Chapter 39: Forged in Steel

Rivet City, one week after Marcus' birthday...

"This document will be the crown jewel of our museum!" Abraham Washington, the curator and owner of the Capital Preservation Society could not contain his excitement as Marcus handed him the coveted Declaration of Independence.

"That's great - now where's the money you promised me?" Sydney, the no-nonsense relic hunter standing next to Marcus and Sarah, asked in a stern tone. After Marcus and Sarah had saved Sydney from a Super Mutant ambush in the National Archives, Sydney was convinced that Abraham Washington had pulled a double-cross on her. Marcus explained they were investigating the gunfire they heard while on patrol, but Sydney was still leary of them. Finally, the trio struck a deal: Marcus and Sarah would help Sydney retrieve the Declaration and she would be allowed to keep the reward Abraham promised. If they came across any other historic documents, Marcus and Sarah would keep whatever money they could get for them. As it turned out, they found two more: the Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta, both of which Abraham bought for one-hundred caps each.

Sydney was a tough, beautiful woman and while she wasn't the best fighter, she could hold her own. The one thing she was good at was breaking into doors, and at one point she a Moira were competing to see who could do it faster. After fighting off combat robots of all types the trio finally made it to the chamber containing the Declaration, where they encountered a robot containing a VI based on Thomas Jefferson - the author of the Declaration. The VI was determined to quote: fight them to the death, and though it wouldn't have been a very long fight, after their experience in the Anchorage simulator, Marcus and Sarah were more then hesitant to kill Thomas Jefferson. So while Marcus kept him talking, Moira hacked into the robot and shut him down, and programmed him to reboot after they had left.

"Yes, of course!" Abraham said with a hint of nervousness. "A deal is a deal. Here you go."

As Sydney examined her bounty, Marcus felt a touch of loss as he handed the sacred documents over. Though he and the rest of the Vault residence had been taught the history of the United States (a history that Abraham Washington was a little mixed up on, prompting Marcus to promise to bring him a text book from the Vault), none of them felt any connection to the country or it's history. But after his experience fighting with First Squad in the Anchorage simulator, and after actually holding and reading the sacred documents, Marcus felt a sense of pride and patriotism he had never experienced. The principals and rights outlined in them were what Marcus, and probably every human being, had wanted for themselves since the beginning of time. The American founders attempted to create a world where those principals existed, and for a while they succeeded - until the fires of nuclear war burned it all away. Many people felt America's end proved how flawed a country it was, and no doubt it did have them. But while the country and people were not perfect, the principals she was founded on were, and for centuries men had tried to form that more perfect union where they could flourish. Marcus wondered if there was anywhere on Earth where these principals could ever exist again.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you." Marcus said as he shook Abraham's hand.

As the trio walked out of the museum, Sydney turned to her new companions. "Listen...I wanted to thank you for helping me, and for keeping your word. I'm sorry if I came off as a bitch, it's just that in the relic hunting business everyone you meet tries to screw you over."

"It's alright," Sarah said, "we were just glad we could help - and kill a few dozen Super Mutants."

Marcus turned to Sydney and smirked. "So, about the other part of our deal."

Sydney sighed in defeat. She had promised Marcus she would tell him about herself if they found the Declaration and made it back to Rivet City. "Okay - but let's do it over drinks at the Muddy Rudder. I've got caps to spend."

"...stumbled across some poor bastard's body. On the body I found info leading to some famous document. I had heard that Abraham Washington was looking for these scraps of paper, so I went after the thing. Turned out to be the Constitution."

Marcus took a drink from his beer. "Really? The Constitution?"

Sydney nodded. "That's right. After he loaded me up with caps, I got piss drunk, got laid and was happy for the first time in a while. I haven't looked back since."

Sarah glanced down at Sydney's hip. "That's a pretty interesting sub machine gun you've got there."

"Yeah, it is nice. I don't even sleep without it under my pillow. My father made gun ammunition for a living. Taught me everything I know about how guns work."

"So where is he now?" Marcus asked.

Sydney suddenly became very quiet, and the look in her eyes told Marcus and Sarah that was a sore subject. "When I was fourteen he vanished; left me all alone. He didn't even say goodbye. I cried for a week."

Marcus lowered his head. He could relate to how the young woman felt. Sydney took a long swig from her bottle, and they could hear the bitterness in her voice. "I don't know where he went, and I don't care! I just hope the sonofabitch got what he deserved!"

