
Akshu's PoV

My heart sank when I learnt Yash is not in the country. Whatever the dispute may be, we should never sleep carrying it on for the next day. I determined in my heart that we should always go to bed in harmony.

I should give him time to finish his work there. I should call him during the lunch break. I should make him feel that I am truly sorry. I started waiting for lunch break. I couldn't concentrate on any work. It is a terrible feeling not being mentally present in the place where you are physically. Yash must be feeling the same from yesterday. I feel so guilty for doing this to him.

"Hey loosu, open your eyes and see the guys who are behind you. What is the use of crushing on someone who doesn't even know you exist? Our class Suman is dying for your looks. And you are looking at this man who lives far away."

"Pch! I love this man, Kavi! Look at him. OMG! He is so handsome. Awww look at that