"Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane is not a natural act." Those words spoken by Clint Eastwood from the movie "Heartbreak Ridge" echoed in Marcus' mind as he, Sarah and First Squad parachuted down to earth. His landing was not exactly graceful, but at least he was still in one piece. After the grueling flight to get here, Marcus and the others were just grateful to finally be back on solid ground. Their journey had started twelve hours ago when they boarded a helicopter and were flown from the Kenai Peninsula to the airbase at Kodiak. From there they boarded a C-135S, the Air Force's new stealth transport plane, and were flown to the drop zone ten miles northwest of Anchorage. The insertion was made at night, making it even more dangerous, but it was the only way to ensure the Chinese would not detect them. By the time they had made the ten mile trek through the mountains, dawn had arrived. The Marines of First Squad were cold and exhausted, but when they took in the sight of the massive guns overlooking the city, their resolve turned to steel.
"Holy Fhak would you look at those guns!" O'Day said.
Montgomery's jaw hardened. "Those guns will tare our boys apart if we don't stop them!"
Lancaster stared at the artillery with a mixture of awe and dread. "Man, this is crazy. I mean...the whole damn war now rest on our shoulders."
Though he was just as nervous, Hardison tried to lighten the mood. "Well look on the bright side: we pull this off and it will be one hell of a story to tell."
Sarah noticed that Tikaani was very quiet. "Are you alright?"
The young sniper pointed to an area to the right of the guns, and her voice was just a whisper. "I can see Anchorage."
Sarah looked in the direction she was pointing, and sure enough there was the city of Anchorage. They could see the stasis field surrounding the city, as well as the crimson flag of China flying over what Sarah guessed was the city's seat of government. She remembered what Tikaani had said about her family, and Sarah placed a hand on the woman's shoulder. "You'll be there soon enough."
A bitter chuckle escaped from Tikaani. "Yeah...if we survive this."
"Hey...we're gonna get through this, you hear me Marine? Marcus has a plan - and I trust him with my life."
Tikaani heard the confidence in Sarah's voice, and a small smile appeared on her face. "Thank you ma'am. But just encase we don't...it's been an honor."
Sarah had to swallow the lump forming in her throat, and the phrase 'She's just a VI' kept repeating in her head.
Marcus touched his PIPBOY. "Okay Moira, how do we get into this place?"
"There is a network of hanging bridges and catwalks that will help you navigate your way up the mountain." A small map appeared on the screen. "This route is the least guarded, and will take you to a cavern that's leads through the mountain, and comes out right in front of the main complex. If you're quiet, you can take them by surprise."
Marcus nodded and turned to his squad. "Okay, then that's what we'll do. We have stealth boys so use them but sparingly - they don't last forever." He looked over at Tikaani. "I know you're just itch'n to use that guass rifle Tikaani, but I'll need you to use your silenced .308 for now."
The woman was visibly disappointed, but she nodded her head. "Yes sir."
"The rest of us will use our silenced 10mm's."
The squad responded with a "Roger that."
Marcus took a deep breath. "I can't make you any promises, only that I'm going to do everything I can to get us out of here."
The usually rambunctious squad was now very quiet. Gunnery Sergeant Montgomery turned to Marcus. "No matter what happens sir, it's been an honor to serve with you." He addressed the rest of the squad. "With all of you."
The Marines returned the sentiment. Montgomery continued. "You know my grandfather was a Navy SEAL, and he was involved in a raid that took down that terrorist Osama Bin Laden sixty years ago. Just before they went in they said: "For God and country, Geronimo". And that's why we're here today...for God and country."
One by one the hardened Marines quietly repeated: "For God and country."
As Marcus listened to the squad, he could not believe that the creators of this simulator had put so much time and effort into these VI's. They were so convincing that it must've taken them years to develop the programming. Marcus had to constantly remind himself that they weren't real, and he wondered if this was also part of the simulation: to see if he could order soldiers he had grown fond of to their deaths.
If it was, then it was the cruelest part of the entire simulation.
