Ellena walked limply with ragged breaths, as soon as she got out of the car it almost made her heart burst. She plopped herself onto a white retro sofa with gold carvings on the wooden frame for support.

On the back of the sofa, Ellena leaned back and breathed a sigh of relief. After racing with adrenaline along the way, she finally made it home safely. However, still. She still couldn't completely neutralize the feeling of fear.

The car Lucas was driving, really almost drove her crazy. How could she sit quietly, while Lucas was driving like a madman. Even the man didn't care at all about the screams she was throwing along the way.

"Are you okay?"

Ellena's eyes aimed sharply at the figure who was now standing two meters in front of her. A triumphant grin appeared on Lucas' face.

"Should you ask like that, when you see I'm already lying like this?" attack Ellena which managed to make Lucas giggle.