Chapter 22: Wars and Weddings

300 AC

The scene around him reminded Torrhen of a more militarised version of King Robert's arrival at Winterfell in his past life. This time however, he was stood in the large courtyard of Moat Cailin facing the River Gate, the newly named gate that led towards the Riverlands and the rest of Westeros. He was in the middle of the gathering of Northern Lords and commanders as was his right as the Lord of Moat Cailin, and his Father was stood to his right. Torrhen looked around at the fortress around him. The two Southernmost towers had already been completed, duly named the Merman's Tower and the Weeping Tower. Eventually they would be the homes of House Manderly and vassals, and House Bolton and vassals respectively, but for now the gathered Lords just slept where they could. The huge 100ft walls had also been built up, save for the spaces where the other 7 towers would be erected. Work was usually still going on around them, and at a much faster pace than normal due to the sheer numbers of men around Moat Calin.

They had managed to gather around 30,000 Northmen to Moat Cailin, around double as many men as Torrhen had ever marched under before. Tents were dotted along the Northern Kingsroad and on any habitable space around the bogs surrounding the Moat.

They had received word of King Robert's journey Northwards not long after Jon had left Winterfell with Jory Cassell, and they had been at Moat Cailin for around a fortnight by now. Torrhen breathed deeply as he waited, looking up to one of the windows in the main keep, where he saw Mira was holding up Balerion so that the direwolf could see what was going on. Torrhen just smirked before facing back to the main gate.

"OPEN THE GATE!" One of the Manderly men manning the River Gate called, and Torrhen watched on as the main portcullis was raised alongside the solid metal gate, and finally the wooden doors were pulled open by soldiers to reveal King Robert Baratheon riding his horse surrounded by 5 of his Kingsguard. Torrhen immediately sank to one knee, as did all the other Lords in attendance. King Robert quickly dismounted his horse and walked towards them, stopping in front of Ned and bidding them all to rise. Torrhen quickly noted that he thought the King looked slightly thinner than he had done in King's Landing, but only slightly.

"You and I need to have a serious discussion." Robert said sternly but quietly to Ned.

Ned just nodded. "We do, Your Grace."

Robert looked around at the castle and nodded his head. "Impressive. You've put a lot of work into this place."

"It is the first point of defence for the North, Your Grace." Torrhen added his input. "The castle should be worthy of that title."

"Hmm. I certainly wouldn't want to attack it." Robert noted. He then looked back at Ned, a stern look on his face. "Inside. Now."

Ned bowed his head and nodded to Torrhen, who led the way to his new War Chamber. Inside was a large circular table right in the centre of the room with a map of the entirety of Westeros pinned down. Figures had been placed on the map in the regular war council meetings that the Northmen had been having. Torrhen found his spot and looked around at the banners hanging on the walls. All the Northern Houses bar the Mountain Clans were hanging, lit by the braziers on the walls beside each banner. House Baratheon had the largest banner in the centre of one of the walls, flanked by both the main banner of House Stark and Torrhen's personal banner that he had taken as the sigil for his cadet branch of House Stark. Ned and Robb stood either side of Torrhen, while Robert and Ser Barristan stood the other side of the table, the other Kingsguard having been ordered to wait outside. The only other occupant of the room was Maester Pylos, who was in the corner documenting the meeting and waiting to be commanded.

Robert broke the silence first. He pulled out a letter and threw it on the table. "Jon Arryn was murdered."

Ned bowed his head, the emotions still fresh. "We received the news. Slain by Lannisters alongside Lysa we have been told."

Robert shook his head. "If Lysa is dead, her body hadn't been found when I left. Seven Hells Ned, I leave for a hunting trip for two days and when I come back the Red Keep is a warzone, Littlefinger of all people is in charge and I find out that my best friend, my brothers and my Hand have been conspiring together!"

Ned looked apologetic. "What we did in keeping it from you was for your own safety."


"Jon knew the risks." Ned bit back firmly. "He was at peace with it if the worst happened."

Robert swallowed a large part of his anger and clenched his fists. "Tell me now. Tell me everything."