Sergeant Montgomery took great pleasure in cutting down the Chinese flag in front of the main complex, and once it was on the ground he and First Squad took turns spitting and stomping on it. Marcus was in front of the main door as he waited for Moira to hack into it, and he took this time to catch his breath. Navigating their way up the catwalks and through the caverns had taken it's toll, but they had managed to kill over a dozen Chinese soldiers without being seen and had not lost a single person. Though they didn't dare say it, both Marcus and Sarah were thinking that maybe, just maybe, their luck would hold out and they would be able to beat this no win scenario. Moira had managed to hack her way into the system's program, and was able to change the conditions of the simulation so that it was possible to beat the simulation. Marcus prayed that his "Captain Kirk strategy" would work.
Moira managed to undo the lock, and Marcus turned to his squad. "Okay, I think the time for being quiet is over."
The entire squad grinned, especially Tikaani, who eagerly slung her silenced .308 and readied her guass rifle. The rest of the squad holstered their pistols and unslung their M4's, and Marcus and Sarah locked and loaded their guass rifles.
Marcus took a deep breath. "Okay Moira, open the door."
The steel doors opened and seven Chinese soldiers, many of whom were sitting at computers or had their feet up drinking tea, were riddled with bullets as First Squad stormed in. Tikaani took aim and fired her guass rifle, and the micro fusion cell round went right through the soldier's torso and left a dent in the wall behind him. O'Day managed to gun down a soldier trying to flee, but as he breathed his last, the communist reached over and managed to hit the alarm button. Sirens began to blare all throughout the complex, and the Marines knew they had to move fast.
"Come on!" Marcus ordered as he lead the squad into the hallway, with Sarah right behind him. A few seconds later two Chinese soldiers came from around the corner up ahead, and both Marcus and Sarah fired their guass rifles almost simultaneously. One soldier's head completely disintegrated, and the other had his left arm blown off at the shoulder. He died in seconds from the shock and blood loss.
Marcus and Sarah looked at each for a brief moment, and they both knew what the other was thinking: this was the best rifle ever!
As they made their way deeper into the facility it was clear that it was larger then any of them could have guessed. Marcus and his squad had made it to a large platform, and below them he could see a column of Chinese tanks headed for the front. Large metal storage boxes were scattered on the platform, and while they provided the Marines with excellent cover, the same was true for the Chinese squad shooting at them on the other end. Hardison fired two of his grenades, killing one soldier and wounding another. The squad moved like a well oiled machine, covering each other as they moved up. Sarah and Tikaani hung back, sniping the Chinese soldiers who dared reveal themselves. Sarah fired at the oil drums one soldier was using for cover, and the guass rifle round went right through them and killed the soldier hiding on the other side. Sarah could not contain her grin. 'Definitely the best rifle ever!'
With the Chinese squad eliminated, the Marines reached the end of the platform and rounded a corner - but quickly retreated back when they were met by a hail of gunfire. Montgomery turned to their Grenadier. "Frag their ass, Hardison!"
Hardison was about to fire his launcher when their was a shriek from Marcus' PIPBOY.
Marcus grabbed the grenade launcher's barrel. "What's wrong?"
"That's a storage room for the artillery shells. If you set off a grenade in there...well, it won't be good."
Marcus sighed. "Shit!"
"How do we get'em out of there if we can't shoot'em?" Lancaster asked.
Marcus' mind raced for a plan. "How many of them are there, Moira?"
'Perfect', Marcus thought. He looked at Sarah. "Wait here."
Before Sarah could protest, Marcus rounded the corner, took aim and activated his VATS. Time slowed down as he locked in the three targets, and he fired his first round. It was a direct hit, and the Chinese soldier's head was blown apart. Marcus reloaded, took aim and fired again, killing a second soldier. As he reloaded his third round, he felt a pain shoot through his leg, but he fought against it and fired his third round. The Chinese soldier's heart was literately blown out of his chest, and time returned to normal. Marcus looked down at his left leg, and saw that he had been grazed by a bullet. It had broken the skin, but had not done any serious damage. As he stood their catching his breath, he turned and saw the rest of First Squad staring at him with their mouth's gaped open. Even Sarah, who knew all about his VATS system, stood in awe.
"Damn!" Lancaster said. "I ain't never seen anyone's hands move that fast before."
O'Day chuckled. "It looked like a third arm came out of ya, sir!"
Hardison smiled. "Gonna start calling you Wyatt Earp, Captain."
Marcus didn't say anything. He was just grateful it had worked. "Come on, it's not much further."
The Squad acknowledged and they moved out. They met no further resistance and had reached a massive room that resembled a loading dock. There were storage boxes and containers of all sizes scattered around, and several catwalks were above them. A perfect place for an ambush.