An awkward silence fell over the table. Sydney shifted in her seat. "I'm - I'm sorry it's just that...I thought he was the best, you know." She let out a bitter laugh. "He even had a pet name for me. He used to call me his Little Moonbeam."

Something about that name caused Marcus to sit up straighter. Moonbeam. Where had he heard that...

"Moira, is there an old file marked Statesman Hotel?"

The avatar appeared on the screen. "There sure is."

Marcus took a deep breath and looked at Sydney. "Sydney...a few months ago I found a message from your father. He didn't abandon you."

Sydney's mouth dropped open. "Wha - what?" Her eyes stared daggers at Marcus, and her hand made it's way to her hip. "If this is some kind of joke..."

"Trust me. Moira, play the audio file."

The audio recording began, and Sydney immediately began to choke up. " God! That's...that's his voice. It's really him!"

They sat and listened to the rest of the message, and the tough relic hunter was in tears by the time it had ended. When it had finished, Marcus handed her the holotape. "Here, this belongs to you."

Sydney's hand was shaking as she took it. "I can't believe you brought this to me. I don't know what to say but thank you."

Sydney offered to give Marcus her Ultra SMG, but he politely declined, saying he had more then enough guns. After enjoying another drink, Sydney told her new friends she was quitting the business, and was going to set up shop in Underworld selling ammo. As they watched the ex-relic hunter leave the bar, Marcus and Sarah felt a real sense of pride in what they had done. Sarah leaned in closer to Marcus. "So this is what it's like for you out here, hu?"

Marcus showed the hint of a grin as he began to blush. "Yeah well...not every day ends as good as this one did."

Sarah nodded, and she reached over and placed her hand on his. "Thank you for bringing me out here, Marcus." she said in a soft voice. "It's helped me a lot."

It felt like an electrical charge ran up his arm when she touched his hand. "I'm glad I could help." he managed to say.

They sat like that for a few moments before Marcus carefully slid his hand away. "Before we leave I'd like to visit Father Clifford."

Sarah finished off her beer. "Okay. Let's go."

When Marcus and Sarah arrived at the Church of Saint Monica, the first thing they noticed were the decorations people were putting up. The Lone Wanderer spotted Father Clifford in the middle of the may-lay and made his way over to him. "Father Clifford."

"Marcus!" The Father held out his hand. "It's good to see you, again."

Marcus shook his hand, and secretly placed a small satchel of caps into it. "Good to see you too, Father."

Father Clifford quickly placed the satchel in his pocket. "Bless you, son." he whispered.

Sarah was standing behind Marcus and grinned. She had seen the entire thing.

Marcus looked around the Church. "So what's all this?"

Father Clifford was surprised. "You don't know? Today is Diego and Angela's wedding."

Marcus' eyes shot open. "That's today?"

As if on que, the blushing bride to be came running up to them. "Marcus! I can't believe you're here!" She gave him a big hug, and then did the same for Sarah. "I can't believe this day is finally here!"

Both Marcus and Sarah congratulated her. "You two are staying for the ceremony, right?"

The two companions looked at each other. "Well," Marcus began, "...we a...didn't bring anything..."

Angela waved her hands. "Oh don't worry about it, just you two being there would be a gift."

Sarah shook her head. "No we couldn't possibly..."

"No, I'm serious! I mean how many girls will be able to say they had the Lone Wanderer and the Sentinel of the Brotherhood of Steel at their wedding? Come on, please!"

Marcus and Sarah looked at each other again. It's not like they had any plans for the rest of the day. "Alright. But," he looked down at his power armor, "we're not exactly dressed for this..."

Angela shook her head. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Bannon!"

The owner of Potomac Attire made his way through the crowd.

"Take Marcus down to the store and get him a nice suit. Charge it to my account."

"No Angela!"

The bride to be would not be deterred. "Marcus this is my wedding, don't worry about it." She took Sarah's hand. "Come on, Sarah. I'll find a nice dress for you."

Before they knew it, the two companions were dragged away in different directions, and gave each other a wary look before they were out of sight. Sarah found herself in a small room, flanked by two rows of dresses. "Okay," Angela began, "what size dress do you normally wear?"

Sarah shifted uncomfortably. "I've a...never worn a dress."

Angela was dumbfounded. "Oh. Well, we'll figure it out. You should get out of that armor so that you can start trying some of these on."

Sarah began the painstaking task of getting out of the T-51b armor. "Angela, can I ask you something?"

Angela continued to look through the dresses. "Yes."

