Chapter 34

"Hmm, I see I have missed another detail," Leah said, making all of us look at her for an explanation.

"Right, you guys don't understand. 65 years ago, I tried to save a small girl from a fatal injury but had the blood of an ogre. Seeing as they can heal any wound quickly, I thought it might work, and we were desperate to save her. Well, she got saved, but the two bloods fought each other in her body, making her go berserk and killing people." Leah explained, making me look at her weirdly.

"So that's what you gave her." The duke said, nodding in understanding.

"Now, 65 years later, I have learned a lot from that one mistake. Like why and how it happened and how to ensure it doesn't happen again." Leah explained, making me think about something that might change my mind about her being nice.

"You have been experimenting, even though something like that happened." The duke said it with a low voice full of anger.

"Of course, I am a scientist at heart. I won't give up that easily." Leah said, scoffing at him.

"How many have died because of you?" Andreas said, slamming the small table in front of him quite hard. Looking down at the coffee table, he realised there was no dent in the table. The duke looked up at me, seeing me smile proudly.

"Andreas, calm down. Let her continue."

"Thank you, Uwe. That incident happened because, at that time, I didn't know that there blood characteristics would fight against each other that much. So now, to make it impossible for something like that to happen again, I changed the blood's characteristics."

"Oh, like you did with your succubus blood," I said with a raised eyebrow.


"Then you took out the aggression of black dragons?" I asked, not knowing if it was confirmed they were like that.

"Yes, if I hadn't, she would have exploded. Or I think so. Dragon blood is tough to work with, sigh." Leah said, sighing at the memory.

"That still doesn't answer the main problem. How will you ensure no one else tries to make fake dragons?" The duke said, coming back to the main topic.

"We buy all the black dragon blood we can find. We have also put a bounty on any black dragon blood that may exist in ruins. At the end of the day, we just destroy them at some point."

"Buy! Dragon blood!" The duke yelled, smelling the coffee table again.

"Hey, don't get angry at everything we say, sheesh. Are you guys sure this guy can do the travel arrangements correctly?" I said, getting an annoyed grunt from the duke.

"Are you questioning my leadership?" The duke said, eyeing me.

"Yes, I am. Fuck, man, look at you. The moment we give a proper solution, you get angry. She already has four crates full of dragon blood." I said, teleporting four wooden crates onto the small table.

'Ah, I am so happy I am getting my control back.' I wondered how easily it has gotten to teleport things these days.

"What is this?" The duke asked, looking at the crates.

"Ren, you shouldn't have opened them, but whatever. This is all the dragon blood I have collected over the last month. There is still some of it on its way." Leah explained, opening one of the crates so that the duke could see the contents.

"How much?"

"65 vails so far."

"So, you have most of them already. Or, well, the known ones." The duke said, making them raise an eyebrow at him, confused.

"Yes, I am in talks with the other 15 owners at the moment."

"I see. Fine, I will accept this as a solution for now." The duke said, nodding his head.

"Ah, I am finally here," Nyx said, coming into the living room.

'I forgot about her.' I thought, looking at her and feeling Leah and Lina staring at me.

"Welcome," I said with a smile.

"Hmm, it seems I missed most of the talks," Nyx said, sitting beside her father.

'Yeah, her voice is really soothing.' I thought, this time staring at Selena, who just glared back.

"Yes, but everything has been sorted out. Right, Nyx, you didn't have many duties for the next few months, right?" The duke asked, looking at his daughter as he worked something out in his head.

"I don't, Father. You want me to do something?" Nyx asked, sitting at attention and looking at her father seriously.

"Yes, you will be supervising Princess Ren over there." The duke said, making everyone look at him surprised.

"What! Supervision! I don't need more supervision!" I complained, annoyed at it. Already, nothing will change.

"As you order, Father," Nyx said, bowing before leaving again with Chief White and the Duke following behind, not even saying farewell.

"Wait, aren't both generals? How can he just order her to do something like that?" I said, thinking of a kind of lope hole and looking at Leah for some hope.

"Ren, there are ranks between generals as well," Leah said, making me click my tongue.