"Moira, are you picking up anything?"
"I am but...something's...wrong."
Marcus tensed. "What is it?"
"I'm picking up multiple hostiles but I can't get a fix on them. I think they're camouflaged."
"Sounds like Dragoons!" Tikaani said.
O'Day groaned. "Man I hate Dragoons!"
"Fix bayonets people," Montgomery ordered, "and stay frosty!"
While Montgomery, Hardison, Lancaster and O'Day attached bayonets to their M4's, Marcus and Sarah shared a look of dread. They had heard the stories of the Chinese Dragoons: crack troops who wore special stealth suits and more resembled assassins then soldiers. The Squad carefully moved forward, watching all sides and keeping an eye above. They had made it to the middle of the loading dock when the crackle of a .308 rifle was heard, and Tikaani crumbled to the ground.
The Squad screamed her name, and when Sarah looked up she spotted a shimmer on one of the catwalks. The figure uncloaked, and that's when she got her first look at the Dragoon. The assassin wore a black, skin-tight suit with a mask covering his entire face. Sarah could see he had what looked like a sword strapped to his back, and he was brandishing a .308 sniper rifle. Before the Dragoon could get off another shot, Sarah blew him off the catewalk with a single round from her guass rifle.
Then, all hell broke loose.
Several Dragoons uncloaked and descended down from the catwalks like ninjas in a child's nightmare; swinging katana swords and screaming. The Marines managed to fire only a few shots before the assassins were on them. Montgomery managed to raise his rifle and block a death blow from a katana. The Dragoon swung at him again, but the Gunnery Sergeant dogged the blow and shoved his bayonet into the assassin's chest.
Marcus held his guass rifle up in a defensive position, blocking his opponent's katana blade. He managed to strike his attacker across the face with the butt of his rifle, and quickly followed up with a kick to the chest, knocking the Dragoon on his back. Marcus stood over his enemy and smashed him in the head with the butt of his rifle, fracturing his skull.
"LOOK OUT!" Moira screamed.
Marcus rolled out of the way, barely dodging a swinging katana blade that would have taken his head. The Wanderer faced his attacker and fired his guass rifle from the hip at point blank range, blowing the Dragoon in half. Blood spattered all over the front of Marcus' armor, and the gore was not lost on Moira. "Ewww!"
A Dragoon brought his katana down on Sarah, knocking the guass rifle out of her hands. The assassin charged forward looking for a quick kill, but Sarah slammed the palm of her hand into his face, breaking his nose. The Sentinel followed up with a spinning snap kick, sending the Dragoon back. Sarah drew her combat knife and waited for the assassin's next attack. She didn't have to wait long as he charged in, screaming and swinging his sword in rage. Sarah ducked and weaved, waiting for her chance to strike. It came when the Dragoon over extended his swing, leaving him wide open. She moved in and shoved the knife to the hilt into his side. She held him in place with her other hand and stabbed him three more time before bringing the knife up and plunging it into his neck.
The battle was brutal. Dragoon and Marine alike were screaming at the top of their lungs, determined to kill each other with what ever weapon they had, even their bare hands. Hardison, who's 6 foot 4 inch frame towered over the Dragoons, threw one of the assassin's against a steel container like a rag doll, cracking his skull. A Dragoon had Lancaster pinned on the ground, but the Marine managed to draw his 10mm pistol and put five rounds into the assassin's stomach.
O'Day had one of the Dragoons pinned against a wall, his M4 firmly on the assassin's throat. He pushed with all his might, and the Infantryman watched as the life began to leave his enemy's eyes. He didn't see the Dragoon decloak behind him, and one swipe of the katana across his knees sent O'Day to the ground. The assassin wasted no time and drove the blade into the Marine's chest until it came out his back.
"REEEEDDD!" Lancaster screamed as he charged forward, blasting away with his pistol. Both Dragoons fell to the enraged Marine's gunfire, and Lancaster didn't stop shooting until he ran out of bullets.
With the last of the assassin's dead, Sarah ran over to Tikaani. The first thing she noticed was the puddle of blood by the young woman's head. "Tikaani?" Sarah dropped to her knees and rolled her over. Tikaani's eyes were open, but they were void of life. The .308 round had entered the left side of her head and exited the right.
