another came today, came to walk among them. It's been thousands of years before anyone dared to and hence these live guards of darkness waited to enjoy the prey after a long wait.

The anticipation of who will make him his prey and the loud cries of him when life pries out of his living body will be entertainment worth waiting. The man unaware of the evil thoughts dangling amidst these night dwellers was looking attentively at the entire forest and as soon as the rustle of branches were making their way towards him he turned with the agility which was never seen by these evil doers before. They appreciated his courage to face them but still wanted to be the one who would trap him.

"Come on.. don't be naughty don't touch him yet. I want to smell his living force for some more time" someone whispered and the other one laughed at that in a husky voice.

As soon as he heard he turned his watchful eyes towards the direction of the voice only to see trees and darkness. His alert and curious expression brought forward the excitement to those who meant to harm him.

"He seems like a very good prey after a long wait, a wait worth waiting for someone like him" soon a feminine laughter echo.

His body becomes alert to find the source of the voice only to find the dark forest was turning darker than the moment before. Soon there was a rustling noise once again and while he was distracted by the sound of it he was caught by slithering vines and is dragged from his horse to a much deeper part of the forest. He tries to struggle his way out of the vines that are squeezing the life out of him but the more he wriggles the tighter the grip becomes.

While he is struggling he hears "You cunning witch I wanted to have him. You should not be this greedy" a male voice complains.

Feminine laughter echoes and he hears "Don't be a fool. I don't want to play with food like you".

While the voice was hypnotic and distracting the years of practice had enabled the warrior to focus on planning his next move. He lets his body limp and the moment he does the vines release him seems like whatever was there wanted to play with him for a while.

Giving him hope that he will live to crush it again in a cruel manner. And suddenly another branch come forward to grab him but his agility enabled him to pull the knife hidden in his leather cuff sheath and cut off the offending branch at that moment, which was followed by another.

Every cut from his knife would render a shrill voice, and soon it seemed like a bunch of them were coming slithering towards him as he fights them in lightning speed and soon the trees move as if to find solace away from him. By now he understood these are no normal trees but living ones who prey on human life.

Soon he felt the trees themselves making the move towards him as if they wanted to surround him to hold him captive in their arms.

He throws his knife and pulls the magical sword and draws a circle and as soon as the trees reach the line they start burning. While some started burning the others rushed back to save themselves. The ones who caught fire burnt wailing for aid while others looked at him with sinister expression but after this they realized he was also no ordinary man.

The man wields the divine pentamerous sword, lifesblade and hence none of them even bothered to reach him and soon he sees a clear path and moves on. He collects his knife and keeps his sword warning off the dark guards of the wrath he can bring on them.

The live devils let him pass, while some were impressed that it would be a delight to watch him walk its way to the ancient only one to get killed. He walked further and found into the deeper forest. As he walks suddenly in front of him appears a dark devil figure with his dark large wings.

He was taken aback but composed himself soon and stood before him and terrible laughter echoed in the entire forest followed by howls and shrieks.

"You... You dared reached me... a mere creature" the monster uttered.

"Well seems like it" Warrior replied in his strong and confident voice

"You think bypassing those petty and pansy creatures that you are mighty. Don't be a fool and I reckon you leave while I am feeling little kind enough to spare your life" Monster said.

The warrior laughed and Monsters eyes narrowed "You dare laugh at me. You petty creature".

"Well, a monster like you talking about pity is what makes me laugh" Warrior replied immediately.

"Seems like playing nice to you is not going to work this time, so let's follow the other plan" Saying that monster attacked the warrior.

Warrior ducked his attack with the same fervor and soon a vicious fight of strength, agility, and magic started. The monster would attack from one direction and then appear at another side. Warrior though not having that magic but used his agility and sword to defend back.

The fight continued for a while when the warrior realized that the monster was never hurt whenever he was attacking. Till now this sword didn't fail him but this Monster how he's able to escape it was beyond him.

"Nothing is as it seems it is.." a thought came in his mind.

"Are you an illusion" He yelled attacking the monster charging towards him.

