Chapter 25: Death of Liberty

Marcus shielded his eyes from the intense light, and he immediately noticed the blisters on his right hand were gone. In fact, all of his wounds, and even his scares, were gone. He looked at his surroundings, and realized he was standing among the clouds. Though he should've felt panic and fear, Marcus instead was at peace. The intense light finally dimmed, and Marcus found himself staring at his father. "Hello, son."

Marcus wanted to run towards him, but he hesitated. "Am I...dead?"

James smiled. "No. Your work is not finished."

Marcus sighed and hung his head. James was surprised. "What's wrong?"

Marcus looked over his shoulder, then back at his father. Tears were in his eyes. "It's just...I miss you, Dad."

James walked towards his son, and placed his hand on his shoulder. "I know, but we are always with you."

Before Marcus could say anything, a beautiful woman approached from behind his father. It was a woman whom he had only seen in old photos. "He's right, sweetheart, we will always be watching over you."

Marcus' voice cracked. "Mom?"

Catherine smiled and nodded. "We are so proud of you, son. You have made our dream a reality. But you must wake now. Wake up Marcus. Wake up..."

Marcus slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he felt was how soar his muscles and limbs were. The first sound he heard was the beeping of a heart monitor, and he realized he was in a small infirmary. As he slowly sat up, he noticed the heart monitor was hooked up to his arm, along with an IV tube. The sound of foot steps caught his attention, and he turned his head to his left. A female, dressed in the robe of a Brotherhood Scribe, walked through a doorway caring a metal tray. When she saw Marcus, the Scribe stopped dead in her tracks, and the tray slipped from her hands and crashed to the floor. Without saying a word, the Scribe turned and shot out of the room. Marcus carefully tried to swing his legs over the edge of the bed. He had just gotten his left leg over, when the female Scribe returned with Elder Lyons and Rothchild. Both men approached and helped the Lone Wanderer sit up.

"Careful now." Lyons said. "Careful. It's alright. You're safe. You're back in the Citadel."

Marcus placed his hand on his throbbing head. "How long was I out?"

"Two weeks." Lyons answered.

Marcus' eyes shot open. "Two weeks?" He placed a hand on the Elder'shoulder to help steady himself. "The Purifier! Did it work? Did we win?"

The Elder presented a warm smile. "Yes. The Purifier was activated, and the Tidal Basin is full with fresh, clean water. We have already begun to distribute it to communities throughout the Wasteland. In fact, I'm hopeful we won't be referring to it as 'the Wasteland', any longer. You and your father have done it."

"And what about the Enclave?"

"After their defeat at Project Purity the Enclave was sent in full retreat. Liberty Prime and the Pride have pushed them out of the Capital, and are mopping up the remnants as we speak."

Marcus let out a deep breath and closed his eyes, as what seemed like a giant weight had been lifted off his shoulders. It was over. They had done it. Opening his eyes, he looked over at Rothchild. "So I guess the experimental rad-x worked?"

Rothchild studied his medical charts. "Yes...but we're not sure how exactly. You were passed the allowed threshold when you injected it, yet somehow the serum still synthesized with your blood and saved you. Although, the quick actions of the Sentinel no doubt contributed to your survival."

"Sarah? How did she..."

The Elder answered. "When you collapsed inside the Purifier, Sarah shot her way into the chamber, and your mutant friend pulled you out." A sad expression suddenly appeared on his face. "Unfortunately, she too was exposed to high levels of radiation."

Marcus' body tensed up. 'No! Not again...' "Is she alright?"

The Elder stepped aside - and that's when Marcus saw the blonde haired woman lying on a bed, hooked up to the same equipment he was. He was surprised how peaceful she looked.

"Though we managed to get enough rad-away in her system to reverse the radiation exposure," Lyons said, "she too, has been in a coma ever since." The old man smiled. "The fact that you are now awake has given me renewed hope that soon she too, will re-join us in the land of the living."

Marcus continued to stare at Sarah in her comatose state, and a lump began to form in his throat. He couldn't believe that she had nearly lost her life saving him. If he hadn't dropped the syringe, or if he had just been fast enough...she wouldn't be in the state she was in. He felt so ashamed that he couldn't look the Elder in the eye. "I'm sorry."

The Elder placed his hand on Marcus' shoulder. "Don't be; it's not your fault. Sarah is the Brotherhood's Sentinel, and she made what she felt was the right choice. Though reckless, I believe she would do it again despite the outcome."

Marcus forced himself to look the man in the eye, and he saw that he was sincere. He still felt guilty, but the assurance helped a little.