"No." Sarah whispered. Tears began to form in her eyes as she stared at the haunting look on the dead woman's face. Sarah promised she would see Anchorage, her home once again. Now, just as before...
She looked up and saw Marcus kneeling beside her. "I know what you're thinking." He spoke in a low voice so that no one else could hear him. "It's not her...it's not Dusk. This was not your fault...just like it's wasn't your fault back in Vault 87."
As Sarah stayed there staring at Tikaani's corps, the pain, fear and anxiety that gripped her for all those weeks after loosing the Pride threatened to come to the surface again.
Marcus placed his hand on her shoulder. "Sarah look at me. You rescued me from that prison, okay. You. The truth is none of us would have made it this far without you...especially me. And right now I need you. I want you by my side."
As Sarah stared into his eyes and listened to his words, all of her fears and doubts slowly began to be pushed away. She couldn't understand why, but Marcus had a knack for not only calming her down, but helping her to find her confidence. She always knew he was someone she could lean on, but she never realized how much she could count on him until that moment.
She also realized something else, something she had been denying to herself for a long time. Sarah was in love with this man. She's been in love with him since Project Purity, but she had made excuses for her feelings and pushed them away. Now, standing here in what might be their finally moments, Sarah's one regretted was not doing anything about her feelings sooner.
After wiping away her tears, Sarah carefully closed Tikaani's eyes. "I know they're just VI's," she whispered, "but they seem so damn..."
She let the sentence go unfinished. Marcus looked over at the rest of the Squad, and watched as Lancaster cradled the dead O'Day in his arms. "I know." He stood up and touched his PIPBOY's screen. "How much further, Moira?"
"There's a door up ahead leading outside to the gun emplacements. The control room is just past them. Be careful, there are a lot of bad guys waiting for you out there."
Marcus sighed. 'Or course there are'. He and Sarah made their way over to the rest of the Squad. Lancaster was still crying over his dead friend.
"The control facility is just outside." Marcus said. "Moira says there are a lot of hostiles waiting for us."
Hardison cocked his M4, and his face was like granite. "Then let's get some payback!"
Lancaster carefully laid O'Day on the ground, and the Marine had murder in his eyes as he picked up his M4 and headed for the door.
Once they made it outside, the Marines came under heavy fire as they ran down the catwalk. The first of the massive guns was just up ahead, and there was a bunker filled with Chinese soldiers and auto turrets at it's base. As they took cover behind the rocks, Marcus began typing on his PIPBOY. "Okay Moira, do your thing."
"You got it."
A few seconds later the turrets stopped firing, and after re-calibrating the targeting system, the turrets opened fire on their Chinese masters. First Squad seized the opportunity and charged ahead, gunning down the remaining soldiers. The Marines continued forward to the next gun, and were met by even heavier fire. Marcus could see several Chinese soldiers behind a long pile of sandbags, and just above were even more soldiers shooting down from the rocks. He and Sarah used their guass rifles and concentrated on the snipers, while the rest of the Marines engaged the soldiers up front.
The shootout was intense. Bullets and grenades flew in all directions, and one by one the Chinese soldiers fell. But it seemed that no matter how many they killed, more reinforcements would appear.
"We're getting low on ammo!" Hardison yelled as he fired his last grenade, killing two Chinese.
Montgomery slapped in his second to last magazine. "Just keep shoot'in! Make'em count!"
Marcus, who was running out of micro fusion cells, used his VATS nearly every time he pulled the trigger, determined to make every shot count. Both he and Sarah had nearly succeeded in clearing the rocks of snipers, when a frag grenade landed near Lancaster and Hardison.
Hardison pushed Lancaster out of the way. "Get down..."
The grenade exploded at his feet, killing Hardison instantly.
Lancaster screamed in rage and charged at the Chinese troops. "MOTHERFUCKERRRRS!" The others screamed for him to get back, but the Marine didn't listen. He pulled the trigger on his M4, emptying the magazine into three Chinese soldiers. Once he was out of bullets Lancaster used his rifle as and club, and began swinging like a mad man, cracking the skull of three more soldiers. He continued to scream and swing his rifle until it's stock broke in his hand.
The rest of the Chinese soldier's swarmed him, and Lancaster drew his knife. "COME OOONNNN!" he screamed.
