Chapter 6: Alliances

Ned Stark was happier. He'd made his plans and felt like with the moves that he wanted to make the North would be strong enough for any enemy that tried to face them. He had even briefly entertained the idea of looking Southwards for matches, but the thought of certain houses betraying them in Torrhen's past life scared him more than he would ever admit.

He called for Catelyn first, as he wanted to discuss certain things with her before he told the children. She arrived not too long after, freshly bathed and dressed for the new day. "You've not even changed your shirt." She scolded fondly.

"I've been busy." Ned insisted.

Cat rolled her eyes but came and sat down at his desk with him. She stared over some of the papers and noticed the listings of Northern strength. "You weren't jesting when you spoke about war, were you?" She asked.

Ned shook his head. "Something is coming Cat… and I've done a poor job of preparing ourselves for the worst. Life is so quiet and peaceful in the North compared to the South, and I think we've grown used to the isolation that we underestimate the issues that can arise when we are not united."

"You're a good Lord." Cat insisted, laying her hand on his arm. "The people love you."

"And yet there are those that would turn on us if it meant they could fulfil their ambitions." Ned told her. "Which is why we need to start betrothing the children."

Cat sighed, knowing that it was the right move but not liking it. "We said that they could marry for love."

"And what have we done to push for them to fall in love?" Ned asked. "The closest we've come is Torrhen and the Forrester girl. Robb just follows Theon to the inns, and thankfully doesn't partake in some of Theon's more amorous adventures. Sansa is in love with stories of knights and songs and knows nothing of how dangerous and dark the world truly is. Arya… Arya will be a warrior whether we forbid it or not, she'll fall in love with a sword, not a boy. The others are too young yet, but the point remains."

Cat was surprised at the words coming from her husbands' mouth. "We've done our best to shelter them from the horrors that we faced when we were younger…" She tried to explain herself.

Ned smiled. "And we did, too well my love. But now it is time for House Stark to tie itself together with the entire North to ensure that we show our strength to whomever we may face."

Cat looked down at some of the papers that Ned had out. "And how will we do that?"

"To start with, we can ensure that whoever Robb chooses as his wife belongs to one of the strongest houses in the North." Ned began. "We also ensure that Domeric Bolton is firmly allied with ourselves so that a potential Bolton and Ryswell alliance cannot harm us, and finally by ensuring that we can build ourselves a navy with the finest ships in Westeros."

Cat shook her head. "No, Sansa cannot be wed to a Bolton Ned…" She began.

"Domeric is a good lad…" He began, but he was interrupted.

"She could be Queen if you just wrote to Robert." She insisted. "The Crown Prince is of an age…"

"Never!" Ned raised his voice angrily. He saw Cat's look of shock and softened. "Apologies my lady, but I cannot in good faith marry my child to one of the Queen's."

Cat was confused. "He is an excellent match. Many families would kill for the chance and yet you are the King's best friend. If you broached the subject…"

"But I will not." Ned said firmly.


"Because Joffrey is not Robert's son." Ned said quickly. The shock was evident on his wife's face. "Torrhen has seen it." He began to explain. "He's seen war, Cat. He's seen us at war with the Lannister's because they try to put Joffrey on the Throne. Why would I go to war with my Best Friend's son?"

Cat shook her head. "You wouldn't." She whispered.

"Robert was always obsessed with Lyanna." Ned began, even though it pained him to say it. "It seems that he hasn't gotten over that pain, and the Queen resents him for it. Torrhen has seen her cuckolding him."

"That's treasonous talk…" Cat whispered. "You would say such things because a child dreamed it?"

"I believe my son." Ned said firmly. "And unless he's proven wrong, I shall not entertain any matches with Cersei's bastards."

Cat sighed. "But the Dreadfort? Really? She's too sweet for such a place."

"She is a Stark of Winterfell." Ned told her. "And Winter is Coming."

Once he had gotten Cat on board with his planned alliances, Ned sent for his eldest son and heir. Robb arrived in Ned's solar tentatively, looking concerned when he saw both of his parents standing behind Ned's desk.

"If this is about last night…" He began.

