Her gaze was drawn to the clock by the bed post, and she smiled; there was still plenty of time for them to enjoy before returning home for more fun.

"It's your turn now, my love," he said, brushing his fingers across her tummy.

He was aware of how much that affected her; she shivered as he continued to draw circles around her, causing her to moan.

Mark leaned in and kissed her, giving her a great deal of pleasure. She has no idea how he does it; she never imagined a day when this man could make her body tremble with just a kiss or a touch. And yet she was moaning as he devoured her lips like a hungry child.

Mark gently yanked the bra straps down her shoulder without breaking the kiss, and before she knew it, her breasts were exposed. Mark kissed her and stared at her tits as if it were the first time, he'd seen them, and she chuckled lightly as she noticed how hard and taut, they were.

Before he looked at her again, he palmed one of them and squeezed it tightly. Hs fingers moved downward, slowly removing the thong she was wearing. She was left in her heels and the jewelry she had been wearing earlier. She was flushed pink all over, as if she were a virgin. Every time he looked at her, he made her feel that way.

Aurelia welcomed her husband by opening her legs and wrapping her legs around him. She was already wet and dripping with longing for him. Aurelia turned to face her husband as his junior rubbed against her c**, stimulating her in every way possible.

Mark pressed against her, causing her to moan and grip his arms, pleading with him to hurry up. Aurelia brought his face to hers and kissed him hungrily, her fingers moving into his short hair and her grounding against his length.

"Take me," she said against his ear, and he parted her thighs with his hand before slipping two fingers inside her.

He leaned in for another kiss, his thumb brushing against her c** as he fingered her. He didn't break the kiss and kept torturing and exploring her. She dug her nails into his skin as an orgasm overtook her, causing her to scream his name so loudly that she would have been heard if the office hadn't been soundproofed.

It took her some time to calm down from her perch, and she knew she had to repay the favor. She grabbed his shaft, but he stopped her before she could get her way.

Aurelia looked at her husband, who smiled back. Why was he denying her when he was panting and she could hear it?

"I need to be buried deep inside you right now," he said as he kissed her lips.

"We have all the time in the world, my love," she tried to persuade him, but he was unconvinced.

"I need to fuck you so hard right now, love, but we can take it slow at home later," he said as he pushed himself deep within her, making her moan loudly. Even after so many years together, she just couldn't get used to him.

Mark had her pinned beneath him, exactly where he desired her. Aurelia gripped his arms, her legs spread wide open. He began to move, gliding in and out of her slickness. He drew back until his crown almost touched her cunt, then slid deep inside, hitting her as far as her body would allow.

He knew this body so well, he'd made her moan his name over and over for more than five years, and yet every single moment felt like it was their first.

He watched as she rocked beneath him, her tits shook back and forth and her lips parted. As he continued to slide in and out of her, his body tightened with pleasure. It didn't take long for her to start moaning his name the way he does. This action thickened his junior, and he realized how slutty his young wife was.

Mark started moving faster and harder, making sure his body was against her c** as he fucked her the way he wanted. He'd been without this sweet pot for a week, and she had to be patient with him.

He captured those lips with his, titling his body further and pressing harder against her, doing his best to bring her to climax. Aurelia bucked uncontrollably, erupting in an orgasmic fit that caused her to scream in his face. He could feel her tenseness tightening around his shaft.

It was his turn now that he had done his duty and brought her to her climax. He didn't want it to end soon; he wanted the scent of their lovemaking to linger in his office. He kept himself going by extending himself. He fucked her harder than before, and the longer he fucked her, the more he wanted to let go.

She orgasmed once more before he let go. She didn't seem tired even after going on and on for so long, which was one of the reasons she was such a treasure.

After giving her two satisfying orgasms, he released deep inside her warm channel with a few thrusts, dropping everything he had with an aggressive grunt. He closed his eyes as the sensation rocked him repeatedly.

He couldn't recognize his own voice as a moan escaped his lips. He pushed himself deep inside her, allowing her to absorb every ounce of him in her. He opened his eyes as the pleasure faded and planted another kiss on her lips. He pulled himself out of her and then lay beside her.

He knew it was a special day, and all his worries were washed away in an instant. Everything was fine as long as his fiery lover was back. He was taking things one day at a time. He wasn't going to ask her any questions right now; he was going to savor the moment. Questions would have to wait until another day.


Betrayal hurts and that was the exact emotion she was having when looking at the person she had given her life to. Why did it hurt like this? She looked at him with teary and puffy eyes, hoping he'd tell her he was joking, but he wasn't buying it.

"What did I do to cause you to be this way?" she asked, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"We weren't meant to be Lia, I am in love with someone else now and see a future with her rather than you," Victor stated flatly, ignoring her feelings. She was at a loss for words; she didn't know what to say.

She was stuck in that hard chair in the restaurant that held so many memories of her and him, whether she hit him or not.

"Didn't we used to be happy? If I made a mistake, please let me know so that I can make it right. Just don't leave me, please," she pleaded, but Victor set his heart on stone.

"I can't do it, Lia. Instead of breaking up with you via text, I thought it would be best if I told you face to face. I wanted you to hear it from me rather than through the grapevine. I'm getting married, and if you show up, I'll hate you. So please gather your thoughts and keep your distance from me," he hissed at her, and she could clearly hear him.

His warning, as well as his lack of love for her, was unequivocal.

"You're going to regret this, I swear to you," she said as she wiped away her tears.

"Lia, what can you do? You're just a spoiled brat with nothing to your name. You can't hurt me, and if you do, I'll bury your entire family alive. So remember that and act like the good girl you are," he said as he rose to his feet.

She watched as he placed a $100 bill on the table before leaving. She couldn't muster the energy to pursue him. He had made it clear that he no longer desired her.

All of the years she had devoted her life to him had been for naught. All of her anguish and suffering had been in vain. He had abused her repeatedly, and yet she kept forgiving him.

She was so in love with him that she didn't realize how unhealthy their relationship was until now.

She may have nothing now, but she swore on her years of agony that she would make him pay for everything he did to her; for every tear she shed, he would suffer twice as much.

She was going to work so hard that no one would ever look down on her and make her feel as useless and worthless as she did when she sat with Victor as he shed the last shred of her heart.

Aurelia shook her head in remorse as those repulsive thoughts ran through her mind. Every dog has its day, and she was aware that hers was approaching.

She looked at her Chief of Security Julius, who couldn't help but smile as they watched the interrogation of the senior children they had just brought under their protection.