Marcus stood in the courtyard of the former Pentagon, now known as the Citadel, along with Charon, Dr. Li, and what was left of her team. Though three of it's five rings had been destroyed during the Great War, there was still enough of the old building intact to make it a formidable fortress. Marcus could see Brotherhood Knights standing on the walls, armed with Gatling lasers and manning .50 caliber machine guns. The courtyard served as a training area, where dozens of recruits were practicing shooting, sparing, exercises and conducted drills. In the center of all of this, Marcus could see Sarah Lyons approaching them, along with a much older man adorned in a blue robe. Once they had crossed the courtyard, the man stepped up to Dr. Li. "Madison, I'm surprised to see you, what's wrong?"
Madison stared daggers at the old man. "Don't talk down to me, Lyons. I had nowhere else to turn. You must help us. Project Purity has been overrun."
Lyons stepped closer and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, Madison. You're safe now. Tell me what has happened."
Madison took a deep breath. "The Enclave. They've attacked Project Purity. James is dead... there may be more. I don't know. You have to do something!"
"Yes, I have heard of the encounter with the Enclave troops in the tunnels."
"Then do something now! They've taken over the purifier. Lyons, they cannot be permitted to have control over it. It's not right!"
Lyons maintained his calm demeanor. "I'm sorry about James, he was a good man. But Madison, we both know the Purifier doesn't work; it's useless to the Enclave.'s time to walk away."
Madison shook her head. "That's not true. James... He found what's been missing. We know how to get it running."
Lyons removed his hand from Madison's shoulder, and for the first time, he showed signs of concern. "So James finally did it? Does the Enclave know how to activate it?"
"No, I don't think... I don't know. I just don't know what's happening anymore."
For the first time, Lyons looked over at Marcus. "And this is James' son? I can see the resemblance."
"Yes. He knows what we need. Vault-Tec computer, something to locate equipment. Please help him. He..." The strain of everything had finally proven too much, and Madison nearly fainted. If not for Elder Lyons grabbing her at the last second, the Doctor would've collapsed completely.
Lyons waved the medics over. "Take her down to medical and see that she is well cared for." He turned back to Madison. "You'll be alright, Madison."
The Doctor could barely speak. "I'm sorry...I...need, to rest."
Marcus watched as the medics lead her from the courtyard, with Doctor Dargon following. Elder Lyons approached him. "You have my condolences. Your father was a good man."
Marcus could only nod his head. This Elder Lyons looked and sounded like someone out of a history book. "You're the leader of the Brotherhood?"
"I am Owyn Lyons, the Elder of this chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel. I believe you know my daughter, Sentinel Sarah Lyons. She told me of your actions at the seige of GNR; very impressive."
Sarah bowed her head and Marcus could see the hint of a grin on her face. "So you've faced this Enclave before? Who are they?"
Lyons took a deep breath. "The Enclave are the remnants of the old United States Government, but instead of upholding the ideals of freedom and democracy, they seek only to conquer and enslave. Back then they were led by a President Richardson, and they had tech and firepower superior to our own. The Brotherhood, along with our ally the New California Republic, fought a bitter war against the Enclave for many years. We were victorious, and we believed that they had been wiped out, but now it appears that was not the case. The fact that they are here, this far east is most troubling. Now, as before, they seek to control and destroy, all in the guise of restoring order. Your father, I fear, was just the beginning."
Marcus had to struggle to control his voice as he asked his next question. "But why did they kill my father? What do they want with Project Purity?"
The Elder could see the hurt in the young man's eyes. "It's quite simple, really. If the Enclave can get the purifier working, they will be able to control the flow of precious fresh water throughout the Capital Wasteland. Every man, woman and child will be forced to bend to their will."
Marcus' blood began to boil as the realization of what the Elder was saying sunk in. With the purifier under their control, the Enclave could conquer the entire Capital without firing a shot. Marcus balled his fist as he tried to control his rage. These bastards were not going to pervert his father's dream. "If you're planning to fight the Enclave then I want in! I know how we can get the purifier running. My father talked about a Garden of Eden Creation Kit, or G.E.C.K. He said some of the Vaults were issued one."
Lyons crossed his arms and rubbed his chin as he pondered what Marcus had said. "Yes, given the circumstances I believe you would be a great help in this fight." He turned to his daughter. "Sarah, take our young friend here down to the lab to speak with Scribe Rothchild. He might have information that will lead us to the GECK."
Sarah turned and faced her father. "Father, with all due respects, if what he is saying is true, then there is no time to waste. We have to hit the Enclave at the Purifier now, before they have a chance to dig in."
Elder Lyons could not help but grin at his daughter's determination. While it made the old man proud, it also scared him at times. "Oh, Sarah. My dear, sweet girl. So eager you are to rush headlong into battle. But no, not now. Not yet. Our time will come, fear not."
