"Ellena left the house with her mother," Albert whispered doubtfully and with a heavy heart.

"W-what?" Lucas jumped at the news.


Instantly his head felt dizzy again, making him groan. The news from his father seemed to bring his health condition back down. Lucas held his head while groaning in pain.

Of course, Lucas' parents panicked and immediately shouted for a doctor. Not long after, Doctor Hadi and one of the female nurses reappeared in the room and immediately took care of Lucas.

"Mr. Lucas, calm down, I'll check on you." The doctor said as he grabbed Lucas' hand which was still holding his head very tightly, as if the pain in his head was so severe.

Lucas tried to calm himself, after the doctor started giving him treatment.

"Mr. Lucas should just rest and don't think too much," said Doctor Hadi, who had just finished examining Lucas, as if he knew very well what had made Lucas like that.