“While the cameras are not looking” (Jimin and Jungkook)

The work is dedicated to my dearest and closest person.
This is a kind of gift, that I promised to give you for all the New Year's holidays that have already passed, and now I can do it with joy! Thank you, you have been supporting me for quite a long time, your personal reviews and comments give me confidence. Your attention is priceless. Your concern is pleasant. I still remember, how carefully and with pleasure you read my reviews for every fucking series. And now you continue to do this with the guys' lives, that I have viewed. And most importantly, you tolerate my endless snot and drool, which just gush like a stream, for Yoongi and Jimin. Thank you for that. I hope, that you will be pleased to read what I have been wanting to give for so long.


I welcome everyone, who already knows me, and those who have decided to join.
I have been hatching this idea for quite a long time, even from the moment, I watched the project "In The Soop" itself, when it first came out. Initially, the idea was completely different. I wanted to write two different mini-fanfiction, with two different couples, without connecting them in any way, because vulgar pictures literally flashed before my eyes, when I saw some frames.
I have no idea, what happened and when everything went wrong, but in the process, it turned out that way. Even though the original idea was different, I, oddly enough, liked what happened.
This time there is no special plot, only naked intimate scenes, dialogues, and small descriptions. I wrote, what I saw specifically before my eyes and felt at the moment when I watched the project. Therefore, what happened came out.
I hope, that you will enjoy this little work as much, as I enjoyed writing it.
Thank you all for your attention. I hope to see you at the next work.

The work was written in Russian 22.02.2021, but I have translated it only now
I apologize for grammatical and syntactic errors if there are any. I don't speak English ideally, so I apologize.

If someone wants to share the work in their group / page / blog, I do not mind, indicating my credits / links / nicknames and how it should be done. But! The link to the work must not get on public networks, like Twitter, for example! Therefore, to avoid misunderstandings, despite my consent, please specify in personal correspondence / comments where exactly you want to share a link to my work, and I will gladly answer.


"Hyong, are you okay?!"
Jimin is definitely not okay!
Their trip together was nearing the end. There are only a couple of days left, and they will return to reality again. It was an amazing experience. Jimin, as part of the maknae-line, as well as his hyongs, just rested their soul and body. Even though they were used to working, sparing no effort and time, loved what they were doing with all their heart, with all their heart they wanted to continue to please their loyal fans with new music and fresh content, rest and a change of scenery were extremely necessary. The members did not get enough sleep and did not relax completely, they always tried to keep themselves in hand, they dozed in between flights and training, leaving only a couple of hours for a night's sleep. But the pandemic has changed all the planned events and tours, leaving the guys with only one way out — to sit in four walls, not being able to see the fans live, enjoy concerts, from the enthusiastic shouts of the crowd, from the joy of the fans, jump and have fun on a stage with them. And this project was like a breath of fresh air.
Jimin felt alive. He felt, that even though he could not see their fans face to face, they still seemed to be together, next to each other, and could feel each other. It was also an opportunity to take a deep breath and do what you really want: sleep late, play with the hyongs, sing karaoke, eat delicious food and just have a nice time with the people closest and dearest to your heart. But not now…

Now that all the other members have long gone to their rooms, Jimin and Jungkook are the exceptions. They continued to fool around and have fun, playing several games of ping-pong, most of which Jimin shamelessly lost to Jungkook, running after each other on the lawn like crazy, giggling and grabbing each other, trying to catch each other. Alcohol pleasantly heated up the body, slightly stupefied the mind, spread a weightless languor through all the cells of the body, forcing to relax and succumb to madness. That's why Jimin openly teased Jungkook, furtively pinching his sides, then the strong muscles of his arms, then the elastic buttocks, causing an indignant hiss. Jimin relaxed completely and let the combustible drink completely consume him. He looked at the flushed, cheerful, contented, well-rested after delicious dinner of Jungkook and could not take his eyes off him.
The guy was so handsome at his still young age. Thick black hair was randomly scattered in different directions, only a long bang hung down so that it almost covered the right eye. Brown eyes glittered in the light of the lamps, either from the excitement of the chase or from a slight feeling of intoxication, the edge of dark fluffy eyelashes cast a shadow on the lower eyelid, the nose twitched funny when maknae laughed or chuckled, lips in the tone of a light face attracted the eye, whether you wanted it or not. Short black shorts revealed a view of toned strong legs, an oversize denim jacket did not hide the charms of a young body, and a black T-shirt under it only more clearly outlined the swollen muscles of the chest and abdomen.