Sarah glanced over at Marcus for a moment and began to blush. She hated when her father spoke to her like she was still a child. "If we hit them now, before they can consolidate their forces, we can end this with one blow."
"I will not send you, the Pride, or any other soldier into battle without gathering proper intel on our enemy. Even if we take the purifier, what then? It is useless unless Marcus can figure out a way for us to active it. I'm sorry, but we will have to wait."
Sarah sighed in defeat. "Yes, Father." She turned to Marcus. "Come on."
Marcus and Charon followed her across the courtyard, until she reached a steel door leading into the Citadel's Lab. While Sarah punched in the access code, three BOS soldiers approached, and stood between Marcus and the door. "You're friend's going to have to wait out here." one of the soldiers said.
Marcus looked over at Charon. "Why?"
Another soldier, a rather tall one with a buzz cut, took a step closer until he was inches from Marcus. "Because zombies are not allowed inside the Citadel."
Marcus stood toe to toe with the soldier, a mixture of anger and utter shock building up inside him. After everything he had been through, he had no patience for anyone this ignorant. "Well if my friend's not good enough for your little clubhouse then I guess I'm not either." He turned to leave.
"Hold on!" Sarah yelled. She approached the offending soldier and stared him down. "Paladin Tristan, is there a problem?"
The Paladin stood at attention. "With all due respect, Sentinel, I don't believe it's wise to allow a mutant to have access to our headquarters."
Sarah looked over at the two companions, then stared daggers at Tristan. "Well Paladin, these two just faced down an entire squad of Enclave troopers." She stepped closer until she was nose to nose with the Paladin. "What have you done today?"
Tristan remained silent. Marcus had to struggle to contain his laughter.
"These men are guest of my father, Tristan. I think we can make an exception."
Paladin Tristan tensed up. "Sentinel I must protest..."
"Noted! You are dismissed."
Tristan stepped back and grudgingly saluted. "Yes, Sentinel."
Sarah returned his salute, and the three soldiers walked away. "Don't mind, Tristan." she said as she opened the door. "He can be an asshole, but he's actually a great humanitarian in a firefight."
They stepped through the door and headed down a flight of stairs. Sarah slowed down and turned to Marcus. "I'm...sorry about your father. I didn't know him, but everyone says he was a good man."
Marcus' voice was barely above a whisper. "Thank you."
Sarah could see the strain on the Wanderer, and she stopped halfway down the stairwell. "Listen, no one's going to hold it against you if you want to take a break. We have extra bunks in the B ring. You could get cleaned up, rest, get some chow."
Marcus placed his right hand on his forehead and began to rub it. He was emotionally and physically drained, and he didn't realize just how much until that moment. He shut his eyes, and the image of his father dying at Project Purity gave him new found determination. "I...I'll be alright. You're father told me to speak to a man named Rothchild?"
Sarah nodded. "Alright. The lab is this way."
They made it to the bottom of the stairwell, and Marcus stood in awe at what he saw. The lab inside the Citadel rivaled Dr. Li's in Rivet City, but what Marcus was fixed on was the 40 foot tall, steel robot standing in the middle of the lab. The massive machine reminded Marcus of the cartoon character "The Iron Giant", only this looked much more menacing.
"Wow, that's a big fuck'n robot."
Sarah looked at the robot and nodded. "Yeah - too bad we can't get the damn thing to work." She continued down the catwalk, and Marcus followed her to the main floor of the lab. Once there, Sarah pointed to a tall balding man in a red robe, who was busy yelling instructions. "Do not throw that tech around!" He yelled at two younger Scribes, who had just tossed a piece of Enclave power armor on a table. "That equipment is worth more then both of you! Bring the rest of it in here and for God's sake be careful!"
The two Scribes quickly scurried away. Sarah turned to Marcus. "That's Rothchild, our Head Scribe. As you can see, he takes his job very seriously. Well, this is where I'll leave you. If you have a moment, come find me in the Lyon's Den; it's our lounge located in the A ring."
Marcus thanked her and the Sentinel walked off. He and Charon approached the irritated head Scribe. "Mr. Rothchild?"
Rothchild turned around. "Yes...oh, you must be James' son, Marcus. You have my condolences. I worked with your father many years ago on Project Purity. He was a brilliant scientist. The world has truly lost a great mind."
Marcus thanked Rothchild, and while he could hear the sincerity in the man's voice, a part of him was getting tired of people reminding him of what happened.
"Elder Lyons informs me that James figured out how to get Project Purity up and running. Is this true?"
"Yes. He told me we need a GECK."
Rothchild's eyes widened. "A GECK! Why...we never thought of that but, yes that could work! One of the most successful settlements out west, Vault City, was created with a GECK."