Marcus, Sarah and Montgomery were desperately trying to reach him, but the remaining snipers were doing their best to keep them pinned. Marcus fired his guass rifle, taking the head of another sniper, and quickly looked to where Lancaster was. By some miracle, the Marine was still fighting. He was bloodied, but still slashing and stabbing Chinese soldiers to death.
That's when Marcus noticed a shimmer slowly making it's way behind Lancaster. Panic filled the Lone Wanderer, and he quickly loaded his rifle, took aim at the shimmer and activated his VATS. The words No Target flashed before him, and Marcus screamed a profanity.
It was over quickly. The Dragoon decloaked just as Lancaster turned around, and with one swipe of his katana the assissan severed the Marine's head at the neck. Marcus stood in horror as Lancaster's head fell down into the snow, and his body crumbled to the ground. A cry of rage escaped from his lungs, and Marcus aimed for the Dragoon again, activated his VATS, and blew the assassin's head to pieces.
What few Chinese soldiers remained retreated, and the mountain side was once again quiet. Marcus, Sarah and Montgomery took a moment to catch their breaths. They were approaching their limit, both physically and mentally - and they knew it. Marcus and Sarah looked at Montgomery, and they could see the anguish on his face. He was all that was left of First Squad. The people whom he'd served with since the beginning, the Marines who were his family were now gone forever. To their surprise, the hardened Gunnery Sergeant went through Lancaster and Hardison's vest, and after retrieving what ammo he could, gave Marcus a hard stare. "Let's finish this, sir."
Marcus gave him a weary nod and stood up. "Where is it, Moira?"
"Just up ahead. I'm not picking up any hostiles so you should be clear."
They entered the control room, and just as Moira said, there was no one inside. Marcus approached the controls and plugged in his PIPBOY. "Okay Moira, let's shut this thing down."
It took the AI only a few seconds to crack the encryption. "That's it! Stasis field and guns are off line!"
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Marcus unplugged his PIPBOY and stood back. "Let's make sure they stay off."
All three of them raised their weapons and fired a burst into the control panel.
Allied Forward Command, thirty miles outside of Anchorage...
Lieutenant Morgan let out cheer as he read the report that had just come across his screen. He immediately ran outside of the tent, and was nearly out of breath when he approached the General. "General Chase, sir! The stasis field and guns have been taken out. They've done it, sir!"
General Constantine Chase took a drag from his cigar and grinned. "Those magnificent bastards. Alright Lieutenant, time to rally the troops."
Morgan saluted and handed an ear piece and microphone to the General, and Chase climbed on top of one of the eight-teen hundred main battle tanks that would be charging into Anchorage. This was a moment in history that might never come again, and Chase was determined to personally lead the final charge. After ordering First Squad of EZ Company into a suicide mission, he figured he owed the men that much. The speech he was about to give was going to be heard by the entire attack force: American's, Canadians, Australians, and the British Royal Navy, over fifty-thousand military personnel in total.
"Son's and daughters of liberty! This is the day we have waited for. This is the day we have fought, bled and sacrificed for. Today we will turn the snow caps of Alaska red with communist blood! Today WE LIBERATE ANCHORAGE!"
The soldiers raised their rifles and cheered. Once it had died down, the General continued. "And when the battle is over...when the city of Anchorage and it's people are returned to the bosom of Lady Liberty...we will march to Beijing," He pointed his arm towards the West, "and we will BURN IT TO THE GROUND!"
The soldiers cheered so loud they could be heard all the way to Anchorage.
There were more cheers, and they were joined by the roar of fighter jets screaming over head, and the rumble of engines. General Chase climbed into the battle tank, and after buttoning it up, the attack force advanced.
Marcus leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. He was so exhausted he could barley hold the guass rifle. "We should be getting out of here soon."
Sarah walked over to him and stared into his brown eyes. "I'm glad...because there's a few things we need to talk about."
Marcus' eyes opened. "About what?"
Before Sarah could answer she was interrupted by Moira's scream. "BENJI WATCH OUT..."
Montgomery, who's back was to the door, screamed in pain as a katana sliced across both his legs, sending him to his knees. Marcus and Sarah spun around, their rifles at the ready. A cloaked attacker grabbed Montgomery from behind and pressed the katana's tip against the small of his back. When he decloaked, both Marcus and Sarah's jaw hit the floor. They recognized the face of the man from the pictures General Chase had shown them. General Jingwei.