Jungkook was very hardy, he could pick up any member in the group and not even break a sweat. Jungkook has very strong hands. Jimin still couldn't hold back a fit of unrestrained laughter, when he recalled, how a few years ago Jungkook hit Hobi-hyong right on the ass with all his might on their live broadcast, which made the always cheerful and restless senior wrinkle his nose for a long time and cursed funny, rubbing his fifth point. Jungkook lifted Jimin himself onto his back and easily pumped the muscles of his legs, squatting again, and again, and again with his burden. Jungkook seemed to consist entirely of a pile of muscles and unbridled strength. But as soon as one of the members patted maknae on the head or praised him for something, the guy... smiled shyly, smiled, and lowered his eyes to the floor so cute and funny.

Jungkook liked to tease his seniors, but at the same time, he loved their care and attention. He liked when Jimin pulled him by the cheeks, and Yoongi put his arm around his shoulder, expressing his support, liked to joke with Jin or laugh with Hobi, watched Namjoon closely, or played with Taehyung. Jungkook loved the attention of his hyongs. Especially... two specific hyongs.

That's why he stayed with Jimin, objecting to the offer to go to bed. That's why he ran after the senior like a madman, trying to catch him. That's why Jimin now felt like streams of searing heat, fueled by beer and such vivid images, envelop his entire body, not allowing him to concentrate. He's senior, damn it, and he should think two steps ahead. Park immediately guessed the hidden motive of the impudent maknae, when he offered to continue the "rest" with feigned innocence. Jimin should have brought his own brain to reason, collecting at least a semblance of something integral from the porridge, that has now formed there, but... he could not. He could not resist the beautiful image, that flashed before his eyes, could not refuse the junior, as he could never, could not go against his own desires. Because, to tell the truth, he was terribly missed. He missed being close to Jungkook for a very, very long time. Despite the feeling of freedom, the wonderful opportunity to relax and unwind, they still could not stay alone as they sometimes wanted. During the day, all the members were constantly under the sights of cameras and the film crew, and at night they fell asleep without having time to touch the pillow with their heads. And tonight turned out to be more suitable than ever.

Jimin is definitely not okay!
Despite the junior's feigned serious warnings, Jimin fell on his bed, causing the mosquito net to tilt and break, catching one of its parts on Park's legs, when he literally jumped out of maknae's room in the house on the coast with a silly giggle. The junior was chasing after him, but a painful groan from Park made him lose all his cheerful fuse. The voice went from carefree to worried, and Jungkook's body immediately tensed as he hurried to hyong to squat down next to him. The sparkle of the brown eyes seemed to have disappeared, leaving complete awareness and nervousness.
"Are you all right, hyong?" Jungkook's tongue was slightly slurred, but he touched the senior's injured leg quite confidently, checking the damage done. "Pain?"
"A little," Jimin winced as long fingers touched the bruised limb, then gently and almost weightlessly felt it. The pain immediately faded into the background, replaced by the warm touch of others' hand. Jimin held his breath, feeling a deep blush flood his cheeks. Sparks of pleasant excitement swept through his whole body, leaving behind an exciting tingling, and Park closed his eyes, enjoying the uncomplicated caress. Damn, he's not a little boy. In a few months, he will be twenty-six years old, and he is lying here, on the cold ground, and is thrilled by the simple touch of fingers on his now too sensitive and delicate skin. He had wanted this for so long, that now he simply could not stop the reaction of his malleable body. Park was used to knowing, that Jungkook was the most sensitive and responsive to affection, but at the moment all the processes of the body were literally rebelling against their master.
"Hyong, are you sure you're not in pain? You've closed your eyes so tightly, that I swear I'm afraid to even touch you," Jungkook's voice sounded a pleasant addition to the gradually growing feeling of excitement. In the silence of the night, under the light rustle of leaves, it sounded so hoarse and low sexy, that Park bit his lip with all his might so as not to let out a shameful moan, which he is sure everyone in the neighborhood will hear. Jimin was ready to kill Jungkook now. Honestly, is he really so naive and blind, does he really not see at all what is happening right under his nose? Doesn't he feel the same way himself?
"Hyong, you…"
Jimin felt the others hand now more confidently and completely unceremoniously sliding from the bruised place higher up the ankle, climbing up the calf, and slightly tickling under the knee. Jimin couldn't resist and made an unheard-of sound, which seemed he himself had not heard before, which turned out to be a sob, similar to the one, that Jungkook made when Jimin or Yoongi-hyong…
"You doesn't hurt, hah? You like."
Shameless, impudent boy!
Jungkook grinned, continuing to dance his fingers along the lower part of Jimin's leg because it was impossible to reach his thighs due to hyong's sitting position. Park realized, that he had blurted out the words aloud and again heard the devil's whisper in his ear.
"I like it too. I love when you're like this. Just for me."
Jimin groaned. Seriously, damn it! Because of this child is sometimes forced to grab the head and tear the hair. Jungkook was not a dominating and self-confident guy when it came to "such" conversations. He was still embarrassed like a child, as soon as Jimin started whispering all sorts of vulgarities in his ear, and Yoongi-hyong asked deliberately serious questions about intimate moments, which made maknae's whole body literally burn with fire, and his eyes were ready to fall into their sockets, he was so embarrassed. But Jungkook was still the youngest and strongest guy in their group, and when he wanted... intimacy, he turned into just a walking time bomb, filled to the brim with raging testosterone. That is why Jimin was so quickly turned on, literally from a half-turn, from such a frank and confident Jungkook, because it was not often possible to see or hear such a thing. Maknae gave himself all to his work and was better at it than anyone else, so he preferred to hand over the reins to more senior partners, asking for care and support, relaxing and finally letting himself let go, giving himself up to the mercy of others, but loving hands.
"So you're going to squeeze me on the cold ground or to take your hyong inside before I freeze my balls off," Jimin whispered, not even hiding the tremor of excitement in his voice. His cock has noticeably increased in size, although not completely from the still palpable pain in his leg and the coolness outside. But Park didn't want to miss this opportunity. Jungkook took the first step because Park just couldn't ignore it.

