Brick managed to land the wounded Vertibird down in the center of the abandoned train yard. "Ladies and gentleman I want to thank you for flying Ranger airlines. Please remain seated until we have come to a complete stop…."
Donovan pushed his way out of the cabin, and the Ranger got on his knees and began kissing the ground. "Oh baby! I swear I'll never leave you again!"
Everyone else quickly disembarked the aircraft, thankful that they were alive. Soon they were joined by Marcus, Sarah, Clover, Charon and Argyle. The five companions were exhausted, and each of them had a haunted, blank look on their faces. The worst was Marcus, who barely acknowledge the rest of his team as he walked past them, stripping off pieces of his armor as he went. Sarah followed him from a distance, and watched as he walked into one of the empty cargo containers. A hand on her shoulder caused the Sentinel to turn around, and she found herself standing face to face with Charon. "You should give him a moment." The ghoul said, his tone somber. "He just needs time….to process it all."
Though she didn't' want to, Sarah couldn't help but agree with him. The wail of a small child got their attention, and Rosie was holding a screaming Marie in her arms. "I think she's hungry." The mother of four said.
Clover ran over to her and took the child in her arms. "I'll take care of it. Come here, honey. You hungry?" Clover then pulled down the zipper on her stealth suit, and presented one of her breasts to the child.
The men in the group were quick to demonstrate their discomfort.
"Oh my…."
"Whoa, hello!"
Reilly rolled her eyes. "Oh will you guys grow up! It's a tit!"
The men shuffled uncomfortably for a few seconds before giving the feeding child a wide berth.
Sometime Later….
Sarah figured it was time for her to check on Marcus, and she slowly made her way inside the cargo container. "Marcus?"
He was sitting in the corner, his elbows resting on his knees and his hands holding the sides of his head. When he didn't answer, Sarah made her way over to him, and as she stared down at the man she loved, a chill ran up her spine. She had not seen him this distraught since the day he'd destroyed Tenpenny Tower. "Marcus….you had no choice."
The Lone Wanderer did not respond at first….he just stared at the wall of the container. Sarah let out a sigh, and then he spoke. "At least I don't have to tell him."
Sarah cocked her head to the side. "What?"
"Kodiak. When I heard that he was dead….that was the first thing I thought of. At least now, I won't have to tell him that I killed his brothers." He took a deep breath as he clenched his fists. "And do you know what I felt when I saw that bridge collapse?"
Sarah remained silent.
"Elation! I said to myself thank God! Thank God I'm alive!" Tears began to form in his eyes, and his voice cracked. "Those were my thoughts as I condemned hundreds to their death, and I fucking hate myself for it!"
Sarah kneeled down in front of him. "Look at me, Marcus."
He continued to look away. He couldn't bare to look at her, but Sarah's gentle hand forced his eyes to meet hers. "I felt the exact same thing when you rescued me from Vault 87. And like you, I hated myself for a long time. But then someone came along who made me realize that I was only human. That I had done the best that I could, and that what happened in that Vault was not my fault." She placed her hands on his shoulders. "Marcus….it was not your fault."
"She's right, kid."
Reilly was standing in the container's opening. "It was my rockets that took out that bridge. " She slowly made her way inside. "If anyone is responsible it's me."
Marcus shook his head. "It was my call, Reilly. I told you to do it."
Reilly snorted. "Kid, how long have you known me? I don't do anything unless I want to. And…. you were right. It was the right call. You came up with the idea, but I'm the one who gave the order. And Brick, she was the one who pulled the trigger….and she's going to have to live with that for the rest of her life. So this burden is not solely on your shoulders."
Sarah turned to Marcus. "And let's not forget why we are here. Ashur….and this fucking war that he started! As far as I'm concerned, the blood of everyone in that city is on his hands."
"And that's why I'm here." Reilly said. "We managed to make radio contact with the Capital, and we've informed them that our mission was a success. Three Dog's broadcasting it all over the Wasteland….and it's a much needed shot in the arm for everyone back there."
Marcus was visibly surprised. "Three Dog? He's back on the air?"
Reilly smiled. "He sure is. Word is he's still pissed at you, but the Brotherhood set him up with a temporary radio station at the Washington Monument. Apparently factions from all over the Capital," she stared at Sarah, "including your Outcasts, are massing there to take on Ashur and his army."
Both Marcus and Sarah stared at each other in disbelief. The Lone Wanderer leaned back against the wall of the container. "I don't believe it." He mumbled.
"Believe it, kid, and they're all there because of you. That speech you gave….it really got people motived back there, and now every one of them is waiting for the Lone Wanderer to lead them into the final battle."
Marcus shook his head, and let out a tired sigh. "Why me?"
The look on Sarah's face told Reilly that it was time to once again give them some privacy, and the red head stepped outside. Sarah sat down next to her lover. "My father would always say that we are all born with a destiny, and it's up to us to find out what it is. I never believed in any of that. Sure I would bow my head during the invocations but….I never believed in religion. Hell, I'm still on the fence about it. But I do believe that you were born to do this, Marcus. You were destined to escape from that Vault, and to save Megaton from that bomb going off. You were destined to destroy Paradise Falls and rescue Clover. You were destined to take down that Behemoth at GNR, and save Project Purity, and on and on and on. If someone told me that a nineteen year old who was pampered his whole life in a Vault would do half of this stuff, I would have laughed in their face. But you….you did it all, without any military training or experience. Just that PIPBOY, your courage….and your heart.
Moira's avatar suddenly appeared on said PIPBOY's screen. "Don't forget his trusty, AI companion!"
Both of them laughed. "Alright, Moira, you too. The point is, Marcus, there is….something that has brought you to this moment. I don't pretend to understand it….but I thank the Creator that it brought you into my life." She reached over and gently wiped away a tear running down his cheek. "We need you, Marcus. I need you. We need you because you're the only one who can finish this."
As Marcus listened to her words, his guilt and despair were replaced with a new sense of purpose. He never wanted to be a hero….he was just a scared kid, trying to find his father. But now, by some twist of fate, the future of the Capital rested on him.
Your work is not yet finished, son.
The words of his parents, be them the product of a dream or a vision, echoed in his mind. Marcus looked into the beautiful blue/green eyes of the woman he loved and smiled. "What would I do without you?"
Sarah smiled back at him, and the two lovers embraced.
When Marcus and Sarah emerged from the container, they immediately noticed Brick was sitting on the ground, leaning against her Vertibird sobbing, with Donovan and Butcher trying to console her. Charon made his way over to the two lovers. "Bad news. The Vertibird's too shot up to fly us back to the Capital, so Reilly's ordered us to set charges and blow it up."
Marcus looked over at the crying Ranger. "That explains why Brick's so upset….but how are we going to get home?"
The ghoul pointed to an old rail tunnel. According to Rosie, that tunnel will take us straight to the Capital, and there's two operational rail cars over there. It's not exactly first class, but if we operate the levers in shifts, we should be back in a couple of days."
Marcus let out a sigh. 'Two days!' "Alright, tell everyone to gather up whatever supplies we have in the Vertibird and prepare to move out. We need to get back to D.C. before Ashur starts his final assault."
Charon let out a sigh. "No rest for the weary, hu."
The Vertibird exploding marked the exit of the survivors, as the two rail cars slowly entered the tunnel. No one said a word as they left the Pitt behind. For hours after their escape, they could hear the screams and chaos off in the distance as the city of Old Pittsburgh was overrun by the dreaded Trogs. By the time Marcus and his friends departed, the screaming and fighting had withered down to almost nothing, signaling the end of Ashur's empire.
The Capital Building….
Ashur threw another wooden chair across the House chamber, and it splintered as it made contact with the wall. The Lord of the Pitt screamed in rage as he ransacked the room from which he and Sandra where to rule their new kingdom.
But now….now it was not to be. His beloved wife Sandra, the woman who had helped him to forge an empire, was now dead. His home, the place he had built with his own sweat and blood, was no lying in ruin. The Mill which feed his army, and was the bedrock of his empire, was reduced to ashes. The city of Old Pittsburgh, his city, was now just another wasteland….and its rulers were the cursed Trogs.
And on top of it all, his daughter, his flesh and blood, had been kidnapped by the so called Lone Wanderer, Marcus Lincoln.
Ashur stood in the middle of the chamber, breathing heavily and foaming at the mouth. Watching all of this were two of his Lieutenants who had the unfortunate task of bringing this news to their Lord.
"Where. Is. Marcus Lincoln!?" The Lord of the Pitt growled.
One of the Lieutenants swallowed hard. "We….we do not know, my Lord…."
Ashur raised his plasma pistol and shot the man dead, turning him into a puddle of goo. He pointed the weapon at the remaining underling, and the man raised his hands in a pleading gesture. "We….we will find him, my Lord."
Though he was not quite satisfied with the answer, it would have to do, and Ashur lowered his weapon. "Is there anything else?"
The Lieutenant struggled to maintain control of his bodily functions. "My Lord, we have received reports from the main body of our army. While they should be here by tomorrow, there are reports of….of…."
Ashur strolled up the man, and stood nose to nose with him. "Of….what?" he growled.
"Of….desertions, my Lord."
Ashur grabbed the man by the throat, and he struggled for air against his master's iron grip. "You will send the commander a message, that all deserters are to be rounded up, and made an example of. And if he does not bring my army to me by noon tomorrow, then I will nail him to a cross. Is that understood?"
The man gave a timid nod.
"And no one will rest until my daughter is found….and I want Marcus Lincoln brought to me alive." He let his Lieutenant go, and after giving him a quick bow, ran out of the chamber.