"How did you...I mean...when did Diego know how you felt about him?"

Angela took a moment and looked over her shoulder. "Well after months of flirting and dropping hints, it finally took me telling him during the Enclave invasion." She shook her head. "No matter how wonderful a man might be, when it comes to things like that, they're clueless. Why do you ask?"

Sarah placed the top part of her armor on the ground. "It's just that I've been a...trying to..."

Angela stopped going through the dresses and turned around. "You have feelings for Marcus, don't you?"

Sarah was surprised at the woman's intuition, and meekly nodded her head.

Angela's eyes lite up. "I'm going to help you! We're going to put you in a dress so beautiful there's no way he's not going to notice you." She glanced down at Sarah's body. "Especially with a figure like that! You should really show it off more."

Sarah couldn't stop herself from blushing. The door flew open, and Mei Wong, Angela's maid of honor, stepped inside. "Angela! You have less then one hour before your own wedding and you're not even dressed yet! What are you doing?"

Angela gave her a coy smile. "I'm helping Sarah bag the Lone Wanderer."

Sarah hung her head. "Oh God." she sighed.

Marcus stared at himself in the mirror. The suit, jacket and tie he was wearing were all from a different set, but it still looked pretty good for the post-apocalypses. He moved his arms and shoulders as he tried to get comfortable. He had never worn a suit like this, and he now understood why people in old movies called it a "monkey suit".

Bannon stood by his side and stared into the mirror. "So. What do you think?"

Marcus looked himself over again. It wasn't something he would ware on a regular basis and he shrugged. "It looks okay, I guess."

Bannon looked at him like he was crazy. "Okay? The bride's maids won't be able to keep their eyes off you."

Marcus adjusted his tie for what was probably the fifth time. "Listen Bannon, I know Angela said she'd pay for this but, tell me how much it is and I'll take care of it."

Bannon put up his hand and shook his head. "It's on the house."

Marcus sighed. "Bannon, you don't have to do that..."

"No, no, listen! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even have this store. Hell I probably wouldn't even be here. Consider this my way of saying thank you."

Marcus never felt right taking gifts for the things he'd done, but after months of this happening, he learned sometimes is was better to just give up and except them. "Thank you." he said as he shook Bannon's hand.

The tailor opened the door and looked outside. "It looks like Ms. Lyons is ready."

Marcus followed Bannon out of the small dressing room, and when he saw Sarah standing in the middle of the store, his heart stopped.

Sarah was wearing a dark blue sun dress with spaghetti straps, and it stopped about six inches above her knees. The top of the dress was just low enough to highlight her already impressive cleavage, but still leave much to the imagination. The dress flowed when she walked, and her blonde hair (which was usually up in a bun) was hanging over her shoulders. Marcus' mouth hung open as his eyes took in the sight. She was stunning.

"S-Sarah!" he struggled to breath. "! You look um..."

Sarah's hands were clasped together down by her waist, and she was fidgeting as she approached him. "You like it?" she asked in a shy tone.

Marcus swallowed. "Like it? Sarah you look...amazing!"

Sarah smiled, and blood rushed to her cheeks as her eyes scanned Marcus. He definitely filled that suit good. "Really?"

Marcus nodded. "Yes, really. You just might make the bride jealous."

They both laughed, and after finally managing to tare his eyes away from Sarah, Marcus stepped over to her right side and presented his left arm. "May I escort you to the wedding, Ms. Lyons?"

Sarah smiled and slipped her arm around his. "You may, fine sir."

As they both headed towards the Church, Sarah looked over her shoulder at Mei Wong, and mouthed the words: thank you. Mei Wong, who watched the entire scene unfold, smiled and gave Sarah a thumbs up.

The ceremony was a simple, yet beautiful affair. Angela was stunning in the white dress Bannon had made (no one knew where he found the white lace, but it must have cost a fortune), and Diego looked like the happiest man in the world. After Father Clifford announced them husband and wife, everyone headed down to the Rivet City Market for the reception. The tables in Garry's Galley had been removed to make room for a dance floor, and after the wedding couple's first dance, the party really began. Old world music of all genre's, from rock, to rap, country and so on was being played, and the dance floor was packed with people. Some couples, like Chief Harkness and Commander Hill, danced very well. Most - not so much, but everyone was having a great time. Marcus and Sarah stood together mingling with guest and watching the brave souls on the dance floor, though it was difficult for Marcus to concentrate on anything with Sarah standing next to him. Sarah caught him staring at her more then once, and she did her best to keep herself from grinning.

