Chapter 6

~ 3 months later ~

Narrator POV:

We see the inn named 'Garden of Rosa', people lining up to go inside, with the inside being full. A girl with red hair running around, with expertise to her movement, other barmaids are doing the same, but they aren't as good, the only reason being, they aren't used to such hectic crowds, before Diana came to work here, there was leisure to the work.

The first few weeks with her around, most barmaids didn't even need to come to work. By how people avoided the place. But by some miracle, Rosa advertised and marketed Diana as the best barmaid in Arendelle, those that disagree can come to Rosa's Garden and see for themselves, if they come out unsatisfied the Inn would pay them. And just like that, over the upcoming weeks, people happy with the idea of getting money, jumped to the idea, even if they were served by a symbol of 'evil'.

So when more and more people were coming out of the inn satisfied, more people came in and eventually, lines were forming, to see what's the buzz, so because of this, most barmaids were left behind, because they don't have what Diana has, she had marketing and... Previous life knowledge. She already was used to hectic environments, with a lot of people, lines, and lines of people, so she isn't as surprised and unprepared as others.

With Rosa's help, she's starting to become a celebrity, the Scarlet Angel is what people started calling her. Everybody is satisfied with her work. Why? Because she brought knowledge from her last life. With different waiter tactics, she applies different kinds of mentalities and psyches to serving different people.

Sometimes she's bubbly, sometimes she confronts people, sometimes she's casual, sometimes she's angry, she's a jack of all trades, she shows a specific face to everybody. Not to mention her integrating some recipes from her time and also teaching her colleagues how to do a job as good as her. So there's no wonder that she has gotten herself a nickname.

Of course, it came with suspicion at first, on how she knows such things. But one word to Rosa and she fixed it. How does she know how to manipulate her words and emotions to such an extent? Solitude, isolation, and talking, practicing in front of the mirror because she was scared to leave the house. How she knows such 'exotic' foods because she was bored of the same and experimented as much as possible. And also the bonus of any books found, yes, there were only a few.

But with her story, she is free to basically do anything. That isn't too far from what would come from such a situation. Imagination, time in solitude, and trying to hide from everybody, would allow somebody to interpret any kind of situation that would allow survival in her own mind. So she just went with it. Because of it, she became popular... thanks to Rosa, of course. She herself would've not been able to do it.

Of course, people tried to say they were unsatisfied, tried to make it as hard of a job as possible for Diana, all so they could get free money. But just as people in her own time were greedy and intrigued by 'free' things. Nothing is ever free. So no matter how hard it was, she always came out on top.

But there were a few... liars... who at first got away, the first few times. Because there was no way to prove otherwise. So Rosa changed the strategy with Diana's advice, even if they both knew that people were lying and getting away with free money, which wasn't free because they still paid for all the beer and food. So they just got the same as they paid. The idea planted in their head, they only think that they won. When the truth is, Rosa is the winner, she either gets more money and doesn't lose at all, or with a slight loss.

But anyway, with Diana's advice. She changed the previous 'unsatisfied=money' to, if you smile wholeheartedly or laugh even once during the serving, that will count as 'satisfied'. So now people were trying to not laugh, smile as hard as possible... But the harder you try to do something that was told, the harder it is not to do. It's the same principle behind don't touch anything. Your brain will be tempted to touch something. And just like that. People couldn't lie their way out.

Yes, there were a few people that didn't laugh, either because they are zombies... Or that they were too depressed to do so. But that was hardly a problem. With all of this, Rosa's Garden business is booming. Other inns/taverns/restaurants not only lose their customers, but they also try to innovate, copy, rob the place for its recipes or even steal the barmaids with promises of a different kind. But unfortunately for them. With Diana's knowledge from the previous life and Rosa being a human tank. They make a terrifying duo.

Try to steal from them? You will be left with a black eye from one of Rose's hands... Sometimes two black eyes, if she feels like it. Try to copy what they are doing? They can't because they don't have Diana's teachings. they can only try to imitate, which doesn't work out for them, losing even more customers. Try to take the barmaids with promises? None want to leave the place, their pay is off the roof with the new popularity of the place, their benefits? Just like they would be back in the times when Diana was alive. Even the promise of paying for health problems is enough to keep the barmaids working, without being swayed by the competitors.