Jungkook openly smiled, showing a row of light teeth, the two front ones of which slightly protruded from the even main row, which made the junior look like a cute little rabbit. God, how could anyone see in this child, even with a super hot appearance, some kind of rude, uncouth fuck-boy? Jimin knew, that Jungkook's cock worked oh-so-well, he himself had witnessed it not once or twice. But still, Jungkook preferred care and pleasure rather than domination and control over other's body.
The junior easily lifted Jimin in his arms and lightly slapped his elastic buttock, which made Park squeal, clutching his strong neck with his small fingers tighter.
"Hey, carry me carefully," Jimin jokingly blurted out, snuggling closer to the warm body.
"Don't worry, hyong," goosebumps ran from the very back of the head all the way to the coccyx, when this phrase sounded in a hoarse and hot stream right next to the ear. "I'll take care of you," the teeth grabbed the earring on his right ear, slightly pulling it off, and Jimin tensed like a string in the junior's hands, and the tight knot just below his stomach continued to twist, sending bright and now longer flashes of fiery lava right into the groin.

Jungkook carefully lowered his burden onto the bed, climbing up and hanging over it.
"I knew, that you suggested this for a reason," Jimin voiced his guess, gently running two fingers over Jungkook's face. The junior closed his eyes and pressed his body closer to the miniature body. Park immediately felt his boner through the light fabric of his shorts.
"Already? Seriously, Jungkook?" Jimin grinned without malice, extending his hand to the junior's excitement.
"I'm sorry, hyong, I just... aish!" a throaty moan escaped from maknae's lips when deft little fingers wrapped around a cock already ready for battle.
"You missed me, right? I understand, so do I," Jimin raised his head slightly, touching warm pale pink lips of maknae with his own, and Jungkook immediately responded to an innocent attempt, turning it into a hot and wet something, trying to literally ram others mouth with his insistent tongue, palpably pushing his excitement into the inside of the senior's palm.
"Jungkook-a, Jungkook-a, wait, slow down," Jimin laughed, when maknae furiously pulled off his gray warm jacket and T-shirt, then began to work on his pants and boxers.
"I can't, hyong, I missed you so much... I can't anymore," Jungkook whispered in between chaotic kisses, taking off his jeans that are now interfering with him. Jimin helped maknae get rid of the T-shirt, revealing the junior's trained body, and touched it with his hand, running up and down, deliberately touching the nipples, one of the most sensitive areas on maknae's body. The tattoo on Jungkook's arm, always censored by the cameras, always liked Jimin so much. He loved to run his fingers over it, kiss every element, bite the skin is especially sensitive areas and was simply beside himself with the realization of how such beauty can be hidden with a smeared filter. Jungkook looked fucking sexy without a T-shirt with a bare torso, with black lines of artistic work.
The remaining rags and shoes were thrown somewhere to the side, after which the guys were left completely naked, finally, rubbing their bodies together as closely as possible, sharing warmth with each other. The heat enveloped from head to toe, forcing to ignore the coolness of the night. Hands wandered over the skin freed from the fabric, not knowing where to caress more, touch more tangibly, squeeze harder. Cocks, proudly heaving and wet from natural lubrication, rubbed against each other, tearing from both pairs of lips far-undisguised now moans.