"My father said several Vaults were issued a GECK just before the war."
Rothchild began walking towards a large, digital map that was mounted on the wall. "That is correct. We know the location of every Vault in the Capital Wasteland." Rothchild typed on the large map's control panel, and the map showed several Vaults scattered throughout the Waste. Marcus immediately recognized Vaults 101, 106 and 112, but there were a few he had never seen before. "I've been to these three," Marcus pointed to the Vaults on the map, "but not the others."
Rothchild was impressed. "Hu. I guess the title 'Wanderer' does fit you. That narrows it down to Vaults 87, 92 and 108. We have records on all three Vaults in the archives room; I will send word to Scribe Jameson to allow you access to them. Once you have found what you are looking for, come back here and find me."
Marcus nodded and headed for the archives. It didn't matter how tired he was, he was going to find this GECK. And when he did, he was going to shove it down the Enclave's throat.
Captain Samantha Jones stood at attention before the leader of the Enclave, President John Henry Eden.
"Now, let me see if I have all the facts here, Captain. We managed to secure Project Purity, but in doing so the project's leader was not only killed, but he was allowed to sabotage the project, causing significant damage to the facility."
Captain Jones was visibly sweating as she answered. "Yes, Mr. President."
"Colonel Autumn's Alpha Company was decimated, and your own squad, Delta, suffered 50% casualties before being forced to withdraw; there by losing the remaining scientist, is that correct?"
Jones nearly choked. "Yes, Mr. President."
"And all of this was a nineteen year old boy and his pet mutant."
Jones visibly gritted her teeth at the thought of the Wanderer; the filthy wastelander who had humiliated her and her men. "Yes sir."
For a few moments, President Eden remained silent as Jones stood stiff as a board in the middle of the room. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally spoke. "I am very disappointed, Captain."
It took all of her military discipline for Jones to maintain her composure. She had failed the President, and the Enclave, and in doing so, she had disgraced her uniform. "I will resign my commission at once, Mr. President."
"Relax, Captain, I will not have you fall on your sword just yet."
Jones was visibly shocked at hearing this statement. The President continued.
"What is the status of Colonel Autumn?"
"Um...he is in critical but stable condition, Mr. President. Given the amount of radiation that was in that chamber, it's a miracle he survived."
"Not a miracle, it was American science. Until he recovers, you will be fulfilling his duties, Major."
Jones' mouth hung open. This was the last thing she was expecting, and she could barly speak. "I...thank you, Mr. President."
"Do not misunderstand this promotion as a reward, Major. The fact is, we need you. For now I want you to focus on tightening our control over Project Purity. Have our forces expand beyond the Memorial and set up a buffer zone between us and that Brotherhood of Steel."
"What about Rivet City, Mr. President? Our spy stated that the scientist came from there."
"Leave them be...for now. Once our scientist activate the Purifier, Rivet City and the rest of the surrounding settlements will be much more...cooperative."
Jones smiled and saluted. "Yes, Mr. President. I won't let you down, sir."
"I know you won't, Major. Dismissed."
The newly promoted Major walked out of the President's quarters with a slight bounce in her step. She had been given a second chance to prove herself, and there was one thing above all else she intended to do with that second chance: find the Lone Wanderer, and present his head to the President on a silver platter.
Amata sighed and rubbed her eyes in frustration. 'Two weeks', she thought. Two weeks of endless reports, and mountains of paperwork. As she sat at her desk, staring at the latest scouting reports, she wondered how her father had managed to do this job for so many years. Since that terrible day, the day she lost both her father and the love of her life, Amata had not taken a breath. She immediately set out to establish trade with local communities, and fulfill her promise to Marcus to make the Vault more secure. Their first stop was the town of Megaton, and Amata insisted on leading the delegation. (mostly because she felt it was her duty as Overseer, but secretly, she hoped to catch a glimpse of Marcus). Though her lover was not there, the meeting with Lucas Simms and the town's people went better than expected. When they told her of the condition of the town's water treatment plant, Amata immediately ordered fresh water from the Vault be delivered to Megaton. With help from the Vault's engineers, Walter and Leo Stahl (the water purifier's keepers), managed get the system working at full capacity. The town's citizens were so grateful (especially Moria Brown, who bombarded the Vault residents with questions), that they were given an assortment of weapons and body armor for their expanding security force. In addition, Lucas Simms offered to train the Vault's security force in shooting and hand to hand fighting.
All told, it was a good start.
A knock on the door brought Amata out of her thought. "Come in."
The door opened and Herman Gomez, (who Amata appointed as Executive Overseer), and Susie Mack stepped inside. Judging by the looks on their faces, Amata could tell they were not bringing good news. "What is it?"
Gomez and Susie looked at each other, then Susie pulled out a small radio. "We thought you should hear this." She placed the radio on the desk and turned it on. The all to familiar voice of Three Dog filled the office.
