Back to Bluebeard's castle

We went step by step, my eyes on the ground and his on the weather. We went short-breathed, but the road wasn't that long as we only had to come back to departure place. The only twist : now it's a million times creepier as I know that Mitch is waiting there. I don't want any other death, and Brian neither, but our plans to get everyone to safe haven were quite different, and that might be an understatement : he wanted to get there with me so I wouldn't pass out, but I did not want HIM to pass out.

Mitch first met me in his office. I still remember the contemporary room decor, the cosy colours and the feathery curtains. He and Suzy were amongst the most privileged members in the departement, and probably not only in my opinion.

But this time, I sat on the smooth mattress and waited for him to show up. And then, at the exact second I dared to blink, he rose from under the desk and delicately sat on it, legs crossed, a mischievious smile on his thin dehydrated lips, a cringe shine lighting up his pointy glare. I could've screamed, but I didn't. It was a man-to-man situation, even though Bry was hiding behind the doors, a strange way for us to meet in the middle. Mitch was obviously savouring his moment, taking slow bites and chews of that glory he brought hismelf : his stubborn daughter did surrender. But did I?

He sat on his office chair, and finally used his voice instead of all those slow-killing gestures and psychotic eye-contact.

"Why did you come here?"

"To understand what you exactly want from me."

Was I as intimidating as I intended to seem and sound? My baggy clothes were ripped and wrinkled, my hair was as electrified as physically possible and dust, mud and dirt were today's makeup. But I held on to the thought that my strength came from within.

"Well, you could start by removing the bodyguard you're sticking at the door? Or is he something else?"

"Well, her boyfriend, for instance."

That was it : Bryan, arrogance mode activated.

"Then, Mr. Boyfriend, why wouldn't you join the conversation? I have a feeling you'd make it spicier."

"Mr. Daddy, the spices are always there, it just depends on the person using them. And their timing. It's very important to not come too late, huh?"

"Smart, very smart indeed. Now shall we talk about those powers? A legacy."

"YOUR legacy, sir. If you want to talk to your daughter, I'll be good outside. BUT if you touch one hair of hers, the aftermath might sound ugly for you."

"Playing protective, huh? Nice acting, Brian Black. Bet you never had a dad to play that strong for you."

"And did she?"

"My timing is always a masterpiece. You don't want to be the unliving proof, Brian Black"

"Well, because all you make are unliving proofs. What about the living, loving ones? Not your responsiblity?"

"You know, you should probably sit and enjoy the conversation. You seem concerned."

"Then tell me. If you have the nerve to leak your psychotic motivation?"

"There is absolutely nothing psychotic in here. I just want you to understand that what is happening to you is above the scales. That now you'll see everything through a different filter. That everyone's life is already made of disturbance lens, as every sensorial perception we have is via waves that only come from, I'll say again and you know it, a disturbance. Everyone goes through that, but you're living it on zoom. And maybe you'd want to slow down to realize you are more driven metaphysically than physically. That really, some guys over there have more than your abilities and sit still with no empathy. But what you did know, this trial of yours to help was way too noble. And I'm proud. But before anything, know that your anticipation are more metaphysical than physical, Cecilia. I've been there, I've made experiments, so don't start asking me where I got that nonsense from. In other words, no one can know the future, blood speed or not. Maybe your electrolytic features allow you some privilege, but it's not all that theoric. Anyone of you could Anticipate, I've told the council many times because I wanted this organization to make some leaps forward, but no one bothered to listen to me, really. So what about you, would you make the change? Would be more self-critical? Would you come to me if you needed advice?"

"Wouldn't it be your father ego talking?"

"My ego overall is very fulfilled, and I thought you knew. I have very little to nothing to lose if you don't believe me. I'm just offering you the opportunity of your lives."

"Not true. You've been absent for too long, you're trying to make it up."

"Would I make it up by lying to you? I thought you were smarter. At the end of the day, you're the ones losing the insight, not me. Now do whatever you want. I won't be killing people in your back anymore."

Brian and I got out of that damned office where I never really had the chance of hearing one single piece of good news.

"He's acting sus. Why would he kill two innocent people and then just stop? And how did mom let him in after all this?"

"Shut up! The walls have ears when that guy wants them to. Let's get to Aurora's room."

I could've cried when I saw her fluffy teddy bear on the white bed. I could've wept because her vision boards were still on the walls, her Chase Atlantic and The Neighbourhood posters still stuck flawlessly. Her favourite poetry books all open somewhere in the middle. Her diary laying on the ground, alongside some pictures of us, of Brian alone, of her mom, and... Mitch.