Jungkook was melted. He melted in the embrace of his hyong's hands, shamelessly rubbed against his tender skin, and silently begged for the senior to finally take him. Lips trembled, touching the line of the jaw, cheeks, adam's apple, collarbones, and seductive moles on the neck of Jimin, leaving barely noticeable wet tracks blown by the air, sending large goosebumps all over the body. Kissing with hyong burned. Jimin literally took possession of his lips, noticeably squeezing his ass with both hands, despite their small size, perfectly grasping the elastic halves.
A growl burst from the depths of his throat, when Jimin spread maknae's buttocks apart and found, that at the first light touch of his finger, just to tease, the phalanx literally slips inside easily and freely.
"I was right. Little rascal maknae. You prepared in advance," Jimin always laughed at Jungkook's love of taking long relaxing water treatments. The junior was not a clean person in terms of order, but he treated himself with an extreme degree of scrupulousness. He could spend an hour in the bathroom, like some girl, rubbing himself with a washcloth and his favorite soap, because he did not like sharp mixed smells. But in such cases, as now, this feature of maknae played into the hands.
Jungkook blushed at hyong's words. He remembered, how secretly from his seniors he prepared himself in the bathroom in advance, hoping for a pleasant evening in the arms of his beloved hyongs. It didn't take long to persuade Jimin. But there was a slip-up with Yoongi-hyong today. The senior referred to a headache after drinking alcohol, lightly but tenderly kissed Jungkook on the top of his head and wished him and Jimin a pleasant evening. Jungkook couldn't say, that he wasn't upset. Sure as fuck! It had been a long time since they had been able to be together, all three of them alone, and besides, with such a subtext. But Jungkook also had a vague doubt that Yoongi-hyong had deliberately refused maknae's and offered to allow the two juniors to... have to fun just the two of them.
Jungkook loved Yoongi, loved Jimin. He liked when they had the opportunity to be in bed together. He liked, how Yoongi-hyong slowly and aggressively took him from behind, he liked, how Jimin at the same time, moaned loudly, sucked him, swallowing his cock with his fucking plump lips almost to the root, sending vibrations all over his body with his moans. Jungkook liked to watch, how Yoongi fucked Jimin, while he himself jerked off violently and quickly literally at arm's length from two passionate hyongs. Jungkook liked when Yoongi was watching them with Jimin. His face is transformed, his eyes become languid and heavy, his lips curve in an impudent grin, and his cock trembles from every push of Jimin inside Jungkook, turning purple on the head. Jungkook liked to suck off Yoongi, while he gently but palpably holds him by the hair, not directing, but encouraging shallow thrusts inside maknae's throat, while Jimin drives into him from behind, roughly placing Jungkook in the knee-elbow. Jungkook liked to watch, how the senior hyong's head tilts back, drops of sweat run down his adam's apple and temples, his eyebrows are wrung, a small pink tongue flickers over his lips, hoarse soft moans come out of his mouth, and after a destructive orgasm, Jimin and Jungkook caress hyong together, bringing him to the boiling point, because due to age and experience, the senior hyong's endurance is much better than his juniors. Jungkook liked a soft, slightly hissing whisper in his ear, "You did such a good job, Jungkook-a."
But today hyong decided to give the two juniors time to enjoy each other. Both were young, hot, more unrestrained, so they could not always focus on two partners at once, preferring only one. Sometimes each of them gave the other two time to be alone, and today, apparently, it was the turn of Yoongi.