"As I said," Rothchild cut in, "we're not sure how or why the rad-x worked. My guess is, someone was looking out for you."

Marcus smiled and glanced up ward. "Yeah. They were."

Rothchild put down the chart and began to examine Marcus. "There is something else. It seems that the experimental rad-x has left behind a very interesting...mutation."

"Mutation? What mutation?"

Rothchild must have seen the panic in his eyes because he smiled. "Don't worry; you don't have any extra limbs or anything like that. But our test show that the rad-x has not only given you a permanent immunity to radiation...but you are also healed by it."

You could've heard a pin drop in the infirmary. It took Marcus a moment to comprehend what he had just been told. "So...I'm like a ghoul but...I still look human?"

Rothchild nodded. "Correct. Now your metabolism has not changed, so you will continue to age like a human. We'll have to run more test to determine what, if any, limits there are to your radiation exposure. So...don't push your luck just yet."

Marcus sighed. It was a lot to take in. Rothchild finished his exam, and the Elder spoke. "Marcus, you have already done so much for the Brotherhood; more than we could ever repay. But we could still use you on the front lines. Paladin Tristen has taken temporary command of the Pride, and they along with Star Paladin Cross, are mopping up what remains of the Enclave. It is your choice. What say you?"

Marcus was silent as he weighed the choice before him. There was no denying that part of him wanted this to be over. His father's murderer was dead, and the Purifier was working. He could walk away now, content with his achievements. But he remembered the vision (or dream, he wasn't certain) of his father and what he had told him. "You're work is not finished." For some reason, a reason that escaped all known science, he had been spared once again from certain death. And this time, he'd been given a gift that would make him even more formidable. No, there was still work to be done - and plenty of people who needed killing. "Yes, but I would like a couple of days to rest, if that's alright?"

"Of course; you have more then earned it. Take all the time you need and report when you are ready...Paladin Lincoln."

It took Marcus a moment to catch what Lyons had just said. Snapping out of his shock, Marcus shook the man's hand. "Thank you, Elder."

The Elder smiled once more and walked towards the entrance. "Oh, and it appears some of your friends would like to see you." Lyons stepped aside, and four people in green armor, followed by a Meta Human, pushed and shoved their way through the doorway.

Marcus' face lite up. "Hey guys!"

"Well, well, look'n good, kid." Reilly said as she, the Rangers and Fawkes approached the bed. "I knew you'd pull through."

"Thanks, Reilly."

Fawkes gave Marcus a gentle slap on the back. (although gentle for the Meta Human nearly knocked the Wanderer off the bed). "I am relived to see that you have returned to us, my friend."

"It was pretty touch and go there for a while," Butcher said, "but we were all bet'n on ya."

Brick laughed. "Yeah, we literally were. There was a pool going for a while."

Donovan slapped the back of her head. "So, did we hear that right? Paladin?"

Marcus grinned. "Yeah. I couldn't have done it without all of you."

"Don't mention it, kid." Reilly said. "We didn't exactly walk away from our little adventure empty handed."

"That's right," Brick said, "the Brotherhood got us a new Vertibird, and all the weapons we could load into it."

"Low tech stuff, of course." Donovan said. He leaned in and whispered in Marcus' ear. "And some high tech stuff that went 'missing'."

Marcus laughed. "Well I'm happy for you guys. Any chance I can convince you to join me when I get out of here?"

Reilly shook her head. "Sorry, but we have contracts waiting for us, but we're not abandoning you completely. Our newest recruit will be joining you."

Before Marcus could ask, the Ranger's newest member walked in, wearing the familiar green armor - and caring a familiar combat shotgun. "So, you finally finished with your break, kid?"

"I'll be damned! Charon?"

The ghoul approached Marcus and spread out his arms. "In the flesh. much flesh as I have, that is."

Marcus laughed and the two friends embraced. "How's the leg?"

"Great; Butcher here did a good job patching me up. While you were resting Reilly offered me a job and well, I accepted."

Reilly nodded. "Yeah, he's already proven that he can kick ass. And we figured he already looked good in the armor so, why not. We gave him his own set so you can have your's back."

Marcus smiled. "That's great. I'm really happy for you."

Butcher slapped the ghoul on the shoulder. "So as the newest Ranger, his mission is to accompany you and make sure you don't get dead."

Charon snorted. "Oh sure, send the new guy to carry this one's ass all over the Wasteland."

Marcus chuckled. "It would make up for all the times I pulled your ugly ass out of the fire." He noticed that Charon was holding a burlap bag. "What's all that - your laundry?"

