Chapter 32: Cornered Lions

Summer found the passageway first, the Direwolf somehow knowing exactly what Bran needed, and under the cover of darkness Bran left with Summer and half a dozen knights, including Jon Arryn's former squire and Ser Justin Massey, sneaking down the coastline towards the Kingswood. Summer's nose came in handy once again when they entered the woods, and the Direwolf led them all towards a large encampment of Reach and Stormlander soldiers.

The camp was a lot more jovial than inside the Red Keep had been, something that Justin Massey quickly took offense too. He didn't get a chance to complain though, as they were led towards the main tent where Renly sat eating a peach, speaking with the beauty that was Margaery Tyrell.

"Ah! Ser Justin!" Renly exclaimed, placing the half-eaten fruit on his plate. "You're alive!"

Ser Justin nodded. "The battles have been hard fought, but the Red Keep still held strong when we left."

"The Red Keep?" Margaery asked. Bran couldn't take his eyes off of her. "Not King's Landing?"

"King's Landing has fallen." Hugh of the Vale stated. "There were too many of them."

"We have come to help you coordinate an assault on the city." Ser Justin stated. "Lord Stannis bids that you flank King's Landing via the Blackwater Rush and attack from the North. The Golden Company expects to be secure there with all the Rivermen and Northmen fighting in the West."

"And he sends a child to tell me this?" Renly grinned, looking at Bran. "Come forward boy, don't be shy."

"This is Brandon Stark, son of Lord Eddard." Hugh announced.

Renly nodded. "My brothers squire, yes."

Bran stepped forwards and brought out the letter from Stannis. "Lord Stannis told me to give you this." He handed it over to Renly, who tore open the seal and scanned the parchment.

"A full-frontal assault on the Dragon Gate." Renly nodded. "Yes, we can do that." He looked back at Bran. "My Lady, why don't you go and show the little Lord and his pet to a tent."

Margaery smiled brightly and stood up from her seat. "Of course, Lord Husband." She bent down and kissed him on the cheek. "Follow me, Lord Stark."

Bran looked up at Ser Justin, who just nodded the once with an unamused look upon his face, and Bran followed the Tyrell woman. They walked a few paces when Margaery looked at him and smiled again. "Your wolf is lovely."

Bran looked at Summer and grinned. "His name is Summer, he has 6 siblings, like me. All of us have got a Direwolf."

"How exciting!" Margaery exclaimed, making Bran feel ten feet tall. "And such a majestic creature to have as a symbol of your house. Mine isn't quite so exciting I'm afraid." She giggled. "Although, the fields surrounding Highgarden are filled with thousands of golden roses and they are rather pretty."

"Sansa says that Highgarden is the best castle in Westeros." Bran said suddenly, feeling emboldened by the attention given to him by Margaery.

"Your sister sounds smart." Margaery winked at him. "Though I've heard grand tales of the majesty of Winterfell."

"I miss it." Bran admitted. "But I wouldn't get to be a knight there. As Lord Stannis' squire I will."

"You wish to be a knight?" Margaery asked.

Bran nodded. "More than anything."

Smiling, Margaery said. "My brother is a knight; you shall have to meet him when this dreadful war is over! Ah, here we are."

They had arrived at a small tent, although it had a comfortable bed inside it. "This is for me?" Bran asked.

"Why of course." Margaery said kindly. "You must be tired from your journey. Rest well, Brandon Stark, and I'm sure I shall see you in the morning." And with that she bent down and kissed him on the cheek, before walking away and leaving Bran alone, a wide grin on his face as he reached up to gingerly trace the area she had kissed with his finger.

"Wow…" He whispered.

It was market day in Vaes Dothrak, and both Jon and Jory were following the Khaleesi as she led her servants through the markets, picking up flowers, silks and other rarities. Jon had his hand constantly on his sword pommel, just waiting for something to happen.

They were walking down a narrow path towards a wine seller when Ser Jorah came running towards them. He handed Daenerys a letter and whispered in her ear. "It is done." Jon clenched his teeth at that. He still wasn't ok with the plan and felt that the risks were far greater than Daenerys thought. Still, she wasn't to be deterred and Jon was extremely determined to keep her safe.

"Good." Dany noted. "Then let us go wine tasting."

They walked further on, and Dany even got Jon to try some fermented Whale Blubber from Ib. They soon got to a small clearing however, and a wine seller crying out in Dothraki trying to sell his wares. "Sweet reds! I have sweet reds from Lys, Volantis and the Arbor! Tyrosh pear brandy! Andalish sours! I have them! I have them!" He spotted the small group then and pointed at Daenerys. "A taste for the Khaleesi? I have a sweet red from Dorne, My Lady. One taste and you'll name your first child after me."

