Chapter 21

"Oh, so she is a princess?" Chief White said, walking deeper into the shop, making it possible to see her facial expression. Clear white eyes with a thin red circle in the middle and another smaller purple circle. She had ice-white hair with a nice toned body even though she was wearing her uniform. Surprisingly she didn't have a horn but had white scales under her left eye. All in all, she is a beauty.

'Oh damn, she is hot. Well liny is way beter, No! No, new life, new life.' I thought, hitting myself over the head.

"… are you okay?" The Chief asked, tilting her head at me.

"Ah yeah, just had some bad thoughts," I said, feeling quite awkward.

"Oh, it was that wasn't it," Sara said smugly.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head at Sara.

"She's hot, right a lot of people are after her hand, after all. If you want to move on, she will be great." Sara said with confidence, and the only reason why I didn't stop her was that I was actually interested to hear what the Chief would say.

"… Princesses, not to be rude, but I would not date a child." The Chief said with an awkward smile.

"What would you say if she was 18 already and that mom made her body get younger," Sara said, grinning.

"Even then, she is still younger than me." Chief White said, shaking her head again.

"Uh, how about if she is stronger than you," Sara asked, not giving up.

"I highly doubt that, princess." The Chief said, sounding angry at her question.

"Oh, is that-"

"Sara, just stop it," I said, interrupting her with an exhausted voice stone.


"She seems to listen to you already, huh." Chief white noted, nodding happily.

"Hmm, I guess, but why do you sound so surprised," I said, tilting my head.

"Well, the princess and princes aren't really known to listen to anyone other than their parents." The Chief said, glaring at Sara's bashful face.

"Ah, yeah, thought so. Seeing how the other day went." I said, nodding in agreement.

"Hmm." Chief white hummed, looking at me.

"Hendrian," I stated.

"Aah, that brat. He always does something the moment his parents are away." The Chief said, sighing, exhausted.

"Well, he has a collar now, so he should be fine for a while," I said, chuckling.


"His big sister is keeping him in check," I said sarcastically.

"Right." The Chief said, not believing my words.

"Ah, no faith, I see. Anyways are you really allowed to call the royal kiddies brat?" I asked, tilting my head at her.

"I might not look it, but I am a duke's daughter, and Sargeants or higher have the right to handle royals and nobles as they like." She explained proudly.

"Yeah, Sara did explain to me about the authority stuff but isn't your way off talking like slandering the royal bloodline," I asked again, not understanding at all how the heritage works in the demon kingdom.

"Uhm, Ren, she is much stronger than me, so she is talking like that," Sara said before the Chief could say anything.

"So it's just about strength, then?" I said, nodding.

"… I guess," Sara said, a bit embarrassed.

"If that is so, what happens when I am stronger than her?" I asked, giving the Chief a sideline glance.

"As I said, I highly doubt-"

"Says the one who lost her weapon without knowing," I interrupted her while holding a white sword before me. Well, the sword was still in its sheath.

"What? That is..."

"Sigh, Ren, you can't take someone's weapon like that. Especially a Chief weapon," Sara said, angrily hitting me over the head.

"Ugh, I can't. I was checking it out?" I said, surprised at the attitude change in Sara.

"You can't! You just stole from a Chief!" Sara yelled, hurting my ears.

"Ah, right, my bad," I hurriedly, returning the sword to the Chief.

"Seeing as you didn't know and gave it back quickly, I won't say anything… cough anyways back to business. Will you two please come to the station with me so I can get your statements on the incident earlier." The Chief said, quite embarrassed.

"Yes, that's fine with me," Sara said, looking at me.

"Same here, but can we just wait so I can get my things," I said, pointing back at the receptionist's desk.

"I can have one of my subordinates get it for you." Chief White said, gesturing to her subordinates behind her.

"Ah, that will be great, thank you," I said happily.

"Okay, then let's go."

"Right, Chief white, why was your sword on your waist?" I asked, intrigued.