Charon placed the bag on the foot of the bed. "This is your fan mail. Ever since Project Purity, people from all over the Capital have been leaving stuff for you outside the Citadel gate. Letters, care packages...naughty underwear."

Marcus' eyebrows went up on the last comment. "Underwear?"

Brick reach inside the bag and pulled out a letter. "Hell yeah, kid. We took the liberty of reading a few of these and huuuuweeee," she began fanning herself with the letter, "a lot of girls out there want to have your babies!"

Charon chuckled and held up one of the letters. "Yeah, I still like this one the best. It's from a girl in Rivet City. {clears his throat} Dear Wanderer, every night I dream of your manly hands grabbing my hair and bending me over..."

Marcus reached up and ripped the letter out of the ghoul's hands. As they laughed at his expense, the Lone Wanderer turned as red as a lobster. "You guys suck."

When the laughter died down, Reilly turned to Rothchild. "Would it be okay if he got some fresh air, Doc? We've got a surprise waiting for him in the courtyard."

Rothchild looked at Marcus and sighed. "He can go out for a little while; provided you never call me 'Doc' again."

Brick and Donovan helped Marcus on his feet. "What surprise?" He asked as he was disconnected from the machines and lead out.

Charon grinned. "You'll see."

It took a few moments for Marcus' eyes to adjust to the blinding sunlight, and when they did, his jaw nearly hit the ground. "My truck!"

Indeed it was the battle truck that he had lost when the Enclave took Project Purity. If Marcus had the strength he would have run to it. The shot up, rusted armor plates had been replaced with sleek stainless steel, painted green. The Brotherhood symbol was proudly painted on the driver's side door, the Ranger's symbol on the passenger's. It was so beautiful Marcus was almost brought to tears. "I can't believe you guys did all of this."

Reilly grinned and leaned against the truck bed. "Yeah, once we got Colonel asshole's stink out of it, we and the Scribe's supped this baby up."

Donovan popped the hood. "You got a new, more powerful engine - which was not at all difficult to find. But the best part, is this baby in the back." He closed the hood and walked over to the truck bed. "We replaced the .50 with a mounted Gatling laser gun we salvaged from a downed Vertibird." The Ranger grinned. "You could take out a small army with this thing."

Marcus hadn't blinked since he'd laid eyes on the truck. He ran his hand along the truck's body, relishing the feel of it. When he finally spoke, his voice cracked. "I...I don't know what to say?"

Charon chuckled. "Funny...I thought you like giving speeches."

Marcus laughed. "This is the best gift I could've hoped for. Thank you, all of you."

"It was our pleasure, kid." Reilly said. "After everything you've done, you deserve a great set of wheels." She lite a cigar and took a drag. "Well, we need to get going so, you take care of yourself out there."

Marcus shook her hand. "See you around, Reilly."

After saying their goodbyes, the Ranger's boarded their Vertibird and lifted off. Once the dust had settled, Charon and Fawkes helped Marcus back into the infirmary and into bed.

"Now, you must rest, my friend." Fawkes said.

Marcus nodded; he still felt exhausted. "When I'm ready to go out again, I would appreciate your assistance, Fawkes."

The Meta Human grinned. "I owe you no less than my life. How could I refuse?"

Charon nodded. "Yeah, when you're ready, we've got your back. Oh," he reached inside his pocket, "I almost forgot." He presented a folded letter to Marcus. "I separated this letter from the stack. I figured you'd want to read this one."

Marcus took the letter. "Who's it from?"

Charon placed a hand on his shoulder. "A mutual friend." The ghoul winked, and he and Fawkes left the room. Marcus unfolded the letter and began to read:

"Hey suga, how are you?"

Marcus smiled. "Clover!"

"If you're reading this, I guess it means you're feeling better. You scared me pretty good, lover. If I was there I wouldn't know whether to kiss you, or punch you (probably both; I remembered you liked it rough). It was nice hearing you on the radio, I missed the sound of your voice. I'm sorry about your Dad. Guess those Enclave bastards didn't know who they were fucking with, hu. Things are going good here. Caleb's almost finished fixing the statue, and everyday we're helping more and more ex-slaves. I've even killed a few slavers, though it's not as much fun as running and gunning with you, suga. Seriously, all of us are amazed at what you've done, and I am very proud of you. I knew when you left you were going to do great things. You and I may have shook the pillars of heaven, but you smashed them!

Okay, that's enough mushy stuff. You hurry up and get better, you hear me, lover? The Wasteland still needs the Lone Wanderer. Take care, suga."