And Ned told him the preconceived story. He explained about Torrhen's Greenseer abilities and his trip to the Isle of Faces, he explained about the visions of Jaime and Cersei cuckolding the King, and then explained about Jon and Stannis' investigation into Robert's bastards. "By the time Jon checked the book, it was obvious. You've been made a fool of by the Queen and we knew that to just tell you while surrounded by Lannister's would be a death wish for all of us. We gathered our men for you to ensure that Tywin, Cersei or any Lannister wouldn't understand that we were on to them."

Robert sighed; a lot of his anger having left him during the explanation. He turned to Torrhen. "You really see things?"

Torrhen nodded. "I don't choose what I can see, but usually they are of some importance to me and my House. I saw Jon Arryn die and you chose Father to be your new hand, a decision that would kill you both and send the realm into chaos once Joffrey took the Throne."

"Fuck." Robert cursed. He looked to the map. "You've been busy." He noted.

"Lord Royce has been in contact. They're gathering 15,000 Knights of the Vale to aid us. Lord Tully is gathering his men in your name too. Tywin will have no luck getting to us through the Riverlands." Ned explained.

"Has he declared war?" Robert asked.

"It's only a matter of time." Robb said.

"Aye, Jon wasn't idle, waiting to die. He put contingencies in place." Ned explained. "Before he died he managed to get the High Septon to annul your marriage to Cersei and gave the proof to Stannis who has sent it to the realm. By all your religious laws, her bastards have no claim on the Iron Throne. You are an unwed man."

He passed the relevant letter to Robert, who read it. He couldn't even bring himself to be happy. "They will pay for this insult, Ned. Both Cersei and the Kingslayer will wish that they died as quickly as Rhaegar Targaryen did by the time I'm done."

"As is your right." Ned bowed his head.

"What about Stannis, what are my brothers doing?" Robert asked.

Torrhen pointed to the Dragonstone part of the map. "Stannis has gathered an armada, so if Tywin Lannister does somehow manage to ally with the Greyjoy's then we have a force to counter that."

"We don't expect that to be the case though." Ned added. "My wife has ensured that Balon's heir is under constant guard in Winterfell."

"Other than that, we have had no word from Stannis." Torrhen told the King.

Robert grunted. "You have ravens here?" Torrhen nodded. "Get your Maester to write this down."

"Pylos." Torrhen called. The young man moved to the table and had parchment and a quill ready.

"To Storm's End, give an order to call their banners. Half are to secure King's Landing, half to ensure that the Dornish or the Reach don't get any ideas." Robert explained. Torrhen had to give it to him, this was a side of the King that he had never seen before, and it was awe inspiring how the man could think in war like situations. "And send a raven to Casterly Rock."

"To the Lannisters?" Ned asked, surprised.

"Whatever his faults, or his children's faults, Tywin Lannister still bent the knee to me." Robert explained. "This is a courtesy, that's all. Ask him to arrest his children and present them to me for judgement. Any failure to do so and I will bring the might of Westeros to Casterly Rock."

Pylos was a pacey writer and was finished a few seconds after Robert had finished. "Is there anything else, Your Grace."

Robert shook his head. "Not for now." He turned to Ned. "What are your numbers?"

Robb was the one to answer. "We have 30,000 men at the Moat, Your Grace. Another few thousand are manning the western shores to counter against any potential Ironborn problems."

"So many?" Robert was surprised.

Ned nodded. "We've had almost 3 years to prepare for this, Robert. While the silence was unfortunate, it was necessary to build up our defences and also to gather and train our men quickly."

Robert was impressed. "Very well. We'll rest up and decide our next moves within the week. I want a response from Casterly Rock before we march."

"Your Grace." Ned bowed.

"Rooms have been prepared for you, Your Grace." Torrhen explained. "I'll show you to them, if you like?"

Robert nodded, and followed Torrhen up towards the top of the main keep to the large chambers that had been put aside for royal visits. Once he had left Robert there, Torrhen went to his own chambers to look upon the army snaking up the Kingsroad. He was certain that Tywin wouldn't do as commanded and was looking forward to taking the might of the North into the West.

The second night into King Robert's stay at Moat Cailin had nothing to do with the war, however. Mira Forrester had been brought to Moat Cailin by request of Ned Stark, and the nobles in the fortress had all gathered in the small, newly planted Moat Cailin Godswood to witness the union of Torrhen and Mira.

