Be a Reality

Chapter 60

The airport had been located on the northernmost part of the city. The buggy traveled smoothly on the city's road without traffic. Passing the civilian population curious of the stranger, they looked at the only vehicle able to use the road. Petrol had already been used up as months of scarcity had taken its toll and most vehicles had been stuck on the side of the road.

We headed to the outskirts of town. Fresh air wafted through my nostrils as we passed greenery and trees that had started to over grow. I looked around the scenery of the landscape unfolding as we drove along the road. I saw cattles and carabaos grazing and just chilling on the grassed plains.

We travelled further south. Houses started to be more segregated as open fields became more of the site to behold. Rice fields and sugar cane plantations alternated the agriculture of the land. It was scenic and refreshing to see that they could live without the help of the shelter.