Love Clover

"P.S. If you ever take a break from saving the world, my 'invitation' is still open, wink wink!"

Marcus smiled as he folded up the letter. It was good to hear from Clover again, and he was glad that things were going well for her and the rest of the ex-slaves as the Lincoln Memorial. He had to admit, he missed the girl's company. Even though she was a hard, at often times unstable ex-slave, Clover also possessed a child-like innocence that made him smile. That, and the sex was pretty amazing, too, and he was tempted to take her up on her invitation. He hadn't been with anyone since...

Vault 101. Amata. Marcus sighed and rubbed his forehead as the pain of the memory hit him. It had been a month since he'd seen her (though he was in a coma for half of that), and despite his best efforts, he could not forget her. There were nights he would lay awake, imagining her body was next to his. Now that the Vault was open, his imagination would toy with the idea of him sneaking inside, just to see her again. He quickly dismissed these ideas as nonsense, since something like that could easily undo everything Amata had accomplished. If the Vault descended back into chaos, neither of them could live with themselves. Maybe in a few years, when the wounds healed, but that was a big if, and would Amata still be waiting for him by then? It was no secret that every boy growing up in the Vault wanted to be with her. The thought of her being with someone else was too painful, and Marcus rolled on his side, as if trying to shake the imagine from his mind.

That's when his eyes fell on the comatose Sarah Lyons, lying in the bed in the corner of the room. He still could not believe that she had risked her life to save him. Even though his final moments in the Purifier were hazy, there was one memory that was clear: the kiss they almost shared, before being interrupted by a frantic Dr. Li. Even now, couldn't believe that had almost happened. Perhaps they were caught up in the emotions and stress of battle, and it was a means of relieving the tension. Or...could Sarah actually have feelings for him? He had to admit, he found the Sentinel very beautiful, and she was unlike any woman he had met. She was strong, confident, a superior leader, but she had also shown him glimpses of a caring and compassionate side. She was a woman who would not hesitate to die for anyone of her soldiers. Is that why she shot her way into the Purifier to rescue him? Marcus shook his head and rolled on his back. He was going to drive himself crazy trying to work all this out. For now, at least, he would focus on his recovery, and getting back in the fight. First, destroy the remnants of the Enclave. Then, worry about his love life.

Two days later, Marcus was cleared by the doctors for full duty. He was grateful, because lying in the infirmary was beginning to drive him crazy. After donning his Brotherhood armor, the Citadel's quartermaster, Knight Commander Durga, issued him a new weapon: a Precision Gatling laser. It was not unlike any other laser, but according to Durga, this one had been quote "tweaked" by the Scribes, allowing for better accuracy at long distances. After retrieving his sawed-off and desert eagle, Marcus, Charon, and Fawkes boarded one of the Brotherhood's captured Vertibirds and headed west. According to Rothchild, the Pride, along with Star Paladin Cross, was hold up at a staging are on the edge of the Capital Wasteland, at a place called the Rockland Car Tunnel. Intel reported that Enclave soldiers were held up in an old, satellite relay station, and they would be going in with Liberty Prime to wipe them out.

When they landed, the three companions exited the aircraft, and entered the tunnel. Though the maintenance tunnels had remained mostly intact after the Great War, parts of the main tunnel had caved in centuries ago, and the place was littered with destroyed two-hundred year old cars. Marcus found a Brotherhood camp set up inside an open part of the main tunnel, and he cringed at the sight of piles of dead Enclave soldiers, stripped of their power armor. A few Scribes were standing at tables, studying the newly acquired weapons. It seems that the war with the Enclave was providing the Brotherhood with a treasure trove of new tech; something they hadn't found in the Capital in ten years. Marcus spotted Paladin Tristen, the Pride's temporary commander. He and the Wanderer had never gotten along, and Marcus tensed up as the Paladin approached.

"Well, well, Paladin Lincoln. It's good to see you're back in land of the living." He eyed the two mutants standing with him. "I see you brought your two friends."

Marcus picked up the condescending tone on the last word, but to his shock, Tristen nodded. "That's good; we could use the extra fire power."

Marcus looked over at his companions, and they seemed just as surprised. It seemed, just maybe, they had earned a little respect from the hard-nosed Paladin.

"Come on, we're about to go over the plan of attack." He led them to the center of the camp, where Cross and the rest of the Pride were waiting.

"Marcus!" Cross approached and presented him with a firm hand shake. "I am pleased that you survived your ordeal. Congratulations on your new rank."

Marcus smiled back. It was good to see his friend again. "Thank you, Cross."

