Mary The Phoenix ( Memories from a lifetime ) Mary story

After Mary was determined to take revenge, she did not pay attention to anything but her studies, despite her beauty and tyrannical femininity, but she was a very resolute personality, and no one approached her, and they called her the Phoenix because of her solid personality, that no one can reach. Other than talking about the study, they met some stinging words from her, even that there was a colleague of hers in the university. This colleague was very wealthy. He wanted to make her his girlfriend, but she did not care for him, which angered him, and wanted revenge for his dignity because she rejected him Infront of their colleagues, but he did not have any opportunity to take his revenge, till that day. Some of her colleagues were insolvent on his sister's wedding, and this wedding was in a very luxurious hotel, while waiting for someone, they saw Mary sitting with Mr. Asim in the lobby of the hotel. At first, Harry thought that he was her father, but after noticing her behavior to him, and the way she spoke, he realized that she was not a relation between father-daughter, as she had never laughed that way before. She did not have the features of the tyrannical femininity on her face before, and after some time, Mr. Aziz gave her a chain with keys, and a small envelope, and then took her upstairs, and indeed Mary rose from her place and went with him to ride the elevator. Harry used to think that Mary was the son of a rich family, because of her elegant appearance, her arrogance, and her distance from the rest of the colleagues, but after watching this, the only explanation was that she was an immoral woman. A slut sells herself for money, and that her appearance is nothing but a mask, she wears to trap prey, to get a sponsor that values her body. Harry photographed everything to get his revenge for rejecting him, in front of everyone. Indeed, the next day, Mary arrived at the university, riding in a luxury car that cost more than three million dollars, the news spread like wildfire, and everyone came to see the car the Phoenix was riding.

And after she got out of the car, Harry approached her and whispered to her, "Why didn't you tell me that you were looking for a sponsor? Do you not know how rich I am? I would have taken care of everything for one night with you."

Mary slaps him in front of everyone

Mary, "you insolent one, how dare you?!"

Harry feels very insulted and tells her that he will expose her and sends a message to the college group

about what happened in the hotel, and about the old man she was with, and the new car keys chain goes up to the old man's room.

He starts bullying her again and again Mary tries to get away but Harry grabs her by the arm and laughs.

Mary slaps him again and says to him, "Loser"

Mary does not care about the constant bullying on her, because she knows in herself that, she is the one who tried to seduce Mr. Asim, so that she can implement her plan to regain her right, and take revenge on him, so she will not care what the rest of her colleagues would think about her, and in the end, the exams are approaching, it is her final year At the university, so she preferred to sit at home to study well, as she always gets the highest marks.

The time for the exam came, Mary got dressed, and prepared herself from meeting those bullies, but she was surprised by some of her colleagues who came to her, and asked her, "Are you okay?"

Mary felt very strange, and all she thought they were trying to bully her, she tried to stay away from her, but they turned around and told her that they were very sorry for the bullying, and that they had already known the truth from Harry, and that Harry told everyone in the university that he misunderstood and that she is not an immoral woman, And he tried to reach she to apologize to her, but he didn't find you.

Mary was very at ease, and thanked her colleagues and went to look for Harry to ask him what he knew, but she knew that his father had suffered a heart attack and that he was abroad running the business because he held his father's companies till he recovered, and could not meet him till this moment, Mary regained her confidence in herself and returned to the title of Phoenix again After the school year ended, and the results came out, Harry invited all his colleagues to attend the opening party of his own company. Mary didn't want to go, but she couldn't meet Harry all that long, so she took this opportunity to meet him, and talk to him, as it is a good opportunity to meet with businessmen so that, she can find for herself a job with one of them, and prove to Mr. Asim that she is good in everything, to make he feel how she is trustworthy.

With a scarlet red dress, red lip gloss, and a body like a module, she caught the eye. Everyone at the party was looking at her, and wondering among themselves, who was that girl in her presence who no one could take her eyes off her. Harry hurriedly approached her and saluted her.

Harry, "how were you, Mary?"

Mary, "I have been fine, thank you"

Harry, "I'm so glad to see you, you're so beautiful, I didn't know you'd look so pretty if you put on a dress. That's the first time I've seen you...."

Mary interrupted him, "I want to ask you something"

Harry grumpy, "yes, please"

Mary, "why did you do that?!"

Harry, "what are you talking about?"

Mary, "don't you know?!"

Harry, "ah, yeah, I just wanted to get revenge on you"

Mary, "But why did you fall back?"

Harry, "I felt so bad for you, so I backed off"

someone was waving at him from afar. At this moment, Harry continued, "well, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine."

That person approaches them. "It's the lottery ticket. Say hello to him. It's Mr. Jackpot"

A young man in his late twenties looks very wealthy, handsome

Mary, "Jackpot! don't call him that. It's ridiculous"

Harry, "because he is indeed the grand prize, for everyone who approaches him, despite his young age, but he runs the largest companies and earns money from dust.

Jackpot, "don't praise me like that, I'm not that glory"

Mary feels that she has found her goal and that Jackpot is the perfect person to continue her plan He was the most suitable person, to benefit from his experience and management of these companies.

Harry excused seeing his father,

on the way to him talking to himself, "Did you think I would let you go so easily!! I won't leave you live in peace no matter what happens!!"

Mary chatted with Jackpot, and he seemed to like her very much. She took advantage of that situation and offered him to train with him for a short period in practical life, because of his field experience in the different methods of business management, and Jackpot agreed immediately, it was the best opportunity to stay with a beautiful girl like her!