Jon could sense Dany tense up beside him, but to her credit she gave a smile to the wine seller. "My son already has his name." She said in the common tongue, in a way that almost seemed rehearsed. "But I enjoy a Dornish Red, I shall have a taste."

The wine seller looked at her with wider eyes, a look that Jon realised he disliked. "My Lady." The man responded. "You are from Westeros?"

"This is Daenerys Targaryen, the rightful Queen of Westeros." Jorah Mormont corrected the man.

The wine seller bowed his head. "Your Grace, forgive me."

"You are forgiven." Dany said amusedly. "Now, the wine?"

"This?" The man said in surprise before he threw the wine out onto the floor. "Dornish swill, not worthy of a Queen."

"I was born in Dorne." Jon said accusingly, playing his part in the charade.

The Wine seller chuckled nervously. "I mean no offence Ser, only… it is known that the finest wine in Westeros comes from the Arbor."

"I am no Ser." Jon said quickly. He looked at Dany, who just nodded. "Very well, fetch your Arbor wine."

The man grinned. "You shall not regret it, Your Grace." He said hurriedly, rushing to grab a case of the liquid. "The finest Arbor Red I have ever managed to procure. Have it! As a gift!"

He shoved the barrel into Jorah's hands, and the knight looked at the wine seller uncomfortably. Dany meanwhile smiled brightly at the small man. "Thank you." She said, seemingly sincerely. She began to turn away, before turning back with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Although, it is not often I meet a fellow Westerosi, where are you from?"

"Nowhere important." He answered. "Some backwater alley in Oldtown, I got on the first ship to Essos that I could find and never looked back."

Dany smiled politely, before turning to Jorah. "Pour me two cups, Ser Jorah. I wish to drink with the man from my homeland."

"Khaleesi…" The seller protested. "I am not worthy of this vintage."

"You are if I say you are." Dany said firmly. "We shall drink to our long exiles."

The seller opened his mouth to say something but closed his mouth again and cocked his head acceptingly. Jorah placed the barrel on a table and uncorked it, letting it air for a moment before pouring out two small cups worth. He handed one to Dany, and one to the merchant.

"To home." Dany said, raising her glass.

"To home." The merchant repeated, holding the cup hesitantly.

They both waited a few seconds, and Jon stared down the merchant with a glare. "You don't wish to drink?"

"Of course he doesn't." Dany said soothingly, although her eyes blazed. "He doesn't wish to die."

The man blinked in surprise, as Rakharo slowly moved to the back of the merchant, blocking all escape routes. "Your… Your Grace?"

"Do you think I am stupid?" Daenerys snarled, her face changing from innocent to glaring in an instant. "I have had more attempts on my life than you can even imagine. Do you really think I would trust a man that just gave me a full barrel of his best wine?"

"Drink." Jon commanded. "Prove that we are wrong."

"Khaleesi… please." The man pleaded.

Dany sighed, shaking her head and pouring her wine on the ground. "The Khal will enjoy you." She said mournfully. The man's eyes widened in horror this time, and he looked around erratically. He made a move towards Jon, but the Northman deftly dodged the merchant while sticking a leg out to send him flying to the ground, before Ghost pounced on him, snarling menacingly. The commotion had been heard by then, and the market guards had come to inspect. "Take him to the Khal." Dany ordered. "Tell him what has happened, that this man tried to poison his Khaleesi and his son."

"Please! Your Grace!" The man begged as he was roughly hoisted up and dragged away.

Jorah pushed the cork back in the barrel and picked it back up. "I shall go with them and take this as proof." He told her.

"Thank you, Ser Jorah." Dany smiled again. The Mormont bowed and followed the cries of the merchant, and Dany turned to Jon. "And thank you for going along with this."

"It still seemed a bit much." Jon admitted.

Dany nodded. "The Khal needs to know that the threat to my life is real for him to declare war." She looked back at the struggling merchant. "Hopefully this is enough."

Winter's Bite was red with blood, and Torrhen himself was as tired as he had ever been, but the sight of the golden lion holding an anchor on a field of red and blue dropping to the ground of the Lannisters of Lannisport's manse was one that he was glad he was there for. The Battle of Lannisport had been a long one and the City Watch were formidable opponents, but the sheer numbers of King Robert's loyalists overwhelmed the Westerlanders eventually, and by the end of the day Ser Loreon Lannister, the Master of Lannisport had surrendered the City.

Even with Casterly Rock looming large in the distance, there were a whole host of Lannister's in the manse, both male and female. The males were all given a choice of beheading and the Wall, while the women were offered to the septs. The Kingsguard were the ones to perform the executions, but both Torrhen and Ned stood quietly on one of the balconies overlooking the courtyard that would soon run red with the blood of the defiant.

