Chapter 10

A few more days passed and one of my quests was completed and in this time I even watched the background videos of a few of my NPCs, and something I found common in all of them is that they were about to die, but just before they would a wormhole appeared and swallowed them whole.

I have no idea what happened afterward seeing as all of their background stories ended with them being sucked into a wormhole.

On the other hand, one of my missions was completed.

[System Mission

Mission Details: Every good Game Creator needs a good foundation for his future games. Have a 3+ Star Game Review by the end of the week.

4.8/3 Stars

Rewards: 10,000 System Points and a random reward]

[Congratulations on completing a System Mission]

[You have been awarded 10,000 System Points and All-Seeing-Eyes of God(Kekkai Sensen)]

[All-Seing-Eyes of God

Skill Type: Active(Meaning it needs to be activated)

Abilities: [Heightened Sight], [Illusion Immunity and Control], [Minor Time Perception], [Aura Sight and Reading], [Vision Control in Others], [Self-Healing]

Description: The All-Seeing-Eyes of God allow the holders to see 'The Truth' of the world. Possession of the eyes gives their wielders numerous abilities including heightened visual senses, allowing them to see fast movements nearly impossible for human eyes to follow, or minute details with great clarity.

They are able to see past world-altering illusions and perceive an individual's unique aura and are even capable of altering and controlling the vision of those around them, such as switching two people's field of vision, inducing nauseating hallucinations, projecting what the holder sees into the minds of others, and the power over visual illusions in general]

Suddenly I felt an unimaginable pain as I started crying tears of blood as my eyes began to physically change at a very slow speed.

I screamed from the agonizing pain that lasted for well over an hour before the pain started to fade away.

[Congratulations, the All-Seeing-Eyes of God has fused with your eyes and can be activated at will!]

Covered in sweat with dried streaks of blood from the blood tears earlier I slowly climbed up from the floor and walked over to my bathroom where I looked into the mirror to find my eyes the same normal green color they were once before.

But suddenly once I thought about the All-Seeing-Eyes of God my eyes suddenly glowed showing strange emerald glyphs that glowed brightly as more glyphs stacked in the air in front of my eyes enhancing my vision by multiple times as I suddenly found my vision zoomed into the glyphs like binoculars.

Feeling a headache come the longer I used the eyes I thought about switching back to my normal eyes and just like that, my vision was back to normal almost instantly as I watched my glyph-covered eyes suddenly shine brightly before shattering and dissipating.

[A/N: Okay, some explanation for how the All-Seeing-Eyes of God will work, basically they will work like a muscle, the more they are used the longer he can use it and the stronger it becomes, it also means that if the eyes are under too much strain that they will shatter and break and will take a while to 'heal'.

The All-Seeing-Eyes of God will not replace the user's original eyes but instead fused with them, glyphs will be summoned once the eyes are activated and if the glyphs shatter from overuse then the eyes cannot be used until the glyphs are 'healed' or otherwise repaired which will take time, days if not over a week depending on the damage and overuse.

The Eyes are also supposed to allow the holder to see both the past and future. It even allows him to see the memories of others which is absurd in my mind, which is why he will have to become much stronger if he wishes to use that particular feature]

Feeling my body covered in sweat(and some dried blood), I decided to take a quick shower to clean my body of the sweat and dried blood.

Once I was out and refreshed I opened a portal to my office where I looked at the statistics of Battle For the Top.

[Battle For The Top

Platform(s): Steam (A/N: Now any other game sites such as steam that existed back in 2008?)

Rating: 4.9/5 Stars

Players: 53 Players

Peak Player Count at One Time: 29 Players

NPC Count: 240

Opened Game Servers: 4(60 NPCs each)

Player Win Count: 4(how many times a player has won a match)]

The Game only continued to progress every day at a faster rate as more players joined and played the game.

From what I can tell though, all of my players seemed to be normal players, all of them just seemed to be regular people who had normal jobs.

I wonder when I will see someone irregular in my game and how their reaction will be to having their abilities sealed in the game.