Chapter 2 (The Truth)

Just standing lifelessly in the shower, Castiel was trying to enjoy the droplets of warm water falling on his body. But he couldn't feel the heat of the boiling water on his body.

He couldn't feel anything at all. His emotions were all over the place, the color of his eyes was gone. He felt like a corpse waiting to be decomposed.

'Why is this happening?' Castiel was trying to grieve over the death of his best friend but just couldn't. He looked at his hand through his lifeless eyes. His world was in black and white, nothing had color. He couldn't cry, he couldn't even show any emotions.

'Am I a monster for not caring about the death of Aimi.'

The thing that bothered him was the fact that Kirk was not showing any signs of sadness. He was just acting as if his wife was not murdered. The other thing that bothered him was that Kirk just laughed at what he said about him being the murderer.

----------------- (AKA Time Skip)

After taking a shower and finishing drying himself, he went back to the first floor wearing Kirk clothing.

"Ah… You are finally done, though you killed yourself after looking at Aimi's body."

"You shouldn't talk like that." At this point, Castiel was getting annoyed by the way Kirk was talking recently.

"Geez, can't you take a joke," Kirk was once again acting as if nothing happened. "The smoothie I prepared for you is right here."

Stretching his arm out, Castiel took the smoothie from Kirk. He was looking down at the slowly disappearing smoothie that he was finishing little by little.

Drinking in complete silence, Cass was getting nervous at Kirk just staring at him emotionless.

"Are you ok?"

"Oh… Sorry about that, I'm just used to looking at Aimi's pretty face while she is eating. Her cute little mouth moved very elegantly and slowly, it was mesmerizing."

There he went again, talking about Aimi as if she wasn't dead in the living room that was right next to them. And he also didn't have any hint of sadness in his voice. Was he even human?

On the topic of talking about Aimi, he didn't seem to see her from the kitchen. Curious, he went to the living to see if Kirk shifted her body to one side of the room, but he once again did not see her.

*Clop Clop*

Kirk's footsteps could be heard from the living room. The sound got closer and closer until it stopped behind Castiel. Turning around towards Kirk, Castiel said,

"Kirk… Where is Aim-Arghhhh."

A sudden and sharp pain in Castiel's stomach stopped him from asking the question. Looking down to his stomach, he saw a knife piercing his body. Blood was gushing out at an alarming rate. Castiel fell to the ground from shock and blood.

"Castiel… Did you sleep with my wife?" Kirk said, towering above Castiel's weak body.

"Kirk… Why did you stab me?" Castiel was trying to stop the blood from leaving his body, but it didn't didn't make it any better.

"Did you sleep with my wife?" Kirk once again asked the question. This time screaming it with more intensity.

"Kirk… I need hel-"


"What are you talking about… I didn't sleep with Aimi."

"LIAR." Kirk yelled at Castiel before kicking him in the stomach.


"The two of us were happy together, until you came in. A friend that she kept a secret from me." Kirk looked down at Castiel with a look of disgust. "She started to come home late, all tired. She said that it was because of work, so I believed her. This was going on for a few weeks.

Wanting to know why she was coming late, I went to her work. And who do I see? YOU! I saw her talking to you happily, laughing at everything you said. I confronted her about this and she said that you were just a secret friend that she kept from me. So… I asked her to invite you. I wanted to know more about you.

These few months I have been observing you guys. Watching your every move. You two looked so happy together as if you were a couple. WELL YOU WEREN'T. Do you know how long it took me to win her affection? YEARS!!! And you come in winning her affection in a couple of months. I was fed up with this and took matters in my own hand, and you know what happened with Aimi."