"Ah, sh*t, man." I cursed, annoyed.

"Sorry, but it is best to have this go smoothly," Leah said, tapping my shoulder.

"I know, and it's not that bad. We get a babe to live with us. Selena, I am also being serious here. You've got to climb out before it's too late." I said, looking at Selena again and egging her on. Though I don't know her type, I know she is into girls.


"You know you aren't less of a babe than her, right? And stop teasing Selena like that. She might actually kill you in your sleep." Sara said, shaking her head.

"What are you going on about her climbing out of the closet?" Uwe asked, not wanting to stay out of the loop.

"I am saying Selena is into girls like me," I said, being serious about it.

"I am not! I like guys and their big muscles, ugh!" Selena yelled, storming off.

"See, you're just getting her mad by lying like that," Uwe said, looking at me a bit angry.


Hearing his words, all of us facepalmed.

"I ask again, how the hell did he get married to you two?" I said, only getting a shrug from the two women in question.

"Well, anyway, with that done, we will be going. Sorry for the garden. By the way, we didn't know where to land." Uwe said apologetic.

"There is a big platform with yellow and red on it. Land there next time." I explained to the three, making them nod in understanding.

"Will do bye, guys," Uwe said, leaving the room.

"See you guys at dinner tonight," Leah said, leaving as well.

With that, only Sara and I stood awkwardly in the living room, waiting for something to happen.

"You should stop teasing her for a bit," Sara said, breaking the silence.

"I will. Like you said, she might really try and kill me at some point." I said, shrugging.

"Okay, with that out of the way, let's go find her and leave for the city," Sara said happily, walking in the direction Selena stormed off in.

"She is under the gazebo," I said, not moving.

"Alright, let's walk there," Sara said, ensuring I heard the walk.

"Fine, so what do you know about Nyx White?" I asked, interested in what our new member of the house would be like.

"Not much, just some stories about how she became a general, and that's not much to know how she is," Sara said, shrugging.

"She looks serious, but I wonder if that's just a face mask she has on in front of her father," I said thoughtfully.

"I won't be surprised if Artemis is anything to go off of," Sara said, knowing how casual Artemis can be around us three if we are alone.

"Yeah, I knew she was serious, but today's expression made her totally unprovable."

"Yeah, I think it's more so we didn't talk to her too, because in front of the duke."

"Anyways, where are you going to stay?"

"The room next to Selena," I said, grinning.

"Sigh, thankfully we told you to make more rooms," Sara said, laughing.

"That's true. Luckily, I also listened to you guys, but we only have 7 rooms, including mine." I thanked my lucky stars for listening to our ideas for the warehouse.

"You think you should make more?" Sara said, raising an eyebrow.

"No, it's so that you know that there are only a certain number of guests we can have," I said, staring at her.

"Why would I? Never mind, my friends will invite themselves," Sara said, mumbling, remembering how her friends can act sometimes.

"Remember, this is my house, my platform. My rules. If you go too far into the grey, you lose everything, okay?" I said, looking at her thoughtfully.

"Tsk, there's no need to be this serious about it," Sara said, chuckling at me.

"I am not. I am just warning you." I said, shrugging.

"That's being serious."

"There she is."

"Big sister Selena, are you ready to go out?" Sara yelled, running to Selena, sitting in her chair.

"Hmm, so Nyx, are you ready to go out as well?" I said, looking to the side at Nyx walking up to us from the barn.

"Were we heading?" She asked, standing next to me and looking around with a serious demeanour.

"Well, you don't need to act like a bodyguard," I said, looking at the light white armour under her coat.

"Says the one that looks even more like a bodyguard," Nyx said, pointing at the swords on my waist.

"It's my casual clothes," I said, looking down at myself.

"Is it, really?" Nyx said, eyeing me.

"Yeah, it's very comfortable, you know," I said, flexing my muscles around.

"If you say so," Nyx said, shrugging.

"Okay, guys, we can go," Sara said happily, joining back with us with Selena next to her. However, Selena didn't seem too happy about the prospect of going out.