A very shiny cat was sleeping, and at the moment, was especially tired.
"This is too much."
He was minding his own business, when two [Claw Tempering] cats came up to him, calling him,
"Young master! Please give us your widom!"
"Young master! Your fur is so shiny, please teach me your techniques!"
These dirt-eaters were asking for his wisdom!
what even is that?! Maybe I'm so smart that they had to make a word just for me,
"Am I shameless? Naa.."
He worked up the courage to open his eyes, and looked as his stats, it was a useful skill, as he continually was able to see, the exact same information.
Level-1 1/10
Skills- [Flame of Conversion Lv. 1 0/5- Converts mana into biomass, with a multiplier that of its level.]
[Note- More will be unlocked at a later date]
[Review- A smarter-than-average, shiny dweeb]
If only it want so good at what it did? tsk, if only he had chilled out and not flexed his intelligence on the general population.
He was slightly concerned, his human toy hadn't shown up lately to the store, so he couldn't stock up on biomass.
"A shame, a shame"
He thought for a moment, every 7 day-night cycles, a man with a carriage could show up with supplies to drop off at that place, he could just hold them at claw-point and they could be forced to hand it over,
"Ya, its all coming together, hehehe"
A mischievous grin apearer on his feline face. This will be exciting, but first, more biomass. Overtime him with his big brain, whatever that was, decifered the language of gods and found a way to use it in the physical world, which was a lot more useful than it seemed.
For example, he forgot his name, wait, that's actually kind of a problem. He wracked his brain, what was the sequence of sounds?
Was that the one? It was the only thing his parents called him by. So it must be right, since as the wielder of the language of gods, he was always correct.
Later in the day, while planning his heist, a true demon showed up. Mother.
"Fai-Son, your mother has been very worried about you, your father said that you found the secret to unlocking the [Earthly Dire Cat] evolution"
"Actually, I didn't the~"
"Tsk, I knew it, your fathers intelligence was inherited by you"
Mother just complemented father, green flag.
I am relationship master.
Mother immediately left, not a care in the world, probably went to visit a brother or something.
Though a thought hit his mind,
"Do I need the mana pills and nutrient pills, like he could just absorb natural ma-'
"Wait, then I'd have to work, NAA, focusing for a few hours seems waaaayyy harder then robbing a heavily guarded wooden cart, I truly have fathers intelligence, everyone wants a piece!"
After prepping for the heist, he decided to show the community his megamind skills, using the 1+1=2 trick.
"So your saying that shiny dweeb can speak the language of gods, and taught you?! Did you eat too many sardines again?"
"I speak facts! Shiny dweeb drew two lines in the ground, assigned values and put them together for another value, this will change our very societies way of working!"
"Are you sure it will change things that much? I mean like carving speech into the ground doesn't make sense."
"But it does! you see, we can re listen to a persons speech without them being there! Isn't that amazing, wait shh... here he comes!"
Wasn't he such a a refined gentleman, knowing math, even the bravest of souls couldn't contend against its elegance.
On another note, attention is bad, the nights are cold, his mental state was deterio- never mind, he was cold at night, and none like that. So before he did the robbery, he would steal a comfortable sleeping object, preferable one with dead preys hair inside it, apparently they were a new 'trend', what it was, he had no idea, he heard it from the aunts gossip. It was more of a babble, as one said a vaguely meowful character while hugging a pillow.
He started to find an aunts house, it was midday, so they were most likely around gossiping about 'trending' objects, it vaguely reminded him of his mother, huh.
As he comfortably strolled throuought the bushes. At a leisuly pace, just chilling throuought the town, then he spotted his prey.
It was an old auntie, drinking flavored water, called tttteeeaa, it tasted bitter, but with his posh abilities, he entered the tea craze. Acting as a housecat is thought though, even more so when the owner doesn't have a cat, but still, the old auntie didn't mind, maybe she thought he was her son, that's actually kind of sad.
Don't worry auntie, you shall achieve enlightenment soon, when our clan takes over!
As he took the pillow, he couldn't help but feel a little empty, sigh, he forgot to take the tea with him.
Whats has been done will be repeated, and that's why his father had 69 children. He didn't make the tale, it was pure facts.
As he returned home with the new bedding, he saw the dirt eaters building new structures, they mimicked human homes, but they were smaller and cozier.
He didn't have enough sleep to care, he only got 28 hou-, wait that's not how numbers work?!
Was he slipping, NAA, he was emotionally unstable. but that won't stop him from stealing orphans hard earned cash. We should get some of those.
Level-1 1/10
Skills- [Flame of Conversion Lv. 1 0/5- Converts mana into biomass, with a multiplier that of its level.]
[Note- More will be unlocked at a later date]
[Review- A smarter-than-average, shiny dweeb, with an orphan-robbing complex]