Was This....Just My Imagination?

My tiffin period ended as always without eating anything, just walking on the school corridor.

After tiffin time is over, the teacher distributed the last exams answer sheet to everyone. After distributing the result of the last exam, I found out that I got unexpectedly low marks in a subject. When I took a look at what I have done wrong, I found out that many of my right answers have been marked as wrong answers.

So I asked the teacher about it. It was a female teacher.

She said,

"If you can show those lines in your textbook that you claim to be right, I will remark your exam paper."

I showed every single line from my book that was wrongly marked. I did it so fast. It looked to everyone liket I even know the page number of those questions. I showed every single detail from my book that has been marked wrongly. Everyone was surprised. Even the teacher was shocked.

Everyone started gossiping,

"Whooaaa he is even fierce than I thought"

"Yeah. He is just like a machine, like a calculator that solves you calculation in the blink of an eye. "

"As expected from our classes the first boy"

"Not only that but he is also known as one of the top three students in this entire school."


I was just putting up a smile.

Huh... talent? Does everyone call this talent...? Am I really that brilliant as they say...? No... I am not... I am just an average boy. Everyone can become like me if they study like me... I don't get any free time.... just school to home, home to school.... that's it. Study all the time. Father told me to endure it just a bit.... but can I really endure it...? Come on, I am not a machine...

Everything continued like this and the classes ended for the day. As always I came back home and then went to my math tuition after doing my usual duties like getting fresh, eating his meal, etc


During my math tuition, the sky became dark... it started raining heavily.. I had no idea that today would rain... And thus I didn't bring an umbrella with me. So I studied till it stopped raining.....

(2 hours later)

"Oh it's finally stopped raining... It's already too late. I should go back home...Goodbye teacher...."

" Yeah sure, it rained heavily, and it's already dark. So look at your steps to prevent unnecessary accidents and be safe"

I was about to leave but I suddenly turned back and said to the teacher,

"Oh teacher, can you please call my mother and say that I was with you? She might question me for being late."

"Yeah, I understand. I know your mother. She could be really scary sometimes.... Ok, I will call your mother right away. Don't worry"

"Thank you, teacher. See you tomorrow at school."

I am on my way back home.

( Walking while thinking some unnecessary things)

It rained not long ago and so not much people was outside. While walking I got a glimpse of lighting flash by the side of a house..... The valley was dark so I noticed it easily.


I suddenly turned around and looked there,

"What was it? I feel like I have seen something like light..... Did I see it wrong...?"


Maybe I am tired. I should go back home and rest a bit....."

For some reason I ignored it thinking it was just a delusion and I started walking again.


Suddenly I felt like something hit me from behind. It's like something pushed him. And there was also a heavy sound of lightning strike while I was pushed by something unknown.


I tried to shout but stopped for some reason.

I started running cause I was freaked out a bit. And I reached home fast.

" Huff...huff..." [ Heavily breathing]

"I...I am home"

Mother came to me and asked me,

"Why are you so late today?"

I caught my breath a little bit and then answered with a bit frightened voice,

"I..it was raining so I was still in the tuition with the teacher. He should have called you."

"Hmm. He did. Well then, we have fixed a private tutor for you... She is a young pretty lady. Go talk with her. Behave nicely and talk with proper manner."

After saying that, my mother left.

Damn I am starving..... Now I have to have a chat with my newly fixed private teacher....? This is unfair... !!!

Well, hope it wont take long."

I went to my room and found my new teacher sitting on a chair near my table.


I thought she would be in drawing room but she is actually in my room....?

At first I was a bit irritated before even seeing her. Cause my life is already painful as it is, and now I am getting another tutor|?

After noticing her look properly, I said to myself with a bit lower voice,

"It's a... little girl? No, she looks like a University student.... looks a bit like Japanese cute lady...."


"Hello there. Are you Irwan, my new student?" She asked me with a gentle voice and a refreshing smile on her face.

"Umm, y..yes I am Irwan, it's nice to meet you, mam."

"Yeah it's nice to meet you too.... Anyway, you shouldn't call a lady a little girl. It really hurts" (Teacher )

"Hahah, so you heard that?... I am sorry mam. You look so young that I misunderstood you for a little girl. My apologies"

"Hahah, you flatter too well. Now that you said I look young, I can forgive you for calling me a cute Japanese little girl as well" the Teacher says.


"You...heard that part as well? So...sorry if I offended you in any way"

"Don't worry about it. Let's introduce ourselves. And also, as you have already figured out, I am just an University student. And please don't call me mam, call me big sister... Ok?"

"Yeah sure, I will be under your care, big sister. I am looking forward to being your student and I will try my best to not let you down" I said that with a bright and happy expression on my face.

After talking for a bit,

ohhh yeahhhh, she is cute, has a cute voice and she looks like she has a nice personality..... I am gonna have a great time.... [Not in a bad way. He thought it like this teacher would be nice to him]

The teacher says,

"Since I have come to meet with you, it would be good if I give you a little homework... I will come back tomorrow again and ask for homework. Is it OK with you?

" Hmph, it's child's play. Science is my favorite subject. Should I bring my science book?"

"Yeah sure. I was planning on giving you homework from your science subject as well."

She gave me homework and then left... I was looking at the homework and was talking to myself,

"Great, at first I couldn't eat dinner, and now looking at the homework she gave me, I guess I won't be able to rest for a little bit....."


"Why did I have to act all high and mighty... All women are monsters no matter how cute they look..."

I couldn't finish the homework given by the private teacher by 3 am. So I studied till 4 am...

Thinking I would finish it in the morning or in the classroom, I went to sleep. I was so tired that it didn't take me any time to fall asleep...




The dream started from the point it was left.

Victims are praying to God to send a savior... praying to be saved..... I suddenly found myself within a dark blue armor..... A big sword in my hand. It can be compared a little bit with a claymore.....

Light blue Aura is flowing all over my body/ armor ...

Lighting flash flowing in my hands and my sword... in my dream, I remembered the lightning flash I saw today while coming back from my tuition.

In that dream, I could remember everything about my real life..... In this dream, I was thinking of what's going on..... I was confused...

I appeared in front of everyone, while everyone was praying to God to send a savior...

I said to them,

"EVERYONE... STEP ASIDE" [Cold voice]