Chapter 4 (The "Afterlife")

"Where am I?"

Castiel woke up to an unfamiliar place. His eyes were blurry, his hands were slow, and he felt like he was somehow floating.

Gaining his vision back, Castiel got a good look at this weird place he was in. The space around him was pitch black with strange white dots passing by him. These "white dots" were far away from him, similar to stars in the night sky. Stars would look so close yet are extremely far away, just like these "white dots .

He moved his arms up, then down and did the same thing with his legs. Trying to see if he can move. They moved at a very slow speed due to some sort of force similar to drag. The physics could only be compared to being in water or Zero-G.

"How did I get here," Castiel rubbed his head and then it hit him. "THAT DAMN KIRK, HE KILLED ME!! *Sigh* Then this strange place must be the afterlife."

Contrary to what he believed, this "afterlife" was peaceful and quiet. There was no gate to heaven or fiery entrance to Hell. No one to admit him to his respective afterlife ideal. Everything was to his desire, the peace and quiet of him being alone.

And he was okay with that. Other people would go crazy if they knew that they had to be alone for all of eternity, but Castiel was different. He has been alone since the start of his life. His parents died at an early age, he had no sisters or brothers, and he was like that all his life.

And that was until he met Aimi, his best friend, in his work. Everyone who wasn't close to her, knew her as the "Ice Queen". She had a cold aura, and when she walked by you, you would just freeze up in terror. She would make you feel inferior because of her looks and everything else.

But in reality, she was a nice person. Castiel looked up to her as an idol, mainly because she was smart, caring, and not afraid of anything. He wanted to be her friend, so Castiel got close to her by just being himself and became her friend. And the reason why that worked was because Aimi was used to people trying to act tough and all that because they wanted to impress her and win her affection. Little did they know that it would do the exact opposite.

Castiel met Kirk on the day that Aimi invited him over for dinner. Normally, people would be jealous that their idol had a loved one, but Castiel was different, all he saw was another friend that he could have.

As time went on, Castiel's relationship with Aimi grew stronger and stronger. But, his relationship with Kirk was weird.

When Castiel talked to Kirk, he would be all friendly with just his face to Cass. And he wasn't talking to Kirk and talking to Aimi, Kirk would just stare at Castiel making him feel uncomfortable, showing something different, something deeper.

His stare was engraved in Castiel's mind, it was emotionless but at the same time had a lot of meaning. In Kirk's stare, Castiel could find hints of disgust, jealousy, and other emotions. Other than that, everything was fine, until that one night.

He got a message from Aimi saying "Help!". And you know the rest of the story.

"That bast*rd," Castiel was recalling the imagery of Aimi's lifeless body. "He will pay for what he did. If only I could get revenge."

It was impossible for Castiel to get revenge, after all, he was dead. He would have to wish that back on earth Kirk was caught by the cops and given the correct punishment for his crime. But for all he knew, Krik could have left the country.

And the thing is that Castiel did not know how much time has passed since his death and also doesn't know the time difference of the "afterlife" and earth. He could only guess.

Castiel closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He laid back with his legs crossed and arms around the back of his head.

"This is my new life now."

But then, the gravitational pull stops.

"What th-"

Castiel was cut off by the gravitational pull going the opposite way from what it was supposed to be.

He started to get scared when the gravitational pull got stronger and stronger by the second. This pull was being affected by a white dot getting bigger and bigger. It seemed like this white dot was trying to suck Castiel in.

It was like a black hole.


There was no use to scream, no one was in this weird space with him. He was once again alone.

Castiel couldn't do anything to escape. There were no hard surfaces that Castiel could hold on to not get sucked in.

All he could do was wait for his demise.

As he got closer and closer, the light emitting from the dot was blinding him. Until… he was engulfed by this white dot.

The light was so bright that it felt like he was hit with a flashbang. He tried to clover his eye but it was no use. He had to endure it.

After a little while, everything turned black.