"Well, boys and girls, what can I say. Looks like President Eden wasn't completely full of shit after all. Methinks we are screwed..."
"Tinfoil hat time, children. My eyes and ears tell me the Big Bad Government has taken over that big machine thingy at the Jefferson Memorial. You heard it here first, my friends - the Enclave is on the scene. I've got reports of flying ships and shock troops in high-tech power armor."
A feeling of dread began to fill Amata as she listened to the broadcast. The Jefferson Memorial? That's where Marcus told them Project Purity was located. Three Dog continued.
"And, when the Man showed up, a bunch of scientists went running. With them was Rivet City's own Dr. Madison Li, and that crazy kid from Vault 101."
Amata jumped out of her seat. "Marcus!"
Both Gomez and Susie could see the fear in her eyes. Even though Gomez was still the only other person who knew the truth of Marcus' exile, it was no secret that Amata still had feelings for him.
Amata gripped the edge of the desk, holding her breath as she waited for the rest of the broadcast.
"Relax, children. They're safe and sound now at the Citadel. Praise Jesus! Praise Jesus!"
Amata began breathing again. "Thank God." she whispered.
"Now here's the really bad news. Reports indicated that James, the kid's father, was killed during the assault."
A gasp escaped from Amata as she covered her mouth. Both Gomez and Susie began to choke up. Three Dog ended the broadcast with his trade mark howl, and Amata's shaking hand turned the radio off. "I can't believe it."
Susie could no longer hold back her tears. "Poor James. All he wanted to do was help people. He didn't deserve that."
Gomez put his arm around her as she wept. "Overseer, if the Enclave is here, and if they control the Purifier..."
"I know!" Amata snapped. "Things just got a lot more dangerous. Securing this Vault was our first priority, now it's our only priority. We will limit the number of trading parties to one at a time, and it will be for guns, ammo and armor only. We will stay out of the downtown DC area. Tell our people to avoid these Enclave troops at all times."
"But what if we can't avoid them?" Susie asked. "What if some of our people are captured?"
Amata looked her dead in the eye. "That's what the cyanide capsules are for."
Susie's mouth nearly hit the floor. Before leaving the Vault, every resident was required to carry cyanide pills if capture was inevitable, but to actually hear the Overseer say it...
"That will be all." Amata sat back down and began going through the reports again. Gomez and Susie lingered for a few moments before picking up the radio and leaving. Once the door was closed, Amata dropped the reports and placed her head in her hands. "Oh Marcus, what have I done?" she wept. Fear and guilt racked her very being. While she and the rest of the Vault residents sat in safety and comfort, Marcus' father had been killed, and he was now fighting a brutal enemy - alone. Amata wanted to be with him, to hold and comfort him and show him that he was not alone...and it killed her that she couldn't. She reached down and unlocked a small drawer in her desk, and removed a framed picture of her and Marcus at her sixteenth birthday. They both looked so young and happy; without a care in the world. How she ached for those days once again.
"I'm sorry." she whispered as the tears fell on the image.
Marcus was dozing off for the second time at the computer console before he finally retired to the Citadel's barracks. Even then, Charon had to practically drag him out of the archives. Marcus had combed through countless records on all three Vaults - and had found nothing about the GECK. Scribe Jameson told him that her team would continue looking through the archives for clues, and while grateful, Marcus was still frustrated. Even the discovery that the Citadel had hot showers did little to brighten his mood. When he finally did sleep, he dreamed of his father. The terrible scene from the previous day played out before him again, and Marcus woke up gasping from air. He checked the time on his PIPBOY: 4:37 am.
"Damn it." Marcus said. Throwing the covers off, he got up and made his way to the mess hall for a drink. The Citadel was eerily quiet, as only a few BOS soldiers were on guard duty. Marcus reached inside the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of purified water - and that's when the tears started to flow. In that moment, everything that had happened, had finally caught up with him. Try as he might, he was not able to control the sobs that now echoed in the empty mess hall, and he was soon sitting on the cold floor with his head in his hands. He thought of his father, and how he had failed to save him.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Dad." he kept repeating.
He had no idea how much time had passed. He just sat there, shivering in his T-shirt and boxers. Through his tear filled eyes, he noticed a pair of small feet in front of him. His head shot up, and there was Sarah Lyons, wearing nothing but a black tank top and underwear to match, staring down at him. Since this was the first time Marcus had seen her without her bulky power armor, he was speechless as he took in her beauty. For a woman as strong as Sarah Lyons, she was surprisingly petite, with well defined hips, and her breast rivaled those of most women he had met. He also noticed that she had the Brotherhood of Steel emblem proudly tattooed on her left arm above the elbow. As he struggled to wipe away his tears, Sarah presented her right hand to him. Without saying a word, he took it and she helped him stand up.
