Chapter 18: The Young Wolf

The Warden of the East and Hand of the King knew that his role was always going to be the most dangerous. King's Landing was a breeding ground of chaos and staying in the Red Keep and arguably committing treason was likely to go badly just as much as it could work. Sighing and resigning himself to what he knew was right, Jon Arryn got some parchment out and began writing.

It was a letter that he was copying out multiple times, to be delivered to all the major strongholds in the Vale. With each letter he grew more determined, knowing that his son's safety was of more importance than anything else in this world. He had decided to name Yohn Royce, the Lord of Runestone, the Protector of the Vale and Warden of the East in the circumstance of Jon's death and everybody in the Vale needed to know.

As soon as he had finished his last letters he called for his squire. The young man was tall, but rarely looked the elderly Lord in the eye. "How long has it been since you were in the Vale, Hugh?" He asked.

"Almost 4 years, Lord Arryn." Hugh told him.

"And your mother, is she still in the Eyrie?" Hugh just nodded. "I'm sure she'd appreciate a visit, you are an only child, yes?"

"I am… Mother never wed, and I never knew my Father." Hugh admitted.

'And you never shall.' Jon thought mournfully. Hugh was the bastard son of Jon's long dead nephew Elbert and a kitchen maid, a fact known only to Jon and the woman, who had been paid handsomely for her silence. "Well then, I have a task for you, Hugh. Complete it and I will see to it that you are knighted."

That put a large smile on the boy's face. "My Lord… thank you."

"You might not thank me yet…" Jon told him. "I need you to go to every keep in the Vale and deliver these messages to the Lords and Ladies they are for. Then stay at the Eyrie as a member of the guards, can you do that?"

Hugh nodded eagerly. "Good lad, now take them and my ring and go to Ser Jasper, he will arrange an escort for you." Jon took his falcon ring off of his fingers, it being a clear indicator that Hugh is on Jon's business.

Hugh almost raced out of the room, leaving Jon alone in his chambers in the Tower of the Hand. He poured himself a well needed wine and made to relax. Of course, he wasn't afforded that luxury as the door flung open.

"WHERE IS HE!" His beloved wife, Lysa, screamed erratically. "WHERE IS SWEETROBIN!"

"Not in King's Landing." Jon replied, tiredly. "Don't worry, he's safe."

"Safe? He can't be safe! He needs me!" Lysa exclaimed.

"He is with Lord Eddard and will be raised with your sister's children. He will be perfectly fine in Winterfell." Jon replied monotonously, bored of the inevitable row already.

Lysa's eyes narrowed. "She will steal him for her own, like she steals everything." She snarled. "I want his head! He stole my baby from me!"

"You will have no such thing." Jon snapped, raising his voice. "Roland." He called.

One of the guards on Jon's door popped his head through. "Lord Hand?"

"Take Lady Arryn to her chambers and have the Maester give her some dreamwine with honey. She needs her rest." He ordered.

The guard entered the room and took Lysa by the arm. The woman struggled and cursed, but Jon tuned it out. He knew that this was going to happen, and he could only hope that Catelyn Stark could help his son better than they had ever been able to in King's Landing.

Breakfast at Winterfell had always been a more family orientated meal for the Stark's, and this day was no different. Robb and Wylla were sat at the head of the table as they had tended to do ever since Ned and Bran had travelled to King's Landing. Catelyn was at Robb's side, trying to keep baby Sara quiet as well as getting Rickon to eat his food. Luckily Jon had also been invited to eat with them, and he had taken over babysitting Rickon for the most part.

They were all interrupted when Maester Luwin entered the Great Hall, holding raven messages in either hand. "My Lord, My Ladies." He bowed to the three that were in charge of Winterfell as he reached the table. "A message from King's Landing, and from Riverrun."

"Riverrun?" Robb asked, his boyish demeanour vanishing instantly as he sat up straighter and looked towards Luwin. "What does my Grandfather want?"

Luwin handed Robb both of the letters, and Robb went to the one with the trout seal first. He unfurled it and read the words. "We have a cousin." He told his siblings.

"The babe has been born?" Sansa asked happily.

Robb nodded, handing her the letter. "Aye, Lady Melody has given him a healthy son. Axel Tully."

Cat rolled her eyes. "Of course Edmure would name him after the first Lord of Riverrun." She read her brother's scribbles. "And my goodsister is doing well." Edmure had been put through a similar, but smaller cattle show, as the smallfolk liked to call it, as Aegon III had been forced to host, and he had chosen a niece of the current Lord Piper. Theon had joked that Edmure had just wanted to see if the Piper sigil was accurate, but Robb had clapped him over the ear for that.

The other letter had his Father's seal on. He broke it and the message was longer, and it genuinely brought a smile to Robb's face. "Father and Torrhen are on their way back with Robin Arryn. Bran is squiring for Lord Stannis and is betrothed to Shireen Baratheon."

Cat genuinely looked saddened. "All my babes, betrothed."