The cock invitingly twitched from all the memories, that had flown by and the sensations of others' fingers inside, which had been developing the passage in a masterly way for a long time, having previously generously lubricated it with lubricant.
"Jungkook-a..." Jimin moaned under the junior, inserting the third finger, feeling, how the prepared elastic walls calmly and almost unhindered accept it, absorbing it into his hot and literally thirsty interior. The cock jerked at such a submissive action, and a large drop fell from the head, flowing down the trunk. Damn it, Jimin was leaking like a fucking whore, just from his own fingers in his boyfriend's anus.
The Jungkook above him was truly a work of art. If Jimin had even a fraction of maknae's talent, he would have painted pictures from him. Wet bangs stuck to his forehead, his eyebrows curled up, almost converging into one strip, his mouth opened wide, revealing the edge of white teeth, the inner pink softness of the mucous membrane and a nimble pink tongue, sweat streamed all over maknae's body, so much he restrained himself, it seemed, not to cum only of hyong's nimble fingers in his ass.
"Hyong, fuck..." Jungkook groaned loudly, when Jimin flexed his fingers, finding junior's sensitive prostate without hindrance. "I'm... ready. Ready, damn it! Please," the moan turned to whine, and Jimin choked on air. Maknae had always been greedy for caresses and touches, but now he looked so needy, broken, destroyed, and therefore so beautiful, that Park simply could not refuse him. Again. Damn it! This maknae was making ropes out of him, literally without moving a finger.

Jungkook rummaged under the mattress and threw hyong a strip of condoms, continuing to rub his long-swollen, ready to explode, fuck, cock on the tender body under him, whimpering from the feeling of emptiness after the recently pleasant fullness, when hyong took his fingers out of his thirsty his cock ass. Jimin quickly tore off one of the packets and opened it, pushing Jungkook away a little to put it on.
"Can I..." Jungkook stretched out his hand to the contraceptive and shot his eyes down towards Park's cock, so neat, medium-sized, with an attractive pink head. The senior's cock wasn't huge or thick, but hyong knew, how to use it perfectly, literally lifting maknae to the fucking heavens, and then throwing him into the very depths of hell, hammering into him with rhythmic and precise thrusts, just as Jungkook liked. If hyong's cock had been much larger, it would have brought much more painful sensations in some poses, in which, for example, Jungkook was not quite comfortable with Yoongi-hyong. But with Jimin. With Jimin, he could twist and turn as he wanted, he could bend as he wanted, take any position, literally stand on his head, and everything was perfect.
Jungkook blushed. He's fucking blushed. Seriously? Jimin was simply touched with such a maknae. Just now, he was literally making requests to fuck him, and the offer to put a condom on others' cock caused a storm of embarrassment in him, flooding his already red cheeks with a charming blush. Jimin smiled brightly and nodded, pulling himself up a little so, that the junior was comfortable. As soon as Jungkook's hands touched his standing trunk, Jimin moaned so high and long, that the junior shuddered with fear and automatically covered his mouth with his hand.
"Hyun, are you completely crazy?!" Jungkook swore in a loud whisper, looking around, as if a whole horde of reporters were about to rush out of the door, capturing the moment of their dirty fall.
Jimin pulled out his tongue and began to lick others' fingers covering his plump and sore lips from kisses, to which Jungkook visibly relaxed and instinctively pushed his hips towards him, imitating frictions.
"Ride me, Jungkook-a. Come on. Otherwise, hyong will cum without starting," Jimin was not going to cum. He could wait a little longer, at least delay the orgasm, as he did quite often, to bring Jungkook to discharge first. But he wanted so much to find himself in the tight and pleasant walls of the junior, which, he knew for sure, would envelop his cock warmly and tightly, but at the same time cozy and so familiar, that he simply could not wait any longer. Jimin liked to caress Jungkook's body for a long time, kiss, suck him to the point of insanity, tease the sensitive and tender edges of the anus with his tongue, but now he simply would not have enough strength for this. And an overexcited Jungkook would not have appreciated such a gesture in this case.