A small feast for afterwards had also been prepared, and to Torrhen's surprise King Robert was nursing his cups for the majority of the night, talking quietly with Ned for most of the celebrations. It was the Greatjon and Rodrik Forrester that were the drunkest and the loudest, although the loudest laugh of the night came when Cley Cerwyn drunkenly tried to flirt with Dacey Mormont, who gave the Cerwyn heir a feisty right hook as a reward.

The feasting lasted for hours, but finally Ned announced that the newly weds were to leave and consummate. Thankfully everybody in attendance behaved themselves as they were taken to Torrhen's chambers, though Torrhen guessed that that was because of Balerion following along nipping at people's ankles if the direwolf felt they deserved it.

As the door shut behind them, Torrhen and Mira just looked at each other and laughed. "That could have gone worse." Torrhen noted.

"I was expecting more groping." Mira admitted. "I'm glad there wasn't though."

Torrhen looked over to where the young black direwolf had curled up on the rug by the fireplace. "I think Bal had something to do with that."

Mira smiled, and walked over to Balerion and gave the direwolf a stroke. "My brave knight." She said. Balerion rolled over and accepted the belly rubs, something that Torrhen could only laugh more at.

The Stark walked over to the window where the shutters were open, looking out towards the gathered tents, music and merriment filling the cold air. He felt Mira's arms snake around his stomach, and a soft kiss on the back of his neck. Torrhen turned in Mira's arms and placed a kiss upon her lips. "We don't have to do anything." He told her. "Our bodies are both young, after all."

"They are old enough." Mira whispered. "Tor, I've waited two lifetimes to marry you and you're soon riding off to war for Gods knows how long. I want it to be real in every sense. As it was under the stars at Bitterbridge, as it was in Highgarden. I've waited since then to be with you like this, I'm waiting no longer."

Torrhen grinned at her, kissing her deeper than he had done all night as he pushed her towards their bed to consummate their marriage properly in the eyes of the Gods.

Wedded bliss wasn't something that Torrhen was allowed, it seems. Barely a week after the wedding the entire war council was called, and Robert Baratheon led it, placing a raven message on the large table.

"Wayfarer's Rest has fallen." Robert announced. "Lord Vance is dead. Gregor Clegane himself led the charge and scattered those gathered at the border between the Riverlands and the Westerlands and sacked the castle afterwards."

Murmurs and curses came from the room's occupants. "We need to move." Robb Stark suggested. "We can't sit here while my Mother's home is at risk from that beast."

"We will move." Ned agreed. "We are here in strength. We march down to bolster Lord Edmure's forces and push the Lannister's back into the West."

"We need to look to the Capital too." Roose Bolton said, thinking aloud. "Tywin knows that the Iron Throne is the symbol of power, if he can get to it before us…"

"He won't." Robb said. "We have 30,000 men. My Uncle will have at least 20,000 himself. Send part of our force to King's Landing and meet the Valemen, and the rest over to attack the Westerlands."

Robert liked that plan. "Can you lead?" He asked Robb.

"Me?" Robb said quickly, looking at Ned in surprise. Ned just nodded his head, and Robb gulped. "I can, Your Grace."

"Good." The King clapped his hands together. You will take a third of us down to the Capital and be my representative from the Northern host. Meet with Lord Royce and between you, secure King's Landing until Stannis can get there."

Ned turned to Robb. "Take Ser Wylis and the Manderly men, along with Lord Bolton and his men." That surprised Robb, but he nodded his agreement all the same.

"The rest of us will cross at the Twins." Robert declared.

"We should leave a strong enough host here." Torrhen declared. All eyes turned to him, but he stood tall and continued. "When was the last time in a civil war that all the Riverlords fought on the same side? I can't recall a single one. The North is one of the staunchest supporters of you, Your Grace. We should leave it defended."

"Not to mention the Iron Fleet will likely want their revenge." Ned grumbled.

"We've covered the West Coast, but the Fever river does run awfully close to here." Lord Ryswell agreed.

Ned looked around. "Lord Howland. You and Lord Stout with the Barrowton forces will hold the Moat. 5,000 men should be plenty."

