2 days later - 29/8 - CIA - interrogation room - 20h 17 min.
- Did you analyze the dark matter before putting it in the rocket? - asked Brayan.
- Yes- said, Jack.
- What did you find out?
- A mixture of weird DNA, iron molecules, unstable matter, mercury, red blood, and all other weird shit.
- What happened when you launched the rocket?
- The rocket exploded inside the comet, it disappeared with the rest of the meteorites, and the earth was saved.
- Your NASA colleague Theodore told us that a sort of a black hole was opened in space and absorbed the comet.
- it was due to the composition of the dark matter, I don't know exactly, a sort of wormhole was created in space and absorbed the debris of the explosion as well as the rest of the meteorites, it was unlike anything I've ever seen before.
- so, it was the idea of the masked men to launch the rocket towards the comet, not yours.
- yes, that's right.
- It wasn't you who saved the earth after all.