Three days later….
The exhausted survivors from the Pitt emerged from the rail tunnel, blinded from the sun that had eluded them for what seemed like ages. Though it took time for their eyes to adjust, they were all grateful to be seeing it again. It became apparent that Marie did not share in this feeling, because the poor girl's eyes had never seen the sun this bright, and it felt like needles in her sockets. Clover tried her best to keep her covered and in the shade. "I know, honey….that mean sun." She cooed. "But you'll feel better soon, I promise."
As he was staring out at the horizon, Argyle spotted something approaching….and it was coming very fast. "We've got company!"
Everyone quickly drew their weapons and stood ready. Donovan grabbed his binoculars and tried to make out what was coming, and once it came into view, the Ranger's jaw dropped. "Marcus….you might want to see this."
The Lone Wanderer took the binoculars and looked through them, and just like Donovan, his jaw dropped open too. "It's….it's my truck!"
It was his truck….the battle truck which Marcus had left to Herbert "Daring" Dashwood just before he destroyed Tenpenny Tower. As it quickly closed the distance, The Lone Wanderer felt a pit in his stomach. If it was Daring, how would he react to seeing him again after what he'd done. The truck screeched to a halt, and the retired adventurer practically jumped out of it. "Argyle!"
The former manservant ran towards his friend. "Daring! You crazy sonofabitch!"
The two friends embraced each other for the first time in over twenty years, and as hard as they both tried, they could not control the tears in their eyes.
"Argyle," Dashwood began, his voice cracking, "I'm….I'm sorry. I tried to find you, I swear I did but…."
The ghoul shook his head. "I know. You don't have to apologize. Marcus told me that you spent years looking for me."
The old adventure's expression suddenly turned dark. "Marcus. There's some things you need to know about him…."
"All I know Is he's the man who freed me, and probably saved my life."
Dashwood stared daggers at the Lone Wanderer, who was standing a respectable distance from the duo. "I see."
"How did you find us?"
"When I heard that Three Dog mention on the radio that they were coming back with you, I headed for the Citadel and waited for about a day. When you didn't turn up, some of those Brotherhood types told me where they thought those Pitt Raiders were coming down from, so I headed out here. I drove around for a day and a half. I almost gave up, but I decided to check this place out one more time….glad I did."
With their reunion over, the two friends made their way over to Marcus. For a few tense moments, the two men stared at each other, neither of them saying a word. Finally, Marcus nervously cleared his throat. "Dashwood I…."
"Save your apology, kid. I'm not ready to forgive you just yet….and I might never be." He looked over at his friend, who was standing there confused. "But bringing Argyle back to me….it's a start."
Marcus let out a sigh of relieve. "Thank you."
Dashwood spoke so that everyone could hear him. "I'll take all of you as far as Megaton. After that, Argyle and I are getting as far away from here as possible."
Argyle was stunned. "Boss?"
"There's a war coming and, well – we're too old for that shit."
Argyle looked to his new friends and began to stammer. "Boss I….I…." he hung his head and let out a sigh. "Yes boss."
Marcus and the rest of the group were disappointed. Dashwood and Argyle would have been great to have by their side in the coming battle, but after what had happened, Marcus didn't have the right to ask the retired adventurer to change his mind.
As promised, Dashwood brought the survivors to Megaton, which they discovered had been mostly abandoned. The majority of the citizens had either headed to the Washington Monument to join the fight, or they had evacuated to the safety of Vault 101. When Marcus and his companions entered the Vault, he was pleasantly surprised to discover that the ex-slaves from the Temple of the Union had also brought Max here as well. Both he and Clover were ecstatic to be reunited with their son again, and despite the hell that they'd all been through, everyone spent the rest of the day doting over the child. No one objected when Marcus suggested that they spend the night, and all of them took full advantage of the Vault's shower, food and sleeping facilities. Karen and some of the Vault techs even offered to spend the night repairing their battered armor, since they would no doubt need them in the coming battle.
At dawn the next morning it was time for them to head out, and it was time for Marcus to say goodbye to both Max and Marie, whom he had left in the care of the acting Overseer, Susie Mack. As he held Marie in his arms there was no doubt that he was becoming attached to the young girl, and last night while they were in bed, Marcus half-jokingly asked Sarah if they should adopt her. To his surprise, the battle hardened Sentinel chuckled and said: "We'll see." Before sleep over took him, Marcus imagined Max and Marie chasing each other around the park he promised to build once the war was over.
That is, if he survived this, and if they managed to win.
"We'll take good care of them, Marcus." Susie reassured him.
Clover held her son tight, and it took all of her strength to force herself to hand him over to one of the ex-slaves. Fighting back tears, she stroked Max's cheek one last time before making a hasty exit out of the Vault. Marcus handed Marie over to Susie, and he too, was fighting back tears. "Susie listen….if we don't win this thing…."
Susie placed her hand on his arm. "Don't worry. I know what to do. No matter what happens, Marcus, they will be safe. Life down here may not be perfect, but your son and Marie will have a good life."
In that moment, Marcus knew how his father must've felt like the day he escaped from the Vault – and it broke his heart. At the time he was angry with his father, and he wondered how a man could abandon his own son like that. But now, faced with the same situation, he finally understood. His father did it for him, for his future….just as he was leaving Max behind to secure his. "Susie listen….if I don't…." he let the sentence go unfinished as he began to choke up. "I want you to give this to Max." He reached behind his neck, and carefully removed the Saint Michael medal that Panada had given him. As he placed the neckless in her hand, Susie also found it difficult to speak. "I will." Mustering her courage, Susie leaned over and kissed Marcus on his cheek – something she had wanted to do for a long time. "Good luck."
Marcus, who was surprised by the gesture, smiled at the acting Overseer. "Goodbye." Taking one last look at his son and Marie, Marcus led his friends out of the Vault, and they headed for the Citadel.
The Citadel….
The mighty fortress was all but deserted except for the small garrison left behind to guard it….and the unusual guests working down below in the lab. "Mr. Lincoln, we are relieved to see that you have returned safely."
Marcus shook the Zetian's hand. "It's good to see you, Bob. Thanks for all the help you and your engineers have given us."
The alien nodded. "You are welcome. It was hard work, but we have managed to fit every piece of Brotherhood armor with personnel shields, and nearly all of them are equipped with Zetian weapons. These, I hope, will aid you in the battle that is to come."
"Hold on," Charon began, "his name is Bob?"
"It's a long story." Sarah said.
"We received your message, what is it you wanted to talk about?"
"We have been working on an idea on how we can assist you even further. It is risky, and there is no possibility of testing our theory, but we believe it will work."
Marcus sat down and listened to the alien's idea….and a sinister grin appeared on the Wanderer's face.
The Washington Monument….
When Marcus, Sarah, Charon, Clover and the Rangers arrived at the Washington Monument, the sight before them was unlike anything they had ever seen. Hundreds of armed people from all across the Capital were standing shoulder to shoulder at the barricades and trenches in front of the monument. There were Brotherhood soldiers, Vault 101 militiamen, Rivet City militiamen, Regulators, Outcasts, Super Mutants, the ghouls from Underworld, Jericho's Raiders, the former slaves from the Temple of the Union, and finally average Wastelanders; men and women who were determined to defend their homes. Milling behind the monument was the AntAgonizer and more than a dozen of her giant ants, and standing behind the front, center barricade was the Mechanist and his remaining ten robots.
As they made their way over to the monument, Marcus spotted many familiar faces, including Lucas Simms and Billy Creel. He spotted Hannibal Hamlin and his ex-slaves standing near a flag pole that had an American flag attached to it, but it was different from the flag that he had seen as a child. This flag did not have fifty stars on it, but thirty-five. Hamlin and his people began singing a song that was very famous during the Civil War.
"Yes, we'll rally round the flag, boys, we'll rally once again….shouting the battle cry of freedom! We will rally from the hillside, we'll gather from the plain, Shouting the battle cry of freedom! The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah! Down with the traitors, up with the stars!
While we rally round the flag, boys, we rally once again, Shouting the battle cry of freedom!"
As the group got closer, someone yelled out: "They're here! They're here!" and they suddenly found themselves mobbed like movie stars. Three Dog, who was broadcasting from the top of the monument, announced the Lone Wanderer's triumphed return on the radio. "Boys and girls, our hero has finally returned from the bowels of hell! That's right, it's that crazy kid from Vault 101, the Last, Best, Hope for Humanity….the Lone Wanderer himself, Marcus Lincoln!"
A cheer went up from many of the people gathered (except for the Outcasts and most of the Raiders). As they made their way through the throngs of people, Dogmeat came running up and nearly knocked his master down. "Okay, okay boy! I missed you, too!" Marcus laughed as the K-9 licked his face.
The next to approach him was RL-3. "Welcome back, sir, and congratulations on the success of your mission. Hoorah!"
"Thank you, Sergeant. Are you ready to kick some ass?"
"Yes sir! Just point me in the direction of those commie bastards!"
After much searching, Sarah finally spotted the one face in the crowd she was longing to see. "Father!" Sarah took off running, and Elder Lyons smiled as he embraced his daughter. "Sarah! Thank the Creator you have returned."
Marcus walked up to the Elder and presented him with a salute, but Lyons responded with a hand shake. "Marcus, once again you have done the impossible, and brought us much needed hope."
Marcus began to blush. "Well sir, I didn't do it alone. And….we lost people back there."
The Elder gave him a somber nod. "Yes, we heard about Kodiak. His sacrifice will not be forgotten. Marcus, many of the people here have been waiting for you to lead them in this great battle. There will be a meeting with all of the factions leaders inside the monument soon to discuss strategy."