Ser Barristan brought his sword down on one of the younger, more rash knights of the House that Torrhen had forgotten the name of, and the younger Stark winced at the cold look King Robert had as he watched on next to the Kingsguard Commander. "He looks furious, and these Lannisters did nothing to him." He commented.

Ned nodded. "Fury is a part of House Baratheon, and the Lannisters made Robert look a fool. He's doing this to remind them that he is still strong, but he is also unforgiving."

"What of Tyrion?" Torrhen asked. "He's a Lannister too."

Ned sighed. "Robert is no fool, Torrhen, or he wasn't when he first took the throne. He knows the importance of a Lannister in Casterly Rock, but he needs to be able to trust them. If Tyrion proves himself trustworthy, then he will be spared, and all his wishes acted on."

"Ser Damian Lannister." Ser Baelor Hightower called out, and another Lannister was forced to choose death or the Night's Watch.

"He isn't that bad really." Torrhen noted, as Ser Damian chose servitude. "Especially after he joined Dany in Meereen. I'd probably even have considered him a friend towards the end."

Ned looked uneasy. "The thought of befriending the son of Tywin is a peculiar one to me." He admitted. "It seems you got on with the House, even after everything."

"No." Torrhen said sharply. "Never the House. Never Cersei. But Jaime had been disinherited by the time I met him again, and Tyrion was fighting his sister with Dany. They are both better when away from the Rock, away from Cersei Lannister."

"I hope you're right." Ned admitted. "But I keep telling you, this is a different world to what you are used to, these may even be different people."

"You're no different." Torrhen shrugged. "With the right incentives, then anything could happen."

Ned smirked at his son. "Keep that attitude, Torrhen. This ability to see the best in our enemies could be useful when we take the Rock."

"You think we'll take it?" Torrhen asked.

Ned shrugged. "We have to capture Tywin Lannister and Joffrey to finish this war, and we have to finish this war if we are to be truly prepared for what comes next." Torrhen winced as he felt the phantom icy blade pierce his stomach. The Night King still terrified him. "Go and get some rest, son. We'll begin planning in the morning I have no doubt."

Torrhen nodded and watched one more execution before he departed the balcony for his designated chambers, quickly dropping onto the bed and falling asleep.

You couldn't go more than a minute without seeing some form of soldier or guard in Casterly Rock these days, Jaime noted. Almost his entire force left over from the Battle of Oxcross were gathering inside the castle now that Lannisport had fallen to the Baratheon alliance, and the sheer number of men meant that training was taking place everywhere. In the training yards, in the corridors, even in the barracks there were drills being performed.

Thankfully, Jaime was a Lannister of the main branch, and he was able to stay up in the tallest tower with the rest of his family. In one of the rare moments of peace he was able to have a scalding hot bath, and the Kingslayer relaxed into the water and closed his eyes, imagining the Battle of Oxcross again, although this time he dealt a mortal blow to Robert Baratheon.

His daydream was cut short however as the door opened to reveal his sister. "Get up. Get dressed." Cersei said commandingly.

"It's lovely to see you too Cersei." Jaime grinned. "Care to join me?"

Cersei scoffed and looked at him darkly. "Our home is under siege, Lannisport is in enemy hands and that's all you can think about?" She threw a towel at him, which he deftly caught. "Get dressed. I need you to do something for me." Groaning, Jaime got out of the tub and hastily dressed himself in a golden shirt with white nightwear trousers before he followed his sister towards her own personal chambers. She stopped by a balcony that had an excellent view of both the siege below Casterly Rock and Lannisport itself, still burning from the assault. "I used to love this view as a child." Cersei admitted wistfully. "Watching the city go about its business, they all looked so small, so beneath us, running around like ants. Now it reminds me of that man. They've taken our city, our possession, mine and yours."

"It was never mine." Jaime argued childishly.

Cersei just glared at him. "Look down. Look at the banners."

"Baratheon, Stark, Tully, Tyrell." Jaime shrugged. "Those are the houses that are attacking us."

"But only one man holds them all together." Cersei told him, before she looked away at the city again. "Do you remember when we were children? We would sneak down into the city after our lessons. We'd play at the docks, run along the beaches, jump off the cliffs…"

"Until you told Father on me that one time." Jaime reminded her.

Cersei ignored him. "The secret passages to the city still exist, Jaime. You could use one."

Jaime looked at her quizzically. "For what? Why would I go to an occupied city?"

"The Starks, the Tullys, the Tyrells. A formidable army all held together by one man." Cersei explained.