"Drop your guns!" He ordered in broken English.
Montgomery gritted his teeth as he fought the pain in his legs. "Don't do it sir! Shoot this commie bastar..." Montgomery screamed as he was shocked by the electrically charged sword Jingwei had pressed against his back.
"Your guns! NOW!"
Marcus and Sarah glanced at each other, but continued to keep their guns trained on the General. They both knew if they dropped them, they were all dead.
The sound of jets screaming overhead, followed by explosions off in the distance got their attention. Everyone knew what was happening, and Marcus could clearly see the dread on the General's face. "You hear that, General? Your guns and stasis field are down. It's over! Surrender now!"
The Supreme Commander of all Chinese forces in Alaska stared daggers at him. "So that I can hang in an American court? No! I die with honor!" In one violent thrust, he shoved his shock sword into Montgomery's back to it's hilt. The Gunnery Sergeant cried out in anguish, as did Marcus, Sarah and Moira. The General pulled out his sword and lunged towards them. He barley took two steps before Marcus and Sarah fired their guass rifles, the two rounds blowing the top part of his torso off.
Marcus and Sarah rushed over to the dying Montgomery, and Marcus cradled him in his arms. "Hang on, Benji." They could hear the explosions getting louder in the distance. "You hear that? They're coming!"
Montgomery began spitting up blood as he struggled to talk. "So we did it...we won?"
Sarah, who was holding his hand, forced herself to smile. "Yes Benji...we did it."
The hint of a smile appeared on the Gunny's face. "Is...Moira still there?"
Marcus moved his arm so that Montgomery could see Moira's avatar. She was crying. "I'm here, Benji."
Montgomery reached up and ran his finger across the PIPBOY's screen. "I'm sorry that...I won't be...seeing you again."
Moira could only cry out as Benji breathed his last.
Sarah slowly opened her eyes, and when her vision had come back into focus, she realized she was staring at the face of Protector McGraw.
The Protector, who was standing next to Sarah's simulation pod, was visibly surprised. "Sarah! You made it..."
Sarah responded with a right hook to McGraw's face, knocking the surprised Protector back. She leap out of the pod like a wild cat, and jumped onto McGraw, knocking him to the ground.
Marcus pushed Specialist Olin out of the way, jumped out his pod and ran over to Sarah, who was punching the Protector in the face. Before the rest of the Outcasts could intervene, Marcus reached down and pulled McGraw's plasma pistol out of it's holster, and pointed it at the Protector's head. "Stop right there!"
Sibley, Ann Morgan, and four other Outcast stopped just outside the simulator room. Dogmeat stood between them and his master, snarling and showing his teeth. Sarah, who had no doubt broken McGraw's nose, did some snarling of her own. "You set us up you sonofabitch!"
"I had no choice!"
"Bullshit!" Sarah spat as she hit him again.
McGraw could taste metal as his mouth filled up with blood. "I called Casdin before you arrived and told him you could interface with the simulator. He told me to allow both of you to do it, even though the safety's were disabled and it was a suicide mission. I begged him to reconsider...but he wouldn't listen."
Marcus snorted. "So you were just following orders, McGraw!"
McGraw looked up at Sarah, his eyes pleading. "I'm sorry, Sarah."
"Sorry!" she growled. "Do you have any idea what we went through in there?"
"This is bullshit!" Morgan yelled. "Let's rush'em!"
"STAND DOWN, THAT'S AN ORDER!" McGraw placed his hands up in a show of surrender. "We made a deal - and we will honor it."
Sibley was furious. "You can't be serious!"
"I am, Defender! Olin will open the vault, and you can take as much tech as you want, Sarah; just as we agreed. You'll be given safe passage I swear."
Sarah grabbed him by his hair. "And I'm suppose to trust you? Again!"
McGraw swallowed. "You can take me hostage if it'll make you feel better."
Sarah looked up at Marcus who shrugged. "That could work."
Sarah stared daggers at McGraw. "If you try anything..."
"I know." McGraw deadpanned.
After retrieving their armor and gear, Sarah (who was still holding McGraw at gun point), Marcus and Dogmeat, stood in front of the vault as they waited for Olin to open it up. After the Specialist entered the code, the massive door opened with a screech and hiss. The four of them entered the vault and were in total awe at what they saw. The massive vault contained weapons of every type. Miniguns, Gatling Lasers, plasma rifles, pistols and grenades. But what caught there eyes were the six sets of winter camouflaged T-51b armor. Olin was practically drooling as she placed her hands on one of the helmets. "It's in pristine condition! Not a scratch or speck of rust on them!"