Glade was the next to approach and shook his hand. "That was great work you did out there, Marcus. Tell us, is there any word on the Sentinel's condition?"

A pang of guilt hit Marcus, and he sadly shook his head. "No, I'm afraid. She's still in a coma."

Marcus could see the Pride's hope suddenly evaporate. Lyons wasn't just their leader, she was their den mother, and everyone of them would gladly take her place if they could. Adding to the loss of their leader was the death of Vargas, their second in command. The Pride had been broken, but they were professional soldiers, and they were determined to avenge both of their fallen comrades.

"Well," Glade began, "you woke up, so there's no reason to think the Sentinel won't, either."

The other members of the Pride agreed. "God brought you back to us," Colvin said, "I have faith he will return the Sentinel to us."

Dust shrugged. "Well I have faith in the Sentinel. If Death comes in her room, she'll beat the shit out of'em."

Everyone laughed at the remark.

"Alright everyone, reunion's over." Tristen said. "Let's go over the plan one more time."

The group gathered around a table, where a small model and pictures had been laid out. Tristen began the briefing. "Intel says the Enclave have about one-hundred men held up in this old satellite relay station. We do this by the numbers; let the robot do most of the work and we'll take care of the stragglers. There are two towers here and here. Dust, Colvin, once these turrets are silenced I want you two on them providing over watch. Once we reach the station, Marcus, you and your 'nuke squad' make your way up this ramp here, and hold position so that they don't out flank us."

Marcus' eyebrow went up. "Nuke squad?"

"Yeah, that's what we started calling you three." Paladin Kodiak said. "I mean you got a ghoul, a sup...I mean a Meta Human, and now it seems you can absorb a thousand rads and not even get a sun tan."

Marcus looked over at his two companions. Charon was grinning. "Nuke squad. I like it."

"Like I said," Tristen continued, "you cover our right flank. Gallows, you scout ahead and let us know if these bastards are up to something."

The ever silent Gallows simply nodded.

"The rest of you are on me. We'll provide close support for Prime. Once he breaks the Enclave's back, we'll enter the complex and clear out whoever's left. Any questions?"

There were none. "Okay, let's get this done."

"FREEDOM... IS THE SOVEREIGN RIGHT OF EVERY AMERICAN." Liberty Prime announced as he blasted the Enclave defense turrets, blowing them to pieces. Just as they had planned, Knight Commander's Colvin and Dust took up position on the now cleared tower, and began picking off the retreating Enclave soldiers. Just like the battle of Project Purity, the Enclave soldiers were falling before the might of Brotherhood's ultimate weapon. The few stragglers that weren't crushed by the robot were easily picked off by Marcus and the Pride. The Precision Gatling laser worked beautifully, and Marcus was amazed at how easily it sliced through the Enclave power armor.

More of the enemy appeared in front of the complex, determined to make a last stand. Liberty Prime tossed his now famous "football nukes", and the defenders were vaporized. "CHAIRMAN CHENG WILL FAIL...CHINA WILL FALL!"

Marcus had to admit: even though America was gone, and they were no longer at war with China, Liberty Prime's patriotic statements were getting him pumped up. That, he surmised, was the purpose of making the robot speak; to give American troops confidence in the last days of World War III.

Marcus could see the ramp up ahead, and he and his 'nuke squad' charged up it. Almost immediately a squad of Enclave troops appeared up ahead, and Fawkes greeted them with a blast from his Gatling laser and a yell. "FOUND YOU!"

Marcus added his fire, and Charon fired two grenades from Marcus' 40mm grenade launcher. In a manner of seconds, all of the Enclave troops littered the ground.

"I WIN AGAIN, HA HA!" Fawkes screamed in triumph.

Holding their position on the ramp, the three companions watched as the remaining Enclave troops retreated into the complex. Liberty Prime punched a hole inside the concrete wall, and began to scan the interior.


Marcus stared at the robot. 'Did he say satellite up-link'? There was sudden movement to his right, and Marcus spun the Gatling laser around...nearly blasting Knight Commander Gallows. "Jesus, Gallows! You need to stop doing that!"

Gallows calmly approached. "There's something wrong. The Enclave troops should be retreating, but they're still inside; as if they're waiting for something."

Before Marcus could ask him what that could possibly be, an alarm began blaring from Liberty Prime.


'Orbital strike imminent', Marcus thought. He looked up in the clear blue sky - and that's when he saw them. Flashes of light appeared high up in the stratus fer, and began descending down towards them at an incredible speed. "Oh my God!" he gasped. He quickly turned and began running down the ramp, waving his arm. "MOVE! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!"

