regret 8-15-2020

Old version:

I messed up big time...

I wish I haven't ever did it in my past n now but I am too stupid to stop and some day I will get myself kill or kidnap....

I did a lot of really really really stupid stuff online with people I did not even knew in real life and still do it. but I am not sending nudes to strangers anymore, just talking to them. that's harmless flirting or normal talking. it does not hurt anybody but if you are like me, you will get in trouble all the time. for doing stupid shit online like talking to people that you think they are friends you always say they are your friends but they are not. they are strangers that you don't even f****** know


I did something so bad that I can't keep to myself cus I got caught doing it on the phone with some random guy on video chat. I told my friends and they won't even look at me the same anymore, and you know that was so wrong to do and think of doing. I really really wish I could go back in the past and change the past ne from before doing it and plus this week, I realized that I was so dumb/stupid for doing it again the second time. probably was going to get in trouble with the cops, and I got in trouble with my mom. I am sooo fucking dumb af for being a slut on the internet. and everyone hates me now, I am a very very stupid stupid stupid stupid girl. I wish I wish I wish I wish I did not say on Google plus that I wanted to have sex with somebody when I was 13 or 14 then I posted it with a boobs pic. uhhh I was sooo fucking stupid not smart at all. then I download kik back then and I text alot of people with my nude body and soul

slut they said. I deserve what happened to me they say.

last summer in 2020/February 25, 2020

here we go..

this is not easy to do at all

we all lost someone that we loved and they love us

New Version one:

regret 8-15-2020

messed up big time...

I wish I haven't ever did it in my past n now but I am too stupid to stop and some day I will get myself kill or kidnap....

I did a lot of really really really stupid stuff online with people I did not even knew in real life and still do it. but I am not sending nudes to strangers anymore, just talking to them. that's harmless flirting or normal talking. it does not hurt anybody but if you are like me, you will get in trouble all the time. for doing stupid shit online like talking to people that you think they are friends you always say they are your friends but they are not. they are strangers that you don't even f****** know


I did something so bad that I can't keep to myself cus I got caught doing it on the phone with some random guy on video chat. I told my friends and they won't even look at me the same anymore, and you know that was so wrong to do and think of doing. I really really wish I could go back in the past and change the past ne from before doing it and plus this week, I realized that I was so dumb/stupid for doing it again the second time. probably was going to get in trouble with the cops, and I got in trouble with my mom. I am sooo fucking dumb af for being a slut on the internet. and everyone hates me now, I am a very very stupid stupid stupid stupid girl. I wish I wish I wish I wish I did not say on Google plus that I wanted to have sex with somebody when I was 13 or 14 then I posted it with a boobs pic. uhhh I was sooo fucking stupid not smart at all. then I download kik back then and I text alot of people with my nude body and soul

slut they said. I deserve what happened to me they say, some say that it's not right to say but I am stupid

I really dumb

last summer in 2020/February 25, 2020

here we go..

this is not easy to do at all

we all lost someone that we loved and they love us and sometimes we will never get a chance to say goodbye to them before it is too late.

I lost my friend , my whole world. my family lost a wolf in our pack, a felled one, she was the whole world

she fell too soon