Marcus quickly tried to compose himself. "I'm sorry, Sentinel."
Sarah shook her head. "Don't be. You think you're the first soldier to cry after losing someone?"
Marcus didn't answer. He was grateful that the tough leader of the Lyons' Pride was understanding, and was surprised that he called him a soldier. Sarah took the bottle of water out of Marcus' hands, placed it back inside the refrigerator, and removed two beers. She opened one and handed it to him. "A night like this calls for alcohol. And when we're off duty, it's Sarah."
Marcus managed to smile. "Thanks."
Sarah could sense his awkwardness, and she calmly leaned against the counter. "Relax, we're not very modest around here. Hell, I grew up with most of these guys; they're like my brothers."
Marcus began to blush. 'True, but I'm not your brother,' he thought. Pushing the impure thoughts from his mind, Marcus took a drink, and they both sat down at one of the tables. "So," Marcus began, "why are you up this late?"
Sarah took a drink and shrugged. "I haven't slept since I was eight."
Marcus didn't know what to make of that comment, and he took another swig.
Sarah looked down at her bottle. "It's not easy losing someone in battle. Especially if it's someone you're close to."
Marcus tightened his grip on his bottle. "I just...I just want to kill everyone of those Enclave bastards!"
Sarah nodded. "That's good. Use that anger to get the job done." She leaned closer. "But don't let it blind you, either. I've seen that happen to too many soldiers. It makes them sloppy, careless, and they usually end up getting themselves killed. But you managed to keep your head and got those scientist out of there. That proves you have discipline...something very few wastelanders have."
Marcus sat back in his chair. "You don't like wastelanders very much, do you?"
Sarah sat back and shook her head. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we're helping the people here."
"But I...question my father's decision to recruit from among the locals. The fact is, you're the first wastelander I've seen that's shown any real potential of being a soldier. The only other person who even came close was Redding...and you saw what happened to her."
Marcus took another long drink as he remembered Redding's violent death. "Why did your father decide to recruit from the local population?"
There was a long pause, and Marcus could see the anger in the Sentinel's eyes. "He had no choice. A few years ago a small group, led by a man named Casdin, abandoned us and went out on their own." Sarah let out a bitter laugh. "They didn't even have the courage to tell us they were leaving. They just snuck out in the middle of the night after stealing several rare pieces of tech. They call themselves "Outcast" to mock my father!"
Marcus was surprised at this revelation. "Why did they leave?"
Sarah took another drink from her beer. "You see, we were sent here from Lost Hills, that's our main chapter out west, to search for lost tech and weapons. That is the primary mission of the Brotherhood: to preserve technology for the future of mankind. For the first decade that's all we did, but when my father saw the increasing threat of the Super Mutants, and the suffering outside these walls, he decided to make protecting the people here our number one priority."
"That was very noble."
"Yeah, well, not everyone agreed. Casdin and his followers believed that we should focus only on gathering tech, even though we pretty much picked this place clean. He thinks helping locals is a waste of time. I may question the fighting ability of wastelanders, but Casdin sees all of you as sub-human."
Marcus took a drink. Though he had never met this Casdin, he hated him already. "Sounds like a real asshole!"
"Yeah - and a traitor. The real insult: they think they are the true Brotherhood, and that my father has quote "gone native"."
Marcus could see how this subject was getting Sarah upset. "Well, speaking for all wastelanders, I'm glad your father made that choice."
The hardened soldier seemed to appreciate that. "Well, their betrayal hurt my father deeply. But...I think it was worth it."
They sat there for a while, talking and finishing off another beer. Finally, Marcus noticed the time on his PIPBOY. "Well, I think it's too late to go back to bed."
"Yeah. Another day." Sarah stood up. "My father has called for a meeting in the Great Hall at 0900."
Marcus had a blank stare on his face.
"That's 9 o'clock in the morning."
"Oh yeah! I a...I knew that."
Sarah smiled at his attempt to bullshit her. "Yeah, right. Meet me in the courtyard at 0...I mean 7 am sharp. My father has authorized you to receive power armor training."
Marcus stood up. "Power armor training?"
"That's right. My father wants us to support you in any way we can. Paladin Gunny will be your instructor."
Paladin Gunny's screams were heard throughout the courtyard, as he paced back and forth in front of six very nervous recruits. "I cannot believe what is happening to my beloved Brotherhood! Where have you people been all your lives!" He stepped up to the first Initiate, who was slightly taller then him. "Jesus Christ, what the hell have they been feeding you?! How tall are you, scumbag?"
"Sir, six foot one, sir!"
"Six foot one, I didn't know they stacked shit that high! You trying to squeeze an inch on me boy?!"
"Sir no sir!"
