Chapter 4:

[The year 2116]

[Bell Family estate arena]

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today we have a special event for the birthday of the young and beautiful miss Liana Bell."

"What is this special event, you ask? Well, it will be a demonstration of her sss rank firepower." Another announcer said that one of the main gates leading into the arena opened up, revealing the young Liana Bell.

"Her opponent will be... some kid the same age." The announcer said, confused.

'Not even saying my name? Whatever mom said, I can go all out. Hopefully, Father will be here to see me fight.' I thought with a slight smile on my face before walking into the arena.

"Tsk, why are you smiling, trash," Liana said, looking at me.

"Hmm, Father isn't here," I mumbled, just adorable for Liana to hear.

"Of course, he isn't. He is working on the frontlines of the war again." Liana snarled.

"I see then there is no point in showing everything," I said, bringing my focus on Liana. Surprisingly, even if we were twins, she was more than a head shorter than me. Looking closely at her, I saw she had a red battle skirt with a red blouse on. She was also wearing red high heels. Seeing how she was dressed up for the action, I looked at my clothes. I was wearing the black long flurry dress my mother made me wear with black high heels underneath the dress.

'I don't know why she made me wear them, but it really is gross.' I thought, already feeling my feet hurt from the high heels.

"Well, with further ado, let the fight begin!" Liana made 5 fire javelins above her head on the announcers' shout before shooting them at me.

"Hmm, that's quite a strong spell," I said, disappearing just before it would have hit me. "Sadly, you should know it won't work on me," I told, appearing behind liana before shopping her neck and knocking her out.



'I want to get out of this dress.' I thought while walking away from the unconscious liana towards the exit.

Just when I was 2 meters away from the exit, my mother and 2 guards came out the door in front of me, glaring at me. Because I was already 1,80 m tall, both my mother and the guards had to look a bit up at me.

"You dare hit my daughter!" Mother yelled, intensifying her glare.

"Your daughter? I am also Your daughter, am I not! And it was a fucken duel!" I shouted before teleporting away toward my house.

"Sigh, how annoying. After 4 years, my mother finally visited me only for that, and I really had so much hope to see my father in person again after 8 years but no." I said, opening the door.


[Demon Castle]

"Okay, I think I understand what is going on. Dear, be nice to her, okay." The demon queen suddenly said, making me confused.

"Hey, I was getting at the good part! This was where most fighting starts." I whined with disapproval.

"Haha, I am sorry I just remembered we have a meeting in a few minutes."

"We do?"

"Yes, a family one."

"...huh?" The demon kind muttered, confused.

"Sigh, just get on with it."

"Okay." Nodding to his wife, he disappeared before my vision went black, and I lost consciousness.

[Demon Queen Pov]

"Didn't I say you should be nice to her," I said, looking at the unconscious girl in my husband's arm.

'She is quite a beauty, actually. Black silky hair with her emerald green eyes and a sharp and beautiful face. She is also very tall for women. 1,93cm? No, it was 1,97m. With this appearance, I am quite shocked someone actually thought to betray her. Maybe it is because of her clothes that they dislike her.' I thought, inspecting the girl again.

"If I used was any less power than that, she would t have been knocked out."


"Her body is way sturdier than most demons, and in our previous scuffle, I didn't actually think she would resist 2 heavy blows from me. I thought the first one would have knocked her out." My husband said, looking at the girl trying to plead innocent.

"Sigh, what a drag," I said, biting my thumb's nail.

"You doing it again, dear."

"Shut it," I said, giving my husband a harsh glare.

" what are we going to do with her."

"Well, I have a feeling she has misunderstood her father for quite some time. her mother, on the other hand, is another story."

"What do you mean about that?"

"It's not something for me to say, and it's for her to find out," I said, shrugging.

"Sigh, fine, then what will we be doing with her?" My husband said, shaking his head.

"Seeing as we can't just let her go so easily. We can at least give her a restart in life."

"Huh? You're confusing me, dear." my husband said, looking at me, waiting for an explanation.

