
Chapter 88

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't bear closing my eyes, being haunted by wild blue eyes. Blue orbs…his eyes that were laughing at my demise. It was painful and terrifying at the same time.

Wanting to erase the pain, I just went to the bathroom and started a bath. I needed to relax because I needed to protect my friends. It would be hard not to sleep as I wanted, but being awake was far better than to suffer heart wrecking nightmares. 

Soaking inside the tub, I rested my head on the edge. I practised deep breathing. Trying to relax every muscle of my body. I closed my eyes, purposely not sleeping. It was hard, but I had to be willing myself not to fall asleep. My body was trembling from the cold. It was numbing all my senses. But numbness was good. It was helping me to focus and forget that I needed rest.