Gunny turned to the next Initiate, and got right in his face. "And you! What's your excuse?"
The Initiate hesitated for a moment. "Sir, for what, sir?"
"I'M ASK'N THE FUCKING QUESTIONS HERE, INITIATE! I noticed you looking at me funny do you think I'm cute?"
"Sir no sir!"
"Do you suck dicks?!"
The Initiates eyes went wide. " sir!"
"Bullshit, I bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! I'm gonna be watch'n you!"
Gunny continued walking down the line of recruits, and stopped in front of a female who was smiling. "DO I FUCKING AMUSE YOU, SWEETHEART?"
The Initiate's smile quickly faded. "Sir, no sir!"
"Holy shit! Are you wearing fucking MAKEUP in ranks?!"
The Initiate suddenly looked as though someone had just walked over her grave.
"Sir, no sir!"
In a flash the Initiate was on the ground, counting out push-ups.
Marcus watched the entire scene unfold from the other side of the courtyard. Marcus had fought Raiders, slavers, Super Mutants, Enclave soldiers, cannibles and killer cyborgs...and he was absolutely terrified of this man. "Holy shit!"
Sarah Lyons, who was standing next to him, smiled. "Don't worry, his bark is worse then his bite." She slapped Marcus on the back; her way of telling him to head on over.
The Lone Wanderer gathered his courage and approached the Paladin; who had just ordered the Initiates to begin running laps around the courtyard.
"Excuse me, Paladin Gunny. My name is Marcus..."
"Yeah, yeah, I know who you are!" The Gunny slowly walked up to Marcus. "You're the guy who gets to walk in here, skip weeks of training, and get power armor training that other Initiates have to bleed and sweat for." The Paladin got right in Marcus' face. "WHAT THE HELL MAKES YOU SO SPECIAL?!"
Marcus swallowed hard, but he held the Paladin's gaze. "I...have orders from the Elder, sir." he calmly answered.
The two men stared at each for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Paladin Gunny backed away. "Well alright, then. I don't like it, but orders are orders. So, the first thing you have to do to wear power armor is relax your arms...
After his training session with Paladin Gunny, Marcus made his way to the Great Hall, located in the Citadel's A ring. Both he and Charon were greeted at the entrance by Elder Lyons.
"Marcus, good of you to join us. How are you, this morning?"
Marcus shrugged. "Okay I guess. Elder, could I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"What's the story with the giant robot in the lab?"
"His name is "Liberty Prime." Very patriotic. Built by a very proud nation, during a very desperate time. It was built by the United States Army to be used during the Liberation of Anchorage Alaska. Unfortunately, they were never able to solve the problem of powering it."
Marcus remembered hearing about the Liberation of Anchorage in history class. Communist Chinese forces had invaded and occupied Anchorage, which touched off the Sino-American War. American forces eventually liberated the city, but suffered heavy casualties.
"The meeting is about to start," Lyons said, "and I would like for you to join us, but I'm afraid your friend will have to wait out here."
Marcus looked over at his friend, who was standing quietly behind him. He turned back to the Elder. "Is there a particular reason a ghoul is not allowed inside?"
The Elder was clearly taken aback by Marcus' question. "It's not that. This is a highly classified meeting, only high ranking members of the Brotherhood are allowed to attend. The only reason you are being asked to join us is because of your knowledge of the Purifier...and because we have an important mission to discuss. I am sorry, but that is the way it has to be."
Marcus listened to the Elder and studied his facial expressions. He did not detect any malice, and the eldery man sounded sincere. Marcus looked over at Charon. "Are you going to be alright?"
Charon nodded. "I'll be fine." A small grin appeared on the ghoul's face. "Maybe I'll make a few friends while I'm waiting."
Marcus laughed. "Just stay out of trouble."
The Elder led Marcus into the Great Hall. Inside was a large round table, and several of the Knights and Scribes were already seated. Marcus recognized Scribe Rothchild, Sarah Lyons, Paladin Varges, and (to his dismay) Paladin Tristan. The scene reminded Marcus of the old stories of Camelot.
When the Elder walked in, someone yelled: Attention!, and everyone stood up. Owyn Lyons approached his seat, and Marcus made his way over to an empty one at the other end. The Elder raised is hands. "Let us pray." Everyone bowed their heads. Marcus, who had never attended any kind of religious service, stood in silence; unsure of what to do.
"May the Creator give us strength in these dark times, and the wisdom to use that strength for the greater good. Amen."
"Amen!" Everyone said in unison. Once everyone was seated, the Elder began the meeting.
"You all know why I have called this meeting. The Enclave, the greatest threat we have ever faced, has resurfaced and is now in control of the water purifier in the Jefferson Memorial. I do not have to tell you what will happen if they succeed in activating it. Our mission is clear: we must defeat the Enclave and re-take the purifier at all cost." He turned to the Head Scribe. "Rothchild, what is the current status of the Enclave forces?"
