Chapter 10: Ren the Bad Big Sister

In the dining hall, you could see a table with 16 seats. 3 on each of the heads of the table, with 10 on the sides. On the table is the self. You could see one person sitting in the middle of the three seats at the head of the table. On the sides of the table, you could see 5 people sitting with 2 females on one side and 3 males on the other side. On the opposite side of the head, you could see an alone child sitting with herself while eating food. Behind her, two other females were standing, looking at the child weirdly.

"Well, this is awkward." The demon king said at the silent table.

"What?" I mumbled, confused at his statement. Looking up from my plate, I noticed everyone was looking at me weirdly or disgusted. Even Leah and Lina were still standing at the door, looking at me with wry smiles.

"Huh? Why aren't you guys eating?" I said, confused, looking at everyone's empty plates.

"Well, the plates-"

"Oh, that looks good," I said, noticing one of the maids putting down a plate of ribs.


The second the plate touched the table, it disappeared and reappeared in my hands.


And another second later, a rib in my mouth was snapped under my bite.

"And she said it, and what's the best starter than asking for a plate of food to dish up." The demon king added, smiling at the end.

'I guess that makes sense. Never needed to eat with more than 4 other people on one table.' I thought, looking at the few dozen of plates in front of me.

"I see. I am sorry," I said, teleporting all the plates around the table.

"Aah, thanks, but you forgot the ribs there." The demon king said, pointing at the plate in my hands.

"... but..." I mumbled, debating to share the ribs.

"Don't debate about it. Share with your new family," Leah said, patting my head while walking past me.

"Tch, fine," I said, putting the plate back to its original place before slowing my munching on the rib in my mouth.

"Oh, also, don't talk with food in your mouth," Lina added, also petting my head but instead of just walking past, she stopped next to me while petting my head.

"Do you want to get bitten?" I said, looking up at her yellow eyes.

"Haha, no, of course not, but why don't you sit a bit closer to the family," Lina said, looking at the open seats between me and some of the kids.

"Here, I will help," Lina said, picking me up around the waist before putting me down on the girl's side.

I was so shocked that she had the guts to pick me up like that that I didn't even register her walking away after purring me down next to Julia.

"I see you found your guts in front of you kids," I mumbled but knew Lina heard me as she went red as a tomato.

"Hehe, she really nailed it," Leah said, looking at Lina while laughing.


Clap clap.

"Okay, that's enough fun for now. It's time to eat." The demon king said after clapping a few times.

"Father, I think an explanation would be in order first." The old male said.

'I think his name was Lucas, right?' I thought, looking at him. He looked like a man-child, not having any real resemblance to his father. Actually, he just looked like a male version of Leah. Straight black horns with short pink hair, blue eyes well to es body and brown skin colour. Definitely a male version of Leah.

"Sigh, I guess we can do that." The demon king said before going silent and staring at the food.

"... Well, Lucas, dear. That girl over there is your new sister." Leah said, making everyone look at me again, some with disgust or just curiously. Surprisingly Julia was looking at me excited.

"Girly, why are you looking so excited all of the sudden," I said, looking up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Hehehe, I finally got a little sister," Julia said, giggling to herself.

"Hey, what am I!" The girl on the other side of Julia said, disappointed.

"Aah, sorry to burst your bubble Julia but she will be the second oldest of everyone," Lina said, smiling.

"Wha!? So I got another older sister?" Julia said, depressed.

"Yes, pretty much."

"But she is so small."

"Aah, she won't stay like that for long," Leah said but went silent afterwards.

"Mooom!!! Can you not just stop half." The youngest of everyone yelled, annoyed. Should I actually call him minny Uwe? I mean, he just looks like a child version of Uwe, exactly the same.

"Karl, don't shout like that and Leah, please do finish your sentences or explain them," Lina said, trying to calm everyone down.

"Aah, sorry, I was busy thinking how I should explain her situation."

"Why can't she do it herself?" the male twins said.

"Well, because it's a sensitive subject, you know," I said, sounding very annoyed.

'I think they wanted to make a back story for me. I think this will do.' I thought, smiling evilly.

"Like seriously, how would you feel if your entire village was destroyed by an unknown entity and being the only survivor? Losing your eyes in the process and having a crazy woman fix them also turn you into a fucken child." I said, annoyed, ignoring the yell from Leah. Obviously faking it all.

"Ren, didn't I say."

"Oh, oops, my bad. Kids don't swear it's not very nice." I said, holding my hand in front of my mouth.

"You are a kid as well," Julia said, tilting her head at me.

"Well, legally, I am not, being 18 and all," I said, looking up at her.

"If that is true, then why is Lucas still being treated like a child?" Came the innocent question from the female twin Sara.

"Hey, I am not being treated as a child!?" Lucas yelled, slamming his hands on the table, making all the plates fly up before falling down broken.

"Well, you act like one," Sara said, giggling.

'I take it back she isn't innocent. Oh, Lucas is going to do something.' I thought, looking at their interaction with each other. Sara was well a gorgues teenager. She had a well-toned body. Her boobs weren't yet developed, but her blue eyes and black hair made her stand out.

"Stop it right now." The demon king said, getting everyone silent.

'How does he have such a shorter tone even while whispering.' I thought, tilting my head to look at him.

"I don't care if you want to argue with each other, but this is the dinner table. There is no shouting, no arguments, just eating with family. The worst part is Ren just joined our family, and you guys are doing things like this on her first family dinner. I am disappointed." Uwe said, glaring at everyone.

"Sorry, father." Everyone chimed in unison.

"..." for some reason, everyone looked at me, seemingly waiting for something.


"What?" I said, confused.

"You were part of it as well."

"I am not doing that."

"Oh, come on, it's just a sorry," Leah said in a teasing tone.

"Yeah, don't hold back and just call me-"

"Don't push it, Uwe," Leah said, snapping at the demon king.

"Sigh, I lost my appetite. Thanks for the food." I said before teleporting away to my new room.

"What the hell are they trying to do? They got to have an ulterior motive or something, right?" I mumbled to myself, stretching out on the bed.

"First day, I wake in a thrown room with over 40 demons wanting to kill me, but their boss doesn't. After I killed everyone, excluding the demon king, I met the queen who wanted to talk about my past. She knocked me out. Then I find myself on an operation table being experimented on. Goes into a coma for a couple of weeks. Changed into a child. And another thing I get adopted. Without my consent." I muttered, getting more annoyed the more I thought about what had happened.

"But yet they are actually trying to make me join them. I am certain they don't want information from me. Seeing as the government gave me up easily. The peace treaty is also more in favour of the humans because of the generals' death, I presume. In the end, I have no idea what the fuck is going on.." I mumbled, frustrated, pushing my head into my pillow.

'Whatever, I will see what happens in the future.' I thought before drifting into sleep.