11:45 p.m. Jefferson Ave- Brayan Apartment-
Bryan and Perez went back to the apartment.
- What were those flying things? - asked Perez.
- meteorites, replied Brayan
- you think it was the elites?
- There's only one way to find out. We have to go to the central.
The two agents left the apartment and went back to the CIA.
22/08 - 00:30 a.m. CIA headquarters- surveillance room:
Brayan and Perez entered the surveillance room, dozens of officers were sitting in front of their computers.
- Locate where these f* meteorites crashed right now! quickly! move your asses! Brayan ordered.
- We already did sir, The meteorites crashed on Hotel Georgia, they destroyed it completely. Our satellites detected a lot of interference in this hotel.
- Find out the cause of this interference now! - said Brayan.
Brayan and Perez left the room.
- Georgia's hotel, this is where the elites gathered! Said Perez.
- Yes, we have to clean up this mess. Brayan replied, he grabbed his cell phone and called the director of CNN.
- hello who is it? - said the CNN director.
- Brayan Wilson, director of the CIA.
- g...good evening s.. sir, what can I do for you?
- you'll report on the news that the destruction of the Georgia hotel was due to a gas leak. Is that clear?
- yes ... of... of... course sir, at your command.
Brayan hung up then called the NASA director :
- Hello, s... sir, said the NASA director.
- This is Brayn Jefferson, CIA, You are going to secure all the information concerning the meteorite fall then you are going to do an interview and say that the meteorites crashed in Virginia's forest, leading to a wild bushfire there, is that clear?
- Yes.. yes of course. At your service. Sir -
00: 45 am - NASA
At NASA, Jack and dozens of other scientists arrived in panic. The director of NASA stopped in front of them and said:
- Good evening my dear colleagues, I understand your concern, But for now, let's leave it as it is. Go home. Tomorrow we will talk about all this. Have a good night.
All the personnel left NASA. The same goes for Jack, who left the building and headed for his car when suddenly Theodore came up to him:
- Theodore? Where were you? I tried to reach you out, said Jack.
- Hush! Lower your voice! Said Theodore, Go to Sweet's cafe.
- But...
Without adding a word, Theodore left. Jack got in his car and went to the cafe.
1: 02 am- Sweet coffee
Jack entered the cafe, sat down at a table and started waiting for his friend, suddenly he noticed a reporter on the TV speaking about some breaking news:
" CNN- Breaking news - about a half-hour ago, a hotel blew up in Georgia. Our primary witnesses say the explosion was caused by a gas leak, no human loss has yet been recorded.."
- Hi amigo! said a voice. Jack turned his head a saw his friend Theodore who just came in.
- Theodore? Said Jack, Where were you? Did you hear the news?
Theodore sat on a chair in front of Jack and said:
- Shhh! lower your voice, is your cell phone on you?
- Yes.
- remove the battery.
- There isn't a battery on the new phones.
- Well give it to me.
Jack gave his phone to his friend who threw it out the window.
- What the... ?
- I'll buy you a new one, now listen. Just after you left NASA, one of our machines detected a P.E.M.E.F.B.H.G.
-A what ?
- Powerful Electromagnetic Field Emerging from the Basement of the Georgia Hotel. The field was so strong that it crossed interstellar space. Never seen before. After a few seconds, the machine detected flying objects in the sky; meteorites.
- I saw them!
- Yes. I followed their path on the radar and guess where they crashed? On Georgia hotel, drawn to the electromagnetic field.
- wait, wait, wait, CNN just said that the hotel was destroyed by a gas leak.
- yes, because you believe in CNN more than our NASA machines.
- what are you saying? That an electromagnetic field attracted these meteorites?
- That what the computer showed me, listen, there's something really fishy going on, I am pretty sure it was the same field that caused the blackout in the city. Still, I don't know the origin of the field yet, perhaps they did something…
- they?
- The Illuminati amigo! Listen, the field came from the basement of the same hotel where they met, you saw it by yourself! there is surely a secret entrance leading to the basement, they must have done something that generated this field ...
- Wait ... are you listening to yourself! are you telling me that a bunch of lunatics created a super-powerful magnetic field to attract meteorites towards them, why? To experience a meteorite explosion? Are you nuts?
- Something must've gone wrong for them, I don't know exactly...
- I can't believe this, you're going to put me in big trouble with a story like this ...
- You saw the director of NASA, he was under pressure, they gave him instructions. It's clear.
- You stayed all night at NASA, you don't think the security cameras caught you! Wait for a second, I was there with you! Oh my God!
- Calm down, I deleted the recordings before leaving.
- Good! at least you did something smart. I will go home now.
- wait!
-No, I had enough of this. Stay away from me, I don't want anything to do with this. And you owe me a new smartphone! Goodbye.
Jack left the cafe and went home.
CIA- Surveillance room- 22/08 - 1:10 a.m.
Brayan and his colleague were waiting for the results of the interference scans, suddenly an agent said:
- Sir, we know the origin of the interference, our satellites recorded a high amplitude electromagnetic field coming from the basement of the hotel, few seconds before its destruction by the meteorites.
- The basement you say? I want security cameras around the perimeter of the hotel, plant them in every corner, every tree, every fountain, every f* lamppost, scan the entire perimeter, scan the sky and find me corpses!
Brayan picked up his cell phone and called the mayor of Georgia:
- Hello, it's Brayan Wilson, I want you to turn the destroyed hotel into a public park, is that clear?
-yes ... yes sir, at your orders-
Brayan hung up. Perez said to him:
- do you think they got out of the explosion unscathed?
- I don't know, we need to clarify this - said Brayan.