"No, it isn't." Ned said quickly, knowing that he needed to talk to the inn keep to know what Robb was going on about. "Come in, close the door and sit down." Robb did as he was asked, still not sure as to what was going on. As his arse touched the chair, Ned leaned on the table with both hands and began explaining. "You are 14 now, and almost a man grown. You're doing well in all of your lessons and I'm constantly hearing excellent reports from both Maester Luwin and Ser Rodrik." Robb looked pleased at the praise. "Now, you've still got much to learn, but I believe it's time you started taking a much more active role in helping me out as Lord of Winterfell, so that if anything happened to me you will be well prepared."

"Nothing will happen to you Father…" Robb began.

"Robb, wars can break out in almost an instant." Ned told him. "When we rebelled against the Mad King, it was a matter of a month between your Aunt Lyanna disappearing to me inheriting Winterfell and sailing away from the Vale to call the banners. A lot can change quickly."

"Is this something to do with Torrhen going to the Isle of Faces?" Robb asked.

Cat nodded. Ned had told her just enough about his dreams to know that war was inevitable, and she needed to show Robb that she was in full agreement with Ned. "He's… seen things in his dreams. Things that mean a war is likely."

"War?" Robb balked.

"Which is why we need you to be ready, do you understand?" Ned asked gently. Robb nodded. "Good lad. Now we know it might not be for a long time, but with your training being stepped up there's only one other thing that we would ask of you to aid us for the future."

"What can I do?" Robb asked, desperate to help out.

Ned smiled at his son almost apologetically, he was still so young, but this had to happen. He pointed to the map of Winterfell that he had carefully laid out on the table. "The North isn't as strongly united behind us as I'd like. Yes, the current Lords and Ladies are loyal, but what happens if there's a decision I make that doesn't sit right with them? Or what if I die and they do not quite trust you enough yet?" Ned pointed to the Dreadfort. "House Bolton have long been rivals of ours, and Roose Bolton is a cunning man. His son Domeric by his marriage to Bethany Ryswell means that he's linked strongly with the Barrowlands and the Rills."

"That's a lot of men." Robb noted.

"It is." Ned nodded. "Now while my marriage means strong links with the Riverlands, we feel that it's wiser for us to look in the North for your own brides. We need strong alliances at home as well as in the South, and a Northern bride is essential for you."

Robb finally realised what this was. "You've chosen me a bride." It wasn't a question.

"Not yet." Cat insisted. "We once told you that we would allow you to choose your bride for love, and while circumstances have forced our hand, we would still allow you to choose your bride."

Ned pointed firstly to the Neck on the map. "Meera Reed is of an age with you and is the daughter of a dear and loyal man. She would make a fine bride for you." He then pointed eastwards slightly. "Wylla Manderly is Lord Wyman's second granddaughter and a couple of years your junior." He then raised his fingers towards Karhold. "Alys Karstark is very young admittedly, but once she flowers, she would bring House Karstark even closer to us, as well as a large number of men."

Robb had instantly dismissed the latter. "Isn't Alys Karstark but a babe?" He asked.

Ned shook his head. "She's of an age with Bran."

"Not her then." Robb said quickly. "I'm sure she'd make a fine match for Bran if Lord Karstark would accept a third son, but if alliances are needed quickly then she's far too young."

Ned was proud of his son for being so pragmatic about this all. "Very well."

Robb thought for a moment, the cogs in his mind spinning at speed. "How many men does House Manderly have?"

"They're the third strongest house in the North." Ned explained. "As well as being our only port."

"Then that makes the most sense." Robb surmised. "But…" He trailed off.

"Go on." Cat told him kindly.

"Can I meet her first?" Robb asked. "If I'm to spend my life with this girl, I should meet her before I fully commit."

Ned nodded. "A wise choice." He admitted. "Your mother and I weren't granted that luxury, but we have some time, I'll arrange for Lady Wylla to come to Winterfell soon."

Robb smiled. "Thank you, Father."

"Are you sure this is the girl you want?" Cat asked.

Robb nodded. "It makes the most strategic sense, House Manderly are a powerful house and they border Bolton lands as well, if we are worried about House Bolton then House Manderly will be a key ally."

Ned smiled. "Hopefully that won't be an issue. Thank you, Robb. You've made an extremely wise choice."

Cat smiled too, walking over to hug her son. "Now go on, go and enjoy your day. But can you find Sansa and ask her to come here?"

Robb nodded, and quickly left the room. Ned and Cat quietly talked among themselves for 10 minutes or so, when a tentative knock on the door came. In walked Sansa, as beautiful as ever. "Mother, Father." She greeted. "Robb said I needed to speak with you?"