Marcus nodded. "Yes Elder, I will be there in a few minutes."
With that, the Elder headed towards the monument, and Marcus continued to be greeted by his friends. Fawkes, Quinn, Willow, Sydney, and a red headed woman he had never met before were next, and the Meta Human shook his friend's hand. "It brings me joy to see you safe, my friend."
"It's good to see you too, Fawkes. Are the Super Mutants ready to fight?"
"Yes. It has been….challenging keeping them in line, but they are looking forward to enacting their revenge."
Charon cringed. "Never thought I'd be happy to see Super Mutants ready to go on a rampage." He quipped.
Marcus extended his hand. "Quinn, it's been too long."
The ghoul accepted his hand and shook it. "I agree, kid. Every ghoul in Underworld is ready to help. We've got a little 'surprise' for these Pitt bastards."
Marcus smirked. "That's good...because we've got one of our own. We'll go over it at the briefing." He turned to Sydney, the ex-relic hunter and shook her hand. "Sydney, I'm glad to have you with us."
"Well, I figured I owed you one. Besides, war has been good for my ammo business….and I'd hate to see these slavers take it away from me, so I called in every favor I have." She turned to the young woman next to her, who was brandishing an impressive flamer. "Marcus, Sarah, this is Emaline. She and I go way back during my merc days, and she's here to help."
The young merc laughed. "Yeah, I figured it's been a while since I pulled your ass out of the fire."
Sydney responded with a jab to the woman's shoulder. "We'll see who racks up the most kills by the time this is over."
Marcus thanked them both, and then he made his way over to where the Vault 101 militia had gathered, and spotted the Overseer Herman Gomez and his son Freddie. Like the rest of the militia, they were wearing baby-blue colored combat armor the 101 blazed on their backs, and were armed with M4 carbines. "Herman, Freddie, thank you both for coming."
The three men shook hands. "We wouldn't miss it, Marcus. There's only fifty of us….I had to leave the other half of the militia back at the Vault incase well," He let the sentence go unfinished, and Marcus nodded in understanding. "I know. Thank you for taking in my son and Marie."
Herman shrugged. "It's the least we could do." The Overseer forced a smile. "But hey, let's concentrate on winning this thing so that Susie won't have to activate the fail safe."
"I couldn't agree more." Next was the gathering of the former slaves from the Temple of the Union, and as usual, Hamlin greeted Marcus with much fan fair. "The Emancipator of the Wastes has arrived!" Hamlin yelled as he embraced the Lone Wanderer.
Marcus didn't know if he would ever get used to that title. "It's good to see you, Hannibal. Thank you, all of you for coming."
The rest of the ex-slaves all greeted him; even Simone seemed pleased to see him. Clover had already joined up with the ten other Ghosts, and thanks to Karen, her stealth suit was working at full capacity. Marcus took a moment to inspect the group of elite operatives. "So these are the other Ghosts you mentioned?"
Clover smiled. "They sure are. Don't worry, we'll keep Ashur's troops on their toes if you know what I mean."
A shutter went through Marcus as he remembered the havoc the Chinese Dragoons caused while he and Sarah were in the Anchorage simulator. If Clover and her Ghosts were half as good, then Ashur's men were in for a rude awakening. "I know you will." His eyes fell on the old world flag. "Hannibal I have to ask: what's with the flag?"
Hannibal seemed to stand up a little straighter. "This is the flag that the armies of the great Abraham Lincoln carried into battle when they won freedom for the slaves. We have adopted it as our battle standard, and I intend to fly this great symbol of freedom on top of the Capital Building once this army of slavers is defeated."
Marcus stared at the flag. It was old and tattered, but something about it brought out a sense of….patriotism. "That would be a sight to see, Hannibal. There's going to be a briefing inside of the monument, and I'd like for you to be there."
"I will."
Marcus thanked him and made his way over to the other side of the barricades and trenches, where Casdin and his Outcasts had taken up position. Both he and Sarah gave each other a wary look before approaching the former Brotherhood members. Marcus was the first to speak, and he held out his hand. "Protector Casdin, thank you for coming."
The Outcast leader stared at his hand, but did not take it. "So it's the famous Marcus Lincoln - the man who convinced some of my best soldier's to betray me."
Sarah snorted. "Sucks, doesn't it."
"Oh yeah, I feel the love here." Charon mumbled.
Casdin glared at the ghoul. "I wasn't talking to you, zombie!"
Marcus stepped up to the Protector, his eyes staring daggers at the man, and several of the Outcasts turned with their weapons in hand. "Take a look around you, Protector. You're going to be fighting along side a lot zombies today, so I suggest you get used to it."
Casdin's jaw hardened. "The only reason we're here is because Ashur has crossed a line even Lyons was smart enough never to cross, so once he's been dealt with we're heading back to Fort Independence." He stared at Sarah with contempt. "And you can continue with your love affair with these savages and freaks!"
Sarah crossed her arms. "These freaks have more honor than you'll ever have, Casdin."
The Protector responded with a condescending smirk, and turned his back to them as he walked back to his men. Marcus, Sarah and Charon quickly walked away from the group. "Do you think he's going to be a problem?" Marcus asked Sarah.
The Sentinel looked over her shoulder. "Casdin is a traitorous, self-righteous sonofabitch….but he was always dependable in a fire fight."
"Still," Charon began, "I don't think many people would shed a tear if there was an unfortunate friendly-fire incident."
"Don't tempt me." Sarah growled.
They made their way over to Chief Harkness, who was going over some last minute details with what was left of the Rivet City militia. As they approached, Marcus spotted Flak, Shrapnel, and Private Beckett in the group. "Chief, it's great to see you."
The Android shook his hand. "I'm glad we could make it, Marcus."
"Chief, not that I'm complaining but, I'm surprised you were able to come this far from Rivet City with that armada still parked nearby."
Harkness smirked. "I guess you hadn't heard. Ever since you destroyed the Pitt, men in Ashur's army have been deserting left and right. A couple of days ago some of the crews on those ships of theirs staged a mutiny, and all hell broke loose. When it was over, five of the ships had been sunk, and the rest high tailed it back out to sea. So with them gone, I decided to take what men we could spare and lend a hand." He pointed to the top of the monument. "I got Hill and her snipers in position up there, along with an escaped slave called Arkansas. That old timer's a hell of a shot."
Marcus' mouth hung open, and he stood silent as he pondered this news. It seemed that all of the death and destruction he had caused at the Pitt, was beginning to pay off. And maybe, just maybe, it was all worth it.
Charon let out a chuckle. "I guess destroying the Mill and stealing the cure has caused many of Ashur's followers to lose faith."
Harkness smirked. "That's about the size of it. Marcus, everyone of use is itching for some payback, so you lead and we'll follow."
Marcus shook the android's hand once again. "Thank you, Chief. We'd better get to the briefing; the Elder and council are waiting for us."
Inside the Washington Monument….
The leadership representing the various factions squeezed into the small space on the ground floor of the monument. In attendance was Elder Lyons, Paladin's Tristen and McGraw, Star Paladin Cross, Casdin, Herman Gomez, Chief Harkness and Commander Hill, Sonora Cruz of the Regulators, Hannibal, Reilly, Jericho and Butch, Fawkes, Quinn, Lucas Simms, The Mechanist, AntAgonizer, Clover, Charon, Sarah and Marcus. All of them were gathered around a table with an old world map of Washington D.C. spread out over it. After Elder Lyons gave an invocation, Tristen began the briefing.
"Our forces control the area of the Mall that stretches from the Washington Monument, all the way up to Underworld. East of us is the 'no man's land', and as you know, Ashur's forces are massing on the other side in front of the Capital Building. Thanks to our forces who held them at Canterbury Commons, Jericho's Raiders harassing them through downtown D.C., and the desertions we've heard about, we estimate Ashur's total force has been knocked down to under two-thousand."
"What about our forces?" Sarah asked.
Tristen visibly cringed. "We have roughly five-hundred troops….which means we are still grossly outnumbered."
"And outgunned." McGraw chimed in. "They still have several technicals and armored vehicles, and though they can't get through the trenches in the no man's land, they could easily make their way on the roads on the left and right flanks."
Cross pointed at a spot on the map. "We've mined those roads as best we could, but that will only slow them down. What's worse is there's a battery of heavy mortars here, near the East Wing of the Capital."
Harkness looked at the markings indicating the mortar battery with dismay. "With firepower like that, all Ashur has to do is bombard us into submission."
Marcus rubbed his chin as he studied the map. "In order for our plan to work, we have to draw Ashur in close."
"And why would he do that?" Casdin asked, clearly skeptical.
"Because if he's anything like his wife, then Ashur is an over-confident sonofabitch, in love with his own legend. We can use that to our advantage. Lucas, you seem to be the leader of the Wasteland volunteers."
Lucas Simms shifted uncomfortably. "Well….they have come to me for direction."
"Then this is what we'll do." Marcus leaned over the table. "The Wasteland volunteers will be in the center of our lines. When the bombardment starts…."
"Hold on, hold on!" Casdin interrupted. "You want these, farmers, in the center of our line?!"
Marcus gritted his teeth as he tried to maintain his patience. "Yes, because when the bombardment begins Lucas, I want you and the Wastelanders to retreat here, to the Lincoln Memorial. Ashur will think that our lines have broken, and once he's drunk on over confidence, he'll send in his troops."
