"Elle, are you ready?" Lucas asked as he knocked on Ellena's door.

"Wait a minute, Lucas!" shouted Ellena from inside the room.

As previously planned, today they will go to Martin's farewell party. Not wanting to disappoint his mother-in-law, Lucas kept his promise even though there was a lot of work to be done.

"Hurry up! We have a long way to go. Don't let us be late and disappoint your younger brother!" Lucas tried to interrupt Ellena to quickly finish her activities.

"Fine, Lucas. I'm changing clothes. Be patient, I'll finish as soon as possible!" said Ellena who suddenly made Lucas slightly widen his eyes.

"Are you changing clothes?" Lucas looked determined and brought his ear closer to the door, as if he wanted to sharpen his hearing even more.


"Hm ... may I come in?" He asked with a smile.