After finishing her second glass of wine, Sarah had finally built up her courage and faced Marcus. "Would you like to dance?"

Though he wasn't exactly the dancing type, Marcus found it nearly impossible to say no to Sarah while she was in that dress, and the two companions made their way onto the dance floor. The song playing was "Shout!" by Otis Day & The Knights, and by the time the song had ended, both Marcus and Sarah had broken out in a sweat. A slow melody began, and the DJ announced they were going to quote: "Slow things down a bit". Marcus and Sarah stood there for a moment in awkward silence, not sure of what to do. After they each smiled and let out a nervous chuckle, the two companions closed the distance between them. Marcus gently placed his right hand on the small of her exposed back, and both of them skipped a breath as their skin made contact. Sarah placed her left hand on his right shoulder, and her right found his left.

As they swayed to the music, Marcus could not stop staring into her beautiful blue and green eyes. In the time since they'd left the Citadel Sarah no longer tried to hide them; especially from him. He was so mesmerized that it took Marcus considerable effort to find his voice. "Are you having a good time?"

Sarah looked around the room and shrugged. "It's not as much fun as running around the Wasteland being shot at but, I guess I can get used to this."

They both laughed at her joke, and Marcus was once again lost in her eyes. "God you look beautiful." he breathed.

Sarah was visibly surprised at the comment, and panic filled Marcus as he realized what he had just said. He hadn't even thought about the statement, it just came out. To his surprise and relief, Sarah responded by smiling and moving her arms around his neck. On instinct Marcus wrapped his arms around her waist, and their faces were a mere inches apart. Their bodies swayed together for another minute, until finally they were no longer aware of the music, or the people on the crowded dance floor, or anything else for that matter. They were completely lost in each other, and as their lips pressed together, weeks of longing and desire were released. Their kiss lasted long after the song had ended, and the passion they felt penetrated the deepest parts of their souls.

The hotel room's door was thrown open and the two lovers, caught up in a frenzy of kissing, never broke contact as they stumbled inside. Stopping only for a second to slam the door shut, Marcus slammed his lips into Sarah's again, and practically ripped his jacket and tie off. Sarah pulled the straps of her dress off her shoulders, and after freeing her breast, the rest of the garment fell to the floor. For a moment Marcus stopped breathing as he took in the goddess standing before him. She was wearing a straplesses black bra that barely covered her chest, and a pair of black, lace panties. Marcus' animal instincts kicked in, and he tore his shirt open breaking all of the buttons, and tossed it on the ground. Sarah felt a warmth inside her as she admired his toned body, and she threw her arms around his neck and the kissing continued. As she embraced her love, Sarah was in ecstasy. She had wanted this for so long, and now it was happening! He was going to be her's!

Marcus reached down and picked her up, and Sarah responded by wrapping her legs around his waist. He carried her over to the bed, and the two lovers fell into it...

The next morning, to say Sarah Lyons was content would have been a huge understatement. As she laid cured in bed, the events of the previous night danced around in her mind, bringing a smile to her face. She reached for her love - and was filled with panic as she felt only fabric. She shot up and called for Marcus...but he was no where to be found.

Marcus sat in the back pew of Saint Monica's Church, staring at the alter in silence. The events of last night played over in his mind, and while most men would be doing cartwheels after getting with Sarah Lyons, all Marcus could feel was fear and doubt.

Moira's avatar appeared on his PIPBOY's screen. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Marcus let out a tired sigh. "What am I doing, Moira?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking. There's a beautiful, naked woman lying in your bed, and you'resitting here in church!"

Marcus rolled his eyes. "I meant, what am I doing getting close to Sarah - or anybody?"

Moira sighed. She knew better then anyone that he still carried the guilt of Amata's death around. "Marcus, you can't spend the rest of your life as a hermit. Well, except for me, of course."

"And if something happens to her, then what? How do I live with tha..."


The Lone Wanderer turned his head, and spotted Father Clifford slowly making his way into the church. "I'm...sorry to interrupt your praying."

Marcus glanced down at his PIPBOY, and the avatar smiled at him before blinking out. "I was...praying for guidance, Father."

The preacher made his way over and sat down next to him. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Marcus took a deep breath. "You remember when I spoke to you about Amata?"

Father Clifford nodded. A couple of weeks after returning from Point Lookout, Marcus went to see the preacher, and the story he told was both fascinating and terrifying. "Yes I do."

