She had been in surgery for several hours, and Miguel was sobbing uncontrollably. He didn't want to lose her or see Miguel lose the person he had grown accustomed to.

He was stunned and frozen when he received a call from Julius informing him that Lia had been pushed off the tenth floor and was being taken to the hospital. Who would dare to do such a thing? He didn't believe it at all, but when he arrived at the hospital, he was at a loss for what to do.

His beautiful angel was lying in a hospital bed, stuck by needles and blood, and he couldn't look at her. He was relieved Miguel was not present because he would suffer greatly. He simply wanted to skin whoever had done this to her.

She had been in surgery for several hours, and Miguel was sobbing uncontrollably. He didn't want to lose her or see Miguel lose the person he had grown accustomed to.

He'd already lost a mother, and losing Lia would be devastating. After many hours of waiting, the doctors arrived and informed them that the surgery had been a success, despite the fact that she was still unconscious.

He sat by her side after transferring her to a private room, hoping she would awaken.

"What in the world happened? How did she end up like this when you were supposed to be by her side?" Mark yelled angrily at Julius who is Lia's Chief of Security?

"She wanted to be alone, and standing on the balcony was harmless. You know how she is; we were keeping an eye on her from the gallery. We had no idea she was going to be pushed so hard. I'm sorry, but I saw who she was with," Julius said, which was good news to him.

"Who the hell was it?" he exclaimed.

"Diana Monroe, the youngest daughter of Monroe Ltd," Julius said, and Mark erupted.

"How come they can't just leave my wife alone? Her crazy husband was the first to stalk my baby, and now her wife is attempting to murder my baby. I'm going to make them regret ever having set their sights on my baby. Get everything on the Monroe's for me. I need that girl in jail, and I need that company to go down the drain. Ben, I need you right now!"

Right then and there, Mark began plotting the Monroe's' demise. He was going to teach those scumbags a valuable lesson. They chose the wrong person to annoy. Mark smiled as he hugged Miguel, who appeared to be much angrier than him.

He was worried that his son would grow up to be a softie because he had been spoiled so much by Lia, but when he saw that murderous look in his son's eyes, he knew all hope was not lost after all.

In two days, he had Diana arrested on attempted murder charges, which she kept refuting, crying that she didn't push her, despite the fact that everyone saw her pushing her down. He honestly didn't care about her tantrums; all he wanted to do was punch her.

Monroe's stock plummeted, and he purchased a large number of shares during that time. He intended to give the company to Lia as a present when she awoke.

That family had humiliated his wife for years, making her hate the world and feel vulnerable, and he was paying them back. He was just going to show them who had more money because they liked using it to settle disputes.

He was reading the news in his office, refusing to settle or see the old man Monroe. He didn't want to see anyone from that family while his wife was still in the hospital.

Ben rushed into the office without knocking, which was extremely unprofessional of him.

"What was it that was so urgent that you forgot your manners?"

"I'm sorry sir, I just received word that your wife has regained consciousness," he said with a smile.

"She's awake! Please send for the car."

"I already have."

The two men left the office and rushed to the hospital, where reporters were still scouring the area for information on Lia's condition. He felt relieved when he opened the door to her room. She had a faint smile on her face; she was fine, and that was all that mattered.

He didn't need to be told twice when she motioned for him to come over.

He sat down next to her, and she kissed his lips.

"I miss you," he said, nuzzling up against her neck.

"I apologize for causing you concern," she said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"There is no need for you to apologize. I almost lost you, and there was nothing I could do about it."

"I'll be more cautious next time; I had no idea she was so desperate for me to die. She was the one who took my boyfriend at the time, and I had never done anything wrong to her. I don't love Victor anymore, so don't be jealous," she said, trying to laugh despite her pain.

"Be careful not to talk too much. I had already exacted my revenge on you. Just rest and get well for me. Would you be able to do that for me?"

"That is something I will do. I love you," she said, her eyes welling up with tears.

"I love you as well. Take a break, and I'll see you later. I have a few things to attend to. Miguel is on his way, so you won't be alone," he assured her.

"Thank you; I'll be right there. Could you please contact Julius on my behalf?"

"He didn't do his job?"

"Babe, he shielded me more than you'll ever know. Just send him in; I need to ask him a couple of questions."

"Fine, I'll do it," he said, planting a kiss on her brow.

Mark exited the room and told Julius to see Lia. He was well aware of how much she trusted the man; he had done his job. No one was going to be able to save her from the fall that day.

Even if he was present, he would have simply observed the entire event, which would have terrified him.

Lia had confirmed one thing for him: Diana had evil intentions toward her. He was aware that the police would be visiting her soon to take her statement, and that she has the authority to make Diana pay for what she had done to her. He didn't know what his little angle would do, but he hoped she wouldn't be as lenient as she always is.

Julius was even more taken aback by the whole thing. He was aware that the woman he worked for was dangerous, but he had no idea she was so evil. It was astonishing how she drew it out and made it real.

He nearly lost his soul the moment he saw her fall off the balcony. They all knew Diana didn't push her, but everyone, including himself, saw her do it. The CCTV captured the same image.

Julius looked at the cheerful Aurelia, who didn't appear to be in too much pain despite the scars and bandages covering her entire body.

"Is everything ready?" she questioned.

"Yes, we have transported all of the medicinal herbs and other items on the list," he replied, and she nodded.

"That's great. Please fill me in on everything that occurred while I was sleeping."

So, Julius began to recount everything that had occurred during Aurelia's unconsciousness for a week. Quinton and the kids were successful in uncovering more incriminating evidence against Mercy.

During the process, they were able to spot some rats that were lurking around her, and she was even surprised that there were more people than she was aware of. She'll have to get rid of them quickly and send a message.

Diana was admitted to the same hospital as her due to the shock of being accused of a crime she did not commit. Monroe's company was on the decline, which was great news for her. Victor, on the other hand, was doing everything he could to make things work, and he was having an affair.

"I really like the sound of that. Do you have any proof of the affair?"

"Yes, the pictures are with the kids," he replied.

"All right, then. I'd like you to send someone to see her while she's here. Give her the pill I whipped up back then. Tell her that she should take it if she wants to save her nasty life. Do this after you've shown her the photos of Victor's affair. Ascertain that she is heartbroken and on the verge of going insane. If she wants to exact revenge on that filthy bastard, make her take the pill," she told him.

"I will delegate that task to a trusted aide in order to avoid implications."