"You are a cruel person, and you will meet a harsh end!" Victor cursed at her, which made her laugh.

"I know, and I don't care," she said as she got out of bed.

She took her time approaching the man who had lost his energy and knew he was doomed. He knew this was the end, that he was going to die, and that there was nothing he could do about it.

"Do you have any closing remarks?"

"Go to hell and rot!" He yelled at her and attempted to make a move.

She simply walked around him and laughed at him. Was he insane? What made him think he had the stamina to fight her?

She checked the time again and saw that it was close to three o'clock and that it was time to leave. She plunged the dagger deep into his heart and pulled it out without warning.

The blood splattered everywhere, but that didn't stop her from stabbing him nine more times. She watched as the lifeless body fell to the ground; she had finally killed the jerk.