Elder Lyons nodded his head. "A bold strategy….but it will have to be very convincing. You must remember that Ashur is a former Brotherhood Paladin, and has decades of experience on the battlefield. He may see through this ruse."
"That's why you're not to retreat until I give the signal, Lucas. Explain to them that it has to look completely unorganized."
The old Regulator took a deep breath, then nodded his head. "We'll make it look convincing."
"Good. Now once his army moves in, the rest of us will hold out for as long as we can, but eventually we're all going to be falling back to the Lincoln Memorial." He pointed to the spot on the map. "This is where we will make our final stand….and spring our trap."
Casdin jabbed his finger at the map. "We fall back to that place and Ashur will have us cornered! How long do you think we will be able to hold out before we are swarmed and overrun!?"
"You still haven't told us anything about this trap of yours." Sonora Cruz, the leader of the Regulators, chimed in.
Marcus took a deep breath. "I know….but I'm asking all of you to trust me. I believe this will work."
Casdin threw up his hands. "You believe! You're asking us to risk our lives based on your word!"
As a chorus of grumbling began to rise from the group, Star Paladin Cross silenced them by slapping her powerful hand down on the table. "Knight Commander Lincoln has led us to victory countless times! There isn't a man, woman, child or mutant in this Capital that doesn't owe their lives to him!" She stared at Marcus and addressed him directly. "If he says this plan will work, then I am prepared to follow him."
As Marcus listened to her words, he had to swallow the lump forming in his throat. Before he could thank her, Fawkes through his shoulder's back and stood as straight as he could. "As will I."
Sarah was the next to step forward. "And I."
One by one the faction leaders pledged to follow Marcus, until Casdin was the only hold out. The Outcast leader could not escape the feeling that he had been backed into a corner, and he grinded his teeth in annoyance. "Very well." He grumbled. "Since all of you seem to have such….faith in this man….then the least I can do is give him the benefit of the doubt."
Marcus could barely find his voice, as he was overwhelmed with emotion. He had no idea just how much these people were prepared to believe in him….and follow him into what might be the final moments of their lives. "Thank you." He managed to compose himself and cleared his throat. "This is how we're going to be set up. Fawkes, Quinn, I want your forces in trenched here, near the front of Underworld protecting our left flank. When I give the order, fall back inside the Museum and hold your positions. I'll tell you when you can unveil your surprise."
The ghoul responded with a sinister grin. "No problem."
"Jericho's Raiders, the Mechanist and Regulators will cover our right flank. Everyone else will be lined up behind the barricades in front of the Monument. Except for you, AntAgonizer. I have a special assignment for you and your ants, so I want you to wait near the Lincoln Memorial."
The AntAgonizer let out an annoyed sigh. "Very well, human."
Tristen crossed his arms and studied the map. "Wouldn't it be better to have some troops in these first trenches?"
Marcus shook his head. "I don't want to take the chance that they wouldn't be able to get out and fall back in time. No, we'll draw Ashur's forces in as long as we can, then once he believes that we've completely broken, he'll send his entire force after us."
Casdin pointed at the Wanderer. "This plan of yours better work!"
Marcus tried to sound as confident as he could as he stared the Protector down. "It will. Are there any more questions?" When no one responded, the briefing was adjourned, and soon Marcus and Sarah were standing in the room alone. The Lone Wanderer was silent as he placed both hands on the table and stared at the map, and he could feel his chest begin to tighten as the full weight of everything felt like it was being pressed down upon him. He barely noticed Sarah walking up to his side. "Cap for your thoughts?"
A tired sigh escaped from Marcus. "What if Casdin's right, Sarah? What if this doesn't work? There are a million things that can go wrong with this plan."
"Paladin Gunny once said: a plan only survives the first thirty seconds of combat."
Marcus snorted. "Truer words were never spoken. Have you….have you ever fought a battle like this?"
Sarah shook her head. "None of us have….but neither has Ashur. As you said, his worst enemy is his own arrogance."
"I hope." He stood up and turned to face her. "Sarah listen, if…..if something happens…."
Sarah raised her hand and cut him off. "No! Don't even say it. Because if I start thinking about that I'm going to…." Her eyes became misty, and she began to rapidly blink to fight back the tears. "The truth is Marcus, before I met you I thought I knew what I wanted. I wanted to lead men into battle, kill Super Mutants, and one day rise to the rank of Elder like my father. But now…." She pressed closer to him. "….now I just want to run away with you. Go somewhere we can just lay down together and shut out the entire world."
Her tears began streaming down her cheeks, and Marcus gently whipped one away and pressed his forehead to hers. "We will do all of that….I promise you we will once this is done."
Sarah closed her eyes and shook her head. "Don't make a promise you can't keep."
Marcus gently lifted up her chin, and stared into her beautiful eyes. "I can promise you this, Sarah. No matter what happens today….I will always be with you." His own voice began to crack. "You'll never be alone."
The two lovers embraced in a passionate kiss; the tears on their faces mingling with each other.
When Sarah and Marcus emerged from the monument, everyone was getting into position, and reading their weapons. Charon made his way over to his two friends, holding a pair of binoculars. "Looks like they're getting ready for an attack."
Marcus took the binoculars and scanned the horizon beyond the no man's land. Ashur's massive force seemed to be forming up. He could see thousands of troops lined up in endless rows in the center, while on the left and right flanks, several armored personnel carriers and technicals were starting their engines. Marcus took a few deep breaths as he fought the butterflies forming is stomach. "How are our people doing?"
"Scared." The ghoul deadpanned. "Can't say I blame them."
Marcus scanned the faces of his troops….and he could see the fear in their eyes.
"They need to hear from you, Marcus." Charon said. "Like it or not, you're the glue keeping this army together. And speaking from experience, a few strong words from a general before a battle could make all the difference."
A nervous chuckle escaped from Marcus. "General, hu. Does this mean I've been promoted?"
Charon shrugged. "Well you're no General Patton, but if you like I could get you a giant American flag for a back drop."
The two friends laughed, and clasped their hands together. "I couldn't have asked for a better friend to watch my back, Charon. Thank you."
"Same here, brother. I'm with you till the end." The ghoul swallowed the lump in his throat. "You just remember what I told you before Project Purity."
Marcus forced a smile. "The first round's on me."
The two friends separated, and Marcus made his way to the front of the barricades. The Lone Wanderer climbed to the top of a pile of sandbags, and soon word spread through the ranks and the soldiers began gathering around him. Fighting back his nerves, Marcus began to address the crowd, and he pointed to where the BOS soldiers had gathered. "Brotherhood of Steel." He then pointed to the Vaultees. "Vault dwellers from 101. People from across the Wasteland. Regulators. Reilly's Rangers. Militiamen from Rivet City. Super Mutants. Ghouls from Underworld. Raiders. The Mechanist and AntAgonizer. Former slaves." He stared at Casdin and gave him a respectable nod. "Outcasts. Thank you for joining us here today. But today….today those labels mean nothing, for today you are all united as free men and women." He pointed behind him, across the no man's land. "Out there is an army of slaves, men and women who are not fighting for their homes or freedom….but because they are forced to. But Ashur is losing his grip on his army. The Pitt, his seat of power, lies in ruin, and his army has been cut off from any hope of re-supply. His armada has either been sunk, or has mutinied against him and has retreated out to sea. Every moment that passes by, more of his soldiers lose faith and are deserting him. Ashur has already lost – he just doesn't know it yet. But today, WE WILL SHOW HIM!"
A cheer rose from the crowd of soldiers, and Marcus continued.
"I'm not going to lie to you. Many of us will not live to see tomorrow. I have accepted that I may die today, because I would rather die on my feet a free man, then live on my knees as a slave."
Many of the soldiers gathered nodded in agreement.
"There will be no retreat, no surrender. We either win, or we die! And should we win the day, the world will remember that here on the remains of this once great city, a city that was a beacon of freedom for the world, that free men and women stood united against tyranny – and that no tyrant could break that union!" Marcus raised his fist into the air. "AD VICTORIUM!"
The shout of Ad Victorium rose from the ranks of the Capital soldiers, and could be heard across the Washington Mall.
A mortar round exploding near the right side of the barricades shattered the moment, and everyone quickly scrambled back to their positions. Marcus quickly jumped down from the sand bags and got behind them, along with Sarah, Charon, RL-3 and Dogmeat. The bombardment was more intense then anyone of them could've predicted, and once the mortars had the range, the Capital forces began taking casualties.
On the other side of the no man's land, Ashur stood on the top of the steps of the Capital Building watching the battle unfold. As soon as his scouts informed him that Marcus Lincoln was at the Washington Monument, he ordered his forces to attack. He was going to avenge his beloved wife, and find his daughter Marie - even if he had to rip her location out of the Wanderer himself.
Marcus watched as another machine gun nest was blown apart by a mortar round, killing two BOS soldiers and a Vault militiaman. Deciding that now was the time, he risked standing up and gave Lucas Simms the signal. "GO LUCAS!"
The old Regulator saw the signal, and soon every Wastelander turned and abandoned their posts. The retreat looked completely unorganized, and Ashur smiled as he saw the spectacle through his binoculars. "I knew they'd run like rabbits!" He turned to his new second in command. "Order our troops to advance."
The Raider cringed as he addressed his lord. "Is that wise, my Lord? They still have a sizeable force…."
"Mortar rounds are in short supply," Ashur seethed, "but we have plenty of cannon fodder. Send them in, and send in our remaining vehicles as well."
The Lieutenant reluctantly saluted. "It will be done, my Lord."
The bombardment stopped, and the massive slave army lurched forward, as did the armored carriers and technicals on the right and left flanks….just as Marcus had hoped. "So far so good." He mumbled. "Everyone hold your fire until I give the word!"