The rest of the Pride hesitated for a second, but when they saw the fear on the Lone Wanderer's face, they too, turned and ran for their lives. Charon, Fawkes, and Gallows were hot on his heels, and Marcus turned and took one last look at Liberty Prime.

The shock wave from the explosion knocked them off their feet. A second later, a large cloud of hot dust covered them, and all Marcus could do was hug the ground and cover his head. The dust and hot wind burned his throat, and he began coughing and struggling for air. It seemed like an eternity before the wind and dust had settled down enough for him to finally lift his head. His ears were ringing for several moments, and when his hearing finally began to return, the first thing he heard was the sound of something massive being dragged on the ground. Marcus slowly stood up, and when he turned, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Liberty Prime, the massive American built robot that seemed indestructible, was missing it's left arm, both legs, and was leaking hydraulic fluid all over the battlefield. Prime was using it's one good arm to drag itself away from the impact zone, but it was a futile attempt, and it wasn't long before the iron giant realized it.

"CATASTRO...PHIC SYS...TEM...FAILURE. INITIATING CORE SHUT DOWN. AS PER...EMERGEN...CY INITATIVE 268...2209." The robot's massive head suddenly blew off it's body, and it landed ten feet in front of Marcus. He looked down in Liberty Prime's face as he spoke his last words: "I...DIE SO THAT DEMOCRA...CY...LIVES!"

By now everyone else was picking themselves up. Amazingly, all of them had survived. When more of the dust settled, the full extent of the destruction could be seen. Where there was once a large, satellite rely complex, was now a smoldering crater. Knight Commander Colvin crossed himself. "Mother of God!"

Marcus' mouth hung open as he stared at the crater, then he glanced up at where the devastation had come from. "They...they dropped it on their own men! They used them as bait!"

Star Paladin Cross stared at the devastation with hate burning in her eyes. "It seems there is no limit to the Enclave's barbarism."

Fawkes made his way to Marcus' side. "Brutal, but effective. They sacrificed dozens of their men, to take away our only advantage."

Marcus understood exactly what the Meta Human was saying. Liberty Prime was their trump card, their ultimate weapon that guaranteed them victory. Now with him gone...

"We need to find out what the hell just happened!" Paladin Tristen yelled.

Marcus turned. "Liberty Prime said it was an orbital strike from a satellite platform."

Paladin Kodiak glanced upward. "That's not possible! There's no way the Enclave could have a working satellite. Right?"

Dust pointed towards the crater. "Well something caused all that, and it wasn't a fucking potato gun!"

Glade stepped forward. "If Prime picked up the satellite's signal we might be able to use it to track the source."

"That robot initiated a self-destruct." Tristen fumed. "It fried it's memory. Any information on it is gone."

Marcus stepped up to the Paladin. "But even if a fraction of the data survived it might be enough." He looked around at the devastation. "At the moment, it's all we've got."

Tristen stared at the damaged robot, then at the crater. He knew Marcus was right. The remains of Liberty Prime were all they had. "Glade, radio the Citadel. Make them aware of the situation, and tell them to bring every Vertibird we've got. We're going to need them to bring what's left of the big guy home."

Kodiak shook his head. "Man, Rothchild's gonna be pissed!"

Tristen's jaw hardened. "Yeah...well so am I."

"I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!" Rothchild screamed as he threw a glass beaker across the lab, smashing it against the wall. "Twenty years of research and back breaking work down the crapper! And all because of one botched operation!"

Paladin Tristen shot out of his chair. "Don't you DARE put the blame on us, Rothchild!"

Rothchild walked around the table and was standing nose to nose with Tristen. "Head Scribe Rothchild, Paladin! And yes! YOU were in command so it is YOUR responsibility!"

"Intel dropped the ball!"

"We provided you with every piece of intel we had!"

"Oh, right, everything except the part about the GIANT FUCKING WEAPON SATELLITE IN THE SKY!"


"ENOUGH!" The shout, and the accompanying fist slamming on the table, came from Elder Lyons. Few people had ever heard the old man raise his voice, let alone shout, so the silence was instantaneous. Paladin Tristen quickly snapped to attention, and Scribe Rothchild took a step back.

Lyons stared at both men. "Stand down, both of you!" He slowly walked around the table and stood face to face with both men. "What's done is done! Screaming at each other will not change that! We must salvage what we can and move on. You are members of the Brotherhood of Steel. ACT LIKE IT!"

"Yes sir!" Tristen responded.

"Yes, Elder." Rothchild said with his head lowered.

Elder Lyons took a breath. "Rothchild, have your Scribes examine every inch of Prime's memory. If so much as a mega-byte survived I want it."