"Leaving us 15,000 to join with the Riverlords." Lord Karstark noted.

"Swap any cavalry you have with my own men." Torrhen suggested. "We need all the horse we can get."

"Aye." The agreement went around the room. Robert looked at the map once all of the figures had been moved around to show their plan.

"Lord Robb, have your force leave at dawn tomorrow." The King commanded. "We'll let Lord Royce know to meet you here, at Darry." He moved the falcon piece himself to the Riverland castle. "Take Ser Mandon of my own Kingsguard with you to show your legitimacy in riding for me. The rest of us, gather all your supplies and prepare to leave at dawn in three days. We ride for the Twins."

The King then strode out the room followed by his Kingsguard, and the Northern lords and commanders began to filter out, leaving only the Starks left in the room. Robb breathed out heavily. "Lord Bolton, with me?"

Ned nodded, placing a hand on Robb's shoulder for comfort. "Domeric will be with you and he is friendly with us. Lord Bolton won't risk his relationship with us, not this time."

"Domeric is a good man, Robb." Torrhen agreed. "Plus you're surrounded by your wife's men. It's the Twins I'm concerned about…"

"We have Robert on our side, Torrhen." Ned turned to him this time. "This is a different war than you fought before."

Torrhen nodded, staring at the map again to look at all the planned troop movements. Pounding the table gently with his fist twice, he stood up straight and turned to his brother and father with a grin. "I best go and enjoy the time I have left with my wife then."

Robb just burst into laughter at that, clapping Torrhen on the back as he walked out the room to prepare his own men to leave.

Olenna Tyrell watched on with her granddaughters under a large canopy as her Lordly grandson sparred against three knights. Margaery and the other younger girls were sewing and gossiping, but Olenna just watched Loras, impressed at his ability. Her musings were interrupted by the Maester Lomys, the Highgarden Maester and a man almost as old as Olenna herself.

"A raven from Dragonstone, Lady Olenna." He croaked. Olenna took it gratefully and cracked open the seal. She unravelled the letter, and the words on it almost took her by surprise. She read it again just to make sure she had seen it correctly, and then coughed to gain the girls attention. "Leave me." She told them. "Margaery, you stay."

The other girls did as they were asked, while Margaery set down her sewing and sat closer to Olenna. "What is it?" She asked.

Olenna handed her the raven. "It seems that Renly Baratheon's relationship with Loras has proven interesting. Left, go and get my grandson."

One of the twins that guarded the old woman did as he was told, while Margaery read the letter. "They want me as Queen?"

"Well of course they do child." Olenna rolled her eyes. "With the Lannister woman having done what she has, of course they are going to go to the most beautiful maiden from the strongest house. The question is, do we accept?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Margaery laughed at the absurdity of the thought. "I'd be Queen."

"Who would be Queen?" Loras asked, having just heard the last part of the statement.

Margaery handed him the letter. "Renly has encouraged Stannis to push for me to be Queen after the war is won."

Loras grinned. "It's no less than you deserve, sweet sister." He said, leaning in to peck Margaery on the cheek.

Margaery giggled and slapped him on the chest plate. "Get away, you smell awful."

"I've been fighting." Loras shrugged, slouching into a chair nearby and reaching for a peach to eat. He took a bite and chewed it. "I say we accept."

"And do we know what Robert Baratheon himself thinks of this?" Olenna raised an eyebrow. "All we have are the assurances from his brothers that they will push for it, not that he himself has offered a betrothal."

Loras straightened up slightly. "I'll send a rider Northwards." They had heard all about King's Landing and Robert's departure after all. "One of Leonette's brothers can do it, seeing as though they're family now."

He said it unhappily, but Olenna was pleased with the idea. Loras had quickly married one of the red apple Fossoway's, and had it confirmed that after the third day of constant questions from Olenna herself to her grandson, he had finally managed to consummate the marriage. He had sulked for days afterwards, but if she was honest with herself Olenna didn't care so long as he got her pregnant. "A fine idea. Send Ser Bryan, he could do with a long stretch in the saddle."

Loras smirked at the comment but nodded. He turned to Margaery. "You'll make a fine Queen."

