[EXTRA] [R18] Doing Something Without Me

Chapter 68

Extra Chapter

Chealsea's POV

What does it mean to be married to a human chimera? It means if you don't get mated with them, your marriage can be challenged by another male. Unless you consummate it immediately. 

The Kabangisan Tribe had welcomed me with open arms as I've partaken in the marriage with one of their own. Kabangisan meant ferocity. And the tribe was divided into two clans, Bangis and Aswang. 

Bangis clan are the ones whose consciousness had been transferred to bodies of animals which could not shift into humans fully. They could become humanoid, but they would still be more animalistic. While the Aswang clan could fully transform themselves into humans. They would appear bigger or taller than the average person but they could easily sway the human population that they've got good genes.