Jimin had to bite his lower lip until it bled, and Jungkook had to bite his own wrist to stifle a cry of pleasure, when the senior's cock sank inside maknae so easily and smoothly, that it just blew the roof off. Jungkook quickly adjusted to the size, moving his hips from side to side, which received a hiss from below. He arched his back, standing on the feet of his bent legs, and rested his hands, completely entwined with blue veins swollen from exertion, on hyong's snow-white thighs, starting to move immediately so fast and hard, that Jimin was lost. He could not keep up with the unrestrained rhythm of maknae, but could only grab him by the ankles, squeezing him tightly, encouraging powerful thrusts with hoarse and frequent sighs. Jungkook was completely open to Park in this position. The nipples stuck out invitingly, swollen and sensitive, and Jimin would have given anything now to suck them, making the most vulgar sounds, which that he was capable of. The adam's apple, wet and distinct, was shaking, so often the junior swallowed saliva. The stomach tightened, clearly highlighting the muscles. Smooth legs were asked to run their palms over them. And the cock stood so, that Jimin was afraid, that an explosion would occur, it was so full and red, completely consisting of a sinuous network of blue veins, with a red head completely opened from the foreskin, with light drops of lubricant flowing down in new small portions to the very eggs.
"You missed my cock, baby, hah?" after some time, Jimin cheekily breathed out, grinning maliciously, squeezing others' calves harder, when Jungkook pushed especially hard and sharply to the very end, freezing in place.
"Fuck, yes! So much. Yes…"
"Do you want hyong to take care of you?" Jimin could see, how the junior's hips were trembling, despite the strength training, because of the frenzied pace chosen at the very beginning. Jungkook was exhausted and couldn't keep moving in the same rhythm. But Jimin could. All this time lying idle, now he could give his beloved maknae everything, that he wanted and deserved.
"Yes, hyong, yes! Please..." a convulsive whimper escaped from Jungkook's throat, when he moved his hips, driving cock even deeper, that Jimin was afraid of the prospect of ramming junior's intestines, so deep it felt inside his gut.

Jimin stood up and grabbed Jungkook by the arms, pulling him down. The junior immediately put his hands on both sides of hyong's head to keep his far from small weight and not crush the senior. This is all that he was able to do now.
"Just relax, Jungkook-a, and let hyong do the rest. You did so well," Jimin began with slow and sensual thrusts, carefully watching the blissful expression on the junior's face from the sensations of others' cock in the ass and the praise from the older. "You're so beautiful. So sensitive. So adorable. You're receiving me so well, Jungkook-a. If only Yoongi-hyong could see us now. He definitely wouldn't have been able to resist," Jimin chuckled as a convulsive sigh escaped from maknae's lips, and his walls tightened tightly around cock. "He would kiss you from the back, whispering, how nice and cute you are, and I would continue to fuck you the way you like, sharply and with a delay," Jimin began to push deeper and harder, grabbing both halves of Jungkook's buttocks with his hands, spreading them apart, providing better penetration access. "He would caress your cock, wrapping his long, gnarled fingers around it, and I would drive into you until you started screaming," Jungkook buried his face in Jimin's neck and moaned, moaned, moaned, muffling his moans in the curve of others body, scorching the skin with burning and heavy breath. "We would be so pleased with you, Jungkook-a. You're so good to us. The best. The most desirable. The most beloved in the world," Jimin furiously drove into others passage, working with strong hips at a furious pace, while Jungkook could not do anything, even move from his place, securely held by the hands of the senior and approaching the point of no return. "Come on, baby, cum for us. After all, you love it so much, when we watch the highest peak of your pleasure."
Jimin was damn right. Jungkook was a fucking exhibitionist. He was embarrassed to hell after, but during the process, he just lost his head, when he noticed, how greedily the hyongs looked at him, especially when he cum.

Jungkook let out such a deep and long moan, that he was afraid to suffocate in others' shoulders. The whole body was shaking and vibrating, the cock inside brought such pleasure and heat to the sensitive prostate, that it was simply unbearable to endure this torture for another minute. His hands were shaking from holding his own weight, his thighs were burning from the tension because Jimin had opened him so much, pure fire flowed through his veins, burning, threatening to burn gaping holes in sensitive skin. There was not enough oxygen, the room smelled so strongly of sex, sweat, and the heat of two intertwined bodies. The tight lump that has been curling up inside for all this time has now turned into a taut string, and it is about to burst at the slightest touch.
Jungkook screamed, choking on his own moans, muffling them in Jimin's neck, and realized, that he cum violently without the usual palm on the trunk, just from how accurately and clearly Jimin rammed his prostate, while maknae was rubbing his arousal hard against his body.
"Jungkook-a, damn it!" Jungkook squeezed Jimin so hard inside and trembled so much after the orgasm, that the senior had a few minutes, after which he quickly came out of the hot and tight interior, threw off the condom, and began to jerk off furiously.
The sperm splashed in long and thick streams right on others' buttocks and anus, while Jimin slapped his head against it, smearing the white substance on the still pulsating, contracting, expanded passage. Park caught a couple of drops with his fingers and immediately injected them into Jungkook's anus, which literally sent an electric shock through the full body of the junior.
"Hush... hush... it's okay," Jimin kissed Jungkook's wet temple, twirling his fingers slightly near the entrance.

