21. Reached.

I Kindly request my readers to read the chapters in sequence as it was improperly updated in error.

After 19th chapter 'struck', it is 20th chapter 'Hassle' and the following chapter is 21st 'Reached'.

This chapter has been mis-updated.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

I hope I've dispelled the confusion. :)


For quite a while, our cab has been in the motion of pause.

Releasing a long sigh of agony, I frowned staring out through the window. "How long it's going to take? Half an hour has already been passed away." The horns were still audible which was resonating in the shallow atmosphere of the night.

I unbuckle the straps of my shoes and slowly, draw back my feet from the shoes. Folding my legs, I bring them close to my chest while I nodded my head in pure disappointment.