67. Box.

A powerful stroke of cold wind brushed against my pale face, causing my lightless grey eyes to close instantly to not let the debris to enter. Without my knowledge, a quick shiver sent to my spine and the goosebumps erupted on my nape. The foggy mist was constantly escaping from my frozen pink lips.

On a spur of the moment, I raised my head in a upward position and my grey eyes met with the crystalline white fluffy clouds of the freezing sky. All of a sudden, an icy snow ball landed on my face and instantly, I flinch my eyes.

The shiny and slick surface covered with the thick coating of pristine icy ice and long ago, the aura has lost a a sensation of warmth and it switch into extreme cold.

Today, is the birthday of my lovely younger sister who's going to turn one year old today.

Alzone and I are on the way to get the present for my sister.