"You really are a dumb mussel brain."

"What!? That's not very nice of you."

"We going to give her a new life."

"And how are we going to do that."

"Change her appearance, of course?" I said with a devil's grin.

[The year 1118]


"Hey~, Ren, it is time to wake up." A female voice chimed while rubbing my back.

"Mmmh, cant I sleep a bit more?" Humming, I slowly opened my eyes.

"Nope, it's almost 12 o'clock." The female voice said, making way for me to sit up.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier," I said, rubbing my eyes. Opening my eyes fully, a 17-year-old girl came into view. She had silky black hair just like me but with yellow eyes. She was about 1,70m tall, wearing a kimono that easily revealed that she had B cup boobs with a gorgeous figure.

"Because I thought you needed the rest. Anyways how do you feel after yesterday."

"...I...I don't know. I guess happy? And my legs are sore." I said, tilting my head while blushing a bit.

"Hmm, is that so? Anyway, get dressed. I will get the food ready. Then we talk, okay." The female said, kissing my cheek before walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.

"...hehe." Chuckling to myself while touching the spot she kissed me, I got out of bed going to shower while still giggling to myself.

"Wait, am I moving too fast?" I said just when I walked into the bathroom.

"I mean, I broke up with Jasen yesterday. If you can even call that a breakup? Then I went to Liny to cry, and we ended up in bed together? How did that actually happen?" I said with a thoughtful look.

[30 min]

"Oh, you're finally done," Liny said, smiling at me from the kitchen table, seeing me just walking into the room.

"Sniff sniff, the food smells wonderful. However, I don't think alcohol fits for this early in the day." I said, smelling the scent of alcohol in the air.

"You can still smell it?" Liny said, surprised.

"Yes, just a bit."

"Oh well, I agree with you, and you don't need to worry there isn't any in the food. That smell is from last night."

"Talking about last night, how did we end up in bed together. Not that I am complaining." I said, adding the last part inaudible.

"We got drunk, or more specifically, you got drunk," Liny explained shyly.

"Who started the kissing?"

"... Sigh, I knew you were going to ask that," Liny said with her head down.

"Well, I just want to be careful," I said, shrugging.

"Careful for what? We have known each other for 2 years now, and we are best friends." Liny complained, whipping her head up.

"That is true, but I knew Jasen for 2 years as well. But then again, I was always told that you like me more than friends." I said with a serious expression that broke into a grin at the end.

"You were hugging me while crying, and it was too cute. I couldn't hold back anymore," Liny said, looking away with a full blush.

"...I see, so you really had a crush on me," I said, feeling my own blush coming on my cheeks.

'Jasen did mention it a lot when we were dating, but I didn't believe him.' I thought. Teleporting behind Liny in the kitchen, I wrapped my arms around her.

"I am sorry..." Feeling her shiver in my arms and dropping her head, I couldn't help but smile.

"That it took so long for me to realize," I said, moving her hair away from the back of her neck before biting down on it softly.


"But remember, I won't be nice if you betray me like Jasen," I said with a hint of aggression.

"I have been waiting two years for this, so why would I betray you?" Liny said happily.

"Two years? You never know."

"So, how are you going to destroy Jasen. I want to help." Liny said with a devil smile.

"No talking about him. It's just us." I said, kissing her and moving my hands to her butt before picking her up and kissing her.


"Arrrrrrg!!" Jolting awake from sudden pain, I screamed.

"Oh, she woke up way too fast there." A female voice said, reminding me of someone I recently met.

"Ugh." Trying to open my eyes, I felt a searing pain shot through my eyes, but I was unable to open them.

"No, no, don't try to open your eyes just yet." The same female voice said, but this time, I recognized it.

"Demon queen, what the fuck is going on?" I asked in a low voice, trying to move my hand only to realize they were strapped to the bed I was lying on.

'That dream just fucked with my senses... I hope Liny is okay, though.' I thought, sighing.

"Well, I am doing somebody's modifications and stuff."