Mary was not comforted by Jackpot's looks at her, not just a look of admiration, but a look of waiting for prey, but Mary always thought she could handle it, and that the test period was almost over.

Mary received from Jackpot an invitation to attend a party for opening a new branch of the company he runs, and because that it was the end of her training period, she accepted the invitation

Mr. Jackpot took her to dance with him. He told her how beautiful she was, and that he had never seen a woman half as beautiful before, and told her that he wanted her to be his girlfriend, because he likes her, but Mary refused him too, arguing that there was another man in her life, Jackpot seemed to be disappointed. He returned to their table and gave Mary her favorite drink.

After hours

Mary wakes up to find that she is not in her room but the biggest disaster, is the presence of Jackpot in the same room

Yelling at him, "what did you do, you bastard?"

Jackpot laughs sarcastically and tells her, "What I did?! I didn't do anything. Do you think I'm the type of that person!"

Mary, "why did you bring me here?"

Mary stands up to try to get out of the room but Jackpot continues his speech

Jackpot, "I wanted to see sleeping that's all, You told me you already had a boyfriend, so there was no chance for me, and your apprenticeship was over, so I got to get a little prize for helping you all that time, didn't I deserve it!

Mary comes out, slaps him, and leaves the room

Jackpot, "don't play the innocent, after all, you're just a whore"

Jackpot closes the door, and calls Harry tells him to come for him"

Harry, "did you get what I want?"

Jackpot, "yes, I stripped her and photographed her in several poses with me, but give me what you bet on with me. I want you to give me the right to manage that company."

Harry, "whatever you want"

Jackpot, "was that girl worth it?"

Harry, "yeah, I want to take revenge on her"

Jackpot, "but she didn't look like you told me!"

Harry, "what!! she a bitch you can ask everyone who was a classmate of mine, that she is selling herself for money"

Jackpot, "but..."

Harry, "why you….! don't you tell me that you fell in love with her? Pay her more money, and you will have the best night you can feel in your life, to tell you the truth she is worth it."

Jackpot thinks to himself, "well, but I wouldn't pay a penny" he laughs a sly laugh

Jackpot, "do you know her boyfriend?"

Harry, "of course, he is a very rich, and powerful man"

Jackpot, "then you should stay away from him, ha-ha"

Harry, "yes, for now only"

Jackpot, "the bet is over, if you want anything else, call me"

Harry, "okay"

Jackpot feels that Mary tricked him, so he wanted to use what he has to spend that night, what Harry talked about.

Jackpot sent her pictures of her with him and told her that if she didn't come to him in a week, he would post them on the internet and that he wanted to negotiate with her about that.

Mary thought at this moment that Jackpot was just a swindler, and after thinking carefully, she knew that she had not even once gone with him to his company, which he claimed to be, so she expected that he wanted to negotiate with her to take money from her, and she was ready to sell the car given to her by Mr. Aziz. Mary knocked on the doorو and Jackpot opened the door for her.

Jackpot, "I didn't expect you to obey me so quickly!"

Mary, "I don't like to postpone business"

Jackpot, "looks like sweet Mary will show her true face"

Mary, "how much money do you want?"

Jackpot, "did you think I wanted money from you?!"

Mary, "I don't understand, don't you want money?"

Jackpot, "of course I don't, I have enough money for an entire country!"

Mary, "so, what do you want from me?!"

Jackpot, "I want what you gave Harry, but in return, you know what!"

Mary, "I don't understand, what I gave Harry?"

Jackpot, "you play the innocent now, I want to spend a night with you as Harry did, He told me it was an unforgettable night, so I want to try it"

Mary is about to go out, "you are crazy, do with the pictures, what you want"

Jackpot grabs her by the arm,

"Do you think I won't do that I'll send it to all your acquaintances"

Mary, "don't you know that I don't have any acquaintances! and if there is, do whatever you want"

Jackpot, "so I'm going to tell your boyfriend. what do you think?"

Mary, "I don't have a boyfriend. I told you this because I disgust just seeing you"

Jackpot gets very angry, and throws Mary on the ground, and tells her, " you won't get away from me, Do you think I'm so easy, I won't leave you"

Mary tries to escape from the room, but Jackpot aborts all these attempts because he is much stronger than her, and the last time he pushes her in violence, her head hits the wooden chair, and feels dizzy, Jackpot approaches her, but Mary cannot move and starts begging him.

Mary, "please leave me, please don't come near me"

Jackpot laughs sarcastically, "why you try me to feel like it was the first time someone approached you?!"

Mary And tears welling up in her eyes, "there was no man has touched me before"

Jackpot laughed, "then I'd be the first ha-ha"

Mary in a low, tired voice, "don't come close….." and she fainted

Mary wakes up to find herself inside a luxury car driven by a man who does not clarify his full features because of her confusion, but asks him,

"Who are you?!"

The man answers, "you will know shortly, Miss Mary"

Mary feels as if she has heard this sound before, but she still feels confused. The car arrives at the gate of a large palace and leads to the main gate.

The man comes out, and carries her to a room like a princess' room, and leaves her to rest"

Mary wakes up to find herself that, she was not dreaming, but that everything that happened was real. Mary descends the stairs and wanders towards the door. She finds that man telling her that the master wants to meet her.

Mary asks, "who is the master" and the man tells her that she will soon know that.

Mary walks behind that man to find that master is. Mr. Asim