Margaery had the decency to blush. "We don't know if he'll choose me yet."

"Of course he will." Loras was adamant. "I'll send a portrait of you up with Ser Bryan, he won't be able to say no."

Torrhen hated the Twins. The army had set up camp before the hill that overlooked the Green Fork, and Torrhen along with his Father, King Robert and his Kingsguard were sat on their horses overlooking the Eastern castle, the one that housed Walder Frey. Torrhen held the Stark banner, and Ser Arys Oakheart held the crowned stag of Baratheon.

"We should storm it and burn it to the ground." Torrhen growled quietly, so only Ned could hear. Balerion was beside Torrhen growling too, the direwolf already the size of a regular adult hound. Ned wheeled around on his horse so that he was closer to Torrhen.

"Enough." The Warden of the North said sharply. "If you can't be civil and see that none of these men have done what they did to you yet, go and wait with the rest of the camp."

Torrhen didn't say anything, but he didn't move either. Instead just sitting in silence as they waited. Robert was growing impatient, and he made that vocal.

"What is it with these Frey's?" He complained. "Don't they owe allegiance to your goodfather, Ned?"

"They do, Your Grace." Ned replied. "But Lord Walder has always been cautious, and his son is married to Lord Tywin's sister. He is likely waiting to see what he can get out of either side."

Robert growled in annoyance. "Well if he'd bloody hurry up about it I won't have his head off for wasting my time."

As if on cue, the gate to the twins opened up and two riders approached, one bearing a white flag of truce, the other a Frey banner. Torrhen almost puked at seeing it.

The riders approached, and Torrhen recognised Ser Stevron Frey and Ser Perwyn Frey. Stevron, the eldest and heir to the Twins rode up to face King Robert and spoke. "Your Grace, Lord Stark." He greeted the two men. "My Father, Lord Walder Frey, would know your business for bringing an army to our gates?"

"You know our business." Ned countered firmly. "You have received the raven detailing the Lannisters murder of Lord and Lady Arryn, have you not? You have been summoned by your Liege Lord to call your banners and join him in Riverrun, have you not?"

Ser Stevron looked apologetic and turned to the King. "Your Grace, Tywin Lannister holds our brother in Casterly Rock. We cannot raise our men in fear of his life."

Robert actually laughed aloud. "If you think Tywin fucking Lannister cares about your brother enough to execute him and his children because you've risen against him, you don't know Tywin Lannister. Open your fucking gates and let us through at the very least. We mean you no harm."

Ser Stevron nodded. "I would love to do so, Your Grace. But my Father is an old man and can only see the threats to his person. He is wary to open his gates to such a strong host."

"Do it, or I'll open them myself." Robert growled.

"It need not come to that." Ser Perwyn added. "All Father needs is assurances."

"Then let's get it over with." Robert rolled his eyes. "Assure him he has my word."

"Words can be forged." Stevron said.

Robert threw his hands up in frustration. "Seven fucking hells. Fine, I'll come and give your wrinkly old Father his assurances."

"Robert." Ned warned.

Ser Barristan at the same time argued. "Your Grace. That's too dangerous."

"If Walder Frey wants to imprison me, he'll regret it." Robert shut them both up, his hand on his sword hilt. "Ser Barristan, Ser Arys. You both will join me." He turned to Ned. "Don't worry, old friend. I know what I'm doing."

"You better." Ned raised an eyebrow but nodded his acceptance anyway.

Robert turned back to the Frey's. "You." He pointed to Stevron, intentionally forgetting the man's name. "You stay here, for your Father's good will."

"Your Grace…" Stevron argued.

"It wasn't a request." Robert said with stern eyes. "I am still your King. You. Stay. Here."

Ser Stevron opened his mouth to argue but closed it once more. He nodded and moved his horse to be stood beside Torrhen as King Robert, Ser Barristan and Ser Arys rode towards the castle. Balerion moved under Torrhen's horse to stare up at the Frey heir, growling as the direwolf did so. Torrhen smirked. "Have you ever met a direwolf before?" He asked. Stevron shook his head, gulping at the pup's teeth. "Pray that your father cooperates so you won't need to get to know him better."