Conversation Between Two Strangers.

Irwan went to sleep without paying any mind to it.

On the rooftop of his house, two strangers in robs were talking to themselves,

[ NOTE: I don't wanna reveal their name yet so I will be using "1st" and "2nd" to identify them]

1st: "Are you sure he is the one?"

2nd: "Yes... He is one of us. I am 99.9% sure of it."

They jumped from the rooftop and started their conversation again while walking on the street. But it was a full moon night, so it wasn't that dark. The street was empty, various insects were making noises around.

1st: "That's good. After so long we have found the last member of our team"...

2nd: " Yeah... But it seems he doesn't have any clue about anything. Should we go talk with him?"

1st: "No... Maybe he will believe us. There's a high possibility that he will believe us cause he always believes everyone so easily... But still... I don't want to appear in front of him now..... Not like this...Now that we have found our last member we can let the world know about us slowly. He will know about us through media and social sites. We should let him endure a bit more pain, endure a bit of hardship. By doing so, he will become mature....."

The second guy kept looking at him for a while


2nd: " I guess so... He maybe one of us. But his power is somewhat different, it's a bit weird. I mean we all awakened our powers by some coincidence but in his case, although he encountered this before, it seems he doesn't know about it, or maybe for some other reason he forgot about it. He didn't even use his power by now, not even once, not even by accident."

1st: "It's actually a bit weird.....He didn't even use his powers by accident. And here we are activating our power by mistake once we get angry."

2nd: "It's like his power has a life and don't want others to know about it and silently protecting him...."

1st: " What the hell???? The power that has a life? Since when did you start believing in fantasy-like things? hahaha. that's why (MARIHA) rejected you... Hahahahaha"

2nd: "Damn you..... I didn't mean it like that. I meant this power might have a soul, a spirit. And isn't everything going around us just like a fantasy? And what the hell are you even saying? I didn't even propose (MARIHA) yet. How could she reject me... Stop making up things you bastard....."

1st: "She will reject you anyway..... Hahaha, RIP your love life kekekeke"

2nd: "Are you cursing me??? Let us go back home. I am gonna delete you from my friend list"

1st: "Ok Ok, enough fooling around..... moon is actually looking really pretty today....."

2nd: "Yeah. The sky really looks different in a village, filled with stars and a bright shining moon. The number of stars here is too much that it looks like an aura of the moon... Like the moon is emitting aura all over the sky... The whole sky is shining"

"Hey (1st), I hope he will be matured soon and join us. I really wanna work with him. He went through a tough life.... hated by everyone he loved, and who really loved him, is gone and others are really far away from him... He went through so much difficulty... I hope he will be able to awaken his power soon enough"

1st: " Of course he will..... He has to awaken his power lately and has some difficulties while awakening his power. After all, he is the special one and this is the reason he is the last member of our team..... Although he is suffering now, He will live happily in the future....."

" Well whatever the case is, we will just have to wait and see for a few months. It's just a matter of time. Everyone will be really surprised to know that we have found our last party member so soon. I can't wait to see their expression..."

"Yeahhh...Let's go back for today....."

And they left.....

Irwan was just sleeping in peace.....

In the early morning,

(Hey you b*tch wake up. You bloody bastard always lazying arou~~~).... tut...tut....tut [alarm clock's ringtone]

"Waaaah, I really like this ringtone. It's a good thing that grandpa doesn't understand any of it. If he knew, he would have kicked my butt"

Irwan got out of his bed. He washed properly, took a walk outside with his neighbor friend. After that, he came back all sweaty, took a bath, and then ate his breakfast. It was his last day of the final exam. After that, he would spend a few days in the village and then go back to the city. He got attached to this free life so he was a bit sad thinking about it.

"Anyway, if I don't hurry, I will be late for my exam... Bye grandfather."

In the exam hall, he took help from his friends behind teachers' back and he also helped them with some points.

3 hours later.... ting...tong....ting... (Bell rang)

"Wahhhmmmh... the exam finished at least. I can't believe.... me, the so-called brilliant boy now leading a carefree life and took help in the exam. Damn, I need to start studying properly....

He took his friends to a restaurant to give them a farewell treat since he will leave after a few days..... After having fun and kidding around with friends he left for home.

He was walking on his way home....."The afternoon sky looks really awesome. A light cold wind is blowing, it's making me feel like the wind is going through my organs. This actually feels amazing."

"I don't wanna go back to the city. But....."


"I will really miss this life....."

He spent these few days playing with his friends that lived near his place. Went to the jungle, near the river with his friends, catching fishes from the pond, playing football when it's raining and after that everyone took bath together in the pond...lived like an adventurer for the past few days... And soon the day of his departure came. He went to the graveyard to pay respect to his dead family members, said goodbye to everyone.... before leaving..."

"Huh, I also had a friendly relation with my elders... Damn !!!! I really don't wanna leave...."