"Well...last night Sarah Lyons and I we...we a..."

Thankfully, the preacher was able to guess what he was talking about without having to actually say it in the sanctuary. "I see. Do you love her?"

The question nearly knocked Marcus over, but as the shock wore off, and without even thinking about it, Marcus blurted out the answer. "Yes. I do."

Silence filled the Church, as the weight of Marcus' answer hung in the air. It surprised even Marcus, yet saying it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Yes. He was in love with Sarah Lyons; and he had been for a long time.

"So what's the problem?" Father Clifford asked, knocking Marcus out of his train of thought.

"The problem is it's dangerous, Father." He voice was barely above a whisper. "The things I do...people have a habit of dying around me."

The Father understood what the young man was saying. He let out a sigh and put his arm across the back of his chair. "No one knows the future, Marcus, only the Lord. All we can do is live our lives the best we can and have faith."

Marcus snorted. "Faith is all well and good Father, doesn't stop every bullet. Or grenade. Or charging Super Mutant."

If the preacher was insulted at Marcus' last remark, he didn't show it. "If you're looking for a guarantee in life Marcus, I'm sorry I can't give that to you. You lost a great love, and it was a terrible thing. But there are people who go their entire lives without a chance of true love. You have been given a second. Don't waste it because of fear."

Marcus remained silent as he thought over the preacher's words. Father Clifford shifted in his seat and continued. "Tell me something, Marcus. Let's say you deny your feelings for Sarah. Do you think if, God forbid, something were to happen to her, that you would feel any less devastated?"

Marcus' throat went dry as the very thought of something happening to Sarah sent his mind reeling. "No." he admitted.

A slight smile appeared on the preacher's face. "It sounds like it's too late to save yourself from heartache, Marcus."

The Lone Wanderer stared at the Father in stunned silence. The man was right: it was too late. He had fallen in love with Sarah Lyons, and it didn't matter if he'd meant to or not. And to fight against his feelings would be like trying to wrestle a Deathclaw with his bare hands.

Father Clifford placed his hand on Marcus' shoulder. "You only have one life, Marcus. Don't make it one of regret."

Marcus felt as if the world had been lifted off his shoulders. After fighting his feelings for so long, it was a relief (even if it was a little scary) to finally admit them. "Thank you, Father."

The two friends shook hands. "May Saint Monica guide your heart, Marcus."

When Marcus returned to their room at the Weatherly Hotel, he found Sarah sitting in the middle of the bed with her head in her knees. "Sarah?"

She looked up at him, and he immediately could see that she had been crying, and he rushed over to her side. "What's wrong?"

Sarah wiped her nose. "I woke up were gone and so I thought..."

Marcus shook his head and sighed. How could he be so stupid! "You thought I had run off?"

Sarah nodded.

Marcus sat down on the bed next to her and placed his hand on her right cheek. "I'm sorry. I just...had to go for a walk. I would never do anything like that to you."

Sarah smiled as the relief washed over her.

Marcus gently removed his hand from and took a deep breath. "Sarah, last night was - amazing. I haven't been that happy in a very long time. But...are you sure this is what you want?"

Sarah was surprised by the question, but then flashed him a coy smile. "I think I made my intentions quiet clear last night."

Marcus chuckled. "I mean..." He rolled up his left sleeve, and revealed the scar left behind from his burned off tattoo. "Do you remember this?"

Sarah looked away. She didn't want to remember what happened on that terrible day. "Yes - I was there, remember."

Marcus spoke in a low voice as he too, recalled that day. "Do you know why I haven't seen a plastic surgeon to have this fixed?"

Sarah shook her head.

"Because it's a constant reminder of what I've done...and what I can loose if I go down the wrong path again. I killed nearly a hundred innocent people, Sarah, nothing will ever change that. And even though your Father has excepted me back, most of the Brotherhood still does not trust me; and probably never will. Cross can barely look at me." His voice cracked. "You deserve to be with someone else."

Sarah stared at him in shock for what seemed like an eternity. Marcus held his breath as he waited for her response, and when she finally spoke it was in a stern tone. "First of all, I will decide what is best for me, Marcus. Second," her voice now took on a softer tone, "you did something terrible, that's true. And it hurt me. But I've seen you do amazing things. I saw you step into Project Purity and almost die saving me and every person in the Capital. I saw you the day my Father anointed you the Savior of the Citadel. I saw the look of anguish on your face when Sergeant Montgomery, a VI, died in your arms." She flashed him a lop sided grin. "And I saw you give caps to Father Clifford when you thought no one was looking."