Jaime was slow at times it was true, but he looked at Cersei in horror as he understood her meaning. "No, you can't be serious."

"If Robert dies…"

"I'd be caught before I got within a mile of him!"

"You know the city better than every one of them!"

"No, Cersei." Jaime said firmly, as angry as he had ever been with her. "I would do a lot for you; I have done a lot for you. But I will not give up my life on some foolish revenge plan. If you want Robert assassinated, find another idiot to go through with it. Leave me out of it."

He didn't wait for a response and turned away, storming out. He was barely out the door when he heard a snarl from her direction. "Coward." Shaking his head, he went back to his chambers and hoped that his bath was still warm, eager to forget the entire conversation had ever happened.

Dawn soon came, and Torrhen was back in his freshly cleaned armour in the main council chamber of the Lannisters of Lannisport's manse. A circular table had been brought in and a map of Casterly Rock placed on it. Torrhen took his place next to his Father on the King's right-hand side, while on the King's left stood Lord Loras. Other major Lords filled the table too, from the Reach, the North and the Riverlands.

"We can move all our siege weapons up the hills now we have the city." The Blackfish explained.

"We have the seas too, with the Redwyne Fleet." Ser Baelor Hightower added. "They have nowhere to run."

Robert shook his head. "They won't run, Tywin Lannister won't allow it." He stroked his beard hard at thought. "He will wait us out. They have the capability to defend a siege for years, so he will be hoping King's Landing falls in the meantime."

"They have thousands of men behind those walls too… tens of thousands." Ned added. "This will be a bloody business."

"Casterly Rock has never fallen… how can we succeed when others have failed?" Lord Karyl Vance asked. "The Golden Tooth is one thing… but Casterly Rock?"

Ned's eyes shot open, and he dragged Torrhen away from the table for one moment. When they were out of earshot, the Stark patriarch asked. "How did you do it before?"

"I didn't, I wasn't there." Torrhen insisted.

"But you heard the plans. You know what happened." Ned reasoned. "If you can remember, you'll save a lot of lives, Tor."

Torrhen thought hard for a moment, thinking back to the conversations in the Chamber of the Painted Table. "They had effectively abandoned the castle to take Highgarden, so it was easier than expected…" He trailed off. "The Imp. He knew of a secret passage. They took it from the inside."

Ned grinned widely. "Get him." He commanded, and Torrhen raced off towards the prison block. Ned walked back to the table where everybody else stared at him expectantly. "We have a plan… possibly."

"Well?" Robert asked impatiently. "What is it?"

Ned looked around the table. "It seems to me that we're planning on assaulting a castle that not one of us has spent more than a week inside. Casterly Rock is strong, and there is a good reason that it has never been taken. So how about we force Lord Tyrion to make good on his pledge. He helps us take Casterly Rock, and we grant him his wishes."

"Spare the Kingslayer?" Loras asked, bewildered. "We can't seriously…"

"If it's one man's life spared to save thousands of our own men, then we should consider it." The Greatjon bellowed over the Tyrell. "If you believe this to be right, Ned, then I'm with you."

"Aye." Came the voices of the few Northerner's in the room, and Ned was forever grateful for their support.

"He betrayed you, Your Grace!" Lord Mathis Rowan exclaimed. "You can't spare him!"

"He won't be going free." Edmure Tully shrugged. "He'll still be punished whilst serving the realm."

Robert held a hand up, and the room fell silent. The King turned to Ned and asked. "You truly believe this is the way? Trust a Lannister and spare the Kingslayer?"

Ned nodded. "I remember the Kingslayer at the moment I found him on the Throne. It was only after my accusations he turned cold to me." Torrhen's words rang in his ear. "Perhaps his actions then were for good reason and I was too quick to judge. And if I was wrong then, what don't I know now? If he fights to the death then so be it, we can say we tried. But if we capture the Kingslayer then I know that I would want to get some truths from him, and he is an excellent soldier. Spending his life at the Wall defending us from what lies beyond will be more beneficial to you than a fleeting moment of revenge."

"What lies beyond?" Loras snorted. "Snarks and Grumpkins?"

"And giants, and worse." The Greatjon said forebodingly. "Do not mock what you do not know, boy. I live closest to the Wall than all of you, there is danger up there."

The large man's tone was one of fear, and the entire room felt chills at his words. The silence was only broken by the door opening, and in came Torrhen holding a rope with Tyrion attached to the end of it. Balerion the Direwolf followed, making sure the Imp complied. "Father. Your Grace." Torrhen bowed. "Lord Tyrion."

"Why am I here?" Tyrion asked impatiently.