The order was quickly passed down the ranks, and you could cut the tension with a knife as five-hundred rifles and laser guns stood ready to fire.
"I wonder if this is how Davey Crocket felt?" Charon said to no one in particular.
"Not a very good example to bring up right now." Marcus deadpanned.
The first line of Raiders had crossed the halfway mark, and Marcus gave the word. "FIRE!"
Five-hundred weapons of all kinds unleashed hell on the advancing army, decimating the first line. The Zetian weapons that were supplied to the Brotherhood surprised the Raiders with how deadly and effective they were, but still the army advanced – unleashing their own fire on the Capital defenders. On the right flank, the first technical hit the mines laid by the defenders and exploded into a fireball. But another rammed the burning husk out the way, and unleashed a hail of fire from it's .50 cal. Sonora Cruz watched as one of her Regulators manning a .50 caliber machine gun nest was cut in half, and she quickly got on the vacant weapon. Sonora fired a full burst into the technical, riddling it with bullets until it lost control and exploded. The Regulator swung the weapon towards the forward position, and fired another burst into a crowd of Raiders, mowing down another dozen of them. She didn't see the missile screaming toward her until it was too late, and what was left of her body was blown thirty feet into the air, and came down in a bloody heap.
Butch tossed a frag grenade at the charging Raiders, killing three of them, and then continued firing his AK-47. Jericho was crotched down next to him, blasting Pitt Raiders with his own AK. He heard a cry of pain to his right, and Butch was lying on his back, covering a bullet wound in the left part of his stomach. Jericho quickly administered biogel to the wound. "Don't you fucking die on me now, kid!"
One of his Raiders ran over to him. "Jericho! Look!"
He turned and saw an armored personnel carrier rumbling towards them. Bullets and grenades bounced off the metal behemoth, and the vehicle's mounted .50 opened fire, shredding four of Jericho's Raiders and two Regulators as they scrambled to find cover. Jericho cursed as both his Raiders and the Regulators were pinned down.
The Mechanist and his remaining ten robots threw themselves into the fray. One of his Sentry bots fired a barrage of missiles, taking out the carrier. Another of the armored vehicles arrived on the scene, and rammed into one of his Protectron's, crushing it under it's tracks.
"YOU MONSTER!" The Mechanist screamed as he fired an RPG, destroying the offending personnel carrier.
On the other side of the battlefield, the Super Mutants and ghouls, along with Sydney and Emaline, were desperately trying to hold their ground against another wave of Pitt Raiders and vehicles. Fawkes fired a full burst from his Precision Gatling laser into a technical, and roared as it burst into flames. But behind it was an armored carrier, and it's .50 caliber gunner unleashed a hail of bullets, and the Meta Human watched as two Super Mutants and five ghouls were torn to pieces. "NOW YOU WENT AND GOT ME MAD!" Fawkes screamed as he dropped his weapon and charged at the vehicle. Sydney and Quinn both provided covering fire, and the Meta Human leaped onto the carrier and smashed the gunner's head with one punch. Fawkes grabbed hold of the .50 cal and pulled with all his might, ripping it free from it's mount. "EEEYAAAHAHAHA!" was the last thing many of the Pitt Raiders heard as Fawkes fired a full burst from the weapon as he stood on top of the vehicle. The hatch sprung open and one of the Raiders inside popped up with a shotgun, determined to kill the Meta Human. Fawkes turned and fired the .50 into the man at point blank range, and the upper half of his body disintegrated.
Realizing the armored carrier was now a hindrance, one of the Pitt Raiders shouldered a missile launcher and fired it at the vehicle, blowing Fawkes off the top of it. The Meta Human landed several feet from the vehicle on his back. He was blooded and charred, but still alive. The Super Mutants charged forward in a desperate attempt to save their leader, and managed to pull him to safety. Emaline was covering their escape with her flamer, burning three Raiders to death, when a 7.62 round struck her in her left leg, sending the merc to the ground. Sydney fired a full burst from her SMG as she ran over to her friend. "Looks like I'm the one saving your ass, today." She said as she managed to pull her friend to her feet. Emaline placed her left arm around Sydney's shoulders, and as the two women turned to head back, another round struck the fuel tank on Emaline's flamer, and the two mercs were blown to pieces.
Reilly, who was seeing all of this, spoke into her ear piece. "Marcus! The left flank is collapsing!"
Marcus could see the vehicles and Pitt Raiders decimating the mutant forces, and he quickly got on his radio. "Hill! You and your snipers concentrate on those vehicles on the left!"
Commander Hill was quick to respond. "Copy that, Marcus." After shouting out the new targets to her snipers, Hill fired her Barrett at a technical jeep, splattering the driver's head inside the cabin. Another well placed .50 cal round took out the vehicle's engine, and a .308 shot from Arkansas' rifle took out the it's gunner.
Hill grinned at the ex-slave. "You're pretty good, old timer."
Arkansas fired his weapon again, killing another Pitt Raider. "You're not so bad yourself….for a girl."
Hill shot him a sideways glance before taking off the head of another Raider. BOS Knight Amanda Keanon, who had joined the Rivet City snipers at the top of the monument, took out another technical's gunner with her .308 sniper rifle, but there was little they could do against the armored personnel carriers. Chief Harkness decided to take matters into his own hands, and he left his cover and charged straight at the vehicle. His men scrambled to provide him with cover fire, and though the android had taken a few hits, he was still running at top speed. The vehicle's .50 cal gunner spotted the coming threat, and fired a full burst at the Chief. Harkness screamed as a round struck his left arm, and though the limb was not blown off, it sparked and was now hanging uselessly at his side.
Marcus, who saw what was happening, activated his VATS, locked in on the gunner's head, and fired. The micro fusion round penetrated the armor plating meant to protect the gunner, and the Raider's head exploded. Harkness jumped on the armored personnel carrier, and ripped the hatch open with his right hand. A laser blast was fired from inside, but Harkness was able to dodge it at the last second, and he quickly primed a frag grenade and tossed it down inside. The explosion annihilated the Raiders, and the vehicle's deadly rampage was stopped. Brick laid down a barrage of fire with Eugene, shredding several Raiders, while Donovan shouldered an RPG and fired it at another armored vehicle, blowing it sky high.
Initiate Ingram fired her disintegrator at a Pitt Raider, turning him to ash, but the BOS soldier was met by a hail of bullets, and her power armor's alarm sounded indicating her shields were down. Knight Danse pulled the young woman behind cover at the last second, no doubt saving her life. "You can't keep exposing yourself like that!" He chastised. "Those shields are not impenetrable!"
The young Initiate swallowed hard. "Yes, sir!"
Near the center of the line, Paladin Tristen was shouting orders to a mixed group of BOS Knights and Outcasts. "WATCH THOSE BASTARDS ON THE RIGHT! DON'T LET THEM…." The frag grenade exploded at his feet, and though it didn't kill the Paladin, it did knock down his shields – leaving him vulnerable to the .308 sniper round that blew the right side of his head off.
Sarah's Lyons blood boiled, and she looked through her rifle's scope in the direction from where the fatal shot was fired. She spotted the sniper perched on the top of an abandoned bunker, and the Sentinel fired a single round into her enemy's rifle scope, blowing his head to pieces.
Protector Casdin, who witnessed Tristen's demise, made his way through the lines over to Sarah. "Lyons, we can't stay here any longer! We're being torn apart!"
Marcus, who had heard Casdin's declaration, took a moment to survey the battlefield. Casualties were mounting on both sides….and too many of them were theirs. "All units, retreat! Fall back to the Lincoln Memorial! Fall back!"
The order was quickly passed down the line and everyone began to retreat, picking up as many wounded as they could. Jericho managed to get Butch on his feet, and half dragged him towards the memorial. The Super Mutants and ghouls carried Fawkes inside the National History Museum as they retreated to it's entrance. Herman Gomez was providing cover fire with his M4 when he took a round to his right knee, sending him to the ground. His son Freddie was quickly by his side, trying to help him up.
"Get out of here, Freddie! Leave me here!"
Freddie forced his father onto his feet. "Just shut up and come on!" Father and son managed to limp their way past the Washington Monument, along with the remaining Vault 101 militiamen.
Harkness quickly sent the evacuation order to Hill. "Hill, we're falling back, get the hell out of there!"
"Roger that, Chief. Okay everybody, let's move!" Hill led her remaining snipers to the fastest way they could evacuate from the top of the Washington Monument: a tactical zip line mounted behind it. One by one the snipers slide down, until only Hill and Arkansas remained. "Come on, Arkansas! We gotta go!"
The former slave shook his head. "I'm too old for that kind of shit, missy. Besides," he looked over his shoulder at the battle raging down below, "I've still got some debts to settle."
Hill couldn't believe what she was hearing, and for a moment she stood there with her mouth hung open, and her hand stretched out. Arkansas flashed her a kind smile. "Go on. I'm stay'in."
Hill felt sick to her stomach as she slid down the zip line. She had never left a man behind, but the look in Arkansas eyes told her there was no changing his mind. Harkness was waiting for her on the ground, and they quickly ran for their lives.
Arkansas took aim with his .308 and fired, putting another bullet into a Raider's chest. He chambered another round and fired again, scoring a head shot. "I am the reaper." He whispered to himself as he put down another slaver. Small arms fire was now making its way up to him, but the ex-slave continued to fire, losing count of how many Raiders he had sent to the next world. As he stared down his rifle, he spotted the .50 cal on the back of technical trained on his position. A full burst torn into the walls of the monument, cutting Arkansas in half.
