A New Beginning in Life

Natalia deliberately didn't pick up Vasili's call.

When she was anxiously looking for Vasili, he did the same thing all night long. Now, she wanted him to have a taste of that torture.

"Where are we going now?"Natalia looked out of the car window curiously.

"Home, of course."Alex enunciated clearly. His usual tone made Natalia llush and her heart beat faster.

"Then... could you accompany me to a place first?"

"Of course."

Natalia pursed her lips and smiled. She tilted her head to look at Alex, and once again, she was lost in her thoughts for him.

There was a small red mole on his ear, which looked like rolling blood under the contrast of Alex's fair skin. It was bright red.

She subconsciously raised her hand, wanting to touch it.

Just as she raised her hand in the air, Alex suddenly turned his head and looked into Natalia's eyes.