"Yes, please, come and sit down." Ned gestured to the chair Robb had sat in. She did as she was asked. "You're 11 now, meaning that you'll be flowering soon."

Sansa looked alarmedly up at Cat, who just nodded encouragingly. "I… I guess."

"Do you know what will happen then?" Ned asked.

Sansa nodded, and gulped. "I'll be expected to marry to benefit our house and have children to further on my husband's line."

Ned hated the thought of his little girl marrying, but she was right, and it was needed to help them in the future. "We believe that it is time you were betrothed, Sansa." He said softly. "And we wanted to tell you before we made the match, to explain it all."

Sansa had her eyes open wide in a quick bout of shock but calmed down quickly. "Who will I wed?" She asked.

Ned sighed. "In your lessons, you've learned that House Bolton and ourselves have had a broken relationship… For centuries they've coveted Winterfell and dominion over the North and for years our Houses have insulted and warred with each other. I would see that stop."

"House… house Bolton?" Sansa asked, slightly scared.

"Domeric." Ned affirmed. He got out a stack of letters. "I know what I'm asking of you, and I'm sorry Sansa, but I would never betroth you to a man I felt unworthy of you." He thought to himself about Torrhen's last timeline and shuddered. "I've been thinking about this for a while and have written to Lord Redfort who has Domeric as a squire. Here are the letters that Lord Redfort and other Vale Lords have sent me about Lord Bolton's heir." He passed the letters over. "Take your time, read the letters and learn about the man. If you agree with me that he will be a good husband for you, then I will write to Lord Bolton myself and approach the subject of a betrothal."

Sansa nodded her understanding and daintily opened the first letter from Lord Redfort. Ned watched her for what seemed like an age as she read letter after letter, happy that she was smiling at certain parts. Once she had finished the last letter from Lady Waynwood, she looked up at him. "He seems like he could be a perfect knight one day!" She exclaimed.

"He does." Ned smiled at her enthusiasm. "He is good with a lance, and even better with a harp. You can go riding, you can spend time together singing. He is a credit to House Bolton by all accounts."

Cat walked over to her and knelt before her daughter. "You can say no." She said to Sansa. "The Dreadfort isn't the castles you've dreamt of."

Sansa smiled. "The castle's I dream of aren't real though Mother, however much I want them to be." She said, with strange maturity. "But I can make even the Dreadfort nice." She added with a great smile.

"So, you're happy for me to make the match? Would you like to meet him beforehand?" Ned asked.

Sansa nodded. "Yes please, Father."

Ned grinned at his daughter. "Very well. I'll arrange it." He walked over to her and kissed Sansa on the forehead. Sansa smiled widely at that.

"What about Torrhen?" Sansa asked. "Is he to marry?"

Ned's face was impassive. "One day, but Torrhen is only a second born son Sansa, you are my first daughter. You will be the lady of a great Northern castle if Roose Bolton agrees, while Torrhen will have a holdfast, or Moat Cailin at best. It will take more time to arrange a suitable match for him."

Sansa nodded her understanding, and Cat hugged her one more time. "Run along now, and don't mention this to anybody, not until the betrothal has been arranged."

"Of course, Mother." Sansa told her before standing up, straightening her skirts and leaving the room.

Cat breathed a sigh of relief after the door had closed. "She took the thought of being wed to a Bolton better than I would have." She admitted. "She made a good point though, what about Torrhen? Or the others for that matter."

Ned sighed. "Arya would rather run away than be betrothed right now, and as much as I'd like her to start acting like a Lady, my Father tried to force Lyanna to marry and look what happened to her…" He trailed off before he said too much. "Bran I want to keep available for now, just in case."

"Just in case of what?" Cat asked.

"He's only 8, and we may still need a link with the South." Ned told her. "Rickon… I'm thinking of perhaps offering him to wed Alys Karstark… she's slightly older than he is, but it's worth thinking about."

"He's a baby Ned…" Cat said, slightly horrified at the thought of her youngest marrying.

"But he won't be forever, and depending on Bran, I may need him to be a Lord yet, and a match with Karhold will be helpful there." Ned told her.

"And what about Torrhen?" Cat asked. Ned fell deathly silent. He had a plan for his second son, but he knew that Cat would never accept it unless she knew the truth.