"Yes, Elder."

"Paladin Tristen. You and the Pride report to the den for debriefing. Then you are ordered to stand down and rest until the next mission."

"Yes sir!"

Both men headed off to do their duties, and the rest of the personnel inside the lab continued with theirs. Marcus, Charon, Fawkes and the rest of the Pride had been standing on the other side of the lab, watching the entire scene play out. There was no doubt that the lose of Liberty Prime hit everybody hard. There was real fear that without the robot to neutralize the Enclave's air power, the tide might turn against the Brotherhood.

Tristen stormed towards the group. "Report to the den, now!" He said without stopping.

A few hours later, a meeting was called in the lab with Rothchild, Elder Lyons, and everyone involved in this morning's operation. The Head Scribe stood in front of the digital map of the Wasteland. "We managed to recover a small fragment of the satellite signal the Enclave used from Liberty Prime's damaged memory. We sent a team to one of the old SATCOM relay stations north of the capital, and we were able to locate the satellite. It's not Chinese - it's an American weapons platform called the Hercules."

An image of the weapon satellite appeared on the screen. "There are a total of forty ICBM's. Thirty of them are high-explosive bunker busters, like the kind you encountered earlier. Ten of them...are nuclear."

Murmurs and gasped filled the room. When they had died down, Star Paladin Cross raised her hand. "Why were these not fired during the war?"

"There could be several reasons. It is possible that the first nuclear strikes killed everyone before the satellite could be fired. Or, whoever was left figured there was no point to it."

Glade asked the next obvious question. "If the Enclave had this weapon, why did they wait until now to use it?"

"It's their trump card." Marcus said. "They didn't want to have to use it unless their back was against the wall. And Prime definitely had them up against it."

"And with Prime gone we have no counter measure against their air power." Lyons said. "How many Vertibirds have we confiscated, Rothchild?"

"Only six. Not enough to take on their air support in a direct fight, I'm afraid, but we are working on another countermeasure." He touched the screen, a strange weapon appeared. "One of Prime's Tesla optics survived, and we believe we can construct a hand held Tesla cannon, capable of taking down their aircraft. Unfortunately, we only have time to make one."

Tristen's eyebrows went up. "One?"

Rothchild touched the screen, and the image changed to a picture of a satellite orbiting the earth. "According to our data, in eighteen hours the Hercules will be over the Capital again, and the Enclave will be able to hit us any where...even here at the Citadel."

More gasp and murmurs. Rothchild touched the screen, and the image of what looked like a large airfield appeared. "There is good news, however. Since showing their hand, the Enclave have revealed the location of their current main base of operations: Adams Airforce base. We have yet to scout the location, but this is where the Enclave is controlling the Hercules. I'm afraid an all out assault on the base is our only option."

Tristen shook his head. "Even with that new toy of yours, the casualties from an all out assault would be extremely high."

Elder Lyons lowered his head. "Yes...but I'm afraid Rothchild is right. We have no other choice."

The lab grew quiet. Marcus was studying the image of the airbase, when something caught his eye. He stood up and approached. "Excuse me, Rothchild but, what is that?" He was pointing at a small path leading away from the base.

"That is the Presidential Metro tunnel. It was used to evacuate the President and other VIP's to the airbase in the event of war. Why?"

An idea began to form in Marcus' mind. "If I could lead a small team through the metro, and get into the base undetected, we could take control of Hercules, and drop the Enclave's weapons right on top of them."

Silence filled the room once again as everyone considered the plan. Rothchild, was skeptical. "Those tunnels have been abandoned for over two-hundred years. The White House received a direct hit during the war, so that way is un-accessible. We found another way in, but our scouts didn't go in very far. We're not sure what is down there, or even if you could make your way through to the airbase."

Marcus rubbed his forehead. "You said it yourself: this metro was used to evacuate the President. It must have been built to withstand a hell of a lot of damage. Chances are most, if not all of the tunnel network is still standing."

The Elder agreed. "A bold plan. Who would make up your team?"

Marcus looked around the room. "Gallows, of course. And Charon...if he's up to it."

Charon snorted. "Well, someone's gotta make sure you don't get yourself killed. I'm in."

Marcus nodded and turned back to the screen. "While we're sneaking in through the back door, Tristen and the Pride will lead every soldier we can spare, and attack the main base. This will provide a necessary distraction...and if we fail, it will be up to you to finish it."

"There's still the problem of their air power." Tristen said.

"I have an idea on how we can soften up their air power," Marcus said, "and for that, I'm going to need all the C-4 and timers you've got."