Marcus noticed an impressive looking katana sword laying on a stand-alone table. When he read the small plate next to the sword, his mouth dropped open. "This is Jingwei's shock sword." He picked it up and pulled it out of it's sheath. He pulled the button on the handle, and the blade crackled with electricity. "I call dibs!"
Sarah rolled her eyes. "What do mean dibs? In this world I still out rank you, remember?"
Marcus smirked. "You're not gonna pull that card on me, are you?" After placing the sword back on the table, he ran over to another table and whistled. "Oh, yeah! Look at this!" He turned around and was holding a guass rifle.
Sarah was estatic. "I knew it!"
Marcus smiled like a kid on Christmas morning as he slapped a micro fusion cell into the weapon. "There's six here; more then enough for all of us."
McGraw let out the breath he was holding. "I appreciate that."
The voice belonged to Defender Sibley from outside the vault, and everyone inside tensed up. Sarah kept her laser rifle trained on McGraw as they approached the vault's entrance. What waited for them outside sent a chill up their spines. Defender Sibley was standing outside the vault, a loaded 5mm minigun in his hand, and four heavily armed Outcasts standing behind him.
"What's the meaning of this, Sibley?" McGraw asked.
"I'm sorry sir, but we're not going to let them take that tech."
McGraw's jaw hardened. "We are going to let them take it, Defender. We made a deal and we will honor it."
"We don't make deals with traitors and wastelanders!"
As the two Outcasts argued back and forth, Marcus noticed Specialist Olin was skulking in the background, and he tensed up when she reached for a plasma rifle. But then his eyes met her's, and the Specialist placed her finger to her lips. Something about the look on her face told Marcus she was on his side, and he gave her a small nod before focusing his attention back on the Outcasts.
"I hereby relieve you of command, Protector." Sibley declared.
McGraw clenched his fist. "So, it's mutiny then! Is this what it's come to, Sibley?"
Sibley shrugged. "Call it what you want. Now step aside!"
McGraw looked over his shoulder at Sarah, who was still training her gun on him. He could easily step aside and allow Sibley and the others to do what they were going to do; and save his own skin. But as he stared at his former colleague, a woman he had known since she was a child, the thought of betraying her again left a bad taste in his mouth. Bracing himself, the Protector faced the mutineers and made his decision. "No!"
The rest of the Outcasts began looking at each other, not sure of what to do next. Sibley could only shake his head. "You made your choice."
Realizing time was up, Marcus activated his VATS, took aim at Sibley with his guass rifle and fired. The round cut through the Outcast's power armor like it was butter, and blew out the Defender's chest. McGraw quickly stepped out of Sarah's line of fire, and the Sentinel blasted another Outcast with her laser rifle, turning him to ash. McGraw ran into the vault to grab a weapon, but he didn't have to go far. Olin appeared from hiding and tossed a loaded plasma rifle at him. The Protector caught the weapon, turned and opened fire; turning another of his former comrades to goo.
Ann Morgan and another Outcast returned fire, forcing Marcus, Sarah and Dogmeat back into the vault. "DIE YOU FUCKING TRAITORS!" she screamed.
The Outcast standing next to Morgan was suddenly riddled with 5mm rounds, and collapsed to the ground. Morgan turned around and was staring at Defender Morrill, his smoking minigun pointing right at her. For a moment the two Outcast stared at each other.
"STAND DOWN, MORGAN!" Morrill yelled.
Ann Morgan gritted her teeth and raised her laser rifle - and was cut in half by Morrill's minigun.
The battle had ended quickly, and the facility was once again quiet. Everyone still standing walked out of the vault and stared at the remains of the dead Outcasts. Marcus could see the pain and disgust on McGraw's face, and even though the Protector had betrayed them, he felt sympathy for the man. "I'm sorry, McGraw."
McGraw continued to stare at the bodies of his former comrades. "So am I." He threw his gun down in disgust. "When Casdin finds out about this all of us will be branded as traitors." He gave Olin and Morrill a grim look. "Looks like the three of us are orphans."