The Scribe stood up a walked over to a large digital map of the Capital. He touched the screen, and the map zoomed in on the Jefferson Memorial. "The Enclave have tightened their control of the Purifier, and have expanded their area of control along the river, up to the Arlington Memorial Bridge, creating an effective buffer zone."
"How is it possible for them to move so many troops in such a small amount of time?" asked Tristan.
Rothchild touched the screen, and a new image appeared. It was something Marcus would never forget: the Enclave's flying machine.
"These are known as Vertibirds, pre-war transport and assault aircraft. We are not sure how many the Enclave operate, but they allow the Enclave to have mobility that we can only dream of. It has also made it impossible for us to determine where these troops are coming from." Rothchild's face turned grim. "The combination of the Enclave's air power and ground defenses all but guarantees that a frontal assault on the Purifier will end in disaster."
Rothchild's declaration hung on everyone in the room, and the Great Hall grew quiet. Sarah Lyons was the first to finally speak. "What about the Taft tunnel network that Marcus and the scientist used. The Pride could infiltrate..."
Rothchild shook his head. "The Enclave sealed the tunnels on their end. That is no longer an option."
Sarah sighed in defeat. Again, silence filled the Great Hall, and Marcus could see a look of dread on everyone's face. Mustering his courage, Marcus addressed the council. "What about Liberty Prime?"
All eyes were on him. To his right, Tristan made a grunting sound. "We've never been able to get that damn thing to work."
"But if it could work," Marcus insisted, "it could tip the odds in our favor."
Now the Elder was intrigued, and he turned to his Head Scribe. "Could the robot be brought online, Rothchild?"
Rothchild sighed. "Anything is possible...but we haven't been able to figure out how to power the damn thing in twenty years! There's no reason to think we will have a breakthrough in the next few days."
"Rothchild," Lyons began, "you are a brilliant scientist and a loyal friend...but I am growing impatient! Marcus is right: Liberty Prime could mean the difference between victory or defeat in this war." The Elder addressed the rest of the council. "And unless someone has a better idea, I am ordering the science division to pour all of it's resources into Liberty Prime. As soon as Doctor Madison Li has recovered, we will enlist her help."
Rothchild bowed his head. "Now, to the matter of finding the GECK." He stared at Marcus. "We have found one."
Marcus nearly jumped out of his seat. "You know where it is?"
"Yes." Rothchild touched the screen. "Records indicate that a GECK was issued to Vault 87, located here."
Marcus could see that the Vault was located in the northwest.
"But there is a problem." Rothchild said. "Vault 87 received a direct hit from a nuclear missile during the Great War. As a result, the area around the Vault's entrance is covered with lethal levels of radiation. No one has ever been able to get near it, even while wearing our most advanced radiation suits."
Marcus balled his fist; he was not going to give up so easily. "There has to be another way."
"There is one possibility." Rothchild zoomed in on an area just south of the Vault. "The Lamplight Caverns are located just south of the Vault. Records suggest it may hold a back way into Vault 87. That is your best chance of getting in."
"Marcus," the Elder said, "I know how much this means to you, which is why I would like for you to carry out this mission."
Paladin Tristan's eyes shot wide. "Elder, with all due respect, I believe this operation is too important to be left in the hands of a civilian."
Marcus stared daggers at the Paladin. 'This guy's just begging to have his ass kicked!'
Elder Lyons smiled. "You're right, Paladin Tristan. Which is why I have decided to let Marcus join our ranks."
You could've heard a pin drop in the Great Hall. " want me to join the Brotherhood?"
"Yes. We have studied your actions since leaving Vault 101, and while some of your methods are...crude, there is no doubt you poses the courage, skill and sense of honor worthy of being in the Brotherhood of Steel. If you accept this honor, you will be awarded the rank of Knight, with all of the rights and privileges that come with it. What say you, son of James?"
Marcus sat in stunned silence. He looked at the faces of the other council members, trying to read what they were thinking about all of this. While it was obvious what Paladin Tristan thought, he wasn't sure about the others. His gaze finally fell on Sarah Lyons, and their eyes met. A slight grin suddenly appeared on her face, and she nodded her head. Marcus grinned in return, and held her gaze for a little longer. The entire exchange was not lost on Elder Lyons, who glanced over at his daughter.
Marcus took a deep breath. "I would be honored to join your ranks."
Sarah Lyons began pounding her fist on the table, and was soon joined by the other members of the council (except for Tristan, who just glared at the Lone Wanderer).
Paladin Glade fired the tri-beam laser rifle, scoring a direct hit on the Enclave power armor. The heavy weapons tech of the Lyons' Pride had spent most of the day inside the Citadel's weapons lab studying the captured Enclave tech. The results, troubled the veteran to his core.