"To tell us how to take the Rock." Robert commented. "Do that, and I'll spare your damned brother."

Tyrion's eyes widened in shock. "Take the Rock? It's impossible. You'll have to starve them out."

"Or we could go through the secret passage you will lead us to. The one you built yourself." Torrhen told the Lannister.

Tyrion stared at the young Stark in a look of almost horror. "I don't… what secret passage?"

Torrhen had remembered the story by then and used his growing reputation as a seer to his advantage. "The one you used to sneak whores into the castle with." He said monotonously.

"How do you…" Tyrion began, before he sighed, defeated. He looked up at Robert. "I have your word?"

"The children will live. Your brother will live and face a fair trial." Robert said, albeit unhappily. "Your Father and sister will die painfully, and all Lannister males will have the option of death or the Wall, just as they did here. That is all I will offer you, dwarf." He said menacingly.

Tyrion gulped and nodded the once. "Then I must tell you a story. I was 16 and wishing to travel the world, but my Father refused and said that if I wanted responsibility, I would get it. He gave me the task of improving the sewer system, and in doing so, I gave myself a little something too…"

Margaery Tyrell had wanted to be able to see the Reachmen overwhelm King's Landing, and because he was so young, Bran Stark found himself sat atop a horse watching from the part of the Kingsroad on the hill North of King's Landing as Renly and his forces pushed through the Dragon Gate. The young Stark noticed that the Lannister Lion had been placed along the walls of the city, and he clenched his teeth at the sight of it.

"How long should it take?" Margaery asked, seeming impatient.

"As long as it needs to, My Lady." Ser Bryan Fossoway stated. Lord Loras' brother by law was in charge of the dozen men picked to be a guard to his Lord's sister. "Taking a city such as this is no mean feat."

Bran was more confident, however. "With the men from the Red Keep it will happen soon."

Margaery smiled. "I hope so, little Lord."

Bran grinned as he turned his attention back towards the city. They could see the Reachmen streaming into the city, and once the last man had entered they could only guess at what was happening. Minutes turned into an hour, and another one had passed by the time they saw movement outside the gates once more. Members of the Golden Company were fleeing on foot, only to be ridden down by Tyrell mounted knights.

"Look." Ser Bryan pointed towards the walls. "The signal."

The Lannister Lion was being cut down, and in its place hung the crowned stag of Baratheon. "We've won." Margaery grinned. "How lovely!"

They waited for a while longer until men from inside the city came to collect them, but Bran soon was riding through the city. Buildings had collapsed and men were on the ground dead, seemingly everywhere. Thankfully it was mostly the Golden Company, but he did notice a few Tyrell shields bloodied on the ground too.

They were escorted into the Red Keep and into the Throne Room, where Bran was grateful to see Stannis Baratheon still standing, although he was leaning heavily on one of the pillars. Renly of course looked resplendent in his armour, and he immediately walked over towards them. "My beloved wife!" He cried out. "Welcome to King's Landing, the battle is ours!"

Margaery grinned and was about to say something, when somebody shouted from behind Bran. "Her Grace, Queen Walda!"

Men began to get on one knee, and Bran did the same once Stannis forced himself down as well. He looked up as the noticeably pregnant Queen and her ladies walked into the Throne Room. She walked over towards the two Baratheon brothers, her ugly elder kinsman Black Walder behind her. "Lord Stannis." She said calmly. "Lord Renly."

The two Baratheon's rose, as did the rest of the room. Bran stayed exactly where he was, watching the scene unfold. "Your Grace." The brother's both said.

"Thank you for your unyielding courage." The Queen smiled brightly.

"It is our honour, Your Grace." Renly bowed with a charming smile. "The traitor Ser Kevan is dead, and soon Casterly Rock shall be ours and the war will be over!"

"One war." Stannis said sternly. "We still must deal with Balon Greyjoy, but this war against the Lannister's is soon to be won."

Walda nodded. "I pray that the King does not take too long in returning."

"He shall want to be here for the birth, I am sure." Renly said politely. "Have you met my wife, Lady Margaery?"

Margaery walked over, and Stannis obviously took that as his cue to leave. He walked over towards Bran as the Queen and Margaery conversed. "You did very well, Brandon."

"Thank you, Lord Stannis." Bran bowed his head.

"You didn't run into any trouble, did you?" Stannis asked.

Bran shook his head. "All of their men were inside the city."

Stannis pursed his lips. "When the war in the West is over we will have a short time of peace I am sure, but we will need to prepare for an invasion of the Iron Islands again." He looked properly at Bran. "Your training will be increased to strategy as well as combat. If you are to one day be the Lord of Dragonstone, you should understand the complexities of war."

Bran's eyes lit up. "Thank you, My Lord."