So the only thing that they can do, is to try and innovate. Barely anybody succeeds, because they were doing the same thing for so long, it's hard to transition into something new. So... a few businesses had to shut down because they couldn't upkeep them. But does anybody in Rosa's Garden care? Hell no, Diana even suggested opening more shops, so they could control the tavern business in Arendelle alone. Pitching the idea to Rosa, with the added name. Rosa's Park, come for relaxation, leave with happiness.

Rosa agreed to the idea, but she didn't start implementing it just yet, she wants to spend more time training her other employees, so they could work without the help of Diana. Diana wasn't fully happy with that, but she nonetheless agreed. In her mind, the more time spent, the more time it is for other competitors to reach up to them. But she doesn't need to be so paranoid, they aren't even close. Sadly she doesn't realize that. In her time, maybe people would adapt so quickly. But here? She doesn't need to worry. It will literally take them years.

Diana POV:

"Table 11" I hear Elrik shout, I walk up to the bar, take the order and go to the table. I see a slumped-over man, with brown hair. Hmm... he's dejected, sad... rejected by a girl, or maybe fired from a job? Well doesn't matter what it is, I got it.

"Here's your order, mister," I say calmly. He turns to me, sees his food, and only nods, indicating for me to leave. Sadly he's not getting that. I sit down across from him and wait for him to talk, say anything. By the time he's halfway through his food, he finally speaks up.

"Why are you still sitting here? Don't you have your work to do?" He spats out harsher than he wanted to, I see that because he immediately looks guilty, but he doesn't apologize... I don't think he'd be mad at me for not doing my job, if he lost his own, he'd be more inclined to speak about his own problem and waste another person's time, so they might have their own work problems... petty revenge kinda style. But he seems madder at me because he isn't left alone and a girl is sitting here... rejection it is. Now, what type...

I shake my head at him. "I am sitting here because I am a shoulder for you to layout your problems, I listen and give advice, so people could feel better"

He cuts me off, scoffing.

"Want to fix my problem? Go back to your boyfriend and break up with him, maybe then I might be happy, I don't need your help"

Oh, so that's it, it wasn't rejection. He got dumped... but breaking up with my non-existent boyfriend... hmm... cheating? Or did the girl find a better man and he's just angry about it? Let's pry a little bit more.

"Hehe, I don't have one"

That seems to have taken him aback.

"Wha... what? How can you now have a man? I mean look at you... You're the Scarlet Angel, you basically made this shithole the only place worth coming to"

Oh, such high praise, so it isn't cheating, there's no way he would compliment me so highly if he got cheated on by a girl, he would loathe the idea of complimenting me or any girl at all if that happened.

"Believe it or not, I don't have one, plus I am too young in my own mind for such relations, besides, I love my job right now and don't have time for that kind of thing"

Wait... he got sadder the moment I mentioned my age and even more sad than I talked about time... The girl he was pining after, didn't accept him because he was too old? Ouch. I mean he looks good to me... but I guess he wasn't up to standards for the gall. This is going to be easy."So, handsome, why are you sulking around here? I think being so good-looking, you'd be somewhere nice with a lady, perhaps walking around, maybe having a picnic"

"She doesn't want me..." He stops himself before he tells too much.

"She? How come she didn't want you? Did you do something wrong?" I ask fake-concerned.He looks at me and I can see gears turning in his head if he should say it or not. With one final push, he will give in.

"I don't know, I think it's her loss if she didn't want to spend time with you"

Hook, line, and sinker. Play into a man's ego and he will start talking. Way too easy.

"She rejected me because I didn't want to buy her a necklace, it was too pricey for me, so she snapped at me, saying I am too ugly and too old for her, so if I couldn't even pay for her, what good am I? So she just left me, I thought we had something... I guess I was wrong"

Ah, so that's the story. Okay, he's just making it too easy at this point.

"She probably herself was ugly, or at least she saw herself like that, so the only validation for 'fake' beauty was jewelry, loads of makeup because I see a handsome man sitting in front of me, he can do so much better, than somebody who only wants money. Show her by getting somebody better than her, I don't think that's hard for somebody like you' I say sympathetically, faking it as much as I can.