Back at the Capital Building, Ashur smiled as he saw his enemies break and run before his army. His Lieutenant was also very pleased. "Congratulations, my Lord. You are victorious."
"Yes, and now they have nowhere else to go. Send in the entire force – reserves, everything. Destroy them all….but bring Marcus Lincoln and Elder Lyons to me alive. This ends today!"
Ashur's army now covered the Washington Mall like a swarm of locust, and they made their way past the Washington Monument towards the Lincoln Memorial. As the first line approached, they were surprised to find the enemy force entrenched behind a well fortified position. Lines of sands bags, fox holes and machine gun nests littered the area around the memorial, where Elder Lyons and the Wasteland volunteers were already waiting when the rest of their forces arrived. As soon as the Pitt army was in range, the Capital forces that a moment ago seemed to be in disarray, unleashed hell on the advancing troops and vehicles. The first line was annihilated, and their advance all but halted. Inside the memorial, Butcher, Doc Church, and a few other Wasteland doctors had set up a field hospital that was already filled with wounded. Jericho brought Butch inside and plopped him down on a mattress before heading back into the fight. Freddie Gomez did the same with his father, and despite the Overseer's objections, his son returned to the battle raging outside.
"DIE COMMIE, DIE!" RL-3 yelled as he turned another Pitt Raider to goo. Both Charon and Marcus tossed a plasma grenade, killing a total of five Raiders. Clover had managed to find her way over to the group, and she fired a full burst from her submachine gun before ducking back down. "Just like….old times, hu?" She asked while trying to catch her breath and reload.
Marcus only responded with a nervous chuckle.
Charon's back was pressed against the sandbags as he reloaded his Terrible shotgun. "I always said you had a warped sense of fun."
Sarah fired her guass rifle, taking down another slaver and then ducked back down. "We're running low on ammo!"
A second later, Star Paladin Cross ran over to their position, firing her laser pistol towards the enemy. She practically landed on top of The Lone Wanderer and Clover as she dove for cover. "Marcus, I suggest whatever your plan is, you do it now!"
Marcus knew she was right, and he placed his guass rifle on the ground. "Okay Moira, are you linked up?"
Mothership Zeta….
Elliot, Sally, Mary and Bob sat on the bridge of the mothership monitoring the events happening in the Capital below them. When Bob and his engineers first proposed their plan, the hardest part was finding an Earth satellite still working, and then one that Moira would be able to hack into and hitch a ride on. It took a few days, but the Zetians had identified one such satellite that fit the criteria, and before long, the AI's smiling face appeared on the bridge's monitors. "I sure am! Boy, I gotta say, being in two places at once is kinda weird!"
Elliot nearly jumped out his skin when she appeared. "The Death Ray is primed and ready to go. Are you picking up the signal from the targeting beacon?"
The targeting beacon, which in theory would operate just like targeting lasers used by the US Army to guide missiles into apartment windows, was placed on the top of the Washington Monument; the same structure that now stood in the center of the bulk of Ashur's army.
"I sure am!" Moira beamed.
Marcus stared at the avatar on his PIPBOY. They would only get one shot at this, and if the beacon failed the ray could be miles off course or worst, land on top of them. 'Please, let this work.' "Everybody get down!" He shouted into his radio. "I say again GET DOWN! Okay Moira….fire!"
The powerful death ray plunged towards the Earth at the speed of light, and Marcus barely had time to cover his head when it struck. The once proud Washington Monument that had stood for over two centuries, and that had survived a nuclear holocaust, was reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye. Every Raider and vehicle in the building's immediate vicinity were atomized, and the blast radius covered an area of one square mile.
Ashur and his Lieutenant had to shield their eyes from the blinding light, and the shock wave knocked them both off their feet. When it was over, the Lord of the Pitt stood on the steps of the Capital Building, his mouth hung open at what he was seeing. The area around where the Washington Moment stood just a moment ago, was now covered in a cloud of ash and debris. More than two-thirds of his army had been near the blast zone, and his remaining troops stood in the no man's land stunned at what had just happened. Ashur got on the radio and tried to control his voice. "M-move forward!" He commanded, but no one moved. The highest ranking Raider left in his army stood at the front of what remained of it, staring at the cloud of dust with his mouth hung open.
"I said, move forward!" Ashur screamed once again.
The Raiders continued to stand there, not sure of what do. Then, from inside the cloud that was beginning to dissipate, they could see shadows dancing. After a few more seconds, they could see more shadows, and the Raiders realized they were coming towards them….and they were coming very fast.
The entire Capital army sprung from the cloud of dust, screaming at the top of their lungs and charging straight for the Pitt army. In the center of this wave of death, an African-American was proudly waving what looked like a flag of the old world. It was the last thing the first line of remaining Raiders saw before they were cut to ribbons by the blood thirsty soldiers.
Marcus Lincoln, his desert eagle in his right hand, and his shock blade extended from his left, was at the head of this charge, and he gunned down three Raiders without mercy, then slashed another across his chest. Sarah was by his side, brandishing her plasma pistol and ripper, and after turning two Raiders into goo, sliced another from his crotch, all the way up to his neck.
Ashur nearly dropped his radio as the Capital forces, which a moment ago seemed all but defeated, where now cutting a bloody path straight to him. "All mortar crews open fire!"
The Lieutenant began to protest. "Sir our men are…."
"DO IT!"
As ordered, the mortars unleashed a barrage which landed on Pitt Raiders and Capital soldiers alike. Before they could fire another burst, however, the ground underneath them began to shake, and over a dozen giant ants emerged and descended on the mortar nests. The crews didn't stand a chance, and they were quickly torn to pieces and their mortars were dragged back under ground. Ashur watched in disbelief as a woman, dressed like and insect, rode on top of one of the best, laughing. "Ha, ha, ha, ha! No one escapes from my wrath!"
As quickly as they had come, the ants retreated underground, and Ashur's mortars were silenced.
By now the fighting had made its way into the trenches. Marcus had just beheaded a Raider with his shock blade, when another was about to jump him from behind. Dogmeat leaped onto the man's back before he could harm his master, and the man barely had time to scream before the K-9 ripped out his throat. RL-3 hovered above one of the trenches and unleashed a stream of fire from his flamethrower, the cries of five Raiders as they were burned alive echoed through the battlefield. "Give my regards to Karl Marx!"
Jericho smashed a Pitt Raider in the head with the butt of his rifle, then repeated the action another one. A third slaver swung an auto axe at him, but Jericho ducked down, and shoved his AK's bayonet into the man's stomach, gutting him.
Charon moved through the trenches the same way he did during the battle of Anchorage all those years ago, tossing grenades around the corners to flush out the enemy, then blasting them with his shotgun at close range.
Harkness, despite only having the use of one arm, killed dozens of Raiders in hand to hand combat. Hill and her snipers hung back just enough to provide cover, and they continued to rack up their kills.
The Mechanist and his robots took out the last of the armored carriers, and the "super hero" was in his glory as he urged his forces on.
Knight Danse smashed a Raider in the face with the butt of his disintegrator, then fired on another, turning him to ash. Initiate Ingram fired her rifle at two charging Raiders, scoring hits on both of them. But as one of the attackers fell, he managed to lob a plasma grenade which landed at Danse' feet, and without thinking, Ingram pushed him out of the way. Danse turned in time to see Ingram's body fly into the air, then come crashing back down. The Knight ran over to his charge, and quickly check her vitals. "INGRAM! DON'T YOU DIE ON ME, SOLDIER! THAT'S AN ORDER!"
Ingram groaned in pain, and Danse let out a sigh of relieve. His eyes scanned the rest of her body, and dread filled him to his core. Ingram's right leg had been severed below the knee, and though it was still attached, he knew her left was only being held together by the mangled power armor. "MEDIC!" He screamed as he quickly applied biogel to her wounds, then hoister her over his shoulder and headed back behind their lines.
Hannibal used the end of the flag pole he was holding to bludgeon a Raider to death, and his excitement grew as he was within sight of the Capital steps. "THE SPIRIT OF LINCOLN IS WITH US! PUSH FORWARD!"
And they did. Casdin and his Outcasts were standing shoulder to shoulder with Brotherhood Knights, and each time their enemies attacked, it was liking running into a steel wall of death. Marcus quickly got on his radio. "Quinn, it's time to unleash that surprise of yours."
Quinn, who was standing next to a now awakened (and very angry) Fawkes, presented a sinister smile. "With pleasure, kid. Okay boys, let'em out!"
The doors to the abandoned metro sprung open, and dozens of feral ghouls of all kinds charged into the no man's land. With guidance from the non-ferals of Underworld, these creatures descended on the unsuspecting Pitt Raiders, and began ripping them to pieces. Many of the once fanatical followers of Ashur now were dropping their weapons and running for their lives, trying to escape the horde of flesh eating mutants. One of them was a dreaded Reaver, and the mutant ripped the driver's side door off one of the last technicals and dragged the driver out. The doomed Raider screamed in sheer terror as the Reaver ripped his chest open and ate his heart.
Fawkes, his super sledge in head, lead the remaining Super Mutants into the fray, and the Meta Human took his rage out on his enemies without hesitation. "This is for Uncle Leo!" He screamed as he crushed a Raider's skull with one swing of his weapon.
Marcus, Sarah and the rest of their companions were joined by Star Paladin Cross. Wielding the Brotherhood ARM, she swung the weapon so hard she nearly beheaded a Pitt Raider, then hit another attacker on her right, caving in his chest. Hearing movement behind her, Cross extended the handle's blade, then ran a Raider through his gut with it. She withdrew the weapon, and let out a battle roar as she brought the hammer down on the man's head.