Stannis nodded his head. "Now go and get some rest. We won't be celebrating until the King gets back, so we shall start your new lessons in the morning."

Under the cover of nightfall around a third of King Robert's forces used the Redwyne fleet to sail towards the small cave that led into the great castle. The rest of the men, including the King himself, were on land at the Lion's Mouth, making as much noise as they could to draw the defenders over there.

Torrhen was one of those chosen to lead the assault into the heart of the castle, along with Ser Barristan and Lord Loras Tyrell. They occupied the first boat with Balerion and a handful of Tyrell and Stark men, and they took the passage first as the rest of the invaders sailed into the cove.

They were walking for what seemed like ages, squeezing through narrow gaps until they came to a wooden covered area, and a ladder in the middle of it.

"The Imp was right." Loras whispered.

"The tower is likely guarded." Ser Barristan told them. "Stay here, I'll go up quietly and clear it. You work on a way to get the wolf up."

Torrhen nodded and watched as the elderly knight was the first to climb up the ladder, gently lifting up the hatch before hauling himself up. Torrhen and Loras waited for just a moment as they heard knife slashes and men gurgling blood before they worked on tying a sheet around the direwolf in order for the largest of the group, a Karstark soldier, to carry him on his back.

Ser Barristan soon popped his head down the hatch and gestured for them to follow him up. Loras went first, and Torrhen let most of the men that had gathered go up, including the one with Balerion on his back, before he joined them in the dark tower. Balerion was back on the floor when he got up, slightly grumpy from the roughness of the climb, but he soon looked at Torrhen and wagged his tail, baring his teeth expectantly.

"You all know the route." Ser Barristan said. "Work your way through to the main gates and open them for our forces."

Loras nodded. "With me." He commanded, withdrawing his sword and leading the men out.

"Go with him, Lord Torrhen." Barristan said calmly. "I have my own mission."

Torrhen looked to argue but clenched his teeth together and nodded. "Stay with Ser Barristan, Bal." He whispered, stroking the Direwolf on the head. "Good boy." He then withdrew Winter's Bite and raced after the steady stream of men exiting the guard tower.

They didn't face much opposition until the courtyard. Most of the defending Lannister soldiers were on the walls or in their barracks thankfully, so together the Reachmen and Northmen carved through the few hundred or so Lannister men that were in the way of the onrushing army. Torrhen was overwhelmingly thankful for the Valyrian Steel, as his lack of height was countered by the abnormally sharp and light blade carving through the Lannister army. He was one of the first to make it to the gate with Ser Loras, and soon enough they had enough men to lift the beam.

"LIFT!" Loras roared, and the dozen or so men all heaved the gigantic wooden beam up and away from the door, before they pulled the doors open and waited.

A loud roar came from the distance, and Torrhen could hear the thundering of hooves before a loud bell began ringing from within the castle. Grinning, he turned back towards the courtyard and flicked his wrist, swinging the sword in a full circle before he charged back into the fray.

The bells woke Jaime Lannister up. He hadn't got much sleep since Lannisport fell, but he was having a rather nice dream when all of a sudden the bells began to ring signalling an incoming assault. Swearing, he quickly called for a squire to help him into his Lannister armour and rushed towards the front gates.

His route took him through the Golden Gallery, one of the most expensive rooms inside the castle where House Lannister kept all sorts of treasures and artefacts. He knew everything in the room, although there was one object he wasn't expecting. Ser Barristan Selmy.

"Ser Jaime." The old knight said, almost sadly.

"Lord Commander." Jaime replied politely. "You seem to be in my home."

"The White Sword Tower is your home." Ser Barristan told him. "Or it was supposed to be, I suppose you preferred the Queen's chambers?"

Jaime bristled. "Lies…"

"Spare me, boy." Barristan snapped. "You betrayed your cloak and your King."

Some more Lannister men ran from behind Jaime, stopping beside him as they stared between the two Kingsguard knights. "Go. Defend the gates." Jaime ordered. "The old man is mine."

Ser Barristan let them pass, all the while his eyes never left Jaime. "Old man." He chuckled. "I suppose I am." He withdrew his sword. "And yet, even you have never bested me in a spar."

Jaime withdrew his own sword. "A spar is different to a duel, Ser, you know that."

"It's not too late. Come in quietly and I promise you, you shall be spared." Ser Barristan told the Lannister.

"My Father?" Jaime asked. "Cersei? Will they be spared?"

Barristan didn't move a muscle. "The King will decide their fates."

Jaime smirked darkly. "He will kill them as he will kill me. No, Ser. If I am to die, it shall be by the sword. But I cannot surrender my family to you."