Marcus was clearly surprised at the revelation. She began to caress his cheek. "And you risked your life to save me in Vault 87. I was in a dark place after that for a long time, but you pulled me out of it. How could I love anyone else?"

Marcus' eyes shot wide open. Did she just say that..." love me?"

Sarah hesitated for a moment. She hadn't meant to say it, but now that it was out..."Yes. Yes I do."

Marcus took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. When they finally broke away, he breathed the words Sarah had wanted to hear for a long time. "I love you, too."

The next day, Marcus and Sarah left Rivet City, and decided to make one more sweep through the D.C ruins on their way to the Citadel. It was strangely quiet for the first part of the day, and the two lovers spent most of the morning trying to figure out how they were going to tell Sarah's father about their relationship.

"Couldn't we just carry on a steamy, secret love affair behind everybody's back?" Sarah asked with just a hint of sarcasm.

Marcus grinned. "I've...already tried the steamy, secret love affair. I kinda want to try the open and honest approach."

Sarah sulked. "You're no fun."

Moira's avatar suddenly appeared on the screen. "You...might not have to worry about telling anyone."

Both Marcus and Sarah stopped dead in their tracks, and Marcus stared at the AI. "What are you talking about?"

Moira tuned into GNR radio, and Three Dog's voice came through the speaker. "Well children, it looks like the Capital's most eligible bachelor might be off the market. Sorry ladies. Now as you all know, the Lone Wanderer and the Brotherhood's Sentinel Sarah Lyons, have been kick'n ass and take'n names all over the downtown D.C. area. Many people speculated that this was more then just a 'working' relationship, but there was no proof of anything more...until now."

Sarah was suddenly gripped by panic. "Oh God!"

"Two nights ago the duo were seen attending the wedding of Angela and Diego in Rivet City, and word is things got a little 'hot' on the dance floor. The witnesses claim they left the part shortly after...and where not seen for the rest of the night. Aaaah, ain't love grand! Until next time, this is Three D..."

Marcus turned the radio off, and both of them stood there in stunned silence.

"I'm going to kill him!" Sarah said through clenched teeth.

"Get in line." Marcus growled.

Their thoughts of murder were interrupted by Moira's alert. "MARCUS! Multiple hostiles coming from the East! It looks like Super Mutants!"

Moira's ability to detect hostiles during Operation Anchorage was so valuable, that Marcus brought his PIPBOY to the Citadel, where he and Rothchild figured out how to attach a motion sensor with a range of five-hundred yards. He and Sarah quickly took cover behind some rubble and waited for the attack.

"How many are there, Moira?" Marcus asked as he looked down the scope of his guass rifle.

"About seven, and they look organized."

The last part sent off alarm bells for both of them, and Sarah cocked her guass rifle. "If they want a fight, I'll give it to them!"

They both stared down the scope of their rifles, and soon the attack force came into view. Marcus held his breath as he aimed for the leader, but then stopped when the mutant held up a pole with a white flag attached to it. "Sarah wait!"

Sarah looked at him like he was crazy. "What is it?"

Marcus continued to look down his scope. "Do you see that?"

Just as Sarah spotted the mutant with the white flag, the creature raised his hands and began walking forward; leaving the rest of the mutants behind. "Do not shoot, Lone Wanderer! I wish a parley with you under a flag of truce."

Marcus and Sarah stared at each other in disbelief. "It's a trick!" Sarah spat. "They're trying to lure you out into the open!"

Marcus looked back at the Super Mutant. "Maybe. But I've only met one other Super Mutant that can put together a coherent sentence, and he was not hostile."

Sarah let out a sigh. "Just because he can talk does not mean he's like Fawkes."

"I know, but I took a chance on trusting Fawkes and it paid off. I think we should hear what he has to say. Besides, if they try anything, I've got you covering me."

Sarah tightened the grip on her rifle. She didn't like this idea, not one bit, but she also knew there was no talking Marcus out of it. "Okay, but if he so much as growls I'm going to take his head off."

"Okay." He could see the mutant standing out in the open, about halfway between them and the other mutants. "That's far enough!" Marcus shouted. "I'm coming out, but if any of you try anything my friend here will turn you to ash!"

There was a momentary pause. "I understand. I give you my word you will not be harmed; for whatever that is worth."

As Marcus started to come out from behind cover, Sarah pulled him back down and kissed him. "Be careful."