Tristen and Rothchild looked at each other. "Why?" the Head Scribe asked.

A devilish grin appeared on Marcus' face, and Charon mumbled "oh shit" under his breath.

"Any of you guys ever seen Rambo 3?"

After the meeting, Elder Lyons made the unprecedented decision to evacuate the Citadel. There was little doubt in the Elder's mind that if the assault on Adams Airbase failed, the Enclave would use Hercules to destroy the Brotherhood's main headquarters. A small skeleton crew of volunteers would remain, but everyone else not participating in the assault on Adams was to evacuate to the Purifier. Lyons knew the Enclave would not target it; they still needed it to control the Capital. While the Brotherhood Scribes and soldiers loaded everything not nailed down onto their Vertibirds, Marcus, Charon and Gallows prepared for their mission. Gallows retrieved every stealth boy the armory had, and he gave his two team mates a crash course on how to use the devices. Marcus traded in the bulky Precision Gatling Laser for his plasma rifle, and he packed a bag with as many C-4 explosives as it would carry. As he walked by the infirmary, Marcus could hear Elder Lyons and Rothchild arguing.

"This is completely unacceptable!" Rothchild said.

"Rothchild, it is my decision, and it is final."

"But Elder you can't, we..."

"Rothchild, I appreciate what you are trying to do but, my mind is made up. You have been a good friend all these years, and there is no one else I trust more with this responsibility. Please, respect my wishes."

Marcus could see the Head Scribe hang his head, and the man looked distraught. His voice was trembling when he finally answered. "Yes, Elder. Goodbye...and good luck."

Rothchild quickly walked away, and the Elder turned and saw Marcus. "Ah, Marcus. Is there something I can help you with?"

Marcus approached the Elder. "I'm sorry, sir it sounded like Rothchild was upset about something."

The Elder nodded. "Yes, he is upset that I have decided to stay at the Citadel."

Marcus' jaw dropped. "You're staying? Why?"

Lyons turned towards the door of the infirmary, and stared at his daughter, still lying on her bed. "The doctors have told me that it is too risky to move Sarah to the Purifier. They fear in her state, it could kill her."

Marcus' eyes fell on Sarah - and they were filled with fear. "There...there has to be some way we can get her to safety!"

The Elder shook his head. "I'm afraid there isn't...and I will not abandon my daughter. My fate will be the same as her's."

Marcus placed his hand on the Elder's arm. "Sir, the Brotherhood needs you."

Lyons smiled. "I appreciate your concern, my friend. The Brotherhood survived long before I was born, and the Creator willing, it will survive long after I leave this Earth." He placed his hand on Marcus'. "I have faith that you will succeed."

Marcus' throat went dry. As if the stakes for this mission weren't any higher, now the Elder's life, and Sarah's, rested on his shoulders. He looked over at her again, then back at the Elder. The old man knew what Marcus wanted, and he tilted his head. "Go on."

Marcus thanked him and walked into the infirmary. He stared at her peaceful form, not sure of what to say. Once the Elder had left, he began to speak. "Hey Sarah. I'm...sorry you ended up like this. I...I wanted to thank you. Not just for saving my life but, for believing in me." He quickly looked around, and when he was sure no one was there, he bent down and kissed her forehead. He wasn't sure why, he just had an urge to do it. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he continued: "Okay, hurry up and get better, soldier. We need you out there." He tried to sound tough, the way he figured Sarah would want. He placed his hand on her arm for a moment, and then he hurried out of the room.

Once they had loaded their gear into the battle truck, Marcus and his team climbed inside. Marcus was driving, Charon was riding shotgun, and Gallows manned the gun in the back.

"So let me see if I've got this right." Charon began. "Your plan is to walk through an unexplored metro tunnel containing God knows what, then sneak into a heavily armed Enclave base containing God knows who, then taking control of a nuclear armed satellite, and bringing about a billion tons of ordnance down on top of us, is that right?"

Marcus put the keys in the ignition and took a moment to think. "Ummm, yeah. That's about right."

Charon shook his head. "Remember when I said you were the craziest sonofabitch in the Wasteland? Well I was wrong: you're the craziest sonofabitch on the planet!"

Marcus nodded in agreement. "And yet, you're still sitting here."

Charon thought for a moment, then chuckled. "Yeah - what's that say about me? Well, if we have to go, might as well go out with a very big bang, right?"

"You said it, brother." He started the engine, and he reveled as it roared to life. Putting it in gear, Marcus sped through the gate of the almost empty Citadel, and headed east towards the rising sun.