Barristan sighed once and nodded. "Very well." He poised himself, ready to fight.

"For what it's worth, Ser." Jaime said before he flexed the fingers on his sword hand. "It has been an honour serving alongside you." And then he lunged.

Torrhen pulled Winter's Bite out of yet another Lannister man as the loyalist army tried forcing their way from the courtyard. The bells had awoken the thousands of Lannister men inside the castle, and there was barely any room to manoeuvre, but thankfully Torrhen's size gave him a bit of an advantage as he ducked through the oncoming Westermen.

Though he couldn't see much, he had seen enough of the battle as King Robert entered the fray. Surrounded by both Ser Arys and Ser Perwyn Frey, the Baratheon monarch was wielding his famed warhammer for the first time in years, and while he was still a stocky man, gone was the excessive flab that had consumed him in recent years, and muscle was starting to return, as the first Lannister man soon realised when he had his head flattened against the strong wooden doors leading into the castle.

Torrhen hadn't seen his Father yet, but he didn't get a chance to stop and look as he got swept up in battle fever, following Loras Tyrell's charge through the Lannister lines and pushing through the castle. The corridors quickly ran red with blood as men fell from all sides, and Torrhen was finding it hard to stay on his feet. He was barely thinking, just slashing and stabbing at any man in the red armour of Casterly Rock and hoping for the best.

All sense of time left him, and the next thing that Torrhen knew was forcing his way through a door and entering into a golden coated room. In the middle of the room Ser Barristan Selmy was furiously fighting with Jaime Lannister, the two so quick and so skilful that Torrhen and the rest of the Northmen and Reachmen with him just stood in awe for a moment. Neither of the Kingsguard knights could gain a foothold. First Jaime would be on the assault, pushing the elder Stormlander knight back until Ser Barristan did a move and then he was on the attack. It was scintillating to watch, and Torrhen knew at that moment that this was a duel that would live on in stories for centuries. He was brought back to reality once the opposite door opened and in streamed a large number of Lannister men, including Ser Ilyn Payne and Joffrey himself.

Torrhen growled like a wolf as he eyed Joffrey and he took a slow step forward. The men around him all rushed towards the new army, but Torrhen only had eyes for one man. His arm seemed to move on its own as he blocked a random sword and split the attacker's chest open, and again when he plunged his sword hilt deep into another man's heart. Three dead men later, he stood in front of Joffrey for the first time since King's Landing.

"Stark." Joffrey snarled.

"Waters." Torrhen countered.

Joffrey's eyes flared. "How dare you…" He held his sword shakily at Torrhen. "I'll gut you, you cunt!"

Torrhen didn't react, and the Lannister looking man to his left said. "My Prince…"

"No, Devan!" Joffrey cried. "This boy insulted me on my nameday, I will take his head myself!"

Loras Tyrell had joined Torrhen at that point. "Well, look what we have here." He smirked.

All 5 of them stood still for but a moment, when Joffrey made the first lunge. Torrhen blocked it easily enough, but Ser Ilyn Payne also came at the Stark and he proved a much different challenge. The Payne's greatsword was big, and Torrhen used all of his agility to duck under and dodge it.

He needn't have worried though, Balerion sprang out of nowhere and attached his jaws to the ugly mute's face and forcing him down on to the floor and spraying blood everywhere. The Direwolf snapped and snarled as he tore flesh and cartilage from Ser Ilyn's head and throat, soon leaving nothing but a red mess. Joffrey was aghast, and soon went to stab at the Direwolf, but his blow was blocked by Torrhen, who's nostrils were flaring in anger.

"You do not touch Balerion." Torrhen snarled in a low voice. "You do not look at Balerion. You do not think about Balerion."

"You… you don't tell me what to do." Joffrey stuttered.

Torrhen smirked. "No, I suppose I'll just kill you."

Torrhen swung his sword as hard as he could, but Joffrey blocked it. The Stark swung again, the force behind it pushing the bastard backwards. Torrhen noticed Loras slaying Devan Lannister in the corner of his eye but continued pushing forwards. He could feel Ser Ilyn's blood covering his face and dripping off his chin, but he didn't care, he just kept swinging and pushing the ill born Prince backwards until his back was against a wall. "Please." Joffrey begged, tears forming. "Don't kill me."

Torrhen was breathing heavily, and he glared at the boy Prince for a moment before he relaxed his shoulders and started to lower his sword, before he lashed out with a roar and thrust Winter's Bite through Joffrey's throat. Joffrey spluttered and coughed blood twice, before he slumped down dead.