Marcus grinned. "Hey - it's me!"

Sarah rolled her eyes and he slowly made his way over to the Super Mutant. Marcus stopped just out of arms length of the giant. "Who are you?"

"I have forgotten my given name long ago, but members of your kind have come to call me Uncle Leo."

Marcus recognized the name. "My friend Charon told me about you. I've only met one other mutant like you."

Uncle Leo nodded. "Yes, the Meta Human Fawkes. We know of him."

"Only Fawkes was shunned by your kind because he was different. You seem to be leading this group."

"For a long time I too, was shunned by my kind. But recent circumstances have caused them to seek me out, so that I may be their spokesman; an emissary between our two species."

Marcus was dumbfounded as he regarded the Meta Human. "A spokesman? What do they want?"

"To exist." the mutant deadpanned. "After you destroyed Vault 87's FEV chambers, they can no longer replenish their numbers, and now with you and the rest of your kind hunting them, even they are smart enough to see the writing on the wall. The remaining Super Mutants in this region wish to live in peace with the human race."

Marcus' eyes shot wide open. "Peace?"

Uncle Leo nodded. "If you stop your campaign of genocide, they promise to never hunt down humans for food, or any reason again. We would coexist."

Marcus couldn't believe what he was hearing, and he glanced over his shoulder at Sarah. The look on her face was clear: she didn't believe a word of it. "You said you're not their leader. I need to hear this from him."

"I understand. Please wait here." The Meta Human made his way back to the group of mutants, and returned a few minutes later with a towering Overlord.

Marcus tensed up, and he looked over his shoulder again at Sarah. He could see the look of murder in her eyes, and he knew in that moment the terrible events of Vault 87 were flashing in her mind. He gave her a reassuring motion with his hand, and he prayed she wouldn't start shooting.

"This is our leader; the last Overlord in the Capital."

Marcus regarded the towering mutant. "You say you want to live in peace with humans?"

The Overlord grunted. "Yes. We no kill you, you no kill us."

"If we agree to this, then where would all of you live?"

Uncle Leo answered. "The Capital building. It is the one area still under Super Mutant control, and is big enough for all that are left."

Marcus nodded. "I'm not gonna lie to you: this is going to be hard to sell. But if you are serious about coexisting with humans, then I will bring this proposal to the Brotherhood, and all of the known human settlements."

Uncle Leo was visibly relieved. "Thank you."

Marcus stepped up to the Overlord, and stared the creature in the eye. "But if just one human is harmed by one of your kind, and it wasn't self defense, then the deal is off, and I will personally hunt everyone of you down to extinction. Do I make myself clear?"

The Overlord let out a menacing growl and leaned forward, causing Sarah to take aim with her guass rifle, but before she could fire, a sixteen inch blade shot out of the left arm of Marcus' power armor, causing the creature to back off. The blade, which once belonged to General Jingwei, crackled with electricity as Marcus held the tip dangerously close to the Overlord's throat. "Starting with you!" He growled.

The Overlord looked to Uncle Leo, who nodded his head. The Overlord showed his teeth and grunted. "Yes. We agree."

Marcus smirked. "Good." The blade retracted, and the Overlord turned and walked away. Marcus turned to Uncle Leo. "If this deal is going to work, they have to be kept in line."

Uncle Leo agreed. "It will not be easy, and the odds are against us. But knowing that you, the Lone Wanderer are willing to try gives me hope that it will succeed."

Marcus held out his hand, and the Meta Human hesitated for a moment before shaking it. "I'll let you know what the Brotherhood says. Good luck, Uncle Leo."

"And to you as well. One day I would like to meet your companion Fawkes. It would be nice to hold a conversation with someone who can...keep up."

Marcus chuckled and made his way back to Sarah who, after hearing everything, was fuming. "Are you seriously going to proposal that we make peace with those animals?"

"Well...that Uncle Leo sounds sincere, and it makes sense. If things keep going the way they are, they'll be extinct within a year."

"Which is exactly why we have to press them even harder! In a few months we can wipe them out forever!"

"And how many more humans will die carrying out this campaign of genocide?"

Sarah stared daggers at him. "As many as it takes! They are acceptable losses!"

Marcus was floored by her statement, and for a moment he could not believe that she had uttered it. After recovering from his surprise, he looked into her eyes and spoke in a calm, yet firm voice. "Sarah, no loss is acceptable if it can avoided. You of all people should know that."