"Damn, even with a tri-beam it takes multiple hits to penetrate this armor." Glade placed the rifle on the table, which was crowded with weapons of all types. "Based on these test, their power armor is 18% more powerful then ours. The only thing that seems to go through them with any ease is this plasma rifle." He held up the weapon. "And we only have two of these."
The rest of the Lyons' Pride stood in the lab and listened to the dreary report. Knight Commander Colvin, the young blonde haired sniper, made the sign of the Cross. "God help us." he said.
Knight Commander Dust, an Asian-American female, and the Pride's other sniper, snorted. "Well, I hope your God can get us more plasma weapons, because that's what it's going to take."
Paladin Kodiak, the youngest member of the Pride, studied the Enclave armor with both awe and dread. "You know what's weird? The reports stated that the ghoul managed to take one of these guys down with a shotgun."
Dust shook her head. "No way! The report must be wrong. How can a zombie take out an Enclave soldier with just a shotgun?"
The twelve gauge round slammed into the Enclave armor with a loud crash. The Lyons' Pride sprang into action, drawing their guns and training them to where the shot was fired. Standing in the doorway, with his smoking Terrible Shotgun, was Charon.
"PUT IT DOWN NOW!" Glade screamed.
Charon complied, and slowly placed the shotgun on the ground.
Glade stepped closer and put the plasma rifle in the ghoul's face. "What the HELL is wrong with you?"
"Paladin Glade!"
The heavy weapons tech recognized the voice as belonging to Knight Commander Gallows, the Pride's spec ops (and not very talkative) specialist. "What is..." Glade's mouth dropped open, and he slowly lowered his gun. The front of the Enclave armor had a large gaping hole in the lower abdomen. Dust walked over to the armor, and placed three of her fingers through the hole. "Holy shit!"
Glade turned back to Charon. "How the hell did you do that?"
Charon presented a blue shotgun shell and tossed it at the Paladin. "Tungsten rounds."
Glade stared at the strange round, and it was as if a light bulb went on in his head. "Tungsten. Of course! It's so dense that...where did you get these?"
"From a guy named Flak in Rivet City. For thirty caps you can have one."
Colvin walked over and examined the round. "You mean you just bought these in a settlement out there?"
Charon grinned. "Not bad for a zombie, hu?" He picked up his shotgun and walked out.
Marcus was waiting outside the weapons lab when Charon walked out. "Making friends, Charon?"
Charon grinned. "Yeah, you know me. I'm very likable."
Marcus busted out laughing.
"So, what happened in there?"
"Well, they knighted me."
Charon snorted. "Yeah, right."
Marcus shook his head and smiled. It did sound a little ridiculous, but he was honored to be a part of the Brotherhood. "We found a GECK. It's located in Vault 87."
Charon nodded. "That's a long trip without the truck."
Marcus sighed. The loss of his truck was going to handicap them - and he really liked that truck. "I know, but we have no choice. Are you ready to go?"
"Lead the way."
The two companions headed for the stairs that lead to the courtyard, but were stopped by an African-American female BOS soldier. "Hail to you, Knight Lincoln. On the word of Elder Lyons, welcome to the Brotherhood. A am Star Paladin Cross, keeper of the ARM, and Seneschal to Elder Lyons. And, I am honored to say, I was acquainted with your father."
"You knew my father?"
Paladin Cross nodded. "I did, and you as well. Long ago I helped guard the water Purifier from the Super Mutant horde. When your father left, I escorted the two of you to Megaton. He was...a noble man. I was saddened to hear of his passing, but from what I hear, he died with honor. He did for you."
Marcus quickly swallowed the lump forming in his throat. His voice cracked as he spoke. "He was brave right up to the end."
Cross placed her hand on is shoulder. "Continue to remember him fondly, continue to tell his story, and continue to do his work. Through you, he shall carry on."
Marcus was at a loss for words, so he just nodded is head.
Cross removed her hand. "But now I must ask you a difficult question, if I have your leave to do so."
"By all means, ask."
"I escorted your father across the Waste; it was the best way I could contribute to his work of bringing fresh water to the people of this land. I would like the honor of escorting you on your journey to complete his work."
Marcus was stunned. "But...aren't you needed here?"
"I have already spoken to the Elder, and he has given me leave to aid you on your mission, if you'll have me."
Marcus took a moment to consider her offer. This Star Paladin Cross certainly looked like she could hold her own in a fight, and where they were going, he would need all the help he could get. He presented his right hand. "I'd be honored, Star Paladin Cross."
Cross took his hand and shook it. "Very good. As long as you stay true to the values of the Brotherhood, I am yours to command." She then held up a very large super sledge. "Now, let us go forward, crush the Enclave, and fulfill your father's mission."