"Why didn't you tell hyong?" after some time, Jimin, exhausted by sex, turned to the same Jungkook, removing the wet bangs from his forehead.
"I told him, but he refused," Jungkook childishly pouted his lips, which made Jimin burst out laughing. "I was terribly offended at first. After all, he didn't even try to explain anything. He just turned around and left."
"And how is it now?" Jimin carefully ran his fingers over maknae's still sweaty chest, carefully avoiding the nipple area, which was still too sensitive.
"I think, now not. Probably I..." Jungkook bit his lip, carefully hiding his eyes. Jimin couldn't help but chuckle again. Just fifteen minutes ago, this guy was riding on his cock, showing himself in the most depraved and open pose, that can imagine, and now he is again embarrassed like a boy, although he has long become an adult and confident young man. Cute.
"You are what?"
"I probably wouldn't have been able to focus on both of you. It's been so long since we've... well, you know..." Jungkook was embarrassed again, rubbing the tip of his nose with his finger, carefully looking away from hyong.
"Didn't have sex together?"
"Aish," Jungkook buried his head under the blanket, burning with shame. Why is he like this? After all, he is already an adult and self-sufficient young man. But as soon as it comes to this kind of conversation, Jungkook forgets his own name. And hyong's mocking laugh doesn't help at all.
"Stop laughing!" Jungkook could not stand it and slapped the senior on the shoulder.
"I'm sorry, you're just so cute," Jimin wiped his eyes from tears and touched his lips to Jungkook's cheek. "I think, that's why hyong decided not to join us today. You know, how perceptive he is."
"Yeah," Jungkook settled himself comfortably next to Jimin, playing with his hair. "Can you not leave today?"
"Jungkook..." Jimin would have been happy to stay here, in the warmth and comfort, in the arms of his beloved junior. But in the morning it would be difficult to explain this to the cameras that caught them again.
"Please, at least for a couple of hours. I'm so..." Jungkook nuzzled the man's chest, inhaling the smell of his body, salty and tart from sweat and sex, but at the same time sweet and mixed with his own. "I miss... very much."
"Okay, but only for a couple of hours," Jimin shifted on Jungkook's bed so, that they were both comfortable, and took the junior's hand, watching, as a slight smile bloomed on his face, and his eyes closed. Park ran his fingers through maknae's wet hair and continued to smile himself. Jungkook was so happy and exhausted at the same time, that he even forgot about taking a shower, limiting himself to wet wipes and clean towels.

Maknae sniffed literally fifteen or twenty minutes after the conversation, and Jimin couldn't help but smile again. He waited another fifteen minutes, then carefully got up so as not to disturb maknae's healthy sleep, collected all the mess they had made, and quietly walked to the door. Before leaving, he turned around and looked at his boyfriend again. He was snoring peacefully in a pile of blankets, one leg and one arm sticking out. His hair was spread out on the light bed linen, and his face reflected complete peace. Jimin came over and left a light kiss on the top of the junior's head, but he was already fast asleep and did not feel anything.
"Sleep well, Jungkook-a."

As soon as Jimin went outside, he was immediately enveloped in a pleasant coolness after the stuffiness in maknae's room. But after taking a couple of steps towards the common house, he suddenly felt a sharp and dull pain in his leg, which made him grimace and hiss. Damn it, he had completely forgotten, that he had injured his leg. And now the adrenaline and the pleasant feeling of the endorphins, that had seized him were gradually receding, returning the pain in the bruised limb. Jimin laughed, wincing again as he hobbled towards the house with difficulty. Tomorrow he will definitely limp. He will have to somehow explain this to the curious members and the worried staff. Jimin looked back at the house, where Jungkook was sleeping, and smiled broadly. Well, he doesn't care. Tonight is definitely worth tomorrow's awkwardness.