Just behind the front line, a group of Raiders were preparing for an ambush when three cloaked figures attacked them from three directions. Clover started the attack by driving her sword into the back of one of the Raiders, then shot another with her submachine gun. The three Ghosts made quick work of the remaining Raiders, and just as quickly as they appeared, they vanished.
The battle was bloody and horrific, and while the tide had turned in favor of the Capital forces, Ashur's remaining forces still out numbered them, and were showing no sign of backing down. Marcus and Sarah were covered in sweat, and they along with Charon and Dogmeat, stopped inside of a trench to catch their breath. Marcus was pretty much out of ammo, and the only weapons he had left were his gauntlet and shock blade. The roar of an engine behind them got their attention, and just when they thought they'd seen everything, the three companions' jaws hit the ground. Marcus' old battle truck seemed to appear out of nowhere, and smashed through two burning technicals before stopping near their position.
Argyle, who was in the back manning the truck's Gatling laser, unleashed a devastating barrage into the Pitt Raiders. "That's for twenty years of torment you bastards!" He screamed as he turned several of his tormentors to ash.
Marcus and his companions made their way over to the truck, just as Herbert "Daring" Dashwood jumped out of the cabin, brandishing a 40mm thumper.
"Hey, Marcus! Now let me and Argyle show you how we brought the pain in our day!" Dashwood fired the thumper, and the grenade sailed through the air in an arch before finally landing square in the middle of a Pitt machine gun nest, blowing it sky high. The aging adventure repeated the action again and again, while Argyle continued to blast Raiders with his Gatling laser.
Hannibal's heart was racing as he reached the first steps of the Capital building. An overzealous Raider tried to stop him, but Hannibal held the flag pole with two hands, and knocked the man square in the face with it. He then grabbed the Raider by the shirt and threw him down the stone steps as if he was nothing. Picking the flag up, the ex-slave raced up to the top of the steps, and both Simone and Clover were standing at the bottom and watched as Hannibal finally reached his goal. He was standing at the top of the Capital steps, proudly waving their battle standard in victory. Though the battle was still raging, Marcus, Sarah, and several of the Capital soldiers could not help but cheer at the sight of the old world flag waving proudly from their enemy's fortress.
Hannibal's chest seemed to explode, and the former slave, who just a moment before was cheering in triumph, was now sent to his knees. Simone and Clover, who were still standing at the bottom of the steps, screamed as they watched Ashur strolled up behind Hannibal and fire another plasma round into the back of his head. Marcus watched helplessly as the flag slipped from Hannibal's hands, and his lifeless body fell next to it.
Simone was the first to charge up the steps, rage and tears in her eyes. She screamed as she unleashed a full burst with her AK-47, determined to kill her leader's murderer. But in her rage most of her shots went wide, and Ashur fired a single round from his plasma pistol, turning the woman to goo. Clover was charging up the steps right behind her, a sword in her hand and murder in her eyes. Ashur smirked as he took aim with his pistol, but before he pulled the trigger, his target disappeared. Ashur fired, but his target was not there. A moment later, his pistol was knocked from his hands, and the shimmer that attacked him was about to strike again, only this time, the ex-Paladin connected a right hook that knocked Clover back.
Marcus was filled with panic as he lunged forward, trying to reach her. As good as Clover was, he knew she couldn't take him alone. Sarah, Charon, Dogmeat, Cross and RL-3 all joined him, and the six companions began slicing and shooting their way through the remaining Pitt Raiders still in their way.
Clover turned off her cloak and raised her sword in a defensive stance. Ashur reached behind him and pulled out an auto axe. Clover wasted no time or words and charged at the Pitt Lord, determined to take his head. Ashur easily parried these attacks, and soon followed up with is own strikes, putting Clover on the defensive. Not only did Ashur have more experience, but his power armor left very few areas where Clover could do any damage. At one point, she managed a glancing strike on his face, slicing his right cheek. Ashur pushed himself even harder, and he struck Clover across her back with the handle of his axe, knocking her down. As he came in for a death strike, Clover rolled to her right, and was quickly back on her feet.
At the foot of the Capital Building the battle still raged. Marcus fired his gauntlet at an oncoming Raider turning her to ash, then he fired to his right, killing another. A third Raider tried to attack him from behind with an auto axe, but Marcus spun around and blocked it with his shock sword, then fired his gauntlet into the man's chest at point blank range.
Clover was knocked down for a third time by Ashur, but she managed to get back up. The sneer on his face told her the Pitt Lord was now toying with her, and Clover gritted her teeth and screamed as she attacked again. As before, Ashur parred her attacks, spun around and managed to slice her in the right side of her stomach. The weapon didn't gut her, but it left a large gash, and Clover screamed as she crumbled to the ground. When she opened her eyes, Ashur was standing over her, staring at her in disgust. "Did you really think you had a chance against me, girl?" He took a step back and brought the weapon above his head. "I AM A GOD…."
Clover closed her eyes as the axe was about to come crashing down. The sound of a laser blast forced her to open them, and she realized she still drew breath. Clover looked up at her would be killer, who was standing over her motionless, the axe still over his head. It was then she noticed something else….sunlight coming through a hole in his chest. The Lord of the Pitt noticed it too, for he began to shake and as he lowered the auto axe, he also slowly turned around.
Marcus was standing just a few feet behind him, his recently fired gauntly still pointing at the Lord of the Pitt. "It looks like gods bleed!"
Ashur could feel the life begin to leave his body, and he made one final attempt for revenge and lunged forward with his axe. Marcus fired another burst from the gauntlet, and the blast severed Ashur's head at the neck. Marcus quickly ran over to Clover, and was joined by the rest of his companions who had helped him to fight his way up to her. He wasted no time in apply the life saving biogel to her wound, and as she winced in pain, Clover let out a slight laugh. "I guess….now I owe you one."
Marcus smiled. "You don't owe me anything."
Down below, the battle suddenly began to die down, and word spread through the ranks of the slavers that their Lord was dead. Once a Brotherhood medic began to treat Clover's wounds, Marcus picked up Ashur's head, and boldly stood at the top of the Capital steps holding it high. The fighting had stopped, and everyone, Pitt Raiders and Capital soldiers, stood where they were and stared at the spectacle.
"HERE IS YOUR GOD!" He screamed before tossing the head down the steps and into the crowd, shocking the Pitt Raiders. "SURRENDER, OR DIE!"
For a few tense moments, no one moved. Finally, one by one, the remaining Pitt Raiders dropped their weapons and raised their hands above their heads. It was immediately followed up by a roar of celebration from the Capital soldiers. There was laughing, crying, hugging. Many of the soldiers got down on their knees and thanked which ever god they believed in that they were alive and it was over. They had won.
Marcus took Sarah into his arms and they kissed passionately. They were soon joined on the top of the steps by the rest of their companions, including Fawkes, Harkness and the rest of the Rangers. As they too, joined in with the celebrations, Clover insisted that she be helped back on her feet, and once the medic reluctantly complied, she limped over to the others. "Marcus….the flag. Hannibal wanted it flown from the top of this building."
Marcus reached down and picked up the flag pole. "Alright, we'll help you."
Though it took a while to reach the area above the main entrance of the Capital Building, Marcus, Sarah, Clover, Charon, Fawkes, Cross, RL-3 and Dogmeat, were standing on the platform looking down at the scene where the bloody battle of the Mall had taken place. Clover, still weak from her fresh wound, was being helped by Marcus and Sarah, and after securing the pole to the building, the three hero's raised the old world flag. A roar unlike anything that had been heard in nearly two-hundred years rose up from the Capital that day, as the raising of the flag signaled the end of the war….and the beginning of a new chapter in the Capital's history.
"And so it was that the Lone Wanderer ventured forth from Vault 101. Intent on discovering the fate of a father, who had once sacrificed the future of humanity, for that of his only child. The Capital Wasteland proved to be a cruel, inhospitable place, but the Lone Wanderer had refused to surrender to the vices that had claimed so many others. The values passed down through father to child, selflessness, compassion, honor, guided this noble soul through countless trials, and triumphs.
"With the defeat of the slave army at the Mall, the remaining Pitt forces surrendered. Project Purity was once again back in the hands of the Brotherhood, and the waters of life flowed to the people. Within a generation, the Capital was no longer referred to as the Wasteland, for it would become a green, fertile land once again. From out of the ashes of war and nuclear fire, the various factions that had united to defeat the slave army, would form a new nation called The Capital Union. Founded on the same principles of freedom and justice from the old world, this new nation granted individual rights to all of its citizens, including ghouls and Super Mutants, now known as Meta Humans. Each faction would elect representatives to a ruling council, and each faction would have a chance to elect a Chancellor to lead the council every four years. The seat of this new government would be the Capital Building, and the American Flag of 1865 would be its standard. The national motto was Molon Labe, and its national anthem was the song "Battle Cry of Freedom". The establishment of this united government ushered in a new golden age for the Capital, and freedom once again reigned throughout the land.
Brotherhood of Steel
The Eastern Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel became the main military arm of the Capital Union, but could only go to war if the Council authorized such action. In the years to come, the ban on mutants joining its ranks would lifted, but would eventual be reinstated after its new Elder, Arthur Maxson, negotiated a reunification with the faction known as the Outcasts.
