
Kara lifted Lena from the floor with her arms and flew away.

Now that's literally sweeping Lena off her feet. Pam exclaimed as she and Alex saw Kara and Lena fly away from the building.

I have to go. Goodnight Alex. Pam went into the direction of the elevator.

Let me take you home. Alex followed Pam into the elevator going down.

Thank you but I'd rather go home alone. Pam replied.

I insist. Alex said.

Okay, if you insist.


Kara, this is your apartment. Lena said as they went inside Kara's place thru the window.

Yes, and you will be safe here.

Are you sure?

I'll do everything I can to keep you safe Lena. I won't make the same mistake twice.


What do you mean why?

Why do you always want to protect me? It's not that I'm not thankful that you do, it just sometimes I question your motive for becoming too overprotective when it comes to me.