Olin and Morrill both hung there heads. Marcus looked over at Sarah, and she in turn stared back trying to figure out what he was thinking. The Lone Wanderer faced the Outcasts and took a deep breath. "You could come back with us."
Everyone in the room was shocked - especially Sarah. "WHAT!"
"Your father gave me a second chance, remember? After what they've done I think they deserve it."
Sarah stared at Marcus as if he had two heads. She couldn't believe what he was suggesting. Olin meekly stepped forward. "You...you would do that? You'd let us come back?"
Everyone stared at Sarah with bated breath. Sarah looked around at the people who had betrayed her and her father. She hated them with every fiber of her being, but Marcus was right: her father had given him a second chance...and it was the best decision he'd ever made.
Reluctantly, the Sentinel nodded. "If you agree to swear allegiance to my father, and turn this facility over to the Brotherhood...then I will talk to my father about letting you all come back."
The three former Outcast stood there in utter shock. Morrill cautiously stepped forward. "Why would you do this? You have no reason to trust us?"
Sarah shrugged. "It's like Marcus says," she turned to the Wanderer, "everyone deserves a second chance."
Marcus presented her with a warm smile...and it felt like butterflies were in her stomach.
McGraw presented his hand to Sarah, who stared at it for a few seconds before finally taking it. "Thank you for this, Sarah. I'm not going to lie, I'm still not convinced that your father is taking us down the right path." He turned and stared at the carnage. "But I now see where Casdin's road leads."
Marcus extended his hand, and the former Protector took it. "We'll radio the Citadel and have them send a detachment to secure this place."
McGraw nodded. "Okay. Once they get here, I'm going to radio Casdin and tell him to take his Outcasts and shove it!"
After radioing the Citadel, Marcus and Sarah went back into the vault and began picking through the treasure trove of tech. Both of them donned a set of the T-51b armor, which made caring everything easier. They each took a guass rifle and all the micro fusion cells they could carry. Marcus took General Jingwei's sword, and a Dragoon's stealth suit.
"Okay, anymore and we're going to need a pack brahmine!" Marcus joked.
"Marcus, come take a look at this."
Marcus followed Sarah's voice, and found her staring at the back wall of the vault. He immediately noticed the words "In Memorial" carved in stone on the top of the wall. Just below it was an engraving of the United States Medal of Honor, and below that were pictuers of Gunnery Sergeant Montgomery, Sergeant Hardison, Corporal Tikaani, Lance Corporal O'Day, and Private First Class Lancaster.
"They...they were real." Sarah's voice strained.
Marcus approached the memorial and placed his hand on it. Underneath the pictures was a bronze plaque with writing on it. "On January 10th, 2077, the Marines of First Squad, First Platoon of EZ Company, infiltrated the enemy stronghold in the mountains above Anchorage, Alaska. This action, which they knew would ultimately lead to their deaths, allowed allied forces to enter and liberate the city." Marcus' voice cracked as he read the last line. "They...died so that freedom would live."
Marcus stepped back and stared at the faces of First Squad. "They weren't just VI's...they were based on real people. I mean they weren't as advanced or self aware as Moira but...their personalities...it was them."
Sarah, who could no longer hold back her tears, placed her hand on the memorial. "They didn't just build this simulator for training...it was to honor them."
Marcus couldn't say anything as his voice failed him. Instead, he stood back and saluted the memorial, and Sarah followed.
Marcus, Sarah and Dogmeat left the former Outcast outpost and headed in the direction of Megaton. Even though they were both physically and emotionally drained, both of them had a spring in their step. The mission was a success, they acquired an enormous cache of tech for the Brotherhood (and a few goodies for themselves), three of the Outcasts were back with the Brotherhood and more important, they were alive.
"So," Marcus began, "what's next?"
"Well...I think you and I have earned a few days of leave in Megaton."
Marcus smiled and put his arm around her. "That is the best idea I've heard in a long time."
Sarah felt a jolt of electricity pass through her. As they walked through the waste, a million questions were going through Sarah's mind. Should she tell Marcus how she felt about him? Did he feel the same way about her? Was he over Amata, or still mourning her? Then she started thinking about her father and the rest of the Brotherhood. What would they think about her and Marcus getting together? She let out a sigh; she was too exhausted to think about any of that right now. She decided for the time being to enjoy the time she was spending with the Lone Wanderer - the man that she loved.