"Torrhen… He will be betrothed." He said quietly.

"To whom?" Cat asked. "Meera Reed I presume…"

Ned shook his head. "To the girl that he's been writing."

Cat thought he was joking and laughed for a moment before her face fell at her husband's serious look. "You can't be serious… Ned… House Forrester?"

"They are extremely loyal."

"They barely raise 500 men according to your notes there." She pointed at the table. "Tell me, where is the benefit?"

"Their ironwood." Ned said firmly. "I need their ironwood to build ships. Together, Torrhen's marriage and Robb's marriage will allow us to build a fleet once more."

"No." Cat shook her head. "There must be more important matches that we can make. Prince Doran's daughter in Dorne, a Blackwood girl…"

"Torrhen will only wed Mira Forrester." Ned sighed. "He'll refuse any others."

"And why should we let him have his way?" Cat asked. "We're forcing marriages on our other children…"

"Because he's lost too much already." Ned said, raising his voice. He saw Cat's confused look and knew he was past the point of no return. "I didn't want to tell you this until Torrhen was back and we understood everything, but I must tell you now it seems. Torrhen isn't a Greenseer, not really."

Cat processed that information. "Then why." She said sternly. "Have you sent my son hundreds of miles to the South to the Isle of Faces."

"Because he's been blessed by the Old Gods, Cat." Ned said softly. And he began to explain everything. He told her about what he saw in the Godswood and how he had made himself believed he was seeing things, he told her about Torrhen's life, and about his love for Mira Forrester, only to lose her and all of his family. Finally, he told her about Torrhen being forced to deal with Cat's death as well as winning back Winterfell, only to die at the hands of a monster. He left out all the bits that were relevant to Jon, not wanting to have that discussion yet. By the time that Ned had finished darkness had fallen, and Cat had tear stains on her cheeks.

"He died?" She croaked.

"He died defending the living." Ned nodded. "And because of the sacrifices made on the Weirwood roots, he's been granted a second chance. So it's unfair of me to force him to wed another when Mira Forrester also brings us something we need to defend the North from those that would do us harm."

Cat nodded, not trusting herself to speak until she'd drunk some water. Finally, after a few moments, she said. "That poor boy…"

Ned nodded. "It won't happen again, Cat. I swear it on the Old Gods and the New. I'm inviting all the Lords of the North to Winterfell soon, and together we will ensure that the North remains strong no matter what we face, whether it be Lannisters or the dead, we will be ready."

Meanwhile in the Riverlands, Torrhen gasped as his mind was flung back into his own body. He sat upright, panting to try and catch his breath. What he had seen… He couldn't describe it.

"So now you know." The Green Man said, sat down on the Weirwood stump lazily eating an apple.

Torrhen nodded. "Now I know."

"This world was created for you." The Green Man explained. "You have the power to save it for the living. Many things will be changed from your first reality, but maybe that's for the better."

Torrhen nodded. "Nothing could be worse than that was." He muttered grimly.

The Green Man threw the core onto the ground and stood up, helping Torrhen to his feet. "It's been about a day and a half since you arrived here…"

"No chance." Torrhen laughed. "I was in there for…"

"A day and a half." The Green Man insisted. "Time is easy, you have plenty of it. But before you go and live your new life, we have gifts for you."

Torrhen was intrigued, the Green Man turned back to the stump and dropped to his knees to say a quick prayer, before pawing away at the moss by the stump. When he stood back up, Torrhen took a step back and gasped. "Impossible…"

He had two sheathed swords. Two swords that shouldn't exist. "Winter's Bite." He said, giving Torrhen's old Valyrian Steel blade to the Stark. "And Riversteel."

"How is this possible?" Torrhen asked, admiring the blade as he unsheathed it.

The Green Man shrugged. "The Gods are omnipotent. They can do what they want. They've decided to aid you with extra dragon steel. The blades in Valyria are still there, so if you get a chance…"

"I can get them." Torrhen nodded his understanding. "Thank you."

The Green Man nodded. "Now go." He insisted. "Leave this place, Torrhen Stark. You will never return."

Torrhen nodded and bowed his head respectfully. He took Riversteel in his other hand and left the sanctity of the Weirwood grove. Resting a moment in his boat, he took one last look at the red leaves of the Weirwood trees before smirking and pushing away from the shore.