"She was wearing a lot of make-up..." I hear say him beneath his breath. Then he turns to me."You are right, she wasn't worth my time, I can definitely do better"

Way too easy, yikes. I fake smile at him and to finish my job, I add.

"And hey, if and WHEN, you find yourself a lady, go boast about it to her face'

He laughs boisterously.

"Yes, yes, I will do just that"

"Table 19" I hear Elrik shout from the bar. So I start standing up.

"Well have a good time and good luck," I say as I start to walk away to continue my job.

But he doesn't want me to leave, so he grabs my hand. I freeze and my good mood disappears.

"Let go," I say with all sympathy gone.

He doesn't seem to hear my change of tone and just continues.

"So, I was thinking, you're way better than her, how about you spend some time with me? I can show you, what good time we could spend together"

I shake my head and say darker.

"Let go, I won't say it again"

This time he seems to realize that he's doing something wrong, but he still doesn't release me, he tries to plead his case.

"Come on, don't be like that, I know that you checked me out, you yourself said that I was handsome, so I know that this can work out"

Ugh, men, give one compliment and they think they're the shit. How unfortunate that my job right now, needs me to look at the customer harder than normal to see all of their facial expressions and cues, so I could do my job... But no, I get this. Ugh.

"ROSA," I say a bit louder. And here comes my shining guardian angel. So menacing looking, so hot looking. Ah, those muscles, she could bench press me all day. Sadly. while I wouldn't mind having some fun time with her, I don't see her as anything more than a friend, a caretaker, so just random sex wouldn't do good for us. But it's better that way. I don't think she would give the time of day otherwise, she always talks about how she's too old for men, etc when I bring the topic up.

"Yes, darling? Is there a problem?"

The man seeing the owner instantly backs away. Looking at me and then at her, then realizing what he was doing, shakes his head at me, to his worthless attempt to plead help, I only got one thing to say.

"Yes, this mister here seems to have not read the rules of the establishment, be a dear and show him"

Rosa grins at me, walks away, goes behind the bar, takes a parchment of paper, the same paper also can be seen at three different spots on the wall, so everybody would know the rules. But she comes back with the one that's for bar purposes.

She shows it to him, pointing to the exact rule and everything, like the man's a big baby, which he is, got rejected by a gold-digger and got depressed like it's the worst thing in the world, pathetic.

"Here, mister, it says right there. You are not to touch any barmaids without their say in it, you are to instantly let go if they are uncomfortable, you are to listen to what they say and respect them. Otherwise, you will be thrown out of the inn with a warning. Do it a second time and you will be banned from this place" Rosa says while reading it out loud for him and loud enough for half of the customers to hear it, who are watching with excitement, they seem to never tire of seeing newbies get the treatment that most of them had to go through.

The man shakes in his boots from the pressure that Rosa gives off, hey, buddy, I know. She can be quite scary. And her being big and buff isn't even the scariest part of her. It's how she can calmly threaten somebody as if it was a daily thing. I swear, if she was alive in my time, she'd be a mob queen or something.

"I... I understand I am sorry" He tries to leave paying the money on the table. But Rosa stops him. He turns around confused.

"Do I have to say the rule again? Or something?"

"Pardon?" The man says even more confused.

"You are to listen to the barmaids and respect them, otherwise you will be thrown out as a warning" Rosa repeats herself "You didn't abide by the rules. I heard her say 'Let Go' twice. But you didn't do it"

The man thinks for a bit before he pales by understanding the implication of what Rosa is saying.

He starts shaking his head back and forth and saying no over and over.

But Rosa doesn't hear him, or just doesn't care. She picks him up by the back of his neck and lifts him over her head. Walks to the front door and throws him out like he was a broken toy, for everybody that's waiting outside to see. He must be so embarrassed... Heh, not my problem. It's funny even, no matter how many times I've seen it happen. Rosa picking up men and some ladies (Only she carries them out bride style, she's sweet like that) like ragdolls, it's just always funny. She does it so easily.

Rosa looks around the place and claps her hands loudly and just like that the inn goes back to work, everybody doing their part. The customers, drinking, eating and the workers, working... That's what they do.