His words cut into Sarah, and she flinched as she realized he was right. What she had just said was not like her, and she knew it was her rage and hatred that had taken over.

"Now I know why you hate them." Marcus continued. "I'm not a big fan of them either, and if they screw us then we'll wipe them out! I promise you. But if we don't at least try to end this war...if we go down the easy road of committing genocide, then how does that make us any better then Autumn or Eden?"

His last statement struck a cord with Sarah, and she clenched her fist at the very idea of being compared to those monsters. But she had to admit that Marcus made a good point. If she let her hatred get in the way of a possible peace deal, then she would be no better then the Enclave. "Alright; we'll try it your way."

Marcus was relieved, and the two lovers shared a hug and a long kiss. When they separated, they began walking side by side. "We should get back to the Citadel and tell your Father about this."

Sarah let out a sigh. "Yeah. This is going to be a hell of a conversation. Oh hi Dad, guess what: Marcus and I are sleeping together, and we just brokered a peace treaty with the Super Mutants!"

Marcus shrugged. "Yeah, it will be quite the conversation." He turned and grinned at her. "Let me know how it turns out."

Before Sarah could say anything, he picked up the pace and walked ahead of her, chuckling the entire time. She stared daggers at the back of his head. "Ass."

Megaton, three days later...

Marcus already had breakfast on the table when Sarah descended the steps from his (or rather their) room, wearing nothing but one of his old T-shirts.

"Wow." he said as he approached. "That shirt looks good on you." He took her in his arms. "But I think it looks better off."

Sarah purred as he leaned in and kissed her. Before long his hands found their way underneath said shirt, and it took all of her strength to push him away. "As much as I to get something started...I'm hungry."

After sighing in defeat and stealing another kiss, Marcus let her go, and the two lovers sat down to eat. As they were enjoying their sugar bombs ceral, Moira's avatar appeared. "Sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but I'm picking up a strange radio signal that I think you should hear."

She tuned the PIPBOY into the radio broadcast, and it was unlike anything either of them had ever heard. "Can you clean this up, Moira?" Marcus asked,

"There's nothing to clean up. This is the transmission."

Marcus and Sarah both leaned in closer, trying to figure out what they were hearing. "What kind of language is that?" Sarah asked.

Marcus shook his head. "I don't know. It's nothing I recognize. Where is this signal coming from, Moira?"

"Up North, about half a days hike from here."

Marcus turned off the message. "Well, I say after breakfast we get suited up and check it out."

Sarah nodded. "We should be ready for anything. I say we take the T-51's and the energy weapons just in case."

"That's a good idea." He turned to Dogmeat. "You want to go too, boy? We could use your nose."

The canine barked and waged his tail.

Sarah and Marcus both stood on the edge of the trench, frozen at the sight before them. Even Dogmeat seemed bewildered and nervous at what they were seeing.

"Oh. My. God!" Marcus said.

Sarah's mouth hung open, and she found it difficult to blink. "This is unbelievable!"

Marcus suddenly let out cheer that nearly made Sarah jump out of her skin. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW THEY WERE REAL!" He started jumping around like a kid on Christmas morning.

Sarah just stared at him like he'd lost his mind. "You're actually thrilled about this?"

Marcus stopped jumping around and turned to her. "Yes! I have dreamed about finding proof of aliens since I was a kid, and here it is! A real, honest to God spaceship!"

"Yeah, and it looks like it has enough tech and weapons to level the entire Capital!"

Marcus pointed to her. "Exactly! This is the tech find of...the century. Imagine what the Brotherhood could do with this!"

For a moment Sarah stared at the space craft as she contemplated Marcus' words; and found herself licking her lips.

Marcus turned and practically ran down into the trench. "Come on! Let's see what's inside!"

Sarah rolled her eyes and followed him. 'Great! I'm in love with a two year old', she thought. "Alright...but be careful!"

Marcus stood in front of the space craft and looked inside of the cockpit. "Hey...I think they're might be an alien insid..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Marcus was suddenly encased in a blue beam of light that seem to come from the sky. He found he could not move, and his body began to slowly rise off the ground. "SARAH! GET OUT OF HERE! RUN!"

Sarah didn't hesitate. She threw down her guass rifle and jumped towards Marcus, grabbing hold of his right hand. Both of them were now being lifted into the air, and Dogmeat was a few feet away barking frantically.


Sarah gritted her teeth. "I WON'T LET GO..."

There was a blinding flash of white light, and they both vanished.