29/8 / - 23: 00 –Noth forest

Perez and Brayan arrived at Noth Forest.

- They are not here - said Brayan. He took his cell phone and called the operation room:

- where the hell are they?

- the satellites are no longer intercepting them, sir, we think there are using anti-radar suits, these things are only used by the military sir!

- And Jack Brown, where is he?

- he called his friend Theodore a few minutes ago from a phone cab, he's at NASA sir.

- All units! NASA! Go! Go! - Ordered Brayan.

NASA - 8/29 / - 11:10 pm -

Jack and Theodore managed to film a couple of videos and uploaded them on youtube.

- what now? - asked Theodore

- now it's only a matter of time before people start watching the videos and going out on the streets- answered Jack.

-You mean it's only a matter of time before the FBI goes after our asses. We have to get out of here right now.

- Yes, you're right.

- wait, where are we going? We can't go back to our home!