Situations ( chapter 5 )

"But this is still very unbelievable. if the person saying wasn't you i wouldn't believe it" Seraphine says that with a very straight face while looking around the palace.

" yes it is, if not for the fact that i have talked with that being. I would also doubt this wheather it is a dream or not" I had so many questions unanswered but i couldn't ask him, well lets not worry about that. Right now i should be thinking about how to get out of this place

"What are you thinking master "She says that with a curious voice but as always she

doesn't show it in her behaviour.

" Its nothing.I was thinking about what the god said about breaking out of this palace" he said that the descendants of the user of the seal and user himself can only free us out But if that is the case we will not be able to get out of here fast and what if 'world war i' start outside and the world destruct before we go out, if that happens there would be no point in coming here But is god that stupid to let us reborn inside a sealed person who will not be able to do anything, No i think we are reincarnated inside powerfull beings because if not we would not be able to handle other powerfull races who control this world and there musn't be other beings stronger than us. He must have thought about how to free us.... 'Right?'

while i was thinking about our situation seraphine was examing the palace. This palace is very big and there are no windows and doors and there are numerious small hand size holes which i think is to let the air in. This palace Almost looks like our b_-____

"master i think we are under ground or inside a big mountain like the main base you built for our organization"

" Yes exactly, i was also thinking that. did you Find any door or anything that looks like it" I built that base because the government was trying to find us at that time if not for that base we would have been exposed to the public . In the least case we could have been in prison for the rest of our life

" No, But i did Found some drawing which looks like some occult things "

"Hmm, Where is it show me ?....By the way do you still feel the need to suck my blood "

"No it was just a joke master i just speculate that i am must be a vimpire because i did woke up from a coffin and i have fangs. so i thought to tease you a little bit"

"what !?. you had that type of side to you but i didn't see you act like this before" i say that while being confused

" well it would have no point if i teased you before because you wouldn't react to anything so i was just making sure that you have react like a normal person" she says that while smirking at me. It looks like seraphine is quite resentfull.I couldn't understand her fully while living on earth because i was only talking to her if there was work involved or training.

We reached the place where the drawing was drawn. It is at the center of the palace

between four big pillar.

" What is this? is this some kind of language of this world or something else?"

" No it looks like a magic circle which is used in a manga and anime"Seraphine says that like its something obvious

"Wait what do you mean?.The God said some thing about mana energy or something but something like magic even allowed to exist " doesn' t that mean that people of this world are far more superior.

But wait seraphine was into that kind of stuff.I always thought that she was a workholic person but she was entertaing herself that way But i suppose it can't be helped. In our type of work we have throw away our emotion to kill a person unhesitatingly. So she had something to distract her from her work which helps in mental stablity. Of course i didn't need it but for sera who was just a kid when i make her do that, it is understandable.

"Seraphine we are sent here to protect this world nothing more nothing less and that means the god doesn't care about the people living here, he said, To protect this world you can do what you want."

" And one more thing i haven't told you IS 'WE ARE THE STRONGEST BEING LIVING IN THIS PLANET' is currently my speculation but we don't know how to use powers of our Current body so, While we have the time we will focus on adjusting in our body then we will think about going outside "

"As you wish"

" Also always remember to eliminate anyone threatening this world, that is our current responsibility, But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves,

this also my first time living like a person so we will do whatever our heart desires.

There are many unknown things in this world for us to see. So,prepare yourself"

In a far distance away in the human Country ZWAAR'S CAPITAL named KRIVERZ . It is a middium Size country because of it powerfull army and advanced tool created through magic and science this country is considred a powerfull country and human species main base But at the current time the whole kingdom was celebrating their new born prince.

Inside the royal palace of Kriverz

" Congratulations your majesty . He is just as much Cha रमिंग as you"A old man is 35-36 who looks like a noble who is close to the king says that

" Hmm ..thank you Archduke sebastian for always protecting our country and its people and i want you to also protect and guide my son in the future as well " A Charming youngman is his 30s who has a red hair and yellow eyes says that while sitting in his throne

" of course your majesty, I will allways protect the young prince." He says that while bowing before the king.

"HMM. Now you are excused"

The oldman after hearing that leaves the palace.

In big bedroom with a woman sleeping in with a child. The woman has a deep blue hair and eyes and besides the woman is

a। newborn baby with small blue hair and red eyes

The baby slowly opens his eyes.

he was in a deep sleep and gets confused by its surrounding

' wait i am alive?, didn't i just get hit by a truck!!'

He looks around the place to know the situation he was in.

' am i inside a hospital?.But this looks like a room inside a palace, Am i in some expensive hospital where i don't know how much fee it will cost!?! Crap crap what the hell do i do. I don't even parents who could pay for me . " oooaa osdoi oo" (what should i do) wait what just happened did i just speak like a baby?? No No No nO thats impossible.

After taking a deep breath

Ok lets try again"oooy oonee sis ols"(my name is alex) So i really did turned into a baby !?!

Of Course thats the only way i could have survived that truck So lets just accept it.But still, this is Bizzare just like that novel i read where MC born into another world and becomes badass....

of course that was only a novel it doesn't happen in real life ? like obviously..'sigh~~'

what am i even thinking about? lets face the reality now and think positively. I have become a baby that means i have a new life before me . Judging from the look of the room my family seems preety rich.

Hmm who is this beauty besides me, probably my mother right!.

if my mother is a beauty that means i will also have good looks. my future looks as bright as sun ...

"ooo ooeao oso o oos oorl"( lets have a fun life ahead) unlike my previous one