Vault 101/Megaton
Months after the battle of the Mall, the two communities formally joined as one, and the area around and between both settlements became known as MegaVault City. Within a decade it would become the largest settlement in the Union, surpassing Rivet City. It's first mayor was Lucas Simms, and after eight years, Herman Gomez. After one term as mayor, Herman retired from public life. Many years later while on his death bed, he revealed the truth about Marcus' exile from the Vault. The Vaultees who were still alive from that time period felt ashamed, and soon money was raised for a giant mural depicting the story of the two star-crossed lovers, to be displayed on the cave wall leading into Vault 101.
Rivet City/Vault 101 Militia
Under the new constitution, the two militias were united and became the Capital Militia, and they were responsible for all internal threats to the Union. Although separate from the Brotherhood, they would be placed under Brotherhood control in the event the Council declared war.
Rivet City
Though it took many years, Rivet City was rebuilt and recovered from what would become known as "The Unity War". Chief Harkness was elected the city's representative on the Council, and full rights were awarded to him and all escaped synthetics. This action would unknowingly cause tensions in the years to come between the Capital Union and a settlement to the north known as "The Institute".
Reilly's Rangers
Though still operating as a mercenary group, Reilly's Rangers became the defacto special forces of the Union, and could be activated in a time of war or emergency. In time the small group would grow from five, to dozens. As time claimed the original four Rangers, Charon would step up and lead the organization, and carried on the principles set forth by its founder.
With their numbers severally depleted, the remaining Meta Humans settled in the ghoul city, where they lived in harmony with the rest of the citizens of the Union. Fawkes was unanimously elected to be the mutant community's representative on the Council. When he wasn't busy debating policy, the kind mutant would spend his days engrossed in novels and books from the old world.
Temple of the Union
After Hannibal's death, Clover became the leader of the former slaves at the Lincoln Memorial. Under her leadership the organization would grow and thrive, and since slavery was outlawed in the Union, a new underground railroad was established to help slaves from all across the Eastern Seaboard to escape their masters.
Fulfilling its promise made before the battle at the Mall, the Brotherhood entered into a partnership with the two gang leaders, delivering water to the citizens of the Capital for a small fee. The partnership soon grew into the most lucrative business in the Union, brining much relieve to the Brotherhood, while making Jericho and Butch two of the wealthiest men in the country. Though, they still continued with their "side" businesses of gambling, alcohol and prostitution because, as Jericho put it: "selling water makes you a lot of caps, but it was still boring."
Though they suffered tremendous losses during the war, the Regulators recovered and became the law enforcement arm of the Capital. Under the new Constitution, summary executions were prohibited and the law bringers were forced to abandon this form of punishment. Many of the older members resented this new policy, and for years many criminals were killed under "questionable" circumstances. But in time a new generation of lawmen would take up the mantle of justice, and the Union's system of due process became a model for other nations to follow.
Herbert Dashwood/Argyle
After their participation in the battle of the Mall, the old adventurers were once again regarded as heroes. Both men decided it was time to retire, and they lived out the rest of their days retelling stories of their adventures. Argyle wrote a book about his years in captivity, and it became a best seller in the Union, and inspired a spin-off radio show on GNR.
GNR/Three Dog
After the defeat of the Pitt army, GNR was once again back in the hands of the Brotherhood. As promised, Marcus Lincoln assisted the disc jockey with the rebuilding of his studio, and it was grander than ever, reaching out beyond the Union's borders. Three Dog continued to broadcast his message of hope and freedom well into old age, until finally one day, he was found dead at the switch board – his last breaths doing what he loved the most.
Mothership Zeta
Elliot, Mary and Sally spent the rest of their lives on the mothership, keeping watch for any threats from beyond the stars. Colonel Hardigan and his NASA team continued with their efforts to terraform Mars, and though it would take nearly a century, their work would produce a thriving colonel where hundreds of humans could live. Eventually the thousands of humans trapped in cryostasis were released, and while many chose to return to Earth, most traveled to the red planet in the hope of starting over on a new world.
The Mechanist/AntAgonizer
After the battle, the superhero and villain came to a mutual understanding, and all hostility between them stopped. The AntAgonizer, impressed at what humans could accomplish when they work together, eventual hung up her suit, and slowly rejoined society as Tanya Christoff. The Mechanist, still feeling the call to be a hero, took his robot army north….and was never seen again.
After the loss of both her legs during the battle, Initiate Ingram was allowed to remain in the Brotherhood as a Scribe. Not accepted that she could never again take the field of battle, Ingram, along with Head Scribe Rothchild, managed to construct robotic legs attached to a power armor frame, which allowed her to regain most of her mobility. She would prove to be not only a determined soldier, but a skilled technician. Knight Danse would eventual rise to the rank of Paladin, and would become one of the Brotherhood's most loyal and dependable soldiers – until fate would send him on a scouting mission to the Common Wealth, and would forever alter his destiny.
And as for our hero, the Lone Wanderer. Once the Capital Union's future was secured, he retired from public life, and settled down in MegaVault City; determined to live a peaceful life. But he would soon discover two facts that have haunted mankind since the beginning: peace doesn't last….and war….war never changes.
MegaVault City, two years after the Battle of the Mall….
"Come on, Max. You can do it!" Marcus stood at the bottom of the slide, holding his arms out as his son Max carefully sat down at the top of it. A moment later the child came sliding down, laughing as his father scooped him up. "Alright! Wasn't that fun?"
The child laughed again.
"Marcus!" Sarah yelled from the other side of the park. "Marie wants to play with him in the sand box."
Marcus looked at his son, and his eyes lite up. "Do you want to play in the sand with your sister?"
Max smiled and nodded his head, and his mother Clover carried the child over to the rest of his family. Marcus took a moment to watch as Clover placed his son down into the sand, and the two children began to laugh and play. After the Unity War, he and Sarah formally adopted Marie and the young child had adjusted well, even calling Max "little brother". As he sat down on one of the park's benches, Marcus' only wish was that they could all get together like this more often. Marie stayed with him and Sarah in MegaVault City, while Max stayed with Clover at the Temple of the Union, and their work often times took them away….but all of them were determined to make it work.
The park they were in was located in the middle of what used to be Sprinvale. It took almost a year to build, but Marcus was determined to fulfil the promise he had made to his son, and at the ribbon cutting ceremony the citizens of the city named it "Lincoln Park", after the man who had done so much for them in such a short time. Marcus objective to it of course, saying it sounded like an old world rock band, but the mayor Lucas Simms would eventually have his way.
Movement to his right caught Marcus' attention, and Charon sat down next him with two beers in his hand. "Come on kid, it's Unity Day and you don't have a beer in your hand!"
Marcus took one of the bottles and laughed. "I was playing with my kids."
"No excuse." The ghoul said as he popped the cap off. The two friends held their bottles up in a toast. "Happy Unity Day."
They clinked them together. "Happy Unity Day." Unity Day, the day the Union's constitution was ratified, one year after the Battle of the Mall. This was the first anniversary of the new nation, and celebrations and parades were planned all over the Capital.
"So," Charon began, "you get your dress uniform pressed yet?"
Marcus rolled his eyes. "I really do not want to go to this damn thing!"
Charon chuckled, remembering how he felt whenever he was forced to go to a ceremony when he was in the Marines. "You are the Grand Marshal of the parade so you kinda have to be there."
Marcus took a swig from his bottle. "Look, I have no problem going to Arlington to pay tribute to the fallen….those guys deserve it more than I do."
Charon somberly agreed. He smiled as he watched Sarah chasing Marie around, trying to get the child to drop something she had picked up. "So, you ask her yet?"
Marcus nearly choked on his beer. "No. Not yet but…."
"But what? You already have the ring."
"I know I'm just….scared I guess."
Charon laughed. "So the great Lone Wanderer, the slayer of the Enclave, Pitt Raiders and the father of our nation….is scared to ask the woman he loves the big one!"
Marcus responded by jabbing his friend in the arm. "I'll ask her tonight, during the fireworks."
"Oooo, how romantic. Bet you two will be creating some fireworks of your own after, hu?"
Now Marcus put his friend into a head lock. "Hey….my beer!" The two friends were soon rolling around on the ground, laughing as they punched and pulled each other. They eventually stopped when two shadows fell on them, and they looked up to see Sarah and Clover standing over them, both women with their hands on their hips.
"I swear," Sarah began, "I don't know who's worse, you two or the kids!"
Clover smirked. "I think it's a tie, actually." Standing behind her, both Marie and Max were giggling.
The women helped the two friends up, and soon they all sat down at the picnic table to eat. They were halfway through with their lunch, when a ghoul no one had ever seen slowly approached them. "Ex-excuse me but….are you Marcus Lincoln?"
Marcus, who even now was wary of strangers, instinctively placed his hand on his hip where his knife was hidden. "That's me."
The ghoul smiled in relieve and they shook hands. "Oh, I've been looking for you for a long time, Mr. Lincoln. My name is Lenny and…." He looked around the table. "….if this is a bad time I'll come back…."
Marcus, still keeping his hand on his knife, shook his head. "It's okay, Lenny. What can I help you with?"
"Well its, kind've a long story. You see I'm from out west and well, I knew your great-grandfather….the Vault Dweller from Vault 13. If you have some time, I'd like to tell you about him."
Everyone at the table stopped eating, and Marcus finally relaxed enough to remove his hand from his hip. Very few people knew the history of his family, so this ghoul's claim was probably legitimate. "Well….that would be very nice Lenny but, I have a feeling you didn't come all this way just tell me stories about my great-grandfather.
Lenny hung his head. "You're right….I'm here because the NCR, the nation he founded, is in serious trouble….and I believe you are the only one who can save it."
The End.