The Meteor

In the town of Milford Massachusetts U.S.A. Rejoicing citizens can be seen because today is the annual thanksgiving for the bountiful harvest of the season.

But their excitement was replaced by fear when in the sky appeared thirteen meteors that were rapidly falling in various parts of the globe.

"Jacob, stop! Look at the sky!" horror flashed across Ava's face as she looked up at the sky.

"Holy mother!" Jacob says when he saw the approaching meteor in their car. He instantly stopped and hastily turned the vehicle in another direction.

They got out of the car and followed the sight of the flaming meteor destroying their crops before it stopped in the middle of their field.

"Jacob, what's going on?" Ava asked as she saw other meteors falling in different directions.

"Only one way to find out," Jacob replied to his wife and walked in the direction of the falling meteor on their land. As they walked, the couple's faces were full of shock because of the destruction it had done to their yields.

"Maybe we should call the police?" suggested Ava, while holding her husband's arm.

" My dear, the meteor fell on our property, not dangerous people, we need to contact NASA. "He joked to his wife.

" Then we ..." Ava couldn't continue what she was saying when she saw her husband's face. Jacob's eyes do not blink and his face is full of amazement.

She gazes in the direction Jacob is glaring. And Ava was dazed by something that looked like a gold capsule, and there was something engraved on the front that he could not recognize.

"Jacob!" Ava called her husband as his hand reached the object in front of them. Her husband dismissed her and brushed what was engraved on the capsule. Once again they were startled when it lit up and unlocked. A baby was exposed to them.

"It looks like heaven-sent this child to us!" Ava eagerly picked up the baby.

"Ava, are you sure?" Jacob asked his wife. He knew that she wanted to have kids for a long time, but because of her difficulties, Ava would never be able to get pregnant.

"Jacob, I am sure," she said and walked back to their car, while lovingly looking at the child in her arms.

Jacob sighed and followed his wife. As he got in the car he noticed the necklace the baby was wearing. there is an engraved ⛎ on the pendant and at the dress is written the name, Ethan.

"Looks like we don't need to think of a name for our little angel." he smiled at Ava and started driving the car back to their house.

When Ava was delivered to their house, Jacob returned to the place where the meteor had fallen. Using the tractor he carried it to his barn and there temporarily kept it.

Before returning home he went to town to buy things for the child.

"Jacob, will you bring the baby supplies?" asked Marga, the saleswoman at the grocery store he went to.

"Yes, because Ava and I decided to adopt, and now the child we have been dreaming of for a long time has come to us." Jacob smiles as he puts the purchases on the counter to be paid for.

The long-cherished dream of having children is not hidden in their place, so it is no longer a surprise to the people if they adopt.

"Congratulations, Ava's happy for sure. You both deserved a child because you are respectable people," she said as she handed over what Jacob had bought.

He came out of the grocery store and was greeted by the chief of police in their area.

"Jacob, we spotted the meteor falling on your land, so we went to it and saw the damage to your crops. Can we inspect the remains of the meteor?" the sheriff asked.

" All right Sheriff, no problem, you can investigate the surroundings. Before I came here, I inspected the surroundings, at the mercy of the lord there is no serious damage to my land," he explains

He said goodbye to the chief and went home. "I need to hide that thing," he whispered while driving fast.

"Ava we need to hide Ethan's spaceship tonight, I've talked to the chief, they'll investigate the area." As soon as he arrived he immediately told his wife the situation.

With baby Ethan, the couple went to the barn where he first parked the spaceship. He has a secret room downstairs. So he drove the tractor to move it.

" Ava I said we adopted a baby, it's up to you to add to my story." he reminded the wife. He is already covering the path with tools so that it will not be noticed.

" We don't know where Ethan came from, but I'm only sure of one thing, he's not from the earth," Jacob added, as they walked back to their home.

Ava stopped walking,

"I know, but I can't bear to let a baby go, even if we're not sure of his origin, I'm sure I can raise him... we can raise him to be a good individual and god-fearing," Ava explained as she played with Ethan's hand smiling at her.

They looked at the sky together.

On the other side of the world where other meteors fall different events will be witnessed, in the north, the meteor falls on a dwelling, one on the island, while the other is on the fortress. Each of the meteors that have crashed contains an offspring and resembles Ethan's spaceship, it has the same mark, but the color is silver, while all have necklaces worn. and the names were embroidered on the clothes they wore.

And in the distant galaxy, a battle is taking place between two realms. Where the spaceships of thirteen children stranded on earth came from.

And in the sky of the Earth can be seen a strong light... The explosion of the planet Ophiuchus. The original realm of Ethan, and the twelve others.