Ch 8. Castle Guardian

I stood there a moment to see if they would come back to attack me again. But when they did not I sensed that they were not planning to ambush me I moved towards my destination for the time was running out.

I was riding Alfeo in no particular direction. No matter which direction I would take I would end up in the same position. And then one night after 3 weeks of traveling to the forest searching the castle, I stood at the door of this heavenly castle. I had been going in circles in the vicinity of the castle for almost nine days covering the same area over and over. I was getting frustrated as I was searching for this hidden castle. I was not sure how it is possible that I missed it earlier.

I had been searching for it feverishly. It was the last day when I had to be at the castle and I was thinking about what I would do if I don't find it. I am not afraid to die but it would have been a disgrace to not able to perform my duty when it was what I had done all my life. I even began wondering why I was asked to find a castle which was not even visible.

I was wondering how to get inside the castle so I could keep the promises I made. I am a royal guardian, to me there is only one thing that matters the most and that is to make sure I keep my promises. I was told that I would be able to find the castle as I hold the key to symbolize that I mean no harm to the owner of the castle. As lost as I was in my thoughts I realized the doors of the castle opened of its own accord when I flashed the key in front of the door and the key disappeared from my hand.

I was expecting an army of soldiers to catch me and enquire my appearance on the castle door but for now, I see none. I enter the castle and then I am asked to follow a straight path and then right. I wonder to whom the voice belonged. But as far as I can see there's no one's in the sight.

I follow the voice which was guiding me and now I find myself in the center of the castle hall. I see this was magnificent. The ceiling of the castle was sparkle white. But I could still see the forest on every side and yet it was not scary like how I used to see it. I walked in the direction of the forest on my right side and then all I found it was a wall. Then the realization hit me that it was just an image. The images on the wall seemed so live that you could feel like it was a real forest.

A chuckle echoed in the air and I saw a lady walking toward me. I guess she is the owner, to whom I was sent me to get the King's possession. I bow down to the lady and she smiles down at me and says "Son, I was waiting for you so long. I am so happy that you came."

I was stunned momentarily with the soft majestic voice that she had and then I thought might be my king would have sent a message or they had communication about my being here. As weird it sounds but She was barely four and five years younger to me and yet she called me, son. I was surely not expecting that. I recovered from my shock earlier and bow down to the queen of the castle.

She laughed suddenly and said "Son, no need of this formality, for I am not the queen of this castle. I am just a caretaker Also I am not four or five years younger than you. I am five thousand years older than you."

I was embarrassed that she could just read my mind.

" No need to be embarrassed, son. We fairies don't age. And yes we have been waiting for you for long for this time or maybe we were too eager for this moment. Now that you have come I will take you to the owner of this castle. But before I take you to her. I would like you to rest for a while".

And then she guided me to a guest room in the Hidden castle. I followed her without any comments.