"I'm not." Arya said from next to Jon, a mouthful of bacon.

"Not yet." Jon noted with a smirk. Robb laughed at that and even Catelyn had a brief smile on her lips, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by the supposed bastard.

Robb then turned to Wylla. "He also asks that we arrange regular ships to Dragonstone with your Grandfather."

"I'll write to him." Wylla said, placing her hand on Robb's. He mouthed thank you to her.

Robb then looked across the table at Jon. "I want you to ride to White Harbour and greet them." He said. "With a strong escort."

Cat looked at her eldest son with suspicion. "What aren't you telling us?"

Robb looked around the table. "Arya, Rickon. It's time for your lessons."

"But I want to hear." Arya groaned.

"Now, Arya." Cat said sternly.

"Come, Lady Arya." Luwin said calmly, gesturing to the doorway. "Come on Rickon."

Arya got to her feet, but she glared back at them. "Why does Sansa get to stay?"

"Come, Arya." Luwin said more firmly. Arya just huffed and stomped away.

Once the door was shut again, Robb sighed and dropped the letter, massaging his temple. Wylla placed a gentle hand on his arm. "What is it?" She whispered.

"It's time." Robb said darkly, looking around the room. "Father has ordered the banners to be called. As soon as he is back in Winterfell we are to march to Moat Cailin and wait for orders from King's Landing."

Catelyn leant back in her chair, letting the news sink in. The other three in attendance however were confused. "War?" Sansa asked, getting upset. "Why are we fighting?"

Robb looked to Catelyn, who just nodded her head once before she went to pick up Sara and hold the baby tight to her chest. Robb cleared his throat and began explaining the story that they were telling everybody. "Jon knows this, as do all the Lords and Ladies of the North. The reason Father, Torrhen and Bran went to King's Landing is because of the things that Torrhen has seen. His visions… they show the end of the world. The Long Night approaches once more, but the realm will be broken beyond repair by the time it gets here because of treason in King's Landing. The Queen's children are not the King's."

Jon sucked in a breath, even though he had known it still was chilling to hear again, and Sansa just gasped. Wylla looked at him, just as shocked. Catelyn took up the tale then. "That is why your Father has rushed into betrothing you all off." She told Sansa. "To ensure needed alliances so that when these two wars happen, we are all ready."

"We need the ships regularly going to Dragonstone because the island has valuable materials that can help us win the Long Night." Robb explained. "And we need the alliance with House Bolton so that they aren't tempted to betray us during the war against the Lannister's that is coming soon."

"This is… this is why Torrhen has been so different?" Sansa asked. "He's seen all of this and not told me?"

Catelyn smiled at her apologetically. "We thought it best not to worry you."

Sansa nodded, but didn't look very happy. "Why tell us now?" She asked.

"Because Domeric will likely be going to war too." Robb answered. "You deserve to know why."

Wylla just looked down at her plate. Robb noticed she looked upset, and thankfully so did Cat. "Come, Sansa, Jon. I'm sure Rickon has run off to the training yard by now, we should go and watch him."

Robb was grateful for that, and once it was him and Wylla alone in the Great Hall he turned to her. "I'll be fine."

"You don't know that." She said snappily, before her face fell and she apologised.

"It's ok." Robb smiled softly, taking her hands in his. "But I will be fine, I've trained for this all my life."

"You don't have to go." Wylla insisted. "You can stay here, rule Winterfell."

Robb shook his head. "If this war does break out then I have to fight. The Queen has committed foul treason, and it's my duty to bring her to justice when called upon."

"Even if you have something more important to live for?" She whispered. Robb was confused, so Wylla brought his hands down to rest on her belly.

It took him a moment to realise what was being said, but finally it clicked, and his eyes lit up. "Are you serious?"

Wylla nodded, tearing up. "Luwin confirmed it yesterday. I was going to tell you last night, but you dropped off to sleep straight away."

Robb had a wide grin on his face, and he pulled Wylla in for a deep kiss. Breaking apart, he placed his forehead against her own. "Then all the more reason for me to go. If we lose this war, then our baby will be in danger. We need all the men we can get."

Frostfang was a speedy ship, and by the end of the second day of sailing it had already reached the Narrow Sea and began to turn Northwards. As dusk fell, Torrhen was stood on deck staring out towards the East, a certain silver haired woman on his mind.

"The Captain says that if the winds are kind we shouldn't be much longer than a week away." Ned said from behind Torrhen, the Stark patriarch joining him in leaning on the taffrail.

"That's good time." Torrhen noted half-heartedly.

Ned noticed the tone. "What's on your mind?" He asked.

"Daenerys." Torrhen admitted truthfully. "She'll be out there in Pentos now, feasting with her insane brother and hoping for some form of escape."

"We can always turn the ship. Delay our return?" Ned suggested.

Torrhen snorted almost silently. "From what she told me before, if we rescued her now she would just be a shy young maid. No, as much as it pains me she needs to go through Vaes Dothrak and Slaver's Bay. Plus we need those dragons more than anything."