I say 'thanks' to Rosa and start going to work. But I don't get to do that. As she stops me, picks me up bridal style, and starts walking to the back... Come on, I can walk by myself... But I can't really complain, the way she carries me, it feels so safe. Plus I don't have to put the effort in. So I just stopped going against it, I even snuggle up closer. Rosa seems pleased with me not arguing about it.

She lets me down on the chair in her office. Yes, I gave her the idea about having an office... she's an owner, how can she not have one. She loved the idea, the very next day when I came to work, she already had it set up. She was excited about it, like a child. Was a lovely sight.

She even acts like the Godfather, sitting down, turning the chair away, so I couldn't see her, and then turns around again. holding a kitten... what the fuck, where'd she get that. Did she keep it on the chair and I couldn't see it? Ah, whatever.

I fidget a little bit under her intense glare. Thinking I did something wrong. So I start with a question.

"Rosa? Why am I here? I don't think I did anything wrong, did I?"

Rosa shakes her head, then finally breaks the character of a cold mob boss and smiles, making me relaxed.

"I still can't believe how easily you deal with customers. And those rules? They are excellent. You're a charm, with you here, I got so much business, that it's hard to keep up. I gotta thank you"

"Come on it's not a big deal, you helped me, a lot" You will never know how much it truly is that you helped me.

"As modest as always. Anyways, I brought you here with a question to ask"

"You couldn't do it back there?" I ask incredulously. Is a question so important that she couldn't allow others to hear? The only times she does that, is when she has an idea of her own and needs my opinion if it would work. So this should be good.

"Yes, it's the most important question I have, to ask you"

Oh wow, that big? Well, let's hear it.

"You're killing me here, Rosa. Just ask it, I want to hear it" I say impatiently.

"So to thank you for all of it. My question is, when's your birthday. I want to have a party, ready for you"

Oh... what?

"You don-"

"Don't say anything about me not having to, or that I shouldn't do it. I thought you knew me better by now, I want to do something? I do it. So I want to spend your birthday, I will do it. And yes, you don't have a say in it"

Always so precise... Now I have to shut her down...

"Uhm... My birthday was the day we've met..."

Just as I finish saying that, Rosa instantly gets sad, she's close to crying...

"Hey, hey, don't cry, don't be sad. Now that you know. The only thing left for you to do is, make my next birthday the best you could. To make up for the one missed"

I say in hopes to calm her down and cheer her up. It seems to work out... But I feel like something's wrong.

"Yes, you are right... And so, I will make it the best spectacle for everybody to see"Wait, wait, everybody? Don't tell me...

"Your birthday will be for all people of Arendelle to see, we are doing it in the main square, I might even make a festival about it"

I start shaking my head. Fucking Frozen and their festivals. But the biggest problem about that is that the day of Elsa's coronation. It will never work out.

"No, no, a million times no" I try to argue back.

Rosa just stares at me unperturbed by my outburst as if I didn't say anything at all.

"Come on Rosa, please don't do that, I am serious"

This makes Rosa actually look at me, seriously and waiting for me to say something else.

"I don't want something like that, if you really want me to have a good time, want to thank me for everything when you don't even need to. If you really want to 'surprise' me. Then, please, don't do something so extravagant, something so big. Go small, it's more wholesome that way. Why don't we just have a day off between us two? And spend it as best as we can? No other people, no big things. Just a good day, Rosa and Diana against the world. Please. I really don't want something like what you have imagined"

I am sorry to shut you down like that. Even if I am flattered about you trying to do something so big, I don't really want it... Plus you'd be even more dejected when you will know in the future about Elsa's coronation.

Me pleading with her seems to make her regret her first suggestion, but she then smiles, realizing that my plan sounds way better.

"I agree, I am sorry for my previous insight. I actually like this more. As always, your ideas triumph over mine"

I shake my head smiling at her. Always trying to compliment me, with every sentence that comes out of her mouth. I would perhaps accept them. If they were genuine. But by having previous knowledge. I am just cheating my way up.

"Yes, yes, the great Scarlet Angel does her thing yet again..." I say jokingly.

Rosa just laughs at me... but doesn't refuse it. Cheeky. She realized that by saying nothing, I technically accepted her compliment. Very cheeky.

~ End of Chapter 6 ~