"It's for the intimidating factor, nothing more." The Chief answered.

"I see… so is it element ice or something? Seeing as it is white and all." I asked, looking at the sword on her waist.

"The colour of swords doesn't defy the element." The Chief said, sounding very annoyed by my question.

"Uh huh, I will remember that. Well, what is it then." I asked again, ignoring her annoyance.

"It's fire."

"Oh, really. Hmm, so it's close to plasma, then." I said, humming and looking at the sword again.

"Sigh. As I said, the colour doesn't always have anything to do with the elements."

"Yeah, but I am right, Aren't I," I said, grinning at her.

"Sigh, it's a higher form of fire than yours."

"So I am right, but how do you know mine is a fire sword," I said, looking at her intrigued.

"I took a guess." The Chief said, grinning.

"Oh, you got me, haha."

"So, what's your sword's name? The are quite a lot of fire swords."

"Ah, I rather not say that one," I said awkwardly.

"Oh, why is that?"

"That Aria White is top secret. No one outside the royal family knows it." Sara said, making the Chief back off.

"Ah, I see. Sorry if I went too far with the question." The Chief said, giving me a slight bow.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Anyways Aria, huh? Nice name, it's cute." I said, chuckling.

"…" not saying anything, the Chief suddenly stopped looking at me with a calculated gaze.

"Sargaent, Are you okay?" I said, tilting my head at her.

"Yes, now let's get a move on." The Chief said, picking up her pace towards the station.

[5 min later]

"Now, do recount the events that transpired this morning."

"Sara came to my room and dragged me out to the city. We got our horses after some complications."

"Complications? What sorts of complications?"

"Sara horse bit my hand when I tried to pet her."

"I see,"

"After we sorted that out, we went out to the city. While we were walking, I said I would eat Sara's horse. After that, her horse went berserk and went off running somewhere." I explained with a laugh.

"You, you eat pegasus?"

"Hmm, no, I have never eaten a pegasus, or from where I came, there was never a pegasus, only normal horses. Also, I didn't know we were actually riding a pegasus." I said, shrugging.

"Oh, in other words, today was the first time you have ridden a pegasus?" The Chief noted, nodding and writing it down.

"Yes, that's right."

"I see. What happened after you lost Sara?"

"I told my pegasus to take me to the market so we could get some food. This is where he discovered on his own to start flying towards the market, but a second later, your little security team shows up as if they were following us around." I said, glancing at her.

"They were probably following you around. Seeing as your a small child riding a pegasus and all." She said, not wanting misunderstandings.

"If you say it like that, it actually makes sense. Anyways they wanted me to come with them and all that I was willing to do, but the guy I killed was being a drag. He said I must walk and wasn't allowed to ride my pegasus to the station." I explained, shrugging again at the end, annoyed.

"I see how that will be annoying and uncalled for from him, but it is not a good enough reason to kill him."

"Oh, I didn't kill him for that. While we were debating, Sara found us. She was also flying around on her pegasus, and this guy, being irritated, got mad at Sara and started to command her to get down. Sara didn't listen, obviously, and this guy pulled out his sword. Now, this was still not enough to really kill him but being the dumbass he was, he jumped at Sara, and in mid-air, I beheaded him. That's all."

"… you beheaded him mid-air?" The Chief said, confused.

"Sara was in the air, so he was moving towards Sara, intending to attack her," I said

"… that I understand, but the guy you killed wasn't slow. I would know he works for me." She said, baffled.

"He was super slow, though," I said, looking at her, confused this time.

"… Sigh, I am getting a headache." The Chief said, rubbing her temples.

"So what now?"

"Well, I can't really do anything as he had pulled his sword out for no real reason."


"He signed his own death warrant."

"Ah, I see, so that we can go now."

"No, it seems you are new in the capital, so that I will tell you the most important rules." The Chief said, bringing out a blackboard from somewhere.

"Ugh, shit," I grumbled in dread.