"Dragons." Ned shook his head. "If you hadn't have shown us all your visions I would never believe you."

Torrhen smirked. "They're extremely impressive beasts."

"I do worry though." Ned admitted. "I fought to depose her Father; she may resent us all."

Torrhen shook her head. "Dany is strong willed, but she isn't that blind." He said, remembering their time in Meereen. "Although she did threaten to have me killed at least seven times before she trusted me."

Ned looked concerned but saw that Torrhen had a smile on his face and breathed easier. "You sound fond of her." He noted.

"She got me through Mira's death." Torrhen admitted. "She got me through Maege Mormont's death too. She is a good person underneath all of the bravado. Although I think Jon may have helped there."

"Jon." Ned sighed. "I need to tell him the truth, but I can't face it."

"He needs to know, and it needs to be from you." Torrhen said. "He hated me for almost a year after keeping it from him."

"I will." Ned nodded. "I have a plan for him, I think at least."

That interested Torrhen. "Am I allowed to know?" He raised an eyebrow.

Ned chuckled. "In time, I'm still working it all out. He can't come with us that's for certain. I won't have him come anywhere near Robert."

Torrhen nodded his agreement and stared out to sea again. He thought about Dany once more and prayed that she could remain strong and come through as she had in his first life.

The life of a squire was a tough one, Bran Stark realised. He was tasked with running a bunch of errands for the Master of Ships and had already memorised the quickest route through the Red Keep to get down to the docks. The young Northerner was also being schooled in the art of swordplay with other young members of the royal court, and he was excelling. It was all a dream come true to the young man, but of course it had to be cut short.

He had been polishing Stannis' armour when the Lord of Dragonstone entered his chambers. Bran immediately stood up, holding the half polished gorget in his hands. "Lord Stannis." Bran greeted.

Stannis nodded his head, his way of saying to Bran to go back to what he was doing. Bran sat back on his bed and continued polishing, moving his eyes up to see what Stannis was doing every few seconds. The Baratheon was just staring out of the window of Bran's chambers, looking out towards the Narrow Sea.

"Once you are finished up with the armour I want you to ensure all your belongings are packed into a single chest." Stannis told him. "We leave at dawn."

"Leave?" Bran asked quickly, before remembering he shouldn't have questioned. "Apologies, Lord Stannis."

Stannis turned his head to look at the young Stark. "I understand you were looking forward to being in King's Landing, but things aren't as they seem here in the capital."

Bran nodded his head. "Where are we going?"

Stannis looked around at the walls. "These walls have ears. You'll know where we are going when we get there. For now, see to your duties for tonight and make sure you are ready."

Bran nodded, and Stannis left the room. He was a bit annoyed as he had looked forward to being in King's Landing for so long, but his Father was counting on him to be a good squire for Lord Stannis. Stopping himself from showing any emotion, he went back to polishing the steel, determined to show himself in a good light and do as he was bid.

After all of the ravens had been sent Robb didn't even get a day to relax when a rider from Torrhen's Square arrived. The town was suffering heavily from a lack of food, and Robb had insisted he travelled with the convoy of food and gold that he had arranged and made sure that the people got their fill.

He brought Theon with him too, having felt bad for basically ignoring Theon for the most part ever since their argument so long ago. Very quickly however, Robb realised that after everything that had happened he didn't enjoy the Greyjoy's company as much, as the elder boy went on about Ros' tits once again.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure I've memorised the shape of them and I've not even seen them yet." He groaned. Theon just grinned.

"I'm sure she won't mind you tagging along if you're intrigued." Theon joked.

Robb shook his head. "I'd rather not, besides, I have my wife to warm my bed, I don't need to pay for that."

Theon roared with laughter. "You'll end up paying in other ways I'm sure. I'm sure her dresses won't be cheap." Robb didn't rise to it, focusing on the ride ahead. They had been travelling for a couple of days, and soon enough they could see Torrhen's Square in the background, as well as the lake that eventually led to the Saltspear. "Ah! Water!" Theon exclaimed. "It's been so long since I've seen any."

"Do you miss it?" Robb said quickly, before he could stop himself. "Pyke?"

Theon looked thoughtful as his horse walked on. "Sometimes I do. I miss Yara, I miss the sea. I miss my Mother a lot, and my Father sometimes too."

It was at that moment that Robb realised that before now he had never really spoken to Theon about the Iron Islands before. "Tell me about them. Tell me about Pyke." Robb said.

And Theon did, reminiscing vividly about the salty smell of Lordsport, sailing with his elder brothers and roaming around Pyke with his elder sister. He spoke fondly of the place, too fondly for a man that had been taken from his home after his Father had doomed them all in an unwinnable war, Robb realised. He hadn't seen it before and probably wouldn't have if Torrhen hadn't shown him what trusting Theon had gotten him in another life. Thankfully, he wouldn't make that mistake again.