Torrhen wrenched his sword out to the side, partially severing the head before he slashed back the other way to finish the job. He grabbed the head with his left hand and held it up in the air along with his sword as he turned around. "WINTERFELL!" He roared, louder than all the swords in the room, and with the head of Joffrey Waters still in his hand, he re-joined the fight.

In the middle of the large room the two Kingsguard knights were still fighting at breath-taking pace. Their swords and shields were battered as they continued to lash out at one another, though Torrhen only briefly glanced at them, preferring to brutalise his way through the Lannister ranks, all the pent-up anger and frustration from both of his lives coming to the forefront in one crazed moment.

It took Loras crossing swords with the Stark to calm him down. "Torrhen! TORRHEN!" The Tyrell cried, disarming the Stark easily enough. "It's over! The lower castle is ours!"

Torrhen was panting, but he looked around and saw that the Lannister soldiers were either dead or surrendering. "We won…" He panted. Balerion was quickly by his side, and the Direwolf gave Torrhen a hearty lick on the cheek. Torrhen looked over to see three Tyrell soldiers lying on top of Jaime Lannister, pinning him to the ground as somebody smacked the Lannister in the head to knock him out.

"Torrhen!" A voice called. Torrhen looked around the room not seeing where it came from. "Torrhen!"

He saw his Father soon enough; a large gash was on Ned's cheek, but he otherwise looked unharmed. "Father…" Torrhen whispered.

Ned crashed into him, hugging the boy tightly. "You're alright." Ned whispered. "You're alive."

"Is it over?" Torrhen asked.

Ned nodded, pulling away slightly to look into Torrhen's grey eyes. "Yes my boy, the King and Lord Edmure are leading the Rivermen further up into the castle. We'll have Tywin Lannister in chains in no time."

The last guards in the tallest tower of Casterly Rock fell to the ground with a thud with large dents in their skulls from the Warhammer of King Robert Baratheon. The King placed the handle of the hammer on the ground and wiped his brow with his spare. He turned around to see his two Kingsguard that had stuck with him throughout the entirety of the Battle of the Rock. Tens of thousands lay dead in the Lannister stronghold, but with the help of his white knights, King Robert remained among the living.

"Right." He said gruffly. "Let's get this over with."

Ser Perwyn nodded and began to bash the door to Tywin Lannister's chambers down. It took 5 strong kicks, but the lock eventually broke, and the door swung quickly, and Ser Perwyn had to immediately bring his shield up to his face to block a sword swing from the Lannister patriarch. Ser Arys rushed in as soon as it impacted the first time, and before Tywin had a chance to react his sword was on the floor and Arys had Tywin restrained.

Robert walked in slowly, smirking at the sight of Tywin being forced to his knees. He then saw his former wife, who began to scream and ran at him with a knife. Robert easily anticipated the action though, and gripped her wrist tightly, making her drop the knife, and he back handed her to the ground. "Stay there." He ordered sternly.

"You'll pay for this." Cersei snarled.

Robert ignored her, instead turning to Tywin Lannister. "Lord Tywin." He said formally. "Casterly Rock has fallen, its defender's dead or captured. You are now the prisoner of the crown." Tywin just glared back at him, and Robert continued. "You and your children shall be put on trial for treason, adultery and a whole manner of crimes."

"The only criminal here is you." Tywin spat. "House Lannister won you the Iron Throne, and you spit in our faces because your brother lied to gain power."

Robert would normally have grown angry at the taunts, but this campaign had made him question himself more than he had done in his entire life. "You still don't believe it, do you?" Robert said, amused. "Well believe it, Lord Tywin. Your children are fucking one another. Your grandchildren are not my seed. It seems we have both been deceived."

"Joffrey." Cersei said suddenly. "Where is Joffrey?"

Robert considered her for a moment, wondering how best to put it. He saw her, kneeling on the floor with her hair askew and realised that he honestly didn't care at all. "Last I heard his head was being waved around in one hand by the Stark boy as he fought with the other."

He watched as Cersei processed the information, tears forming in her eyes before they narrowed in rage. She got up and raced to Robert screaming as she moved, punching him in the chest as hard as she could, but through his armour he didn't feel a thing. He back handed her again and watched as she was thrown to the floor, before she curled up in a ball and began to wail.

It was a horrible noise, one that even Robert winced at. "Take them away." He ordered his Kingsguard, and while Tywin went with a little dignity, Ser Perwyn had to basically carry Cersei out of the room. Once there was a bit of peace and quiet, Robert rested his hammer against one of the stone walls and dropped into a sofa sighing heavily. He had beaten Tywin Lannister and become the first man to capture Casterly Rock in combat. A small chuckle escaped his lips, which then became a quiet laugh, which grew and grew until he had tears running down his cheeks from all the laughter.