Lost D

D's PoV

After a long walk on a hot sunny afternoon on the roads, I felt so tired and thirsty. I was crying all the way and people were looking at me weirdly. I checked the time on my phone. It was 2pm. OMG! I have been walking for 2.30hours. God where am I now? How long have I come from the office!?!?

I checked the maps on the phone to Firm Fort and my location. It said I'm 12kms away. Wow, I have walked 12kms. Mmmm so I would have burnt around 800 to 1000 calories. Yay it’s a record.

I'm hungry. What is this place? Looks like I have come to a residential area. I again googled a nearby restaurant. I have to go another 3kms for that. I searched for an auto or taxi. Nothing came by. I started walking again. Huh, It's hard.