Chapter 5

~ The next day ~

Crystal POV:

I am so tired, I want to sleep, snuggle in the bedsheets of the sweet smell of Glynda, so I could rest as pleasurably as possible. But, no, I am here, on a day field trip or something had to stay up all night due to frustration. Had thoughts of going to the bathroom to masturbate, myself, but I knew if I woke up, Glynda would too.

Unfortunate for me, she's over-prepared, over-paranoid, on my third night, I woke up, so I could get a glass of water, yet the moment I took my first step off of the bed, she sprang up, while looking at me, her hand slightly up, almost touching her leather crop. Sheesh, woman, you're in your own room, why such hysterics... Even though I understand it. Can't ever be too prepared.

I yawn for what seems to be a ritual to do every minute. Somebody pokes my side, making me look at the individual that did it, to my surprise it's Blake.

''You should at least try to listen to the Professor... She seems to be glaring at you''

And that's all she says before turning around, what a confusing person... I like it.

Now, what is she talking about? I look at Glynda, oh, wow, if glares could kill, I think, I'd be in a coffin already. Why is she glaring so hard... It has to be because of the morning, definitely couldn't be because I missed her saying something about whatever is that she talked about.

~ Morning before the field trip ~

I lay here in the bed that lost almost all of its previous musky smell of sex, all that's left now is, the sweet smell of the glasses blondie. But the likable smell is overshadowed by my still lingering frustration and with tiredness combined with it, is making me grumpy... Nobody would like me grumpy.

I look at the side, of course, she sleeps so well, with a peaceful smile etched on her perfect face, well at least one of us is happy... not, what's the point being happy alone, if I suffer, you're going to suffer... Okay, that's just a joke. But I ain't going to let you free. And, for god sake, what is your libido, still as hard as possible, even after cumming at night. Wonder what she's dreaming, that is making her hard.

Well too bad, dreams are there to be shattered...

"GLYNDA, WAKE THE FUCK UP" I scream, yet again.

Glynda jumps up startled, without a full cohesion of her actions, she trips and falls on her awesome ass, which I keep on look at secretly every time she turns around.

"Huh? What's happening" She asks still confused while trying to stand up.

"Do you need help standing up? Well I think you have a stick sticking out that can help you''

Glynda looks down... And just like that she's up, looking at me furiously, realizing that I woke her up on purpose, just like I did the very first night and for the same reasons... is what she's probably thinking, but unlike the first night that was out of the fun because her hard-on showed me that she has a dick, this time, it was revenge, for leaving me unfinished... but she won't get to know that little detail, at least not now.

"Can you stop waking me up like that" Glynda angrily says while glaring "It's extremely rude to wake somebody up like that, at least be gentle about it or something if you have to wake somebody up" She sighs, trying to calm down? Oh no, I won't let you off yet, still haven't had enough revenge for keeping me up all night, granted you don't know that, but, it is what it is.

"Well sorry, but, I saw that your stick was sticking up very hard, it looked painful, plus you were sweating and scrunching up your nose, I thought you had a nightmare, so I just acted and woke you up, Sorry, Glynda," I say trying to pull off my best foxy eyes, though it doesn't seem to work. Well, that's new.

"Ugh... Whatever, it was almost time for me to wake up anyways, we are having a field trip, so I will go take a morning shower and freshen up first, then you go after, don't be late'' She walks off in a dark mood... Weird.

~ Back to the field trip ~

Well... glare all you want at me, but I will retaliate.

"What is it, Professor? You seem out of it, do you need some, FIRM, help? Some, SOLID, assistance perhaps? I know it can be, HARD, to teach a lot of students, so don't be afraid to ask for anything you may need, I will try and provide with my utmost, THICKLY PACKED, UNYIELDING, ability'' I say while smiling innocently.

Wait... wait... what is that reaction, I thought she would glare harsher... snapback, say something, chuckle perhaps, anything... but why does she look like she's hurting like she's breaking in the most miserable way possible, what is going on. I don't understand, she was fine before, ever since this morning, she seems in a darker mood... But it's not directed at anybody else, other than herself. Why... Why...

While I am stuck in my head now, thinking and panicking about Glynda and what's happening, everybody else seems to have moved after Glynda yet again said something. I have no idea what we are doing, before I was tired and didn't pay attention, now, I am trying to figure out what's going on with Glynda. what am I supposed to do...

Well I mean I could just try and find Blake, she is the one that said to pay attention, so she knows that I haven't done that, so she should be able to help me.

I try and smell her, picking up on a lot of different kinds of smells, but, hers sticks out, a fishy smell with added book kind... Well, an easy find.

I walk in the direction and I spot her, she's with her team... Obviously, but she's staying a little bit farther away than the other three, like she's hiding something, always so stiff, way too stiff, if you ask me. But I already know what it is, and I can fully understand why she does it... but for me it's impossible, my tails are way too big to hide, good for her... Hey, come on, don't get jealous of other Faunus again for their easy way to blend in... Whatever I shake my head and walk up to her.

"Hey, Blake"

She turns around and looks at me, nods at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Uhm... What are we doing? You know already that I didn't pay attention, could you perhaps help me figure out what I am supposed to do? Pretty please, I will owe you"

She looks at me for a few seconds before she speaks "See those jars there?" she points at the last jars to the side, I nod ''Good, go take one, and feel it up to the brim with red sap'' she turns around to go back to her teammates that moved away a little.

Red sap? Uhm... I wish I was more prepared for this school.

"B-Blake" I call out.

She stops, turns her head to the side to look at me "Yes?"

"Uhm... Could you help me with the task? I... I, uh... don't know what red sap is or what it looks like... I double owe you?" I ask red-faced from being stupidly embarrassed by my own inadequacy.

That makes her fully stop and look at me, yet again, but this time with hidden amusement, oh god, this is, even more, embarrassing, let the ground swallow me whole.

"Oh, of course, Crystal, I will help you, I don't mind," She says while smirking at me

This can't be good for the future.

"Thank you blake, you're so kind, not only did you try to make me pay attention, but you're also helping me, you're awesome. I feel like we will be great friends" I say smiling, this seems to throw her off for a bit, before she nods, but doesn't say anything. Mysteriously mysterious...oh the mystery.

Now that thought of mystery brought me back to the issue with Glynda... What could be going on... the only different thing that happened was the sexual activity... She started touching me all shyly, with barely any movement, as if trying to hide, which makes sense, I was supposedly sleepi-


Oh. God.

No... Glynda...

What have I done... In her view, her own mind, she's thinking that she was close to raping somebody, raping one of her students... God damn, I need to put myself in place, what am I doing. Fuck.

I majorly screwed up, I should've just talked it out and made a normal offer to have sex with her, instead of putting her through all of this, I am horrible.

I need to apologize and explain everything.

I'm sorry.

~ End of Chapter 5 ~