The moment he did, as soon as his sword touched him entire forest disappeared and the darkness vanished as if it was never there. The man mounted his horse and rode further in the mist. He looked at the time glass and knew it is the last hour of the day and soon it will be morning. Going further he found his journey to be utmost smooth as if someone had deliberately let him in.

Warrior's POV

There I stood at the door of this heavenly castle. I had traveled for almost three weeks going through many troubles and at last, came across this forest. It was the last day when I had to be at the castle and I was thinking about what I would do if I don't find it. I am not afraid to die but die in disgrace is what I cannot take.

It would have disgraced me for life, for not being capable of performing my duty when it was what I had done all my life. I even began wondering why I was ordered to find this castle. I had loved the challenges that I came across for reaching the castle. But reaching the castle in itself has proven to be a great challenge. I felt desperate when it was dark and soon it would be another day and I felt hopeless for not being able to reach the castle in the set duration. And how I thought I would not be able to forgive myself. I gave my words to him and that was all he asked me while he was on his death bed.

I had lived with honor and so will in my death but when I could not figure out what I had to do to reach the hidden castle. I felt a feeling of helplessness creeping in me and it really pissed me off that the key that was given to me was no good for until unless I find the castle I won't be having a use for it.

And the thought that the castle existed somewhere nearby and me not able to reach it killed me from inside. But as the moon rose in the west and as the night became darker than any I had witnessed so far, I could see this heavenly castle gradually rising from the mist of clouds and began shining splendidly in these dark woods. I could not but be mesmerized by its beauty and grandeur and my lord never has I seen such architectural beauty, there it stood the tallest and beautiful touching the dark sky as if to illuminate it.

I knew any ordinary man would not be able to see it unless he has the key and also not sure why this castle was hidden till now. I knew that it is deep forest and anyone without warrior skills would not dare to even step inside this forest. Even skilled warriors were fearful of the ferocity of these forests. But when I was told that I have to come to these dark forests and find the hidden castle to get the precious possession of my Kingdom. I was glad to get an opportunity to test and prove my skills. These dark forests were a mystery to many of humans and I so wanted to come here since the time I heard about them from my soldiers.

When I prepared myself for this journey, my friend Dexter almost tried to stop me since he was worried that he would not see me again. But I knew I would reach the castle because it has been my passion to achieve the unthinkable. I may seem like I am bragging about myself but know that I am not. I have skills of a warrior and I don't fear to use it when needed. But I have also eyes that can see any fast movements of any supernatural being. I am sometimes perplexed how I got these abilities but for that, I myself have no explanation.

I had no source to ask these questions. My Father died after training me to be a fierce warrior. He knew I had great reflexes but never showed me that this was not normal for all the other warriors. I was surprised when I joined the king's army as a soldier and when I saved him from Gargolean king attack first time. He lifted my rank and from there on I became one of his trusted people. With the passage of time and us winning more of wars I rose to the rank of the Lieutenant Commander.

Later on, when we won against the army of King Rowen Andre who had got his help from Vampire King Victor, I saved them by devising weapons of silver to kill the dark creatures army. My king was happy that we won against the dark creatures even when we were outnumbered. But it enraged King Victor that he would take away the young girls and boys from our kingdom whenever he gets a chance. We protected our kingdom with materials averted by Vampires but once in a while young kids will forget and venture out of the border lines. They had to pay the price for that with their life.

After the death of our commander in chief, my King gave me his place. This did evoke bitterness between me and other warriors but they knew that I was strongest than them and they could not challenge me and words of the king were the commands they followed with their heart. I would give my warriors credit that even when they hated me they were loyal to our King and its Kingdom.

I took over the command of the army and made sure there is always strict patrolling going on in border areas so we would be able to save our young kids who in their zeal to prove they are strong would venture out in the border lines and challenge King Victor's men to fight them.

I was frustrated with this and then one day I met a witch who cast her spell to avoid the entry of any supernatural creature in our Kingdom unless we allow them by escorting them inside. At night we would see that globe of light protecting us from those wile creatures and this did make it safe for me to leave the kingdom to come and search for our precious possession of my Kingdom which my King asked me to bring.