make us see, make us act.

Cecilia's mum sat down and watched. She looked anxious, made me want to invite her to talk freely even though I might not be the best person to do this.

"Mrs.Arnolds, we need you to light up our lanterns right now, we're very dangerousely ignorant at the moment and we can't afford to stay in the dark."

She nodded her head.

"Evan is your cousin, Cecilia. He has ruined multiple missions of The Energy Unit little after you were born, because we were still active. He had numerous economic interests when it came to helping those commiting atrocities, so he played his role way too well. I got 'sued' by The Unit for bringing him to the game and I was held responsible for each and every one of his faults. A lot of people have died due to his plans, but I only thought I was introducing a gifted boy to a gifted community."

For once, I needed to know what my mom was thinking to decide.

"Help us find him, then, if you don't mind him being caught."

A spark of hesitation swam on her irises. I felt that I was holding some sensitive info.

"Are you his legal tutor, Mrs. Arnolds?

"I am. He's my sister's only legacy. She had been banned for who she was, so I wanted him to embrace his unicity. But he abused it." She sighed, and I could see tears in the highlighted corners of her eyes. "I will help you find him."

Cecilia jumped out of her seat.

"I marked him. He's either going to have stitches down his arm or a dried blood scar."

Sounded quite voluntary to me. I appreciated the gesture.

"I'm going to send men after him. I know who and when to call. Leave it all to me. Cecilia, please go to sleep. You don't have to worry like this, my child."

"Well now what?"

"Rest assured."

The house was quiet. We all lied down in the same room; but no one really slept or had any rest. My mind was doing HIIT with all the exciting myths and truths that it was very professionnally juggling with.

I got into NYU, and I believed majoring in physics would help figure out the mess I was head over heels into. Little did I know my plan was as screwed up as my life. I came home before everyone, exhausted. First thought : go grab a chocolate bar.

Waiting for me : a surprise. Evan, standing, amber eyes more blazing than Cecilia described them, exposing his unstitched cut with pride and a fierce look tearing my stomach apart with panic.

I handed him my chocolate bar :

"Wanna share?"

"So you want us to stay away from the business, right?"

"Right. For your own good, kiddos. I really loathe to harm my cousin, her boy, or you. Just... stay out of the game."

"And what if we don't?"

I couldn't help it.

"Then your twinnie-winnie will kick the bucket. That what you want, Milady?"

So it had been him. He murders Brian in Cecilia's vision. I needed to get to know more, it was my only chance!

"Why this hate?"

Feigning sensitivity seemed to be my way out.

"I don't hate anyone, I try to get you out of this position; but, people commit crimes for actual reasons which are....none of your business."

"Funny, huh? The crime itself has drastically bad implications on everyone's business but the criminal, but the reasons are nobody's business but the criminal... How fair of an algorithm you believe in, darling!"

"Sounds pretty fair to me, Milady. After all, I'm the one getting money for it."

"So tell me, sir, how does it taste to destry people's lives for a living? How does it taste to look in the mirror and to see an executioner facing you with a grin? How does it feel to get rewards for killing your own conscience? How easily do you sleep at night, dreaming of the little boys and the little girls you killed, deprived of growing and feeling air in their lungs like you do? Or is your sole purpose to see yourself big and superior? You sound pretty small and insignificant to me."

"Tastes better than your cheap breakfast, you preacher."

"So you're not giving up, are you? Why squatting around here even when you could go waste your golde time somewhere else?"

"Because I'm waiting for your response, Milady, and for your brother to come."

"Don't you dare."

"I will."

I had to text someone to tell me what I should do. My mom had vanished, and I just came to realise it.

"Where's my mom?"

"You think I'm dumb enough to embarrass my plans with Suzy Black?"

I blemished. I wanted to call anyone, but the silence was loud with all the potential noise, the potential killing, and the spaces empty with the eventual blood. If I wanted to make him bite the dust, I would. But I wasn't sure whether killing him was or wasn't the right thing to do. Mommy Arnolds might never forgive me, and that would be tremendously problematic.

And then, an idea lit me up. I started crying.

"Lil Baby needs Mamma Suzy? What a pity!"

Nothing ever works.

"What if we trade, mister? Money you could be receiving to keep the heists alive, I'll give it to you so you keep my bro alive. How's that feel to you?"

"You conceited business girl! I wouldn't accept!"

I was still waiting for Cecilia to come. Together, we could do something. But then, it hit me.

"Please, if you're not giving me my mom, tell me where she is! I'm scared for her."

" Somewhere only I know."

"Okay, so I'll wait with you."

With Cecilia coming in, I landed a profound gaze on her, hoping she'd get it and exit. After a few attempts, she did what she had to do.

But what if my mom was in the basement? I needed to get the house clear, to do what needed to be done.

Hopefully, Cecilia would do something, call her mom. Hopefully Brian is with her.

In the midst of my thoughts, I didn't expect a hook thrown at my jaw.

"So what, blondie girl? Warning your buddies of the monster in the house?"